Results for 'Enrique D'Amico'

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  1.  95
    Diseño y emprendimiento en ecosistemas socio culturales, económicos y espaciales.Enrique D'Amico & Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2024 - In Liliana Beatríz Sosa Compeán, Sonia Guadalupe Rivera Castillo, Sofía Alejandra Luna Rodríguez & Marta Nydia Molina González, Diseño moviendo al mundo. Interacciones, interrelaciones, interconexiones. Nuevo León: Labyrinthos editores - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. pp. 137-157.
    This chapter deals with the ways in which entrepreneurships driven by industrial design and the strategies for interconnecting design for innovation are articulated. In the first instance, current practices are recognized in order to analyze the different processes that entrepreneurial dynamics go through. This analysis is carried out from a systemic perspective, at three levels of abstraction: designer, entrepreneurship and ecosystem. The theoretical and conceptual framework will be structured based on the innovations driven by design, which occur around the designer, (...)
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  2. Deconstructing D'Amico, or Why Joel Whitebook is so Upset.Robert D'Amico - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):153-156.
    My review of Cornelius Castoriadis' book Crossroads in the Labyrinth ended with the apt reference, I now see, to the emperor being naked. In Joel Whitebook's second review, largely irrelevant to my criticisms of Castoriadis, he fears, though he doesn't know me personally, that only the lack of psychological counseling can explain my uncontrolled anger against Castoriadis. Let me dignify his long distance psychoanalysis by passing over it in silence. Silence is also the best remedy for Whitebook's transcendental deduction that (...)
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    Lawrence I. Hatab, Ethics and Finitude: Heideggerian Contributions to Moral Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, New York, 2000, pp. 240.Robert D'amico - 2003 - Utilitas 15 (2):251.
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    The Problem of the Contingency of the World in Husserl’s Phenomenology.Robert D'Amico - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 38 (3):434-436.
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    La pelle dell'orso: noi e gli altri animali.Margherita D'Amico - 2007 - Milano: Mondadori.
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  6. Consciousness and History: Phenomenological and Structuralist Philosophies of the Human Sciences.Robert D'amico - 1974 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
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    Marx and Philosophy of Culture.Robert D'Amico - 1980
  8.  98
    La recepción del pensamiento de Proclo en la obra de Nicolás de Cusa.Claudia D'Amico - 2009 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 26:107-134.
    The article analizes the several times of Proclus‘s reception by Nicholas of Cusa’s thought. The direct reading of Proclus can be established because Expositio in Parmenidem Platonis –Cod.Cus. 186– and Elementatio theological –Cod.Cus.195– (Moerbeke’s translation) and De theologia Platonis Libri VI –Cod.Cus.185– (Petrus Balbus’s translation) are in his Library in Bernkastel-Kues with his marginalia. The assimilation of doctrines can be considered assuming that the implicits and explicits references to Plato’s Diadochus, especially in the last works.
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  9.  36
    The Theory of the Novel.Robert D'Amico - 1975 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (3):429-430.
  10.  93
    Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison.Robert D'Amico - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (36):169-183.
    This writer who has warned us of the “ideological” function of both the oeuvre and the author as unquestioned forms of discursive organization has gone quite far in constituting for both these “fictitious unities” the name (with all the problems of such a designation) Michel Foucault. One text under review, La Volonté de Savoir, is the methodological introduction of a projected five-volume history of sexuality. It will apparently circle back over that material which seems to have a special fascination for (...)
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  11.  22
    Cold Fusion.R. D'Amico - 1993 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1993 (97):112-114.
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  12. El origen como destino: la teorización y la profesionalización de la filosofía en los orígenes de la Universidad.Claudia D'Amico - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía 19 (22):159-174.
    Este artículo analiza el contexto en el que surge la Universidad en el occidente latino medieval y en ese marco la teorización y profesionalización de la filosofía. Por otra parte, expone de qué manera esta profesionalización impone su propia negación como la filosofía en lengua vulgar y los saberes no universitarios. Finalmente, reflexiona sobre la Universidad hoy.
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    R.M. Hare, 1919-2002.Robert D'Amico - 2002 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 76 (2):129 - 130.
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    Silvana Filippi. In memoriam.Claudia D'Amico & Roberto Casazza - 2021 - Patristica Et Medievalia 42 (1):5-7.
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  15. Michel Foucault, "Discipline and Punish"; Michel Foucault, "Language, Counter-Memory, Practice"; Michel Foucault, "La Volonte de Savoir"; Jean Baudrillard, "Oublier Foucault".Robert D'amico - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 36.
    Title: Discipline and PunishPublisher: Pantheon booksISBN: 978-0394499420Author: Michel FoucaultTitle: Language, Counter-Memory, PracticePublisher: Wiley-BlackwellISBN: 978-0631182405Author: Michel FoucaultTitle: La Volonte de SavoirPublisher: GallimardAuthor: Michel FoucaultTitle: Oublier FoucaultPublisher: Editions GalileeISBN: 978-2718600604Author: Jean Baudrillard.
