Results for 'Empirical foundation of the concept of errors'

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  1.  95
    Treatment error in psychotherapy: an empirical contribution to the notion of error and its ethical aspects.Irina Medau, Ralf J. Jox & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (1):3-18.
    Behandlungsfehler in der Psychotherapie sind bisher kaum erforscht. Eine empirisch gestützte Kategorisierung von Behandlungsfehlern stellt einen ersten Schritt dar, sich evidenzbasierten ethischen Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit solchen Fehlern zu nähern. Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit ist es, dafür erste Grundlagen zu erarbeiten, die auf Erfahrungen von Praktikern Bezug nehmen. Nach einer systematischen Literaturrecherche wurden 30 semistrukturierte Interviews mit approbierten Psychotherapeuten unterschiedlicher Ausrichtungen (Schulen) geführt und anhand der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring ausgewertet. Die beschriebenen, alltäglich auftretenden Behandlungsfehler konnten in technische, normative, Einschätzungs- und (...)
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    Foundations of the Unity of Science. Volume II, no. 7: Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Empirical Science.International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, I and II. [REVIEW]J. J. C. Smart & Carl G. Hempel - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (3):473.
  3.  54
    The Concept of Tribe: Crisis of a Concept or Crisis of the Empirical Foundations of Anthropology?Maurice Godelier & R. Blohm - 1973 - Diogenes 21 (81):1-25.
    Anthropologists customarily use the term ‘tribe’ to designate two realms of different yet connected facts. On the one hand, nearly all of them make use of it to distinguish one type of society among many, one specific mode of social organization which they compare to others—’bands,’ ‘States,’ etc. There is, however, a lack of unanimity on this point, an outcome of the imprecision, the haziness of the criteria selected to define and to isolate these various types of society. But the (...)
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    Rethinking the Conceptual and Empirical Foundations of Clinical Ethics.Laurence B. McCullough - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (1):1-5.
    The five papers in the 2008 “Clinical Ethics” number of the journal address the conceptual and empirical foundations of clinical ethics. Three articles take up the concept of professionalism in medicine, exploring its possibilities and implications. The fourth article provides a distinctive, phenomenological account of the “placebo effect,” a vexing topic of surprising durability in the clinical setting. The final article, a systematic review of the qualitative literature on bedside rationing of resources, creates an empirical foundation (...)
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    The concept of the moral domain in moral foundations theory and cognitive developmental theory: Horses for courses?Bruce Maxwell & Guillaume Beaulac - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (3):360-382.
    Moral foundations theory chastises cognitive developmental theory for having foisted on moral psychology a restrictive conception of the moral domain which involves arbitrarily elevating the values of justice and caring. The account of this negative influence on moral psychology, referred to in the moral foundations theory literature as the ?great narrowing?, involves several interrelated claims concerning the scope of the moral domain construct in cognitive moral developmentalism, the procedure by which it was initially elaborated, its empirical grounds and the (...)
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    The Hellenistic and Roman Foundations of the Tradition of Aristotle in the West.Richard McKeon - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (4):677 - 715.
    Changes in the nature and conception of philosophy reflect changes in the modes in which philosophy was pursued during the first thousand years of the formation and influence of Aristotle’s philosophy. In the Hellenic period, philosophy consisted of inquiry and discussion, oral or written, in expositions or dialogues. Recording other positions, past or present, that is, history, was part of both modes of philosophizing. In the Hellenistic period, philosophy moved into schools and libraries and became scholastic and scholarly. The schools (...)
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    Moral foundations theory and the narrative self: towards an improved concept of moral selfhood for the empirical study of morality.Tom Gerardus Constantijn van den Berg & Luigi Dennis Alessandro Corrias - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-27.
    Within the empirical study of moral decision making, people’s morality is often identified by measuring general moral values through a questionnaire, such as the Moral Foundations Questionnaire provided by Moral Foundations Theory (MFT). However, the success of these moral values in predicting people’s behaviour has been disappointing. The general and context-free manner in which such approaches measure moral values and people’s moral identity seems crucial in this respect. Yet, little research has been done into the underlying notion of self. (...)
