Results for 'Edgar Schumacher'

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    Vom Wert und vom Gebrauch der Zeit.Edgar Schumacher - 1957 - Muttenz,: Verlag Genossenschaftliches Seminar.
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    Understanding moral injury from a character domain perspective.Hazel R. Atuel, Nicholas Barr, Edgar Jones, Neil Greenberg, Victoria Williamson, Matthew R. Schumacher, Eric Vermetten, Rakesh Jetly & Carl A. Castro - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (3):155-173.
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    The evolution of music: One trait, many ultimate-level explanations.Edgar Dubourg, Jean-Baptiste André & Nicolas Baumard - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    We propose an approach reconciling the ultimate-level explanations proposed by Savage et al. and Mehr et al. as to why music evolved. We also question the current adaptationist view of culture, which too often fails to disentangle distinct fitness benefits.
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    Towards a Historical Notion of ‘Turing—the Father of Computer Science’.Edgar G. Daylight - 2015 - History and Philosophy of Logic 36 (3):205-228.
    In the popular imagination, the relevance of Turing's theoretical ideas to people producing actual machines was significant and appreciated by everybody involved in computing from the moment he published his 1936 paper ‘On Computable Numbers’. Careful historians are aware that this popular conception is deeply misleading. We know from previous work by Campbell-Kelly, Aspray, Akera, Olley, Priestley, Daylight, Mounier-Kuhn, Haigh, and others that several computing pioneers, including Aiken, Eckert, Mauchly, and Zuse, did not depend on Turing's 1936 universal-machine concept. Furthermore, (...)
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    On Assumptions of, Relations between, and Evaluations of Some Process Dissociation Measurement Models.Axel Buchner & Edgar Erdfelder - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (4):581-594.
    In this article, we analyze both M. J. Wainwright and E. M. Reingold's view of the process dissociation measurement models presented by A. Buchner, E. Erdfelder, and B. Vaterrodt-Plunnecke and their suggestions on that topic. This analysis reveals a number of problems in Wainwright and Reingold's approach. Some of these problems are more subtle than others, but they are nevertheless consequential. Thus, researchers working with the process dissociation procedure should be aware of these problems.
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  6. Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance.Edgar Wind - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (1):104-105.
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    The Principle of the ‘Common’, Legal Pluralism and Decolonization in Latin America.Antonio Carlos Wolkmer & Maria de Fátima Schumacher Wolkmer - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (1):63-87.
    This paper aims to introduce, in the context of Latin America, the theoretical epistemic discussion regarding the theme of the ‘common’ as a political principle which substantiates instituting and autonomous processes of government, control and community regulation. The work seeks to relate a democratic scenario of the ‘common’ with the discourses of pluralist and decolonial normativity, in a way that would guarantee not only horizontal communal self-management, but also a legitimate ordering of forms of life, founded on common interest, social (...)
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    Editorial: School Achievement and Failure in Portuguese and Spanish Speaking Countries.Edgar Galindo, Adelinda A. Candeias, Heldemerina S. Pires & Miguel Ángelv Carbonero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  9. El Realismo de Leyes Naturales: ¿en qué consiste?Edgar Eduardo Rojas Durán - 2018 - Agora 37 (1):177-203.
    This paper aims to answer the question: what does the realism of laws of nature consist of? To achieve this, in the first part, three philosophical accounts of laws of nature are presented and examined: the universalist, the dispositionalist and the counter-factualist. The presentation and examination focuses on the answer given by each of these accounts to the question: what is a law of nature? Later, in the second part, convergences and divergences between these three accounts are shown. Finally, in (...)
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  10. Pragmatismo norteamericano. Condiciones para el conocimiento en sus orígenes: hacia una construcción de epistemologías de las Américas.Edgar Eslava & César Fredy Pongutá - 2018 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 39 (119):175-214.