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  16.  57
    Historicism and Knowledge.Robert D'Amico - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    A critical account of the case for historicism from Popper to Foucault, this volume, originally published in 1989, shows the viability of an historicist account of knowledge by replying to traditional objections and the need for defenses of realism and reference at the heart of most alternatives to historicism. The book provides insights to those in philosophy as well as literary criticism, intellectual history, history of science, and cultural criticism.
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  17. The Long March Out of the 20th Century.Robert D'Amico & Paul Piccone - 2004 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2004 (127):2-10.
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    Knowledge Problems and Proportionality.Daniel J. D'Amico - 2015 - Criminal Justice Ethics 34 (2):131-155.
    The proportionality standard demands a meaningful link between the severity of crimes and the punishments received for them. This article investigates the compatibility between this philosophical demand and the practical means most commonly associated with criminal justice provision: governmental decision making. In so far as criminal justice systems require the coordination of real human and physical resources, certain forms of knowledge and incentives are required to calculate, produce, and distribute outputs proportionately. Whereas markets rely upon pricing mechanisms to generate and (...)
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  19. Holistic Republicanism.Robert D'Amico - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2000 (118):183-192.
    Title: The Common Mind: An Essay on Psychology, Society, and PoliticsPublisher: Oxford University PressISBN: 0195106458Author: Philip PettitTitle: Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and GovernmentPublisher: Oxford University PressISBN: 0198296428Author: Philip Pettit.
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  20. Laws and Concepts.Robert D'Amico - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (131):50-64.
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    Introduction.R. D'Amico, P. Piccone & G. Ulmen - 1996 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1996 (107):3-9.
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    Philosophy for Art.R. D'Amico - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (74):177-183.
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    Problems with Traditions.R. D'Amico - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1992 (94):37-44.
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    The counter-revolution of criminological science: a study on the abuse of reasoned punishment.Daniel D'Amico - 2017 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 10 (1):1-40.
    Trends in the history of social science dedicated to the study of crime and punishment are presented as a case study supporting F.A. Hayek's theory of social change. Designing effective social institutions and public policies first requires an accurate vision of how society operates. An accurate model of society further requires scientific methods uniquely suited for the study of human beings as purposeful agents and the study of human institutions as complex social phenomena. If guided by faulty methods, theories are (...)
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    Acerca del carácter irreductible de la mens humana en Nicolás de Cusa: unidad y número.Claudia D’Amico - 2018 - Franciscanum 60 (169):87.
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    Sociological Structures and Accounting Misbehavior: An Institutional Anomie Theory Explanation of Restatements in Family Firms.Eugenio D’Amico, Felice Matozza & Elisabetta Mafrolla - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (2):434-469.
    This article studies the underinvestigated but fascinating issue of the sociological determinants of accounting misbehavior while focusing on an allegedly illicit accounting practice (i.e., restatement) in family- vs. nonfamily-controlled corporations. Under the framework of institutional anomie theory, we examined whether sociological structures (i.e., legal forces and cultural values) influence accounting errors inducing restatements. By applying a multivariate regression analysis to a sample of restating firms listed in 23 countries during the 2006 to 2014 period, we found that legal forces and (...)
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    A Concept of Subjectivity: Comments on Jacoby's Social Amnesia.R. D'Amico - 1975 - Télos 1975 (24):129-134.
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    El idiota de Nicolás de Cusa.Claudia D'Amico - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 11:111-117.
    En el sugestivo libro aparecido en 1991 ¿Qué es la filosofía? Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari definen la filosofía como creación de conceptos. Añaden asimismo que esos nuevos conceptos necesitan personajes conceptuales que contribuyan a definirlos. No son muchas las veces que se asiste a la creación de un concepto. Un ejemplo recurrente es el cogito cartesiano: ¿por qué es verdaderamente una creación? En primer lugar porque no supone otros conceptos pero, sin embargo, es comprensible porque está sostenido por una (...)
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    Giordano Bruno: avventure e misteri del grande mago nell'Europa del Cinquecento.Matteo D'Amico - 2000 - Casale Monferrato (Alessandria): Piemme.
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    NICOLAS DE CUSA: La prioridad del simbolo matematico en la busqueda de la sabiduria.Claudia D' Amico - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (3):657-663.
    Nicolau de Cusa é conhecido por suas teorias a respeito do conhecimento, principalmente por sua obra A douta ignorância. Nela e em outras, sempre dentro de uma visão medieval, vê-se que a.sabedoria cusana é uma tentativa de alcançar incansavelmente o inalcançável. Para tanto são de grande importância os símbolos matemáticos.
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    Packaging Fog.R. D'Amico - 1990 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1990 (83):205-208.
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    The Contours and Coupures of Structuralist Theory.Robert D'Amico - 1973 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1973 (17):70-97.
    Foucault has spoken recently of the profound disruption in the domain of knowledge at every level of contemporary theory. “From the beginning of this century psychoanalytic, linguistic and ethnographic research has ousted the subject from the laws of his desires, from the forms of his speech, from the rules of his actions and from the systems of his mythical discourses.” It has become increasingly more important to deal with the thrust of these developments at the level of theory, not under (...)
