Results for 'Erika Holzer'

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  1.  20
    Taking Pieces of Rand with Them: Ayn Rand's Literary Influence.Robert Powell - 2012 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 12 (2):207 - 235.
    Despite the fact that Ayn Rand did not influence the best artists, she did leave an important legacy for the American imagination and literary establishment. Rand's influence is arguably more multi-genre than any other author. Some multi-genre authors who were possibly influenced by Rand include: John Steinbeck (literature), Mickey Spillane and Ian Fleming (detective fiction), Ira Levin, Cameron Hawley, Erika Holzer and Kay Nolte Smith (popular fiction) and Terry Goodkind (science fiction). Her influence represents an important balance between (...)
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    ‘Serious’ factor—a relevant starting point for further debate: a response.Erika Kleiderman, Vardit Ravitsky & Bartha Maria Knoppers - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):153-155.
    In this reply, we wish to defend our original position and address several of the points raised by two excellent responses. The first response (De Miguel Beriain) questions the relevance of the notion of ‘serious’ within the context of human germline genome modification (HGGM). We argue that the ‘serious’ factor is relevant and that there is a need for medical and social lenses to delineate the limits of acceptability and initial permissible applications of HGGM. In this way, ‘serious’ acts as (...)
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    Opinion Events: Types and opinion markers in English social media discourse.Erika Lombart, Ledia Kazazi, Ardita Dylgjeri, Jurate Ruzaite, Anna Bączkowska, Chaya Liebeskind & Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):447-481.
    The paper investigates various definitions of the concept of opinion as opposed to factual or evidence-based statements and proposes a taxonomy of opinions expressed in English as identified in selected social media. A discussion situates opinions in the realm of pragmatics and reaches to philosophy of language and cognitive science. The research methodology combines a thorough linguistic analysis of opinions, proposing their multifaceted taxonomy with the automatically generated lexical embeddings of positive and negative lexicon acquired from the analysed opinionated texts. (...)
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    The Foundations of Complexity, the Complexity of Foundations.Erika Cudworth & Stephen Hobden - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (2):163-187.
    A debate over the possibilities for foundations of knowledge has been a key feature of theoretical discussions in the discipline of International Relations. A number of recent contributions suggest that this debate is still active. This article offers a contribution to this debate by suggesting that the study of complexity may provide a contingent foundation for the study of international relations. We examine the grounds on which such a claim might be made, and examine the implications for taking complexity as (...)
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    Congress delays cost containment act.James F. Holzer - 1977 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 5 (4):5-5.
  6. I-Theologie de la Creation et vision evolutive du monde?V. Holzer - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (3):399-410.
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    « Le christianisme comme style ».Vincent Holzer - 2008 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 96 (4):567-590.
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  8. Les implications métaphysico-religieuses d'une dramatique trinitaire chez Hans Urs von Balthasar.Vincent Holzer - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (2):308-329.
    La théologie balthasarienne de l'auto-révélation divine se fonde sur le témoignage de Dieu dans l'histoire , sans se détacher d'une métaphysiquede l'être reçue sous l'aspect du transcendantal «Beau» que manifeste toute figure du monde. La métaphysique balthasarienne se déploie ainsi selon un axe original. Elle rompt d'une part, avec les formes de pensée dites «onto-théologiques», et d'autre part, avec une apologétique des signes. Plus qu'une métaphysique, nous sommes en présence d'une onto-phénoménologie dont les implications trinitaires et christologiques offrent des développements (...)
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  9. L'esthétique théologique comme esthétique fondamentale chez Hans Urs von Balthasar.Vincent Holzer - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (4):557-588.
    Balthasar a acquis la réputation d'un théologien de la Beauté du divin. C'est en phénoménologue qu'il conçoit l'expérience esthétique : comment réussit-il à en faire le fondement d'une théologie esthétique ? « Dieu par lui-rnême a pris une figure » : telle est l'expression centrale de cette esthétique. Elle est influencée au plan théologique par la conception de la Révélation chez Karl Barth : le croire est corrélatif au voir ; et d'autre part au plan philosophique, par le concept de (...)
