Results for 'Ethan Allen'

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  1.  35
    Ethan Allen, His Philosophical Side.Edward H. Madden & Marian C. Madden - 1999 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 35 (2):270 - 283.
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    Ethan Allen Hitchcock. Soldier -- Humanitarian -- Scholar. Discoverer of the "True Subject" of the Hermetic Art. I. Bernard Cohen. [REVIEW]Walter Pagel - 1952 - Isis 43 (4):374-375.
  3. The existential vacuum and Ethan Allen Hawley.Barbara A. Heavilin - 2005 - In Stephen K. George, The moral philosophy of John Steinbeck. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
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    Hume, Skepticism, and Early American Deism.Peter S. Fosl - 1999 - Hume Studies 25 (1-2):171-192.
    This article first builds upon precedent work--including that of John M. Werner, Kerry S. Walters, and James Dye-to articulate a more complete understanding of David Hume's influence upon North American colonial and early U.S. thought. Secondly, through a comparison with arguments concerning miracles developed by early American deists Elihu Palmer, Ethan Allen, and Thomas Paine, the article clarifies and evaluates Hume's arguments against the rationality of belief in miracles. It judges Hume's arguments to be superior. Thirdly, the article (...)
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    The Evolution of Moral Progress: A Biocultural Theory.Allen Buchanan & Russell Powell - 2018 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Steven Pinker has said that one of the most important questions humans can ask of themselves is whether moral progress has occurred or is likely to occur. Buchanan and Powell here address that question, in order to provide the first naturalistic, empirically-informed and analytically sophisticated theory of moral progress--explaining the capacities in the human brain that allow for it, the role of the environment, and how contingent and fragile moral progress can be.
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  6. Kant's moral religion.Allen W. Wood - 1970 - Ithaca,: Cornell University Press.
    Kant's Moral Religion argues that Kant's doctrine of religious belief if consistent with his best critical thinking and, in fact, that the "moral arguments"--along with the faith they justify--are an integral part of Kant's critical thinking.
  7.  87
    The Heart of Human Rights.Allen Buchanan - 2013 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    This book is the first in-depth attempt to provide a moral assessment of the heart of the modern human rights enterprise: the system of international legal human rights.
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    Kant and Religion.Allen W. Wood - 2020 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This masterful work on Kant's Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason explores Kant's treatment of the Idea of God, his views concerning evil, and the moral grounds for faith in God. Kant and Religion works to deepen our understanding of religion's place and meaning within the history of human culture, touching on Kant's philosophical stance regarding theoretical, moral, political, and religious matters. Wood's breadth of knowledge of Kant's corpus, philosophical sharpness, and depth of reflection sheds light not only on (...)
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    Framing cosmologies: the anthropology of worlds.Allen Abramson & Martin Holbraad (eds.) - 2014 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    How might the anthropological study of cosmologies – the ways in which the horizons of human worlds are imagined and engaged – illuminate understandings of the contemporary world? This book addresses this question by bringing together anthropologists whose research is informed by a concern with cosmological dimensions of social life in different ethnographic settings. Its overall aim is to reaffirm the value of the cosmological frame as a continuing source of analytical insight. Attending to the novel cosmological formations that emerge (...)
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    Constructions of Reason: Explorations of Kant's Practical Philosophy.Allen W. Wood - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (3):647.
  11.  81
    Secession: The Morality of Political Divorce from Fort Sumter to Lithuana and Quebec.Allen Buchanan - 1991 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    This important study, the first book-length treatment of an increasingly crucial topic, treats the moral issues of secession at two levels. At the practical level, Professor Buchanan develops a coherent theory of the conditions under which secession is morally justifiable. He then applies it to historical and contemporary examples, including the U.S. Civil War and more recent events in Bangladesh, Katanga, and Biafra, the Baltic states, South Africa, and Quebec. This is the first systematic account of the conditions and terms (...)