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    The Prison House of Language.R. D'Amico - 1974 - Télos 1974 (22):154-163.
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    What Theory? Whose Community?R. D'Amico - 1990 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1990 (86):158-169.
  35. Manuscripts.John F. D'Amico - 1988 - In C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye, The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 11--24.
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  36.  90
    Essays in Memory of Mitchell Franklin.Robert D'Amico - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (70):6-10.
    From 1969 through the 70's Mitchell Franklin was Emeritus Professor of Law and Philosophy at SUNY Buffalo. Over this period his teaching gradually shifted to philosophy where he gave a series of lectures on Hegel, Marx and Neo-Hegelianism, which attracted and influenced a new group of students. These philosophy students were rediscovering the Continental tradition and turning to phenomenology, Western Marxism and German Idealism against die positivist and analytic traditions which had a dying but tenacious hold on philosophy. The following (...)
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    Elogio o analisi del manuale?Ennio D'Amico - 1986 - Idee 2:193-198.
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    Going Relativist.Robert D'Amico - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (67):135-145.
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    Intellectual Eclipse.R. D'Amico - 1990 - Télos 1990 (83):163-167.
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    Lenin and the End of Politics.Robert D'Amico - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):157-165.
    At the end of World War II Karl Popper, at the time a little known philosopher of science, published The Open Society and Its Enemies. He dedicated the book to the victims of both Hitler's and Stalin's camps and called it his “war effort.” The book had an enormous impact and spawned both imitators, such as Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism, and a great deal of debate. Whatever else it accomplished Popper's work politicized the history of ideas. Against the (...)
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    Relativism and Conceptual Schemes.Robert D'Amico - 1988 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (2):201-212.
  42. Sed amentes sunt isti: against Michel Foucault's account of Cartesian skepticism.Robert D'amico - 1994 - Philosophical Forum 26 (1):33-48.
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    Spreading Disease: A Controversy Concerning the Metaphysics of Disease.Robert D'Amico - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (2):143 - 162.
    This article concerns the metaphysics of disease. Is disease a fixed feature of the world or a social value or preference? I argue that disease is not a value-laden concept and thus debates concerning it differ fundamentally from debates concerning health, harm, or suffering where evaluative judgements are central. I show how the so-called social constructionist view of disease has been motivated both by ethical concerns with medical practices and general theoretical doubts about scientific naturalism. If I can show that (...)
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    The Legacy of Benedetto Croce: Contemporary Critical Views.Jack D'Amico, Dain A. Trafton & Massimo Verdicchio - 1999 - University of Toronto Press.
    The foremost Italian philosopher of the first half of the 20th century, Croce's influence extended to every aspect of Italian intellectual life. This collection explores the depth, originality, and significance of his thought.
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    What was Telos All About?R. D'Amico - 1994 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1994 (101):97-100.
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    Crossroads in the Labyrinth.Robert D'Amico - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (60):193-200.
    In a political version of the old biological cliché “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” Cornelius Castoriadis seems to embody in his personal evolution fetal stages in the labor pains of the left since World War II. According to Dick Howard in the The Marxian Legacy Castoriadis was a youthful member of the Greek Communist Party where opposition to Stalinism lead him to Trotsky. After the war and the resistance he emerges in Paris studying philosophy and cuts his political teeth on the splits (...)
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    Gattinara et la « monarchie impériale » de Charles Quint. Entre millénarisme, translatio imperii et droits du Saint-Empire.Juan Carlos D’Amico - 2012 - Astérion 10 (10).
    La diffusion du mythe de la monarchie universelle au début du XVIe siècle est strictement liée à l’ampleur des territoires possédés par Charles Quint. Pour le chancelier impérial Mercurino Gattinara, les idées universalistes et messianiques, qui accompagnaient la symbolique de l’Empire, devaient servir à légitimer une politique visant à donner une structure plus rationnelle aux territoires de Charles Quint et à garantir aux Habsbourg une influence prépondérante dans l’ensemble de l’Europe. Gattinara imaginait une sorte de monarchie supranationale organisée selon le (...)
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    Reply to the Introduction to Telos 108.Robert D'Amico - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (110):141-147.
    Before commenting on the “Introduction” to Telos 108 by Piccone, Berman and Ulmen, I want to cite two distinctions relevant to my discussion of it. First, federalism and populism are separate concepts, whatever it turns out is the proper meaning of populism and whether or not the intent of the Introduction was to argue for both. Federalism concerns a type of social organization held to be preferable for relatively complex commercial societies; the kind of societies that presently dominate the first (...)
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  49.  15
    AIDS and The Politics of Morbidity.R. D'Amico & A. J. Layon - 1988 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1988 (76):115-129.
  50.  9
    3. Croce and the Commedia dell'arte of Naples.Jack D'amico - 1999 - In Jack D'Amico, Dain A. Trafton & Massimo Verdicchio, The Legacy of Benedetto Croce: Contemporary Critical Views. University of Toronto Press. pp. 31-51.
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