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    On subdirectly irreducible OMAs.Richard Holzer - 2004 - Studia Logica 78 (1-2):261 - 277.
    In this paper some properties of epi-representations and Schmidt-congruence relations of orthomodular partial algebras are investigated and an infinite list of OMA-epi-subdirectly irreducible orthomodular partial algebras will be constructed.
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    « Philosopher à l'intérieur de la théologie ».Vincent Holzer - 2010 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 98 (1):59-84.
    Cet article propose une relecture de l’œuvre de Karl Rahner à la lumière des développements successifs qu’il consacra à la relation entre philosophie et théologie, dégageant ainsi la force inspiratrice d’une réflexion qui n’a rien perdu de son actualité. Les sources auxquelles puise et se confronte K. Rahner sont diverses, mais toujours maîtrisées, au service d’une tâche dont il s’est inlassablement préoccupé : dégager l’espace où puisse être audible et dicible la manifestation du "libre Inconnu" se révélant et se communiquant (...)
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  12.  27
    Privacy Commission Urges New Medical Records Laws.James F. Holzer - 1978 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 6 (1):9-9.
  13.  5
    Ästhetische Engführung: Nietzsches und Wagners Tragödienkonzeptionen.Angela Holzer - 2012 - Nietzscheforschung 19 (1).
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    Making the ‘reserve army’ invisible: Lengthy parental leave and women’s economic marginalisation in Hungary.Erika Kispeter & Eva Fodor - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (4):382-398.
    Generous parental leave policies are popular in a number of countries around the world and are usually seen as a sign of the ‘family friendliness’ of the state. Relying on in-depth interviews with mothers on parental leave in Hungary, the authors argue that the context in which the policies are implemented should be examined when evaluating their consequences. In semi-peripheral, resource-poor Hungary lengthy parental leave policies turn women into an invisible ‘reserve army of labourers’. While their employment is mostly unaccounted (...)
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    Arte, verità, essere: la riabilitazione ontologica dell'arte in Martin Heidegger e Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Erika Petres - 2013 - Roma: Pontificia università gregoriana.
    La domanda fondamentale della ricerca si muove attorno alla relazione tra arte, verità e essere, segnalando la natura metafisica del discorso. Questo fatto è sottolineato in quanto l’arte, in ambito filosofico, è di solito trattata in un contesto estetico, ma i due autori scelti vedono nell’arte un legame intrinseco al problema dell’essere, riconoscendo il suo valore anche nell’orizzonte metafisico. Heidegger e Merleau-Ponty avvertono la necessità di superare l’estetica e di svelare le possibilità ontologiche dell’arte, compiendo così una sua «riabilitazione ontologica», (...)
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    Ix-4 Ordinis Noni Tomus Quartus: Apologia Qua Respondet Duabus Invectivis Eduardi Lei.Erika Rummel & Edwin Rabbie (eds.) - 1996 - Brill.
    The fourth volume of the Amsterdam edition of the apologias contains the critical edition of the Latin text of the apologia against the English scholar Edward Lee.
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    Nameless critics in erasmus'annotations on the new testament.Erika Rummel - 1986 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 48 (1):41-57.
  18.  50
    Recent Developments in Health Law: Constitutional Law: Despite Reservations, the Second Circuit Defers to State Court's Determination That a Preponderance of the Evidence Standard is Constitutional for Recommitment of NRRMDD Defendants – Ernst J. v. Stonea.Erika Wilkinson - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (4):826-828.
    The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit recently upheld United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York Judge's denial of petitioner's application for a writ of habeas corpus. The Court held that it was not objectively unreasonable for the Appellate Division to conclude, in light of clearly established federal law as expressed by the Supreme Court of the United States, that a New York statute providing for the recommitment of specific defendants who plead not (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity "in the making": Modeling infectious diseases.Erika Mattila - 2005 - Perspectives on Science 13 (4):531-553.