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  12. Environmental Aesthetics, Ethics, and Ecoaesthetics.Allen Carlson - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (4):399-410.
    This essay is an overview of recent research aimed at establishing a link between environmental aesthetics and environmental ethics. I review the work of several prominent environmental philosophers and environmental aestheticians, spelling out some of the difficulties confronting various attempts to find such a link. While I argue that a case can be made for a connection between environmental aesthetics and environmental ethics concerning human‐created and human‐influenced environments, I find that there are a number of problems facing attempts to establish (...)
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  13. Endurance work’: embodiment and the mind-body nexus in the physical culture of high-altitude mountaineering.Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Lee Crust & Christian Swann - 2018 - Sociology 52 (6):1324-1341.
    The 2015 Nepal earthquake and avalanche on Mount Everest generated one of the deadliest mountaineering disasters in modern times, bringing to media attention the physical-cultural world of high-altitude climbing. Contributing to the current sociological concern with embodiment, here we investigate the lived experience and social ‘production’ of endurance in this sociologically under-researched physical-cultural world. Via a phenomenological-sociological framework, we analyse endurance as cognitively, corporeally and interactionally lived and communicated, in the form of ‘endurance work’. Data emanate from in-depth interviews with (...)
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  14. Social moral epistemology.Allen Buchanan - 2002 - Social Philosophy and Policy 19 (2):126-152.
    The distinctive aim of applied ethics is to provide guidance as to how we ought to act, as individuals and as shapers of social policies. In this essay, I argue that applied ethics as currently practiced is inadequate and ought to be transformed to incorporate what I shall call social moral epistemology. This is a branch of social epistemology, the study of the social practices and institutions that promote the formation, preservation, and transmission of true beliefs. For example, social epistemologists (...)
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  15.  45
    Précis: Our Moral Fate: Evolution And The Escape From Tribalism.Allen Buchanan - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (2):443-448.
    The book uses evolutionary principles to explain tribalism, a way of thinking and acting that divides the world into Us versus Them and achieves cooperation within a group at the expense of erecting insuperable obstacles to cooperation among groups. Tribalism represents political controversies as supreme emergencies in which ordinary moral constraints do not apply and as zero-sum, winner take all contests. Tribalism not only undermines democracy by ruling out compromise, bargaining, and respect for the Other; it also reverses one of (...)
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  16. The Ethics of Revolution and Its Implications for the Ethics of Intervention.Allen Buchanan - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 41 (4):291-323.
  17.  44
    13 Rational theology, moral faith, and religion.Allen W. Wood - 1992 - In Paul Guyer, The Cambridge companion to Kant. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 3--394.
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    Toward a Theory of the Ethics of Bureaucratic Organizations.Allen Buchanan - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (4):419-440.
    This essay articulates a crucial and neglected element of a general theory of the ethics of bureaucratic organizations, both private andpublic. The key to the approach developed here is the thesis that the distinctive ethical principles applicable to bureaucratic organizations are responses to the distinctive agency-risks that arise from the nature of bureaucratic organizations as complex webs of principal/agent relationships. It is argued that the most important and distinctive ethical principles for bureaucratic organizations express commitments on the part of bureaucrats (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Marx on right and justice: A reply to Husami.Allen W. Wood - 1979 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 8 (3):267-295.
    Wood reiterated his previous papers of view - "For Marx, economic, trade or social system of justice or not depends on its mode of production with the established relationship" that Hussami the "justice is not only determined by the mode of production and determined by class position, "the view attributed to Marx is a misconception that Marx was a capitalist from the standards of justice to go after the critique of capitalist society, it is a misreading of Marx's text. In (...)
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  20. Reciprocal legitimation: Reframing the problem of international legitimacy.Allen Buchanan - 2011 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 10 (1):5-19.
    Theorizing about the legitimacy of international institutions usually begins with a framing assumption according to which the legitimacy of the state is understood solely in terms of the relationship between the state and its citizens, without reference to the effects of state power on others. In contrast, this article argues that whether a state is legitimate vis-a-vis its own citizens depends upon whether its exercise of power respects the human rights of people in other states. The other main conclusions are (...)