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    On the Origin of Objects.Brian Cantwell Smith - 1996 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    On the Origin of Objects is the culmination of Brian Cantwell Smith's decade-long investigation into the philosophical and metaphysical foundations of computation, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. Based on a sustained critique of the formal tradition that underlies the reigning views, he presents an argument for an embedded, participatory, "irreductionist," metaphysical alternative. Smith seeks nothing less than to revise our understanding not only of the machines we build but also of the world with which they interact. Smith's ambitious project begins (...)
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  9. The empirical foundation and justification of knowledge.Jiaming Chen - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (1):67-82.
    Whether empirical givenness has the reliability that foundationalists expect is a point about which some philosophers are highly skeptical. Sellars took the doctrine of givenness as a “myth,” denying the existence of immediate perceptual experience. The arguments in contemporary Western epistemology are concentrated on whether sensory experience has conceptual contents, and whether there is any logical relationship between perceptions and beliefs. In fact, once the elements of words and conceptions in empirical perception are affirmed, the logical relationship between (...)
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    An empirical ethics study of the coherence of NICE technology appraisal policy and its implications for moral justification.Victoria Charlton & Michael DiStefano - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-22.
    Background As the UK’s main healthcare priority-setter, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has good reason to want to demonstrate that its decisions are morally justified. In doing so, it has tended to rely on the moral plausibility of its principle of cost-effectiveness and the assertion that it has adopted a fair procedure. But neither approach provides wholly satisfactory grounds for morally defending NICE’s decisions. In this study we adopt a complementary approach, based on the proposition that (...)
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  11. Matter and motion in the Metaphysical Foundations and the first Critique: The Empirical Concept of Matter and the Categories.Michael Friedman - 2000 - In Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant and the Sciences. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 53--69.
  12. The Prescience of the Untimely: A Review of Arab Spring, Libyan Winter by Vijay Prashad. [REVIEW]Sasha Ross - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):218-223.
    continent. 2.3 (2012): 218–223 Vijay Prashad. Arab Spring, Libyan Winter . Oakland: AK Press. 2012. 271pp, pbk. $14.95 ISBN-13: 978-1849351126. Nearly a decade ago, I sat in a class entitled, quite simply, “Corporations,” taught by Vijay Prashad at Trinity College. Over the course of the semester, I was amazed at the extent of Prashad’s knowledge, and the complexity and erudition of his style. He has since authored a number of classic books that have gained recognition throughout the world. The Darker (...)
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    The movement of the whole and the stationary earth: ecological and planetary thinking in Georges Bataille.Educational Philosophy Jon Auring Grimm General Education, His Research is Centred Around ‘General Ecology’ The Danish Poet Inger Christensen, Poetry He Considers His Current Work as A. Natural Extension of His Magart Thesis on Nietzsche Nature, Which Was Published After Completion He has Published Extensively in Danish on Topics Such as Eroticism Heraclitus, Ecology Nature, Wrote the Afterword To Poetry & Notably Story of the Eye by the Avantgarde Ensemble Logen Inhe is the Cofounder of Eksistensfilosofisk Akademi [the Academy of Existential Philosophy] Was Involved in the Translation of Colette ‘Laure’ Peignot’S. Le Sacré as Well as A. Collection of Bataille’S. Texts on General Economy He has Been A. Consultant on Numerus Theatre Productions - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-18.
    We have become estranged from the cosmic movements, according to Bataille. We are confined by the error linked to the representation of ‘the stationary earth’. We have negated the immersive immanence of the whole and made nature into a fixed world of tools and things. How then do we recognise ourselves as part of the ‘rapture of the heavens’? Bataille urges us to consider life as a solar phenomenon, the free play of solar energy on the earth. This paper argues (...)
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    Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Sociological Understanding of the Regime of Temporality: The Foundations of Architectonics.Ярослав Юрійович ЖАРКО - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):147-156.
    The aim of this work is to investigate and conceptualize the ‘temporality regime’ as a socio-cultural phenomenon, primarily analyzing its impact on social processes and social transformations. This study characterizes the concept of ‘temporality regime’ by employing heuristic resources of sociological theorization, particularly the socio-cultural approach, discourse theory, P.Bourdieu’s principle of double structuration of reality, and specific provisions of practice theory. Two levels of inter connection in the architectonic soft he temporality regime are established: static and dynamic. It is (...)