    : The main contribution of this paper to current philosophical and sociological studies on modeling is to analyze modeling as an object-oriented interdisciplinary activity and thus to bring new insights into the wide, heterogeneous discourse on tools, forms and organization of interdisciplinary research. A detailed analysis of interdisciplinarity in the making of models is presented, focusing on long-standing interdisciplinary collaboration between specialists in infectious diseases, mathematicians and computer scientists. The analysis introduces a novel way of studying the elements of the (...)
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  20. Sex and sensibility: The role of social selection: Roughgarden, Joan: The genial gene: Deconstructing Darwinian selfishness. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009, ix+261pp, $40.00 HB, $18.95 PB.Erika L. Milam, Roberta L. Millstein, Angela Potochnik & Joan E. Roughgarden - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):253-277.
    Sex and sensibility: The role of social selection Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9464-6 Authors Erika L. Milam, Department of History, University of Maryland, 2115 Francis Scott Key Hall, College Park, MD 20742, USA Roberta L. Millstein, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA Angela Potochnik, Department of Philosophy, University of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 210374, Cincinnati, OH 45221, USA Joan E. Roughgarden, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020, USA Journal Metascience (...)
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  21.  56
    Charity or empowerment? The role of COVAX for low and middle‐income countries.Felicitas Holzer, Tania Manríquez Roa, Federico Germani, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Florencia Luna - 2022 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (1):59-66.
    What has the past reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic taught us? We have seen that many low and middle-income countries (LMICs) still lack access to vaccines, and it seems little progress has been made in the last few months and year. This article discusses whether the current strategies, most notably, vaccine donations by the international community and the COVID-19 global access facility COVAX, offer meaningful solutions to tackle the problem. At the centre of our analysis, we compare the concepts of (...)
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  22.  44
    The confessionalization of humanism in Reformation Germany.Erika Rummel - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book deals with the impact of the Reformation debate in Germany on the most prominent intellectual movement of the time: humanism Although it is true that humanism influenced the course of the Reformation, says Erika Rummel, the dynamics of the relationship are better described by saying that humanism was co-opted, perhaps even exploited, in the religious debate.
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  23.  40
    Landscapes of Time: Building Long‐Term Perspectives in Animal Behavior.Erika Lorraine Milam - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (1-2):164-188.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 1-2, Page 164-188, June 2022.
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    Locked into the Anthropocene? Examining the Environmental Ethics of John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Erika K. Masaki - 2021 - Ethics and the Environment 26 (1):1-19.
    Abstract:Many scientists argue that the world is becoming increasingly dominated by human activity, much to the detriment of the natural world. In what scholars have dubbed the Anthropocene, the current geological epoch during which time human activity has been the dominating force over climate and the environment, many questions of environmental ethics have arisen. Who does the earth belong to? What is the relationship between humans and the environment? What is the moral standing of non-human life? Locke and Rousseau provide (...)
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  25. Mad as Hell or Scared Stiff? The Effects of Value Conflict and Emotions on Potential Whistle-Blowers.Erika Henik - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):111-119.
    Existing whistle-blowing models rely on “cold” economic calculations and cost-benefit analyses to explain the judgments and actions of potential whistle-blowers. I argue that “hot” cognitions – value conflict and emotions – should be added to these models. I propose a model of the whistle-blowing decision process that highlights the reciprocal influence of “hot” and “cold” cognitions and advocate research that explores how value conflict and emotions inform reporting decisions. I draw on the cognitive appraisal approach to emotions and on the (...)
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  26.  26
    Included but Still Invisible?: Considering the Protection-Inclusion Dilemma in Qualitative Research Findings.Erika Versalovic, Asad Beck & Timothy Emmanuel Brown - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):97-100.
    The COVID-19 pandemic’s disproportionate harm to racialized communities and increased public attention to the deaths of Black people at the hands of police (Elijah McClain, Breonna Taylor, George F...
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  27.  13
    Diversity and homogeneity in world societies.Erika Bourguignon - 1973 - [New Haven, Conn.]: HRAF Press. Edited by Lenora Greenbaum Ucko & George Peter Murdock.
