Results for 'Erik Hjulström'

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  1.  27
    Wrestling with Public Input on an Ethical Analysis of Scientific Research.Erik Parens, Michelle N. Meyer, Patrick Turley, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Nanibaa’ A. Garrison, Shawneequa L. Callier & Daphne Oluwaseun Martschenko - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (2):S50-S65.
    Bioethicists frequently call for empirical researchers to engage participants and community members in their research, but don't themselves typically engage community members in their normative research. In this article, we describe an effort to include members of the public in normative discussions about the risks, potential benefits, and ethical responsibilities of social and behavioral genomics (SBG) research. We reflect on what might—and might not— be gained from engaging the public in normative scholarship and on lessons learned about public perspectives on (...)
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    Justification of principles for healthcare priority setting: the relevance and roles of empirical studies exploring public values.Erik Gustavsson & Lars Lindblom - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    How should scarce healthcare resources be distributed? This is a contentious issue that became especially pressing during the pandemic. It is often emphasised that studies exploring public views about this question provide valuable input to the issue of healthcare priority setting. While there has been a vast number of such studies it is rarely articulated, more specifically, what the results from these studies would mean for the justification of principles for priority setting. On the one hand, it seems unreasonable that (...)
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  3. Enactive vision.Erik Myin & Jan Degenaar - 2014 - In Lawrence A. Shapiro (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Embodied Cognition. New York: Routledge. pp. 90-98.
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  4. A New Causal Power Theory.Kevin B. Korb, Erik P. Nyberg & Lucas Hope - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo (ed.), Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press.
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    On the importance of correctly locating content: why and how REC can afford affordance perception.Erik Myin - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):25-39.
    REC, or the radical enactive/embodied view of cognition makes a crucial distinction between basic and content-involving cognition. This paper clarifies REC’s views on basic and content-involving cognition, and their relation by replying to a recent criticism claiming that REC is refuted by evidence on affordance perception. It shows how a correct understanding of how basic and contentless cognition relate allows to see how REC can accommodate this evidence, and thus can afford affordance perception.
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    If Metrical Structure Were Not Dynamical, Counterfactuals in General Relativity Would Be Easy.Erik Curiel - unknown
    General relativity poses serious problems for counterfactual propositions peculiar to it as a physical theory. Because these problems arise solely from the dynamical nature of spacetime geometry, they are shared by all schools of thought on how counterfactuals should be interpreted and understood. Given the role of counterfactuals in the characterization of, inter alia, many accounts of scientific laws, theory confirmation and causation, general relativity once again presents us with idiosyncratic puzzles any attempt to analyze and understand the nature of (...)
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  7. Disagreement about logic from a pluralist perspective.Erik Stei - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (11):3329-3350.
    Logical pluralism is commonly described as the view that there is more than one correct logic. It has been claimed that, in order for that view to be interesting, there has to be at least a potential for rivalry between the correct logics. This paper offers a detailed assessment of this suggestion. I argue that an interesting version of logical pluralism is hard, if not impossible, to achieve. I first outline an intuitive understanding of the notions of rivalry and correctness. (...)
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    Value Theory.Erik Carlson - 2012 - In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), Introduction to Formal Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 523-534.
    This chapter deals with an area of study sometimes called “formal value theory” or “formal axiology”. Roughly characterized, this area investigates the structural and logical properties of value properties and value relations, such as goodness, badness, and betterness. There is a long-standing controversy about whether goodness and badness can, in principle, be measured on a cardinal scale, in a way similar to the measurement of well-understood quantitative concepts like length. Sect. 28.1 investigates this issue, mainly by comparing the properties of (...)
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  9. A Sellarsian Argument for Nonlinguistic Conceptual Capabilities.Erik Nelson - 2024 - Synthese 204 (5):1-24.
    While it is philosophically contested whether nonlinguistic animals can have conceptual capabilities, it is also philosophically contested whether one can even empirically test for such capabilities. I draw from Sellars’ work on psychological nominalism to develop an empirically tractable means of distinguishing between tasks that require conceptual capabilities and those that do not. Tasks that require conceptual capabilities are those that require awareness of abstract relations, whereas tasks that can be solved merely through Sellarsian picturing do not. I argue that (...)
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  10.  45
    Linking as Voting : How the Condorcet Jury Theorem in Political Science is Relevant to Webometrics.George Masterton, Erik J. Olsson & Staffan Angere - unknown
  11.  8
    The development of kind concepts: Insights from object individuation.Jenna Croteau, Erik Cheries & Fei Xu - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
  12.  32
    ‘Deep brain stimulation is no ON/OFF-switch’: an ethnography of clinical expertise in psychiatric practice.Maarten van Westen, Erik Rietveld, Annemarie van Hout & Damiaan Denys - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):129-148.