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  15. Animal Concepts Revisited: the use of Self- Monitoring as an Empirical Approach. [REVIEW]Colin Allen - 1999 - Erkenntnis 51 (1):537-544.
    Many psychologists and philosophers believe that the close correlation between human language and human concepts makes the attribution of concepts to nonhuman animals highly questionable. I argue for a three-part approach to attributing concepts to animals. The approach goes beyond the usual discrimination tests by seeking evidence for self-monitoring of discrimination errors. Such evidence can be collected without relying on language and, I argue, the capacity for error-detection can only be explained by attributing a kind of internal representation that (...)
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  16. THE PROBLEM OF HUMAN ERRORS (SEARCHING PARALLELS AMONG RENE DESCARTES's AND HADEWIJCH's CONCEPTION OF HUMAN ERRING.Inna Savynska - 2023 - the Days of Science of the Faculty of Philosophy – 2023 International Scientific Conference May 11-12, 2023 1:175-178.
    In the history of European philosophy and science, René Descartes is considered an author of a methodology of radical doubt, meditation, and the conception that explains the cause of human errors. But the course on internalization, knowledge of one's own Self, methodology of searching foundation of knowledge and conception of perfect reason have been formed already in the times of a Late Antiquity, particular by Augustine in his works “Soliloquies” and “Confession”, Boethius’s “The Consolation of Philosophy” and was (...)
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  17. Bootstrapping of integer concepts: the stronger deviant-interpretation challenge.Markus Pantsar - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5791-5814.
    Beck presents an outline of the procedure of bootstrapping of integer concepts, with the purpose of explicating the account of Carey. According to that theory, integer concepts are acquired through a process of inductive and analogous reasoning based on the object tracking system, which allows individuating objects in a parallel fashion. Discussing the bootstrapping theory, Beck dismisses what he calls the "deviant-interpretation challenge"—the possibility that the bootstrapped integer sequence does not follow a linear progression after some point—as being general to (...)
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  18. How to understand the foundations of empirical belief in a coherentist way.Wolfgang Spohn - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (1):22–40.
    The central claim of the paper is, roughly, that the fact that it looks to somebody as if p is a defeasibly a priori reason for assuming that p (and vice versa), for any person, even for the perceiver himself. As a preparation, it outlines a doxastic conception suitable to explicate this claim and explains how to analyse dispositions within this conception. Since an observable p has the disposition to look as if p, this analysis generalizes to the central claim (...)
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  19. Infinity and the foundations of linguistics.Ryan M. Nefdt - 2019 - Synthese 196 (5):1671-1711.
    The concept of linguistic infinity has had a central role to play in foundational debates within theoretical linguistics since its more formal inception in the mid-twentieth century. The conceptualist tradition, marshalled in by Chomsky and others, holds that infinity is a core explanandum and a link to the formal sciences. Realism/Platonism takes this further to argue that linguistics is in fact a formal science with an abstract ontology. In this paper, I argue that a central misconstrual of formal apparatus (...)
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  20. Whose concepts are they, anyway? The role of philosophical intuition in empirical psychology.Alison Gopnik & Eric Schwitzgebel - 1998 - In Michael Raymond DePaul & William M. Ramsey (eds.), Rethinking Intuition: The Psychology of Intuition and its Role in Philosophical Inquiry. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 75--91.
    This chapter examines several ways in which philosophical attention to intuition can contribute to empirical scientific psychology. The authors then discuss one prevalent misuse of intuition. An unspoken assumption of much argumentation in the philosophy of mind has been that to articulate our folk psychological intuitions, our ordinary concepts of belief, truth, meaning, and so forth, is itself sufficient to give a theoretical account of what belief, truth, meaning, and so forth, actually are. It is believed that this assumption (...)
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  21. The Building Blocks of Thought: A Rationalist Account of the Origins of Concepts.Stephen Laurence & Eric Margolis - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The human mind is capable of entertaining an astounding range of thoughts. These thoughts are composed of concepts or ideas, which are the building blocks of thoughts. This book is about where all of these concepts come from and the psychological structures that ultimately account for their acquisition. We argue that the debate over the origins of concepts, known as the rationalism-empiricism debate, has been widely misunderstood—not just by its critics but also by researchers who have been active participants in (...)
