Results for 'Epistemics'

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  1. Is the principle of testimony simply epistemically fundamental or simply not?Epistemically Fundamental Or Simply - 2008 - In Nicola Mößner, Sebastian Schmoranzer & Christian Weidemann, Richard Swinburne: Christian Philosophy in a Modern World. ontos. pp. 61.
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  2. Epistemics: The regulative theory of cognition.Alvin I. Goldman - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy 75 (10):509-523.
    I wish to advocate a reorientation of epistemology. Lest anyone maintain that the enterprise I urge is not epistemology at all (even part of epistemology), I call this enterprise by a slightly different name: epistemics. Despite this terminological concession, I believe that the inquiry I advocate is significantly continuous with traditional epistemology. Like much of past epistemology, it would seek to regulate or guide our intellectual activities. It would try to lay down principles or suggestions for how to conduct (...)
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    "The Splendors and Miseries of" Science.Epistemic Pluriversality - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledges for a Decent Life. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 2002--375.
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  4. Joanna Kadi.Epistemic Position - 2006 - In Elizabeth Hackett & Sally Anne Haslanger, Theorizing feminisms: a reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 40.
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    Epistemics in social interaction.Paul Drew - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):163-187.
    My argument here is principally that the ubiquity of epistemics is evident in the ways in which knowledge claims and attributions of knowledge to self and other are embedded in turns and sequences, inform the design of turns at talk, are amended in the corrections that speakers sometimes make, to change from one epistemic stance to another, and are contested, in the occasional ‘struggles’ between participants, as to which of them has epistemic primacy. I show that these cannot be (...)
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    Which epistemics? Whose conversation analysis?Geoffrey Raymond - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):57-89.
    In a Special Issue of Discourse Studies titled ‘The Epistemics of Epistemics’, contributing authors criticize Heritage’s research on participants’ orientations to, and management of, the distribution of knowledge in conversation. These authors claim that the analytic framework Heritage developed for analyzing epistemic phenomena privileges the analysts’ over the participants’ point of view, and rejects standard methods of conversation analysis ; that and are adopted in developing and defending the use of abstract analytic schemata that offer little purchase on (...)
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  7. Raymond Dacey.Epistemic Honesty - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 331.
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    Social epistemics and social psychology.Alvin Goldman - 1991 - Social Epistemology 5 (2):121–125.
    J. Angelo Corlett suggests a revision in the scope of social epistemics as I have depicted it. Specifically, he suggests that social epistemics should encompass questions about certain psychological processes – viz. social cognitive processes – whereas my original proposal assigned the task of evaluating psychological processes to individual epistemics only. How compelling is this suggestion, and how consonant is it with the general program of epistemics?
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  9. Testimony and Epistemic Autonomy.Ideal of Individual Epistemic Autonomy - 2006 - In Jennifer Lackey & Ernest Sosa, The epistemology of testimony. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  10. Epistemics and Economics: A Critique of Economic Doctrines.G. L. S. Shackle - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (2):151-163.
  11. Organism-environment mutuality epistemics, and the concept of an ecological niche.Thomas R. Alley - 1985 - Synthese 65 (3):411 - 444.
    The concept of an ecological niche (econiche) has been used in a variety of ways, some of which are incompatible with a relational or functional interpretation of the term. This essay seeks to standardize usage by limiting the concept to functional relations between organisms and their surroundings, and to revise the concept to include epistemic relations. For most organisms, epistemics are a vital aspect of their functional relationships to their surroundings and, hence, a major determinant of their econiche. Rejecting (...)
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  12. Attitudes and epistemics.Mark Schroeder - manuscript
    The semantic theory of expressivism has been applied within metaethics to evaluative words like ‘good’ and ‘wrong’, within epistemology to words like ‘knows’, and within the philosophy of language, to words like ‘true’, to epistemic modals like ‘might’, ‘must’, and ‘probably’, and to indicative conditionals. For each topic, expressivism promises the advantage of giving us the resources to say what sentences involving these words mean by telling us what it is to believe these things, rather than by telling us what (...)
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  13. Epistemics & Economics: A Critique of Economic Doctrines. G. L. S. Shackle.L. A. Boland - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (4):424-426.