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  21.  75
    De-moralization as emancipation: Liberty, progress, and the evolution of invalid moral norms.Allen Buchanan & Russell Powell - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (2):108-135.
    Abstract:Liberal thinkers of the Enlightenment understood that surplus moral constraints, imposed by invalid moral norms, are a serious limitation on liberty. They also recognized that overcoming surplus moral constraints — what we call proper de-moralization — is an important dimension of moral progress. Contemporary philosophical theorists of liberty have largely neglected the threat that surplus moral constraints pose to liberty and the importance of proper de-moralization for human emancipation. This essay examines the phenomena of surplus moral constraints and proper de-moralization, (...)
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  22. Psychologists’ responsibility to society: Public policy and the ethics of political action.Luke R. Allen & Cody G. Dodd - 2018 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):42-53.
    In the United States, prohibitionist policies are used as the primary approach to combat the negative effect of substance use on society. An extensive academic literature spanning the disciplines of economics, political science, and multiculturalism documents the great social costs of the United States’ “War on Drugs” both nationally and internationally. These costs come with at best marginal effect on substance abuse and other crimes linked to the drug trade. In many cases, there is a reason to believe that these (...)
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  23.  76
    From Possibility to Properties? Or from Properties to Possibility?Sophie R. Allen - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (1):21-49.
    This paper contrasts two metaphysical accounts of modality and properties: Modal Realism which treats possible entities as primitive; and Strong Dispositionalism in which metaphysical possibility and necessity are determined by actually existing dispositions or powers. I argue that Strong Dispositionalism loses its initial advantages of simplicity and parsimony over Modal Realism as it is extended and amended to account for metaphysical rather than just causal necessity. Furthermore, to avoid objections to its material and formal adequacy, Strong Dispositionalism requires a richer (...)
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  24.  46
    Biodefence and the production of knowledge: rethinking the problem.Allen Buchanan & Maureen C. Kelley - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (4):195-204.
    Next SectionBiodefence, broadly understood as efforts to prevent or mitigate the damage of a bioterrorist attack, raises a number of ethical issues, from the allocation of scarce biomedical research and public health funds, to the use of coercion in quarantine and other containment measures in the event of an outbreak. In response to the US bioterrorist attacks following September 11, significant US policy decisions were made to spur scientific enquiry in the name of biodefence. These decisions led to a number (...)
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  25.  98
    Justice and Class Interests.Allen W. Wood - 1984 - Philosophica 33.
  26.  57
    Kant’s Project for Perpetual Peace.Allen Wood - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 1:3-18.
  27. A Logical Analysis of Monty Hall and Sleeping Beauty.Allen L. Mann & Ville Aarnio - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (6):1123-1162.
    Hintikka and Sandu’s independence-friendly logic is a conservative extension of first-order logic that allows one to consider semantic games with imperfect information. In the present article, we first show how several variants of the Monty Hall problem can be modeled as semantic games for IF sentences. In the process, we extend IF logic to include semantic games with chance moves and dub this extension stochastic IF logic. Finally, we use stochastic IF logic to analyze the Sleeping Beauty problem, leading to (...)
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  28. Animal Consciousness (Routledge handbook of consciousness ch.29).Sean Allen-Hermanson - 2018 - In Rocco J. Gennaro, Routledge Handbook of Consciousness. New York: Routledge.
  29. Projecting illusion: film spectatorship and the impression of reality.Richard Allen - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Projecting Illusion offers a systematic analysis of the impression of reality in the cinema and the pleasure it gives to the film spectator. Film provides a compelling experience that can be considered as a form of illusion akin to the experience of day-dream and dream. Examining the concept of illusion and its relationship to fantasy in the experience of visual representation, Richard Allen situates his explanation within the context of an analytical criticism of contemporary film and critical theory. He (...)