    Despite technological innovations, clinical expertise remains the cornerstone of psychiatry. A clinical expert does not only have general textbook knowledge, but is sensitive to what is demanded for the individual patient in a particular situation. A method that can do justice to the subjective and situation-specific nature of clinical expertise is ethnography. Effective deep brain stimulation (DBS) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves an interpretive, evaluative process of optimizing stimulation parameters, which makes it an interesting case to study clinical expertise. The (...)
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  13.  35
    Artificial intelligence in marketing: friend or foe of sustainable consumption?Erik Hermann - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (5):1975-1976.
  14.  43
    Explicationist Epistemology and Epistemic Pluralism.Erik J. Olsson - 2017 - In Coliva Annalisa & Pedersen Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding (eds.), Epistemic Pluralism. Londra, Regno Unito: Palgrave Macmillan.
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  15. The ultimate think tank: The rise of the Santa Fe Institute libertarian.Erik Baker - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (3-4):32-57.
    Why do corporations and wealthy philanthropists fund the human sciences? Examining the history of the Santa Fe Institute (SFI), a private research institute founded in the early 1980s, this article shows that funders can find as much value in the social worlds of the sciences they sponsor as in their ideas. SFI became increasingly dependent on funding from corporations and libertarian business leaders in the 1990s and 2000s. At the same time, its intellectual work came to focus on the underlying (...)
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  16. vad gör en växt främmande? – Några olika perspektiv.Erik Persson - 2021 - In Johanna Alkan Olsson, Helena Hanson, Erik Persson, Carina Sjöholm & Niklas Vareman (eds.), Växtvärk - Perspektiv på invasiva främmande växter i svensk natur. pp. 31-42.
    Den här boken handlar om invasiva främmande växter. I det föregående kapitlet reflekterade Niklas Vareman om vad som läggs i begreppet ‘invasiv’, men vad gäller då för den andra termen i begreppet – alltså ordet ‘främmande’? Vid första påseende kan det verka som att ’främmande’ borde vara ett enklare ord att definiera. Det är ju vanligare och inte så tekniskt jämfört med ‘invasiv’. Frågan är dock om inte just dessa två egenskaper gör ordet ’främmande’ mer svårdefinierat. Ord som är både (...)
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  17. Countering MacKinnon on Rape and Consent.Erik A. Anderson - 2022 - Social Philosophy Today 38:17-32.
    Feminists are divided on whether consent should be employed in legal definitions of rape. Catharine MacKinnon has criticized the usefulness of consent in enabling legal systems to recognize and prosecute instances of rape (MacKinnon 1989, 2005, 2016). In a recent article in this journal, Lisa H. Schwartzman defends the use of affirmative consent in rape law against MacKinnon’s critique (Schwartzman 2019). In contrast to MacKinnon, Schwartzman claims our understanding of rape must include both force and consent components. In this paper, (...)
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  18. Craig’s God Cannot Create a Temporal Universe.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2021 - Philosophia Christi 23 (2):329-340.
    William Lane Craig’s inuential kalam cosmological argument concludes that the universe has a cause of its beginning. Craig provides some supplementary reasoning to suggest that the first cause is God—a God that exists timelessly without the universe and temporally with the universe. I argue that Craig’s hypothesis about the nature of the first cause is impossible. In particular, it cannot be the case that God timelessly wills to create the universe and the universe begins to exist.
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  19.  22
    Towards a Pragmatic and Pluralist Framework for Energy Justice.Erik Laes, Gunter Bombaerts & Andreas Spahn - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-25.
    The three-tenet model, which focuses on ‘distributional justice’, ‘procedural justice’, and ‘justice as recognition’, has emerged as the most influential framework in the field of energy justice. Based on critical reviews of the three-tenet model, we identify three challenges that the model currently still faces: (i) a normative challenge on the grounding of the three-tenet model in philosophical theories; (ii) an ‘elite’ challenge on the justification of the use of power in energy-related decision; and (iii) a practical challenge on the (...)
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    Should relational effects be considered in health care priority setting?Erik Gustavsson, Niklas Juth, Gerd Lärfars, Pauline Raaschou & Lars Sandman - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (7):668-673.
    It is uncontroversial to claim that the extent to which health care interventions benefit patients is a relevant consideration for health care priority setting. However, when effects accrue to the individual patient, effects of a more indirect kind may accrue to other individuals as well, such as the patient's children, friends, or partner. If, and if so how, such relational effects should be considered relevant in priority setting is contentious. In this paper, we illustrate this question by using disease‐modifying drugs (...)
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    Notes on synonymy.Jens Erik Fenstad - 1962 - Synthese 14 (1):35 - 77.
