Results for 'Enamel'

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  1.  31
    Dental enamel as a dietary indicator in mammals.Peter Lucas, Paul Constantino, Bernard Wood & Brian Lawn - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (4):374-385.
    The considerable variation in shape, size, structure and properties of the enamel cap covering mammalian teeth is a topic of great evolutionary interest. No existing theories explain how such variations might be fit for the purpose of breaking food particles down. Borrowing from engineering materials science, we use principles of fracture and deformation of solids to provide a quantitative account of how mammalian enamel may be adapted to diet. Particular attention is paid to mammals that feed on ‘hard (...)
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    Simulation of enamel wear for reconstruction of diet and feeding behavior in fossil animals: A micromechanics approach.Paul J. Constantino, Oscar Borrero-Lopez, Antonia Pajares & Brian R. Lawn - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):89-99.
    The deformation and wear events that underlie microwear and macrowear signals commonly used for dietary reconstruction in fossil animals can be replicated and quantified by controlled laboratory tests on extracted tooth specimens in conjunction with fundamental micromechanics analysis. Key variables governing wear relations include angularity, stiffness (modulus), and size of the contacting particle, along with material properties of enamel. Both axial and sliding contacts can result in the removal of tooth enamel. The degree of removal, characterized by a (...)
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    Enamels in the Byzantine World: Owners and Distribution.P. Hetherington - 1988 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 81 (2).
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  4. Byzantine cloisonné enamel: Production, survival and loss (*).P. Hetherington - 2006 - Byzantion 76:185-220.
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  5. Problems in the Methodology of Dental Enamel Hypoplasia Analyses.Aimee Hindle - 1998 - Nexus 13 (1):3.
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    Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné EnamelsChinese and Japanese Cloisonne Enamels.Henry Trubner & Harry Garner - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (1):158.
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  7. The technology of early overglaze enamels from the Chinese imperial and popular kilns= La technologie des premiers emaux sur glacure des fours chinois imperiaux et populaires.Pamela B. Vandiver, Anne Bouquillon, Rose Kerr & Rosemary Scott - 1997 - Techne: Vers Une Science de l'Heritage Culturel: Quelques Exemples de Laboratoires Etrangers= Techne: Towards a Science for Cultural Legacy: Some Examples From Laboratories Outside France 6:25-34.
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    (1 other version)Seeing Through the Paint. The Dissemination of Technical Terminology between Three Métiers: Pictura translucida, Enameling and Glass Painting.Marjolijn Bol - 2013 - In Andreas Speer (ed.), Zwischen Kunsthandwerk Und Kunst: Die,Schedula Diversarum Artium'. De Gruyter. pp. 145-162.
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    Marco Aimone, The Wyvern Collection. Byzantine and Sasanian Silver, Enamels and Works of Art. With contributions by Erica Cruickshank Dodd, Rika Gyselen, Peter Northoven, and Jack Ogden. London / New York: Thames & Hudson, 2020. [REVIEW]Adrien Palladino - 2021 - Convivium 8 (2):186-188.
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    Paul signac's "against the enamel of a background rhythmic with beats and angles, tones and colors, portrait of M. félix fénéon in 1890, opus 217". [REVIEW]José Argüelles - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (1):49-53.
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  11. L'altération des émaux.Isabelle Biron & Sophie Baratte - 1998 - Techne 7:79-80.
  12. Icon of Fury: Claire Denis's Trouble Every Day.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2008 - Film-Philosophy 12 (1):1-9.
    On the young bride’s shoulder is a mauve bite mark: the outline of a mouth, a double arch,teeth marks, open jaws, lips raised up over hard enamel. Not the barely open lips of a kisson the skin; open, rather, as for a kiss on the mouth, but this time penetrating the skin: abristling kiss with the teeth bared, extreme – at the limit of the kiss, or beyond. A cruelkiss: a kiss of flesh . A young couple kisses in (...)
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  13. Überlegung zur Datierung und Lokalisierung der Innsbrucker Artukiden-Schale.Oluş Arik & Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger - 2009 - Byzantion 79:37-47.