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  22. Antonio Negri ve Michael Hardt Düşüncesinde İmparatorluk, Çokluk ve Biopolitik Üretim Kavramları Üzerine * On the Concepts of the Empire, Multitude And Biopolitical Production in the Thought of Antonio Negri And Michael Hardt.Aykut Aykutalp - 2018 - Kaygi 2 (31):404-430.
    This study focuses on the ideas of Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, the most influential thinkers of recent period, about the concepts of the Empire, Multitude and Biopolitical production. These concepts being at the center of contemporary political discussions problematise the ideaitonal foundations of the idea of Empire evaluated as a new form of sovereignty, the economic transformation in the contemporary capitalism and the new form of subjectivity in this age. To Negri and Hardt, Empire is seen as a logic (...)
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  23. Philosophical foundations for the study of wisdom.Jason Swartwood - 2022 - In Judith Glück & Robert Sternberg (eds.), The Psychology of Wisdom: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. pp. 15 - 34.
    A person with practical wisdom reliably grasps how to live and conduct themselves. But what is practical wisdom, how can we get it, and how can we study it? This chapter will introduce some prominent philosophical arguments and answers to these questions. After distinguishing practical wisdom from other types of wisdom, the chapter explains why studying wisdom requires combining both philosophy and empirical science. To illustrate the contribution of philosophy, the chapter describes a core philosophical conception of wisdom and (...)
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  24.  40
    The Process of Responsibility, Decoupling Point, and Disengagement of Moral and Social Responsibility in Supply Chains: Empirical Findings and Prescriptive Thoughts.David Eriksson & Göran Svensson - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (2):281-298.
    The aim of the paper is to explore and assess the process of responsibility, decoupling point, and disengagement of moral responsibility, in combination with business sustainability in supply chains. The research is based on a qualitative approach consisting of two multifaceted case studies, each including multiple case companies and different empirical research characteristics, and a review of BSus in supply chain literature. The case studies apply moral disengagement to propose how moral responsibility can deteriorate in supply chains, and the (...)
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  25.  70
    Automatic Behavior and Moral Agency: Defending the Concept of Personhood from Empirically Based Skepticism.C. D. Meyers - 2015 - Acta Analytica 30 (2):193-209.
    Empirical evidence indicates that much of human behavior is unconscious and automatic. This has led some philosophers to be skeptical of responsible agency or personhood in the moral sense. I present two arguments defending agency from these skeptical concerns. My first argument, the “margin of error” argument, is that the empirical evidence is consistent with the possibility that our automatic behavior deviates only slightly from what we would do if we were in full conscious control. Responsible agency requires (...)
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    Politics, Pedagogy and the 'Reluctant Student.' Review ofThe Philosophy of Social Science: The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought by Ted benton and Ian Craib.Garry Potter - 2002 - Journal of Critical Realism 5 (1):79-83.
    This paper revisits the controversy surrounding Bhaskar's ‘spiritualisation’ of critical realism (CR), formally introduced with the publication of From East to West. It describes the principal divisions amongst realists with respect to the five moments of CR theoretical development signified by Bhaskar in terms of his own publications. The article critiques some of his later arguments, such as that for reincarnation; but it also locates and identifies a much earlier error as being consistent with, and fundamental to, the later ideas (...)
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  27. The Argumentative Structure of Kant's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science.Eric Watkins - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):567-593.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Argumentative Structure of Kant’s Metaphysical Foundations Of Natural ScienceEric Watkinsone of kant’s most fundamental aims is to justify Newtonian science. However, providing a detailed explanation of even the main structure of his argument (not to mention the specific arguments that fill out this structure) is not a trivial enterprise. While it is clear that Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (1781), his Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (1786), and (...)
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    The theory of pluralism in corporate governance: A conceputal framework and empirical test. [REVIEW]Rick Molz - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (10):789 - 804.
    The concept of pluralism in corporate governance is stated as an emergent theory. Grounded in the concept of enhancing the input of various stakeholders and lessening the control of managers in corporate governance, the theory is the foundation of proposed legal changes in corporate governance and the board of directors. While more pluralistic control has been conceptually linked to improved social performance of the firm, this proposition is not supported in an empirical investigation.