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    Ein Beitrag zur philosophischen Kritik der kybernetischen Grundlegung der Pädagogik.Erik Adam - 1974 - Linz[-Auhof]: [Auslfg.?], Eigenverl. d. Lehrkanzel f. Statistik, Angewandte Informatik u. Bildungsökonomie.
  23. Totuudellisuuden probleemi.Erik Ahlman - 1929 - Porvoo,: W. Söderström.
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  24.  11
    From church to museum and back again.Erik J. Andersson - 2023 - Approaching Religion 13 (2):106-115.
    In the small village of Kinnarumma in western Sweden an old wooden church was replaced by a new church buildning in the early twentieth century. The old church was de-sacralized by being moved to an open-air museum in Borås and used there for exhibitions and the storage of museum objects. The need for more church premises in the city led to the re-sacralization of the old church in 1930. The transition of Kinnarumma’s old wooden church to museum object, its museumification, (...)
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  25. The Middle Platonist reception of the myth of Er as a theory of fate and 'that which depends on us' : the case of Alcinous' Didascalicus.Erik Eliasson - 2013 - In Anne D. R. Sheppard (ed.), Ancient approaches to Plato's Republic. London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London.
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    Ved humanismens grenser.Erik Bjerck Hagen - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (2):09-25.
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    Disestablishment as Legal Paideia: Assessing Michael McConnell’s Educational and Religious Pluralism.Erik Owens - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:132-140.
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    Ideologi og videnskab.Erik Rasmussen - 1973 - Århus: [Universitetsforlaget i Aarhus : eksp., DBK]. Edited by Stig Jørgensen & K. E. Løgstrup.
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    On Laws of Politics and How to Establish Them.Erik Weber - forthcoming - PS: Political Science and Politics.
    Alfred Cuzán proposed five “laws of politics” that allegedly govern elections in democracies. Drawing from insights in the general philosophy of science and the philosophy of the social sciences, I argue that—although his empirical evidence is impressive—he failed to develop a convincing argument for calling the five theses “laws.” This article discusses other examples that often are claimed to be “laws of politics” and describes the global picture supporting this analysis.
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    Human Flourishing in an Age of Gene Editing.Erik Parens & Josephine Johnston (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    International uproar followed the recent announcement of the birth of twin girls whose genomes had been edited with a breakthrough DNA editing-technology. This technology, called clustered regularly interspaced short palindrome repeats or CRISPR-Cas9, can alter any DNA, including DNA in embryos, meaning that changes can be passed to the offspring of the person that embryo becomes. Should we use gene editing technologies to change ourselves, our children, and future generations to come? The potential uses of CRISPR-Cas9 and other gene editing (...)
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  31. Sokratisk dialog som pedagogisk metod.Erik Persson - 2015 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 2015 (2):13-19.
    Sokrates var inte bara en filosofisk nydanare. Genom sitt sätt att involvera sina samtalspartners i den filosofiska processen var han också i hög utsträckning en pedagogisk nydanare. Hans pedagogiska grundidé var den så kallade majeutiska metoden – det vill säga ”barnmorskemetoden”. Med det menade han att han inte överförde sina egna färdiga tankar till den han talade med utan han hjälpte sin samtalspartner att föda sina egna tankar. Inom pedagogiken är det vanligt att använda den så kallade ”Sokratiska metoden” vilket (...)
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    Else Barth.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (3):341-343.
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  33. How will the emerging plurality of lives change how we conceive of and relate to life?Erik Persson, Jessica Abbott, Christian Balkenius, Anna Cabak Redei, Klara Anna Čápová, Dainis Dravins, David Dunér, Markus Gunneflo, Maria Hedlund, Mats Johansson, Anders Melin & Petter Persson - 2019 - Challenges 10 (1).
    The project “A Plurality of Lives” was funded and hosted by the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies at Lund University, Sweden. The aim of the project was to better understand how a second origin of life, either in the form of a discovery of extraterrestrial life, life developed in a laboratory, or machines equipped with abilities previously only ascribed to living beings, will change how we understand and relate to life. Because of the inherently interdisciplinary nature of the project aim, (...)
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  34. Book Review: Luc Bovens and Stephan Hartmann "Bayesian Epistemology". [REVIEW]Erik J. Olsson - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (2):289-292.
    Book Review of Luc Bovens and Stephan Hartmann *Bayesian Epistemology* by Erik J. Olsson.
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    (1 other version)From philosophy to politics: On Nietzsche's ironic metaphysics of will to power.Erik Parens - 1990 - Man and World 23 (4):393-404.
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    The baubles of biotech, or, that's the spirit.Erik L. Peterson - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 54:124-126.
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  37. Griechisches Rechtsdenken Bd. I.Erik Wolf - 1951 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 6 (1):149-151.