    El presente artículo reflexiona sobre los orígenes del pragmatismo atendiendo puntos importantes para implicaciones epistemológicas que buscan servir luego de clave para una perspectiva para el pensamiento del sur del continente. Hay una exposición de aspectos centrales que sobre el pragmatismo expuso Charles Pierce, específicamente sobre las creencias, el signo como mediación cognitiva, así como una consideración de las ciencias para comprender el papel tanto del razonamiento como de la percepción y el instinto. Igualmente, se exponen elementos claves de la (...)
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    The philosophy of sport.Andrew Edgar - unknown
    Philosophy as a discipline is typically characterized through the use of rigorous argument and analysis, and the clarification of the meaning of concepts. Philosophical problems are thus resolved, not through the appeal to empirical evidence, but by identifying inconsistent and confusing patterns of thought and reflection. This paper will clarify the nature of a philosophical methodology by explicating the relationship between the philosophy of sport and the core traditional areas of philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, axiology and logic.
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    Which types of Strategic Corporate Philanthropy Lead to Higher Moral Capital?Denise Baden, Edgar Meyer & Marianna Tonne - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:163-175.
    The purpose of this research paper is to identify which types of corporate philanthropy (CP): cause-related marketing (CRM) or sponsorship, create higher moralcapital under two conditions: proactive or reactive (following a scandal). Results showed that CP created higher moral capital for a proactive company than for a reactive company. Both CRM and sponsorship were perceived as more sincere in the proactive company than the reactive company. However, CRM was seen as self-serving in the reactive company, but not the proactive company. (...)
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    A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology: The Summa Halensis.Oleg Bychkov & Lydia Schumacher (eds.) - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology presents for the first time in English key passages from the Summa Halensis, one of the first major installments in the summa genre for which scholasticism became famous. This systematic work of philosophy and theology was collaboratively written mostly between 1236 and 1245 by the founding members of the Franciscan school, such as Alexander of Hales and John of La Rochelle, who worked at the recently founded University of Paris. Modern scholarship has often dismissed (...)
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  14. A personalist-phenomenological model of general resurrection in light of current science and medicine.Edgar Danielyan - 2018 - Dissertation,
    I have argued that the central Christian doctrine of general resurrection (with particular reference to the Pauline corpus) can and should be understood in a scientifically and philosophically informed context, and have proposed a personalist-phenomenological model of general resurrection as a personally continuous transformative re-embodiment by the grace of God within an interpretative framework that respects the methods and findings of science while rejecting scientism and associated physicalist metaphysical claims. I have considered and rejected the re-assembly model of resurrection on (...)
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    La relevancia del docente en la educación centrada en el estudiante.Edgar Fabián Torres Hernández - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (5):215-222.
    Se presenta una reflexión acerca de la importancia de la labor docente ante los cambios curriculares y las demandas educativas contemporáneas. El profesor debe ser capaz de encaminar sus esfuerzos en el proceso de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes, tomando como base sus propias experiencias y movilizándolas hacia el desarrollo de la consciencia colectiva, que haga frente a los desafíos actuales. Palabras clave: educación, docencia, educación centrada en el estudiante, aprendizaje signfiicativo.
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    On the Logical Idea of Objective Concept.Edgar Maraguat - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):56-59.
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    Toward More Clarity about Coherence in Whitehead’s Metaphysics.Edgar A. Towne - 2009 - Process Studies 38 (1):69-92.
    What I call ambiguities of system due to the sheer complexity of Whitehead’s metaphysics and his analysis of process in terms of concrescence and transition threaten its coherence in terms of what we know empirically of the quantum and classical dimensions of nature. Ambiguities of equivocation pertaining to Whitehead’s use of the terms “contemporary” and “objectification,” as the latter is employed in relation to prehension and satisfaction, also threaten its coherence. The article proposes ways to reduce these threats and uncertainty (...)
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    ¿Garantismo extremo O mesurado? La legitimidad de la función jurisdiccional penal: Construyendo el debate ferrajoli–laudan.Edgar R. Aguilera García - 2014 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 40:61-93.