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    Religious Concept of Power as a Problem of Russian Political Culture: “Bargradsky Project” (On the Issue of Alternatives to Russian History).O. A. Zhukova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):25-43.
    In this article, the author analyzes the concept of religious foundations of culture and power as a problem of Russian political consciousness. The paper reveals the patterns of interaction between the religious and political traditions of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century. The author provides Bargradsky project case as a unique example of such influence, identifying its mean in the later Russian Empire’s political history. Philosophical-political case that is analyzed in the article makes it possible to trace (...)
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    The effects of social ties on coordination: conceptual foundations for an empirical analysis. [REVIEW]Giuseppe Attanasi, Astrid Hopfensitz, Emiliano Lorini & Frédéric Moisan - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (1):47-73.
    This paper investigates the influence that social ties can have on behavior. After defining the concept of social ties that we consider, we introduce an original model of social ties. The impact of such ties on social preferences is studied in a coordination game with outside option. We provide a detailed game theoretical analysis of this game while considering various types of players, i.e., self-interest maximizing, inequity averse, and fair agents. In addition to these approaches that require strategic reasoning (...)
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  31. The Construction of Empirical Concepts and the Establishment of the Real Possibility of Empirical Lawlikeness in Kant's Philosophy of Science.Jennifer McRobert - 1987 - Dissertation, Dalhousie University
    In Chapter I, I discuss Buchdahl’s view that the possibility of empirical lawlikeness could not have been established in the Principles of the Critique given the differences between transcendental, metaphysical and empirical lawlikeness, and the connection between the faculty of Reason and empirical lawlikeness. I then discuss the general conditions for empirical hypotheses according to Kant, which include the justification of the method by which an empirical hypothesis is obtained and the establishment of the general (...)
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    J. G. Fichte's Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre and Related Writings, 1794–95 by J. G. Fichte.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):334-336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:J. G. Fichte's Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre and Related Writings, 1794–95 by J. G. FichteIsabelle Thomas-FogielJ. G. Fichte. J. G. Fichte's Foundations of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre and Related Writings, 1794–95. Edited and translated by Daniel Breazeale. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 608. Hardback, $145.00.This edition of texts written or taught by Fichte between February 1794 and the winter of 1794–95 is a major editorial event and (...)
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    (1 other version)Real Patterns and the Ontological Foundations of Microeconomics.Don Ross - 1994 - Economics and Philosophy 10 (2):113-136.
    Most philosophical accounts of the foundations of economics have assumed that economics is intended to be an empirical science concerned with human behaviour, though they have, of course, differed over the extent to which it has been or can be successful as such an enterprise. A prominent source of dissent against this consensus is Alexander Rosenberg. In his recent book, Rosenberg summarizes and completes his statement of a position that he has been developing for some time. He argues that (...)
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  34. The "Unreasonable" Effectiveness of Mathematics: The Foundational Approach of the Theoretic Alternatives.Catalin Barboianu - 2015 - Revista de Filosofie 62 (1):58-71.
    The attempts of theoretically solving the famous puzzle-dictum of physicist Eugene Wigner regarding the “unreasonable” effectiveness of mathematics as a problem of analytical philosophy, started at the end of the 19th century, are yet far from coming out with an acceptable theoretical solution. The theories developed for explaining the empirical “miracle” of applied mathematics vary in nature, foundation and solution, from denying the existence of a genuine problem to structural theories with an advanced level of mathematical formalism. Despite (...)
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    The Burden of the Empire and the Vocation of Russia: George Fedotov’s Philosophy of History.J. V. Klepikova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):44-57.
    The paper discusses the philosophical and historical doctrine of the Russian philosopher and historian George Petrovich Fedotov. The author focuses on the analysis of imperial issues in the works of G.P. Fedotov, especially of his views on the cultural history of the Russian empire and the essence of imperial project in Russia. Fedotov reconsiders the historical experience and revolutionary catastrophe of Russia and searches for the foundations of the social and cultural processes determining the events of Russian history. Fedotov’s works (...)
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    Epistemologiczny status danych zmysłowych i wiedzy bezpośredniej w filozofii George'a Edwarda Moore'a.Tomasz Zarębski - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (2):99-116.