  14. Foundations of social epistemics.Alvin I. Goldman - 1987 - Synthese 73 (1):109 - 144.
    A conception of social epistemology is articulated with links to studies of science and opinion in such disciplines as history, sociology, and political science. The conception is evaluative, though, rather than purely descriptive. Three types of evaluative approaches are examined but rejected: relativism, consensualism, and expertism. A fourth, truth-linked, approach to intellectual evaluation is then advocated: social procedures should be appraised by their propensity to foster true belief. Standards of evaluation in social epistemics would be much the same as (...)
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    Against Pluralism, AP HAZEN.Resolving Epistemic Dilemmas - 1993 - International Philosophical Quarterly 33 (1).
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    The epistemics of Epistemics: An introduction.Douglas Macbeth & Michael Lynch - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):493-499.
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    Pascal ENGEL (University of Geneva, Switzerland).Davidson on Epistemic Norms - 2008 - In Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo, Knowledge, Language, and Interpretation: On the Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Ontos Verlag. pp. 123.
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  18. André Fuhrmann.Synchronic Versus Diachronic Epistemic Justification - 2010 - In Sven Bernecker & Duncan Pritchard, The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
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  19. The ethics of belief.I. Epistemic Deontologism - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (3):667-695.
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  20. David Henderson Terence Horgan.Epistemic Competence - 2000 - In K. R. Stueber & H. H. Kogaler, Empathy and Agency: The Problem of Understanding in the Human Sciences. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 119.
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    Robert Allen Identity and Becoming No. 4 527.Epistemic Conservatism - 2000 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 38.
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  22. Epistemics of Divine Reality: An Argument for Rational Fideism.Domenic Marbaniang - 2007 - Dissertation, Acts Academy of Higher Education
    Epistemic approaches towards understanding ultimate reality proceed chiefly via the rational, the empirical, and the fideistic way, each yielding a theological view consistent to the approach chosen. Rational theologies tend to be ultimately monist in nature, while empirical theologies are pluralistic, e.g. polytheism. Fideism has its dangers as well where blind faith only hampers scientific research. However, Indian philosophy has suggested few criteria for verifying a source of authoritative testimony. This dissertation investigates why an authentic revelation would solve the ultimate (...)
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    The epistemics of advice-giving sequences: Epistemic primacy and subordination in advice rejection.Shuling Zhang - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (6):705-725.
    Although advice is routinely offered in ordinary conversation, commentators and analysts have treated it as a special or delicate type of action, noticing a number of challenges associated with both providing and receiving it. In this article, I first describe the most basic social-sequential context for giving advice and explicate how the formulations speakers use to offer advice are adapted to the distinct epistemic configurations that characterize that context. Drawing on Jefferson and Lee’s observations regarding ‘troubles tellings’, I argue that (...)
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    The epistemics of presupposition projection.Jan van Eijck & Christina Unger - 2007 - In Dekker Aloni, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. pp. 235-240.
    We carry out the Karttunen-Stalnaker pragmatic account of presupposition projection within a state-of-the art version of dynamic epistemic logic. It turns out that the basic projection facts can all be derived from a Gricean maxim ‘be informative’. This sheds light on a recent controversy on the appropriateness of dynamic semantics as a tool for analysing presupposition.
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    The ubiquity of epistemics: A rebuttal to the ‘epistemics of epistemics’ group.John Heritage - 2017 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):14-56.
    In 2016, Discourse Studies published a special issue on the ‘epistemics of epistemics’ comprising six papers, all of which took issue with a strand of my research on how knowledge claims are asserted, implemented and contested through facets of turn design and sequence organization. Apparently coordinated through some years of discussion, the critique is nonetheless somewhat confused and confusing. In this article, I take up some of more prominent elements of the critique: my work is ‘cognitivist’ substituting causal (...)
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    Epistemics Strikes Back: Situationality and Interaction Orders in Conversation Analysis.Maria A. Erofeeva & Mikael Belov - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (3):50-71.
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    (1 other version)Epistemics of the Holocaust Considering the Question of “Why?” and of “How?”.Dan Diner - 2007 - Naharaim 1 (2):195-213.