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    Globalization and Public Sector Reform in China.Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard (ed.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    This book analyses public sector reform comprehensively in all parts of China's public sector - government bureaucracy, public service units and state-owned enterprises. It argues that reform of the public sector has become an issue of great concern to the Chinese leaders, who realize that efficient public administration is key to securing the regime's governing capacity and its future survival. The book shows how thinking about public sector reform has shifted in recent decades from a quantitative emphasis on 'small government', (...)
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  39. Getting-the-big-picture: a prerequisite for appropriate nursing action.Erik Elgaard Sørensen & Elisabeth Hall - forthcoming - Nursing Philosophy.
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    On Being Morally Convinced.Knut Erik Tranöy - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 7:451-457.
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  41. which are prescribed by the law; eg, the law does not expressly permit suicide, and what it does not expressly permit it forbids."* I want to draw attention to the italicized part of this quotation in particular. Often when we reason about what is forbidden and what is.Knut Erik Traney - 1963 - In Gunnar Aspelin (ed.), Philosophical essays. Lund,: CWK Gleerup.
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    Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action by Rhiannon Firth (review).John-Erik Hansson - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):606-612.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action by Rhiannon FirthJohn-Erik HanssonRhiannon Firth. Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action. London: Pluto Press, 2022. Paperback, 243 pp. ISBN 9780745340463The COVID-19 pandemic and the unfolding climate crisis, with the multiplication of unprecedented weather events, have shown how urgent it is to reflect on our responses to disaster. Following up on themes she first broached in Coronavirus, Class, and Mutual (...)
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  43.  29
    Editor’s Note.Erik Doxtader - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):213-214.
    This issue of Philosophy & Rhetoric, a somewhat rare double-issue, features significant and inspiring work that moves in a variety of directions and proceeds in a number of idioms, while also responding directly and indirectly to a complex exigence, though perhaps in a less familiar sense of the term, as what Giorgio Agamben calls a “messianic modality” that “coincides with the possibility of philosophy itself”—exigency as the expression of what remains unforgettable in the midst of all that is no longer (...)
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  44.  17
    Tube of Plenty:The Evolution of American Television: The Evolution of American Television.Erik Barnouw - 1990 - Oup Usa.
    Tube of Plenty is an abridgement of Erik Barnouw's classic 3-volume History of Broadcasting in the United States. The paperback edition was first published in 1976 and a second edition in 1982. Much has happened in television in the 1980s; the decline of the three major networks, the expansion of cable and satellite television, film channels like Home Box Office, the success of ESPN, and MTV, and the increased way in which the White House in Washington has managed and (...)
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  45.  27
    When Pasteurian Science Went to Sea: The Birth of Marine Microbiology.Antony Adler & Erik Dücker - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (1):107-133.
    In the late nineteenth century, French naturalists were global leaders in microbial research. Louis Pasteur advanced sterilization techniques and demonstrated that dust particles in the air could contaminate a putrefiable liquid. Pasteur’s discoveries prompted a new research program for the naturalists of the Talisman and Travailleur expeditions: to recover uncontaminated water and mud samples from the deep sea. French naturalists Adrien Certes and Paul Regnard both independently conducted experiments to address the question of whether microorganisms inhabited the oceans and whether (...)
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  46. Methodological Naturalism.Daniel J. McKaughan & Erik L. Peterson - 2013 - In Robert Fastiggi (ed.), New Catholic Encyclopedia (Supplement 2012-13: Ethics and Philosophy). Gale-Cengage Learning.
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    Education Unchained: What It Takes to Restore Schools and Learning.Erik Lidstrom - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Education must be set free it must be returned to parents and to pupils.
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    (1 other version)Managing by measuring.Erik Nylander, Robert Aman, Anders Hallqvist, Anna Malmquist & Fredrik Sandberg - 2013 - Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 1 (1):5-18.
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    Promoting the best as an incentive : reply to Pluchino et al. on the Peter Principle.Erik J. Olsson & Carlo Proietti - unknown
    The Peter Principle states that employees tend to be promoted until they reach their level of incompetence. In a sophisticated simulation study, Pluchino et al confirmed a version of the principle. However, they also noted that their model has the counterintuitive consequence that “the best ways for improving the efficiency of a given organization are either to promote each time an agent at random or to promote randomly the best and the worst members”. We argue that what promotion rule is (...)
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    No single notion of cooperation explains when we respect ownership.Erik Kjos Fonn, Joakim Haugane Zahl, Bjørn Dahl Kristensen, Francesco Margoni & Lotte Thomsen - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e335.
    Cooperation is fundamentally moderated by the form of relationship between the actors involved, as is normative resource distribution. We argue that possessions are likely treated differently across different types of cooperative relationships. Whereas Boyer's computational model might in principle account for this, the theory would benefit from a specification of how different cooperative contexts can shape the representation of ownership.
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