    El objetivo del trabajo consiste en revisar dos versiones del argumento que concibe a la averiguación de la verdad como un factor que confi ere legitimidad al ejercicio de la función jurisdiccional penal: la de Ferrajoli y la de Laudan. Se sostiene que su estudio minucioso puede proporcionar bases racionales para decidir sobre la conveniencia de suscribir un garantismo extremo o uno de carácter más mesurado. Esta decisión cobra relevancia en el contexto de la discusión acerca de cuáles son las (...)
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  19. Ist eine psychoanalytische Moralbegründung möglich? Bemerkungen zu Hans Strozkas Buch „Fairneß Verantwortung Fantasie. Eine psychoanalytische Alltagsethik“.Edgar Morscher - 1985 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie:97-102.
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    New Anti-Kant ed. by Sandra Lapointe and Clinton Tolley.Edgar Morscher - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (3):556-557.
  21. Revisión del proceso contra el derecho natural.Edgar Bodenheimer - 1965 - Dianoia 11 (11):182.
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    Recent Latin-American Publications.Edgar Sheffield Brightman - 1944 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (4):554-558.
  23. Contação de história: uma análise da escolha de histórias em um recorte de experiências gaúchas.Edgar Kirchof, Rosa Maria & Hessel Silveira - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):203-214.
    Storytelling is considered nowadays a proper strategy to encourage children to develop literary taste and reading and it is therefore being broadly practiced within educational spaces. Within this framework the present article deals with 140 reports on storytelling observation in schools for children’s education and first classes. These reports were carried out in different places in Porto Alegre and its surroundings. It was possible to observe that despite the joyful characteristic of the storytelling moment – that involves costumes, scenarios, puppets (...)
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  24. "hintertürln" Für Paradoxien In Bolzanos Logik.Edgar Morscher - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (4):414-422.
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    Hume and the Heroic Portrait: Studies in Eighteenth-century.Edgar Wind - 1986 - Oxford University Press.
    As the seminal essay, it gives title to the present volume, and is here translated into English for the first time. In this essay, which marked a change of direction in Wind's own development, he argues that two opposing styles of portraiture, exemplified in the art of Gainsborough and Reynolds, can be related to the different notions of humanity subscribed to by the philosophers David Hume and James Beattie. Other important studies, also reprinted here, make this volume an excellent resource (...)
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    The uncanny, alienation and strangeness: the entwining of political and medical metaphor.Andrew Edgar - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (3):313-322.
    This paper offers a critical response to Fredrik Svenaeus’ use of the Heideggerian uncanny to analyse the experience of illness. It is argued that the uncanny is part of a culture of concepts through which the condition of modernity has been analysed by philosophers, social theorists, writers and artists. All centre upon the idea of alienation, and thus not being at home in the society that should be one’s home. This association will be exploited to offer a reinterpretation of Svenaeus’ (...)
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    The Army Medical Library of Washington the Largest Medical Library That Has Ever Existed.Edgar Hume - 1937 - Isis 26 (2):423-447.
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    (1 other version)On a Possible Science of Religion.Edgar A. Singer - 1930 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 4:105-123.
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    Land and Lineage in China. A Study of T'ung-ch'eng County, Anhwei, in the Ming and Ch'ing Dynasties.Edgar Wickberg & Hilary J. Beattie - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (3):577.
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    Jordi Ferrer Y la tradición racionalista de la prueba jurídica: Una mirada crítica.Edgar R. Aguilera García - 2016 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 44:163-189.
    El artículo revisa las aportaciones más trascendentes que Jordi Ferrer ha hecho a la tradición racionalista de la prueba jurídica y evalúa críticamente el limitado papel que, desde su óptica, le corresponde desempeñar a la epistemología en la discusión general sobre los estándares de prueba apropiados para las distintas ramas del derecho. Más específicamente, se analiza la irrelevancia que Ferrer parece atribuir a dicha disciplina –o el silencio que debe guardar–, respecto del establecimiento del estándar de prueba deseable en materia (...)