  28. Sprachphilosophie des realen Leidens. Adornos Kritik der metaphisisch sublimierten Sinnlosigkeit.Erika Benini - 2015 - In Max Beck & Nicholas Coomann (eds.), Sprachkritik als Ideologiekritik: Studien zu Adornos Jargon der Eigentlichkeit. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times.Erika Bianchi - 2020 - Logos 30 (3):26-32.
    This essay is based on a talk the author gave at the By the Book conference in Florence in June 2019. It examines the power dynamics in the Italian publishing world from the perspective of a fiction writer. Writing and publishing are two completely different worlds that can be differently approached. What’s the point of writing? Should writers write about what they know, or about what they do not know? Can publishing be put off? What’s the role of literary agents (...)
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    A Response to Kelly's “Toward a Moratorium on Publishing in the Field of Educational Studies: Where is This Train Going?”.Erika C. Bullock - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (6):707-711.
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    Wahrheit und wahrhaftigkeit in der philosophie Nietzsches.Erika Emmerich - 1933 - Halle a. d. Salle,: M. Niemeyer.
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  32. La croyance religieuse selon Hilary Putnam.P. -A. Holzer - 1997 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 44 (3):257-265.
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    Theologia crucis et doctrine trinitaire lecture critique de la vollendete religion de gwf Hegel dans le contexte de la théologie contemporaine de la croix.Vincent Holzer - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 86 (3):257-284.
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  34. Conserving the university as a place for liberal learning.Erika A. Kiss - 2015 - In Terry Nardin & Edmund Neill (eds.), Michael Oakeshott's Cold War liberalism. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    formación en lingüística de corpus dentro del marco de las Industrias de la lengua.Erika Vega Moreno - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-11.
    Dentro del grado en “Lingüística y lenguas aplicadas” de la Universidad de Cádiz, la formación en lingüística de corpus se enmarca en la materia “Industrias de la lengua”. La complejidad de esta reside en que, a pesar de contar con una asignatura propia, también se aborda en otras específicas. Es ahí donde estriba el interés de este estudio, con el que obtuvimos interesantes resultados, ya que observamos que la experimentación investigadora y la puesta en práctica de conocimientos adquiridos optimizaron las (...)
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    Permutas.Erika Silva Oliveira - 2008 - Horizonte 7 (13):252-255.
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    Литовська футбольна ліга у комунікаційних вимірах соціальної мережі Facebook: еволюція футбольних переваг.Erikas Pakstys - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:110-122.
    Lithuanian football league have the lowest ranking in all Europe. By this it was choosen to analyze what strategies Lithuanian major teams are using on social network Facebook. Digital technologies based on software and social networks become more effective and integrated, causing transformation in all spheres of the global economy. As European major football clubs shown that more people are interested in football club, the more football club can make a profit. Technology growth driven by that social networks become the (...)
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    Psychologie der Situation: humanwissenschaftliche Vergleiche.Erika Schott - 1991 - Heidelberg: Roland Asanger Verlag.
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  39. Jan Patočka, Češi a Evropa: sborník prací z konference, Jan Patočka, Češi a Evropa.Erika Vonková (ed.) - 2000 - Brno: Masarykova univerzita.
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    Das diskursfähige Subjekt: Rekonstruktionspfade einer sozialtheoretischen Denkfigur im Werk von Jürgen Habermas.Erika Edelmayer - 2012 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    ​Wie ist das diskursfähige Subjekt im Sinne Habermas zu denken? Unter welchen Bedingungen und Modalitäten entwickelt das Subjekt seine Diskursfähigkeit? Erika Edelmayer arbeitet die Denkfigur des diskursfähigen Subjekts aus der Grundlegung der soziologischen Theorie als „Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns“ heraus. Sie untersucht, was Diskursfähigkeit im Rahmen einer deliberativ verstandenen Demokratie bedeutet und zeigt die Konsequenzen auf, die sich daraus für die Pädagogik ergeben.
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  41.  24
    Le renouvellement du « principe dogmatique » en théologie contemporaine.Vincent Holzer - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):99-128.