    The Holocaust was a rupture in civilisation – a Zivilisationsbruch –, a shattering of ontological certainty. The perception of the event enshrined in the notion of “rupture in civilisation” is the result of both the historical and the conceptual engagement with the event. Its manifest content seeks to combine two ways of discerning which are in fact opposed to one another: a particular one and a universal one. The particular perspective reflects the experience undergone by Jews as Jews of having (...)
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    Speaking ‘out of turn’: Epistemics in action in other-initiated repair.Galina B. Bolden - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):142-162.
    This article provides an empirical demonstration of the saliency of epistemics to two core conversational organizations, turn-taking and repair. To that end, I examine cases in which a participant of a multiparty conversation intervenes into a repair sequence to respond to a repair initiation addressed to the trouble-source speaker, that is, in violation of the turn-taking rules, without having an epistemically grounded entitlement to do so. I show that such interventions enact a range of corrective actions vis-a-vis the repair (...)
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    Michael R. DePaul.Epistemic Virtue - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (3).
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  30. The Epistemics of the Question-Answer Sequence and Its Psycho-Pragmatic Limitations.Herman Parret - 1988 - In Michel Meyer, Questions and questioning. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 280--303.
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    Agent-time epistemics and coordination.Ido Ben-Zvi & Yoram Moses - 2013 - In Kamal Lodaya, Logic and Its Applications. Springer. pp. 97--108.
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    Feminist epistemology and social epistemics.Jane Duran - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (1):45 – 54.
    Recent work in naturalised epistemology has focused almost exclusively on the intersection of cognitive psychology and theory of knowledge; work from sociolinguistics is just now beginning to gain ground. At the same time, feminist epistemologies have striven to articulate the precise paths of connectedness and relatedness that gynocentric theory standardly postulates as being characteristic of female ways of knowing. This paper attempts to articulate the intersection of sociolinguistically naturalised epistemology and feminist theory of knowledge. A model of gynocentrically centred justification (...)
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  33. Haecceities: Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemics.Danny Frederick - manuscript
    I explain what haecceities are and the role they play in our thought and talk about specific individual things, whether those things are concrete or abstract. Everything that can be referred to by using a singular term has a haecceity. I distinguish between singular terms and general terms, on the one hand, and subject terms and predicate terms, on the other. I distinguish three types of sentence: singular predications; general predications; and singular quantifications. I show how singular predications can be (...)
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  34. Epistemic conditionals and conditional epistemics.Anthony S. Gillies - 2004 - Noûs 38 (4):585–616.
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    Reverting to a hidden interactional order: Epistemics, informationism, and conversation analysis.Jean Wong & Michael Lynch - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):526-549.
    This article critically examines the relations between epistemics in conversation analysis and linguistic and cognitivist conceptions of communicative interaction that emphasize information and information transfer. The epistemic program adheres to the focus on recorded instances of talk-in-interaction that is characteristic of CA, explicitly identifies its theoretical origins with ethnomethodology, and points to implications of its research for the social distribution of knowledge. However, despite such affiliations with CA and ethnomethodology, the EP is cognitivist in the way it emphasizes information (...)
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  36. Australasian Journal of Philosophy Contents of Volume 91.Present Desire Satisfaction, Past Well-Being, Volatile Reasons, Epistemic Focal Bias, Some Evidence is False, Counting Stages, Vague Entailment, What Russell Couldn'T. Describe, Liberal Thinking & Intentional Action First - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4).
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  37. Shifty Contextualism About Epistemics.Caleb Perl - 2017 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 4.
  38. More paradoxical epistemics.Martin Hollis - 1986 - Analysis 46 (4):217-218.
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    Expertise as a domain of epistemics in intensive care shift-handovers.Jaap Tulleken, Ninke Stukker, Tom Koole & Paulien Harms - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (5):636-651.
    This paper examines how expertise is treated as a separable domain of epistemics by looking at simulated intensive care shift-handovers between resident physicians. In these handovers, medical information about a patient is transferred from an outgoing physician to an incoming physician. These handovers contain different interactional activities, such as discussing the patient identifiers, giving a clinical impression, and discussing tasks and focus points. We found that with respect to knowledge about the patient, the OPs display an orientation to a (...)
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    Book Reviews : Epistemics and Economics: A critique of economic doctrines. By G. L. S. SHACKLE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, I973. Pp. 482. $25.25. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Newman - 1974 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 4 (3):409-412.