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  30. Review Essay: On the Plurality of Worlds. [REVIEW]Allen Stairs - 1986 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (2):333.
  31.  35
    Kant and Enlightenment.Allen Wood - 2024 - Jus Cogens 6 (2):109-122.
    The German Aufklärung was only one of at least three distinct Eighteenth Century Movements we now call ‘the Enlightenment’. But what is enlightenment? This question was posed in a Berlin journal in 1783 and answered in the same journal a year later by two of the movement’s leading representatives: Moses Mendelssohn and Immanuel Kant. Kant’s answer, which is expounded in this essay, changed the understanding of the movement. Kant sees enlightenment not as only a development of intellect but a liberation (...)
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    Theories of Ideology: Origins, Development, and Prospects.Allen Buchanan & Elizabeth Levinson - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (1):13-43.
    This essay provides a comprehensive and critical introduction to ideology. It traces the origins and development of various conceptions of ideology, articulating both what they have in common and their differences. Among the distinctions that we develop are the contrasts between pejorative and nonpejorative conceptions, functionalist and causal conceptions, and conceptions that limit ideologies to supporting existing oppressive orders and those that allow for ideologies that challenge such orders. We also explain the role that ideologies can play in either preventing (...)
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  33. Philosophy of International Law.Allen Buchanan & David Golove - 2002 - In Jules Coleman & Scott J. Shapiro, The Oxford Handbook of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  34.  85
    Principal/Agent Theory and Decisionmaking in Health Care.Allen Buchanan - 1988 - Bioethics 2 (4):317-333.
    This essay has two aims: The first is to demonstrate that the basic conceptual framework of principal/agent theory can be fruitfully applied to decisionmaking in health care and in such a way as to facilitate the more efficient pursuit of the moral values of individual well-being and autonomy which health care is supposed to promote. The second is to show that this application results in an enrichment of principal/agent theory itself, by removing some of the limitations on the theory that (...)
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    A Plea for Follow-Through.Allen E. Buchanan - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    (1 other version)Kant. [REVIEW]Allen Wood - 1991 - International Studies in Philosophy 35 (4):323-325.
  37.  34
    Ian Proops: Kant on Transcendental Freedom ( The Fiery Test of Critique: Chs. 11–12).Allen Wood - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (2):309-316.
    Kant’s position on the problem of free will can be perplexing and frustrating: all the real questions about human agential capacities or even about issues of moral imputability are empirical questions, which have empirical answers. But there remains a metaphysical or transcendental problem about the possibility of freedom, which is forever insoluble. Ian Proops’ discussion in The Fiery Test of Critique is to be commended for displaying the rare virtue of appreciating this last point and presenting Kant’s position about it (...)
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  38. Justifying Preventive War.Allen Buchanan - 2007 - In Henry Shue & David Rodin, Preemption: Military Action and Moral Justification. Oxford University Press.
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    The Explanatory Power of Ideology.Allen Buchanan - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (1):241-255.
    This essay explores the range of phenomena that can be explained by application of a suitably broad but contentful concept of ideology. According to this concept, an ideology is an evaluative map of the social world, typically featuring an ingroup-outgroup distinction, at least in the case of political ideologies. This concept allows for ideologies that support the existing order and those that challenge it, including revolutionary ideologies. I refute the claim that the concept of ideology is not needed because “voluntary (...)
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  40. Representation, Consciousness, and Time.Sean Allen-Hermanson - 2018 - Metaphysica 19 (1):137-155.
    I criticize Bourget’s intuitive and empirical arguments for thinking that all possible conscious states are underived if intentional. An underived state is one of which it is not the case that it must be realized, at least in part, by intentional states distinct from itself. The intuitive argument depends upon a thought experiment about a subject who exists for only a split second while undergoing a single conscious experience. This, however, trades on an ambiguity in "split second." Meanwhile, Bourget's empirical (...)
