  1.  26
    (In)visibility Before Privacy: A Theological Ethics of Surveillance as Social Sorting.Eric Stoddart - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (1):33-49.
    This article offers a theological ethics of surveillance in its form as social sorting. The skill of (in)visibility is deployed as an analytical device to critique the saliency of privacy rights-talk, given the focus of surveillance having shifted from a panoptic gaze to actionable intelligence. The claim is made that an ideology of normativity and the political categories of ‘evil’ and ‘risky’ persons can be addressed by the notions of relational knowledge (Muers), the resurrection of the non-person (Swinton) and the (...)
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  2.  53
    Who Watches the Watchers? Towards an Ethic of Surveillance in a Digital Age.Eric Stoddart - 2008 - Studies in Christian Ethics 21 (3):362-381.
    The essay considers contemporary surveillance strategies from a Christian ethical perspective. It discusses first surveillance as a form of speech in the light of biblical themes of truthfulness, then draws on principles of subsidiarity and solidarity. Surveillance is dignified as human work whilst its dehumanizing outcomes are challenged. It is concluded that surveillance must contribute to human dignity and that accountability for data must follow a revised model of subsidiarity, appropriate to network rather than linear socio-political relationships. Mutual responsibility for (...)
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  3.  14
    Artificial Pastoral Care: Abdication, Delegation or Collaboration?Eric Stoddart - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (3):660-674.
    This article considers the relationship between Christian pastoral care and Artificial Intelligence systems. Four aspects are identified from definitions of pastoral care: the horizon of contingency in mortality, the role of wisdom rather than mere information, the oppressive and/or liberatory potential of AI and the importance of empathic presence. In rejecting a transhumanist argument that mental processes are substrate-independent, it is contended that pastoral carers embrace, rather than seeking to circumvent, their crucial finitude in being humans who care. A distinction (...)
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