  41. Lisa Green/Aspectual be–type Constructions and Coercion in African American English Yoad Winter/Distributivity and Dependency Instructions for Authors.Pauline Jacobson, Paycheck Pronouns, Bach-Peters Sentences, Inflectional Head, Thomas Ede Zimmermann, Free Choice Disjunction, Epistemic Possibility, Sigrid Beck & Uli Sauerland - 2000 - Natural Language Semantics 8 (373).
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    Veritistic epistemology and feminist epistemology: A-rational epistemics?Cassandra L. Pinnick - 2000 - Social Epistemology 14 (4):281 – 291.
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    What is social about social epistemics?James Maffie - 1991 - Social Epistemology 5 (2):101 – 110.
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    LLMs beyond the lab: the ethics and epistemics of real-world AI research.Joost Mollen - 2025 - Ethics and Information Technology 27 (1):1-11.
    Research under real-world conditions is crucial to the development and deployment of robust AI systems. Exposing large language models to complex use settings yields knowledge about their performance and impact, which cannot be obtained under controlled laboratory conditions or through anticipatory methods. This epistemic need for real-world research is exacerbated by large-language models’ opaque internal operations and potential for emergent behavior. However, despite its epistemic value and widespread application, the ethics of real-world AI research has received little scholarly attention. To (...)
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    Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches? Deontics and epistemics in discussions of health and well-being in participatory workplace settings.Johan Simonsen Abildgaard & Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (1):44-64.
    In participatory activities in the workplace, employees are invited to raise problems and suggest improvements to the management. Although it is widely acknowledged that employees rarely control decisions in these settings, little is known about the interactional resources that employees and managers draw upon when negotiating consensus about which initiatives to pursue in the future. We analyse interactions from participatory meetings in an industrial setting in relation to the topic of work shoes, showing how the participants orient to both their (...)
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  46. Creaking semaphore and beyond: A consideration of Shackle's ‘epistemics and economics’. [REVIEW]Alan Coddington - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (2):151-163.
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    Epistemic theories of democracy, constitutionalism and the procedural legitimacy of fundamental rights.Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2012 - Dissertation, University of St Andrews
    The overall aim of this thesis is to assess the legitimacy of constitutional laws and bills of rights within the framework of procedural epistemic democracy. The thesis is divided into three sections. In the first section, I discuss the relevance of an epistemic argument for democracy under the circumstances of politics: I provide an account of reasonable disagreement and explain how usual approaches to the authority of decision-making procedures fail to take it seriously. In the second part of the thesis, (...)
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  48. The Epistemic Value of Photographs.Catharine Abell - 2010 - In Catharine Abell & Katerina Bantinaki, Philosophical Perspectives on Depiction. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    There is a variety of epistemic roles to which photographs are better suited than non-photographic pictures. Photographs provide more compelling evidence of the existence of the scenes they depict than non-photographic pictures. They are also better sources of information about features of those scenes that are easily overlooked. This chapter examines several different attempts to explain the distinctive epistemic value of photographs, and argues that none is adequate. It then proposes an alternative explanation of their epistemic value. The chapter argues (...)
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  49. Epistemic Supervenience and Internalism: A Trilemma.Colin Ruloff - 2009 - Theoria 75 (2):129-151.
    Epistemic Internalism (EI) is the claim that an agent S is justified in believing that p at a time t iff S has either an actual or potential direct awareness of the grounds or properties that confer justification on p at t . In this paper I argue that EI does not provide the proponent of EI with an intuitively clear analysis of epistemic justification. More exactly, after identifying two different versions of EI – a weak version and a strong (...)
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    Epistēmē, virtud y posesión en los diálogos socráticos.Vianney Domingo-Ribary - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (2):241-266.
    Propongo en este artículo una aproximación a la epistēmē socrática, poco explorada, que permite mostrar las insuficiencias que se generan si ésta se explica solamente desde un punto de vista cognitivo, y que muestra, a su vez, que la epistēmē socrática permite acoger aproximaciones diferentes a partir de las que tradicionalmente se ha establecido su sentido. La caracterización de la virtud que se propone es su consideración desde los estados determinados que genera su ejercicio, y que el agente posee.
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