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  31. Esthétique paîenne, esthétique chrétienne. A propos de quelques textes patristiques.Edgar de Bruyne - 1955 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (31):130-144.
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  32. Makarenkos Erbe, Bestandteil der sozialistischen Pädagogik in der DDR.Edgar Günther-Schellheimer - 1987 - In Edgar Günther-Schellheimer, Werner Lindner & Alexander Bolz (eds.), Zum 100. Geburtstag von Anton Semjonowitsch Makarenko. [Berlin]: Das Präsidium.
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  33. Idées Sur la Philosophie de l'Histoire de L'Humanité.Johann Gottfried Herder & Edgar Quinet - 1834 - F.G. Levrault.
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    Verenderung der Gestalten: Das Buchkonzept von Jörg Wickrams Ausgabe der ‚Metamorphosen‘ Ovids ( 1545 ) im Spiegel der Götterdarstellung.Daniel Pachurka & Arne Schumacher - 2019 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 53 (1):383-401.
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    Ensayos en bioética: una experiencia colombiana.H. Rodríguez & Carlos Edgar (eds.) - 2000 - Bogotá: Ediciones El Bosque.
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    ¿"Empirismo encubierto" en Popper? El papel epistemológico de la dimensión pragmática del contexto de descubrimiento.Edgar Serna Ramírez - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (71):127-152.
    La tesis principal que aquí se defiende es que, para Popper, la validez del conocimiento estuvo vinculada siempre a la dimensión pragmática del contexto de descubrimiento (e incluso dependía de ella). Constituye, pues, un error afirmar que, para él, 1) dicha validez estaba ligada a un "empirismo encubierto" (opuesto a la tesis sobre la carga teórica de toda observación), según lo ha planteado Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz, y que 2) en sus ideas, los factores pragmáticos carecían de importancia epistemológica, como (...)
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  37. Hindu logic as preserved in China and Japan.Sadajiro Sugiura & Edgar Arthur Singer - 1900 - Boston,: Ginn & co.. Edited by Edgar A. Singer.
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  38. El argumento de lo uno sobre muchos del "peri ideon".José Edgar González Varela - 2010 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 36 (2):209-237.
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  39. I. contemporary German philosophy.Edgar Wind - 1925 - Journal of Philosophy 22 (18):477-493.
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  40. 'Hercules' and 'orpheus': Two mock-heroic designs by dürer.Edgar Wind - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (3):206-218.
  41. Julian the apostate at Hampton court.Edgar Wind - 1939 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 3 (1/2):127-137.
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    Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China.Edgar Wickberg & John Wilson Lewis - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):86.
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    Revolution and Chinese Foreign Policy; Peking's Support for Wars of National Liberation.Edgar Wickberg & Peter van Ness - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):87.
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    The Revolutionary Army, a Chinese Nationalist Tract of 1903.Edgar Wickberg, Tsou Jung & John Lust - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):148.
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    Now read this: Recent additions to the business ethics library.Edgar Wille - 1994 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 3 (1):65–66.
    Book publishers seem to have found a new niche judging by the number of review copies coming our way. This column just aims to give a line or two on some of them to help the reader decide whether to buy, borrow or leave it for now.
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    (1 other version)Recent british books for the business ethics library.Edgar Wille - 1995 - Business Ethics: A European Review 4 (3):179–181.
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    Two comments about Philadelphia.Edgar Williams - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (2):111-111.
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    The Formal Mechanics of Mind.Edgar Wilson - 1981 - Philosophical Books 22 (3):170-172.
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    An emendation of Pope by Lessing.Edgar Wind - 1937 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 1 (1):78-79.
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    A mediæval formula in Kant.Edgar Wind - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 2 (1):64.
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