    The so-called Artukid bowl is the only enameled object which includes both an Arabic and a Persian inscription. According to the Arabic inscription the Artukid ruler Rukn ed Devle Davud was the owner of this object. Although its provenance is still unclear, the technique and material show similarities to several Byzantine examples. For this reason the bowl has been interpreted as a royal gift from Constantinople to the Artukid ruler. It has also been attributed to Georgia or to Mesopotamia. The (...)
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  14. Primed for Reading.Robert Boyd - unknown
    Reading is an amazing skill. As you read this review, meaning flows from the page (or for many readers, the screen) into your brain. This happens automatically—you can’t choose not to understand the written word any more than the spoken one. It’s also highly efficient. Most people can process text two or three times faster than speech. Of course, humans have many amazing skills. We also identify objects, decode speech, and understand complex social situations automatically and efficiently. However, the machinery (...)
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    Russian Idea" of F.M. Dostoevsky: from Soilness to Universality.Sergei A. Nizhnikov - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):15-24.
    The author reveals Fyodor Dostoevsky's works main features, his importance for Russian and world philosophy. The researcher analyzes the concept of "Russian Idea" introduced by Dostoyevsky, which became a study subject in Russian philosophy's subsequent history. The polemics that arose regarding the characteristics of Dostoevsky's soilness ideology and his interpretation of the Russian Idea in his Pushkin Speech and subsequent comments in A Writer's Diary are unveiled. The author concludes that Dostoevsky overcomes the limitations of soilness and comes to universalism. (...)
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    Teeth reveal juvenile diet, health and neurotoxicant exposure retrospectively: What biological rhythms and chemical records tell us.Tanya M. Smith, Luisa Cook, Wendy Dirks, Daniel R. Green & Christine Austin - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (9):2000298.
    Integrated developmental and elemental information in teeth provide a unique framework for documenting breastfeeding histories, physiological disruptions, and neurotoxicant exposure in humans and our primate relatives, including ancient hominins. Here we detail our method for detecting the consumption of mothers’ milk and exploring health history through the use of laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) mapping of sectioned nonhuman primate teeth. Calcium‐normalized barium and lead concentrations in tooth enamel and dentine may reflect milk and formula consumption with minimal modification (...)
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  17. Ethics of Artificial Water Fluoridation in Australia.N. Awofeso - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (2):161-172.
    A recent decision by several Australian State politicians to support a parliamentary review of artificial water fluoridation has an intensified debate on the public health intervention. While there is a majority agreement among Australian dentists and other health professionals that adequate enamel fluoride is essential for dental health, the ethics of artificial fluoridation of public water supplies as a contemporary vehicle for facilitating adequate supply of fluoride to teeth is highly contested. Opponents of artificial water fluoridation insist that there (...)
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    ReGrounding: The Art and Practice of Viewing Stone Display.Richard Turner - 2018 - Substance 47 (2):59-67.
    A viewing stone is a rock that has been selected and displayed for the purpose of aesthetic appreciation. The relocation of a stone from its natural habitat changes the found object from an ordinary rock to a viewing stone that invites close examination and perhaps contemplation.In this essay, I will examine the act of "re-grounding" rocks that have been removed from nature and resettled in the soil of culture. Using examples from my collection of viewing stones, I will consider the (...)
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    Anglo-Saxon, Irish and British Relations: Hanging-Bowls Reconsidered.Susan Youngs - 2009 - In Youngs Susan (ed.), Anglo-Saxon/Irish Relations before the Vikings. pp. 205.
    This chapter examines the origin of the enamelled hanging-bowls discovered in Sutton Hoo and their implications for understanding Anglo-Saxon, Irish, and British relations. It suggests that such bowls were originally made in some of the most prosperous centres of British Britain from the mid-sixth century, and that the fashion for them was exported to Ireland much later than the first wave of brooches and pins of around the year 400. The chapter contends that the problem concerning the origin of the (...)
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    Hermeneutics and Technologies.Don Ihde - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 180–183.
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  21. Les triptyques reliquaires Dutuit: de l'oeil du connaisseur à l'examen en laboratoire. Histoire d'une réhabilitation.Isabelle Biron, Dominique Morel & Thierry Borel - 1998 - Techne 8:97-106.