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    Historical materialism and functional explanation.Allen W. Wood - 1986 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 29 (1-4):11 – 27.
    This paper is a critical examination of one central theme in Jon Elster's Making Sense of Marx; Elster's defense of ?methodological individualism? in social science and his related critique of Marx's use of ?functional explanation?. The paper does not quarrel with Elster's claim that the particular instances of functional explanation advanced by Marx are defective; what it criticizes is Elster's attempt to raise principled, philosophical objections to this type of explanation in the social sciences. It is argued that Elster's philosophical (...)
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  42.  32
    4. Philosophy: Enlightenment Apology, Enlightenment Critique.Allen Wood - 2001 - In Anne Applebaum, What is Philosophy? Yale University Press. pp. 96-120.
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  43. Properties.Sophie Allen - 2018 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Properties A stone, a bag of sugar and a guinea pig all weigh one kilogram. A lily, a cloud and a sample of copper sulphate are white. A statue, a dance and a mathematical equation are beautiful. The fact that distinct particular things can be the same as each other and yet different has been … Continue reading Properties →.
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  44. Richard Rorty.Barry Allen - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (2):315-318.
    A memoir of Richard Rorty as a teacher, a philosopher, an intellectual, and a man of letters, by a former student.
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    Kant’s Dialectic.Allen W. Wood - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 5 (4):595-614.
    The bulk of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is divided, in its philosophical content if not its formal organization, into two parts. The first, encompassing the Introduction, the Aesthetic and the Transcendental Analytic, presents a theory of metaphysical knowledge; its source and nature, its proper objects, and its fundamental principles. The second part, contained in the Transcendental Dialectic, is a theory of metaphysical error, illusion, or pseudoknowledge. For various reasons, students of the Critique have tended to neglect the second part (...)
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  46.  30
    Hegel's Political Philosophy.Allen W. Wood - 2011 - In Stephen Houlgate & Michael Baur, A Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 297–311.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Political Events Surrounding Publication of the Philosophy of Right Freedom, Right, and Ethical Life The Family and Civil Society Hegel's Concept of the State The Rational Structure of the State Representative Institutions Abbreviations.
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    How Many Times Can You Be Wrong and Still Be Right? T. H. Morgan, Evolution, Chromosomes and the Origins of Modern Genetics.Garland E. Allen - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (1-2):77-99.
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  48.  19
    Should Doctors Cut Costs at the Bedside?Allen R. Dyer & Percy Brazil - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (1):5.
    In their daily practices, can doctors be both patient advocates and society's agents in rationing costly care? Doctors disagree among themselves. Some argue that patients stand to benefit if doctors lead the movement for cost‐effective care in hospitals, nursing homes, and patients' homes. For others cost‐cutting at the bedside erodes the foundations of the doctor‐patient relationship and compromises the quality of care.
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    Kant’s System of Rights by Leslie A. Mulholland.Allen W. Wood - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (3):535-540.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 535 second English volume), Ratzinger's Behold the Prerced One (pp. 1345 ), and W. Kasper's Theology and Church (pp. 94-108; Kasper says simply, "Rahner's characterization of neo-Chalcedonianism is historicaly inaccurate," p. 214, note 18). As it is, Ols's treatment reminds us that Rahner's own writings, which overlooked the later Councils of Constantinople, presume that Chalcedon had been the end of a development in Christology; this inaccurate presumption (...)
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  50.  27
    Does Marx hold that capitalism is unjust? A Reply to Zhongqiao Duan.Allen Wood - 2023 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 2 (1):18-33.
    This paper is a reply to Zhongqiao Duan, who challenges my reading of Karl Marx on the question whether capitalism can be criticized on grounds of justice. Marx is naturally read as claiming that capitalism is unjust to wage labourers, but perhaps surprisingly, Marx never makes such claims, but on the contrary denies that capitalism is unjust, and even scolds working class advocates for making the charge of injustice against capitalism. Although Marx charges capitalism with exploiting workers, he does not (...)
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