    The paper explores two pivotal concepts of Moore’s philosophy: sense data and immediate knowledge, examining their mutual relations. While the concept of sense data is commonly known and has often been extensively discussed, that of immediate knowledge is usually not explicitly mentioned. Nevertheless, Moore, in his arguments for the philosophy of common sense (e.g. in A Defence of Common Sense or Proof of an External World ), often referred to examples of empirical knowledge that can be defined as (...)
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    Bernoulli’s golden theorem in retrospect: error probabilities and trustworthy evidence.Aris Spanos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):13949-13976.
    Bernoulli’s 1713 golden theorem is viewed retrospectively in the context of modern model-based frequentist inference that revolves around the concept of a prespecified statistical model Mθx\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathcal{M}}_{{{\varvec{\uptheta}}}} \left( {\mathbf{x}} \right)$$\end{document}, defining the inductive premises of inference. It is argued that several widely-accepted claims relating to the golden theorem and frequentist inference are either misleading or erroneous: (a) Bernoulli solved the problem of inference ‘from probability to frequency’, and thus (b) the golden (...)
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    The Ontological Foundation of the Concept of Imāmate: The Marriage of ʿAlī and Fātima.Saliha Özdeğirmenci - 2025 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (21):144-160.
    Fātima is an important figure in Islamic society, both religiously and historically, and is regarded as a symbol of innocence and sanctity, especially in the Shīʿa faith. In this context, her marriage to ʿAlī is considered in Shīʿa theology not only as the union of two great personalities but also as a divine covenant representing the beginning of the chain of imāmate. According to Shīʿa sources, this marriage took place in accordance with God's will and gained a sacred dimension with (...)
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    On the Philosophical Foundations of the Conception of Human Rights.Alan S. Rosenbaum - 1984 - Philosophy Research Archives 10:543-565.
    In this paper I shall defend the thesis that differing concepts of human nature (or “personhood”) lead to different ideas about what “human rights” are, about what types there are, and how rights are to be ranked according to priority. Though some correlation is obvious, as evidenced in the literature, political forums, and in case studies of many nation-states, the question that we will consider is whether this correlation is a causal relationship or whether it is merely accidental and hence, (...)
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    The Foundations of Geometry and the Concept of Motion: Helmholtz and Poincaré.Gerhard Heinzmann - 2001 - Science in Context 14 (3):457-470.
    ArgumentAccording to Hermann von Helmholtz, free mobility of bodies seemed to be an essential condition of geometry. This free mobility can be interpreted either as matter of fact, as a convention, or as a precondition making measurements in geometry possible. Since Henri Poincaré defined conventions as principles guided by experience, the question arises in which sense experiential data can serve as the basis for the constitution of geometry. Helmholtz considered muscular activity to be the basis on which the form of (...)
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    The empirical determination of quantum states.William Band & James L. Park - 1970 - Foundations of Physics 1 (2):133-144.
    A common approach to quantum physics is enshrouded in a jargon which treats state vectors as attributes of physical systems and the concept of state preparation as a filtration scheme wherein a process involving measurement selects from a primordial assembly of systems those bearing some prescribed vector of interest. By contrast, the empirical experiences with which quantum theory is actually concerned relate measurement and preparation in quite an opposite manner. Reproducible preparation schemes are logically and temporally anterior to (...)
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  42.  29
    (1 other version)Scientific Facts and Empirical Concepts: The Case of Electricity.Friedrich Steinle - 2010 - In Moritz Epple & Claus Zittel (eds.), Science as Cultural Practice: Vol. I: Cultures and Politics of Research From the Early Modern Period to the Age of Extremes. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 31-44.
    [First paragraph] A widespread image of science is founded upon a basic dichotomy: there are empirical facts, obtained by observation and experiment, on the one hand, and theories and explanations, obtained by reasoning, speculation and creativity, on the other. Whether scientific reasoning should take the inductive path, or the hypothetical-deductive approach, has long been a mat-ter of debate, but the basic dichotomist picture has been left untouched. And there is the concomitant idea that theories may come and go, while (...)
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    Departmental Boundaries within the Corporate Body of Theory: Quine on the Holistic Foundations of Logic.David M. Godden - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (3):505-528.