    En 1965, Karl Rahner et Karl Lehmann publièrent une étude documentée et systématique sur les rapports entre kérygme et dogme, quintessence des travaux en cours dans ce domaine, au moment où s'achevait le concile Vatican II. Un premier principe consensuel allait se dégager de ces travaux. Son impact touchera directement la fonction régulatrice des langages de la foi, autrement dit du caractère principiel et originaire de cette fonction dévolue aux formules de confessions présentes dans l'écriture néotestamentaire. Il s'agissait en somme (...)
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  42. The Benefits of Executive Control Training and the Implications for Language Processing.Erika K. Hussey & Jared M. Novick - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  43.  19
    Defending the social value of knowledge as a safeguard for public trust.Felicitas S. Holzer - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (7):559-567.
    The ‘socially valuable knowledge’ principle has been widely acknowledged as one of the most important guiding principles for biomedical research involving human subjects. The principle states that the potential of producing socially valuable knowledge is a necessary requirement, although not sufficient, for the ethical conduct of research projects. This is due to the assumption that the social value of knowledge avoids exploitation of research subjects and justifies the use of health resources. However, more recently, several authors have started interrogating the (...)
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    Collaborative case-based learning process in research ethics.Erika Löfström, Kairi Koort, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana & Anu Tammeleht - 2019 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 15 (1).
    The increasing concern about ethics and integrity in research communities has brought attention to how students and junior academics can be trained on this regard. Moreover, it is known that ethical behaviour and integrity not only involve individual but also group norms and considerations. Thus, through action research and participant observation, this research investigates the learning processes through which 64 students collaboratively develop research ethics and integrity competencies. The aim was to understand how bachelor, master and PhD students approach ethical (...)
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    Redistribution and Recognition.Erika Blacksher - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (3):320-331.
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    Proportionality and Mexico's pandemic management during the COVID‐19 crisis.Felicitas Holzer, Ivette M. Ortiz Alcántara, Tobias Eichinger & Julian W. März - 2024 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (4):302-309.
    Mexico's pandemic management and the absence of measures have been harshly criticized as being disproportionate. This paper examines whether the proportionality principle was properly applied to Mexico's COVID-19 response and outlines three reasons against such an endeavor, namely (i) the content of “proportionate measures” remained insufficiently well defined, (ii) there were yet fundamental rights conflicts to resolve, and (iii) the situation was moreover characterized by epistemic uncertainty.
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    Coherence between expressive and experiential systems in emotion.Erika L. Rosenberg & Paul Ekman - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (3):201-229.
  48. Women, Sexual Asymmetry, and Catholic Teaching.Erika Bachiochi - 2013 - Christian Bioethics 19 (2):150-171.
    Women and men are biologically and reproductively dissimilar. This sexual distinctiveness gives rise to a “sexual asymmetry”—the fundamental reality that the potential consequences of sexual intercourse are far more immediate and serious for women than for men. Advocates of contraception and abortion sought to cure sexual asymmetry by decoupling sex from procreation, relieving women from the consequences of sex, and thus equalizing the sexual experiences of men and women. But efforts to suppress or reject biological difference have not relieved women (...)
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  49. Increases in Theta Oscillatory Activity During Episodic Memory Retrieval Following Mindfulness Meditation Training.Erika Nyhus, William Andrew Engel, Tomas Donatelli Pitfield & Isabella Marie Wang Vakkur - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    The Micro Potential for Social Change: Emotion, Consciousness, and Social Movement Formation.Summers-Effler Erika - 2002 - Sociological Theory 20 (1):41-60.
    Can one explain both the resilience of the status quo and the possibility for resistance from a subordinate position? This paper aims to resolve these seemingly incompatible perspectives. By extending Randall Collins's interaction ritual theory, and synthesizing it with Norbert Wiley's model of the self, this paper suggests how the emotional dynamics between people and within the self can explain social inertia as well as the possibility for resistance and change. Diverging from literature on the sociology of emotions that has (...)
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