    ABSTRACTThis article argues that Quine's holistic and naturalized semantics provides an inadequate account of the foundations of logical expressions and misrepresents the internal structure of theories. By considering a Quinean model of theoretical revision, I identify the status and foundation holism provides to the propositions of logic. I contend that a central tenet of Quinean holism—the Revisability Doctrine—cannot be held consistently, and that the inconsistencies surrounding it mark a series of pervasive errors within naturalized holism. In response, I (...)
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    The naturalist conception of methodological standards in science: A critique.Gerald Doppelt - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (1):1-19.
    In this essay, I criticize Laudan's view that methodological rules in science are best understood as hypothetical imperatives, for example, to realize cognitive aim A, follow method B. I criticize his idea that such rules are best evaluated by a naturalized philosophy of science which collects the empirical evidence bearing on the soundness of these rules. My claim is that this view yields a poor explanation of (1) the role of methodological rules in establishing the rationality of scientific practices, (...)
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    The Value Foundations of the Conceptions of Activity in Psychology and Contemporary Methodology.V. M. Rozin - 2001 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 40 (2):76-90.
    Ideas of activity are widely used in the contemporary literature on psychology and methodology. It seems that everyone understands well what is being said. Nevertheless, one can claim that there is a methodological problem in connection with the idea of activity. Various researchers not only interpret activity differently but, what is more important, assess of the place of this category in knowledge differently. From the perspective of some researchers, activity is one way of describing and explaining reality. Others believe that (...)
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  46. The Intersections of Translational Hermeneutics and Narrative Hermeneutics: The Foundational Considerations.Mohammad Ali Kharmandar - 2018 - Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies 20 (1):53-70.
    The majority of translation theories remerging from the works of contemporary philosophers suffer from a lack of well-organized textual/semiotic analysis tools. Although such theories are specifically important because of their postulates, their incoherent methods normally make them difficult to be used or even sufficiently understood. Hermeneutic theories, however, have been re-visiting and re-constructing their principles, showing a remarkable tendency toward methodological and empirical investigation guided by their philosophy. Translational hermeneutics, as a major movement, has suggested six fundamental principles. Although (...)
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    The Secularity of Empire, the Violence of Critique: Muslims, Race, and Sexuality in the Politics of Knowledge‐Production.Sunera Thobani - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (3):715-730.
    In the volatile conflicts that inaugurated the twenty-first century, secularism, democracy, and freedom were identified by Western nation-states as symbolizing their civilizational values, in contrast to the fanaticism, misogyny, and homophobia they attributed to “Islam.” The figure of the Muslim was thus transformed into an existential threat. This paper analyzes an exchange among scholars—Is Critique Secular? Blasphemy, Injury, and Free Speech—that engages these highly contested issues. As such, the text provides a rare opportunity to study how particular significations of the (...)
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  48. Agency and the Foundations of Ethics: Nietzschean Constitutivism.Paul Katsafanas - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Constitutivism is the view that we can derive substantive normative conclusions from an account of the nature of action. Agency and the Foundations of Ethics explains the constitutivist strategy and argues that the attractions of this view are considerable: constitutivism promises to resolve longstanding philosophical puzzles about the metaphysics, epistemology, and practical grip of normative claims. Yet constitutivism faces a challenge: it must employ a conception of action that is minimal enough to be independently plausible, but substantial enough to yield (...)
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  49. Schlick on the Foundations of Knowledge.Risto Hilpinen - 1982 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 16 (1):63-78.
    This paper outlines the main features of the conception of empirical knowledge presented by Moritz Schlick in his paper 'Über das Fundament der Erkenntnis', and contains a detaüed analysis of Schlick's concept of "Konstatierung". It is argued that in spite of its basically foundationalist appearance, Schlick's theory resembles in important respects contemporary coherence theories of knowledge.
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    Ambivalence of the Notion of “Mimesis”: Between the Opening towards the Other and the Repetition of the Same.Antonio Valentini - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (1):193-205.
    One of the main characteristics of the contemporary aesthetic debate is the recovery of the concept of mimesis, as a dimension that is originally involved in the foundation of human culture and the processes of cultural learning. This is evident in the aesthetic reflection developed by Gunter Gebauer and Christoph Wulf. For these two authors, mimesis is never a mere reproduction of the given reality, but always implies the production of the New, of the Other, of the different (...)
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