Results for 'Eco-Marxism'

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  1. (1 other version)After Neoliberalism: From Eco-Marxism to Ecological Civilization: Part 1.Arran Gare - 2021 - Capitalism Nature Socialism 32.
    This is Part 1 of an article aimed at defending Marx against orthodox Marxists to reveal the possibilities for overcoming capitalism. It is argued that Marx’s general theory of history as technological determinism along with his call for the dictatorship of the proletariat is inconsistent with his profound insights into alienation and commodity fetishism as the foundations of capitalism. Humanist Marxists focused on the latter in opposition to Orthodox Marxists, but without fully acknowledging this inconsistency and its implications, failed to (...)
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    Towards an Eco-Marxism.Matthias Lievens - 2010 - Radical Philosophy Review 13 (1):1-17.
    For about the last ten years, a steadily growing stream of publications is feeding a fascinating international debate on the development of an Eco-Marxism. In this paper, the attempts to “ecologize” Marxism are critically discussed, starting with John Bellamy Foster’s path-breaking reconstruction of Marx’s conceptof “metabolic rift” and the Marxian analysis of the privatization of the commons. Although Marx’s understanding of the limits of nature is only partial, authors such as Paul Burkett have convincingly shown a reconstructed Eco- (...) follows the fundamental tenets of ecological economics. This approach can also fruitfully inform the development of an ecosocialist political project. (shrink)
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    Critical realism and the ontology of Eco-Marxism between emergence and hybrid monism.Facundo Nahuel Martín - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (3):411-430.
    Eco-Marxism presents a debate between two theoretical schools: metabolic rift theory, developed by John Foster and others, and world-ecology, proposed by Jason W. Moore. The debate refers ultimately to ontology, more precisely to the relation between society and nature. Critical realism plays a central role as the philosophical underlabouring for metabolic rift theory and has implications regarding the Anthropocene/Capitalocene debate as well. Reviewing the debate through CR categories provides clarity about the specifically social character of the causes of ecological (...)
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  4. Eco-Authoritarianism, Eco-Reformism or Eco-Marxism?Alan Carter - 1996 - Cogito 10 (2):115-123.
  5. The Eco-socialist Roots of Ecological Civilization.Arran Gare - 2021 - Capitalism Nature Socialism 32 (1):37-55.
    The notion of ecological civilisation has become central to Chinese efforts to confront and deal with environmental problems. However, ecological civilisation is characterized by its proponents in different ways. Some see it as simply an adjunct to the existing system designed to deal with current ecological crises. Its more radical proponents argue for a socialist ecological civilisation that should be developed globally and transform every part of society, changing the way people perceive, live and relate to each other and to (...)
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  6. Beyond European civilization: Marxism, process philosophy, and the environment.Arran Gare - 1993 - Bungendore, NSW, Australia: Eco-logical Press.
    This book offers an historical study and critique of Marxism as it was developed in the Soviet Union, then outlines and defends a version of process philosophy on the basis of which a form of eco-Marxism is defended.
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  7. Labour, Eco-Regulation, and Value: A Response to Benton's Ecological Critique of Marx.Paul Burkett - 1998 - Historical Materialism 3 (1):119-144.
    In an earlier article, I responded to Ted Benton's charge that Marx and Engels, upon realising the political conservatism associated with Malthusian natural limits arguments, retreated from materialism to a social-constructionist conception of human production and reproduction. I showed that Benton artificially dichotomises the material and social elements of historical materialism, thereby misreading Marx and Engels's recognition of the historical specificity of material conditions as an outright denial of all natural limits. In place of Marx and Engels's materialist and class-relational (...)
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    Contemporary Marxist Theory: A Reader.Andrew Pendakis, Jeff Diamanti, Nicholas Brown, Josh Robinson & Imre Szeman (eds.) - 2014 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    This volume brings together works written by international theorists since the fall of the Berlin Wall, showing how today's crisis-ridden global capitalism is making Marxist theory more relevant and necessary than ever. This collection of key texts by prominent and lesser-known thinkers from Latin America, Asia, Africa, America, and Europe showcases an area of scholarly analysis whose impact on academic and popular discourses as well as political action will only grow in the coming years. It reflects today's sense of planetary (...)
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    On political and philosophical identity: From dissident Marxist to revolutionary democrat.Svetozar Stojanovic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):137-162.
    In this paper the author seeks to shed light on the political and philosophical context of the second half of 20th century in which he intellectually came of age. In his intellectual and political development the author distinguishes three main phases. He characterizes the first phase of his development as Praxis, revisionist, dissident Marxism and reformist communism. The second phase was post-Marxism and post-communism, while in the last decade of the 20th century the author defines his theoretical views (...)
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    History, politics and theory in the great divergence debate: a comparative analysis of the California School, world systems analysis and Marxism.Olya Murphy - 2023 - Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
    World history suffers from a paucity of clearly articulated, convincing explanations. While the rise of postmodernism and challenges to Eurocentrism did lead to some important correctives, the pendulum has swung too far the other direction, with a corresponding danger of 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater'. We need careful, theoretically informed debates about ways of organizing world history. What constitutes a good historical explanation? What should guide historians to choose relevant facts? Which theoretical schools could be made useful, and (...)
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  11. Nihilism Inc.: Environmental Destruction and the Metaphysics of Sustainability.Arran Gare - 1996 - Como, NSW, Australia: Eco-Logical Press.
    The spectre of global environmental destruction is before us, the legacy of the expansion and domination of the world by European civilization. Not even the threat to the continued existence of humanity is enough to move the members of this civilization to alter its trajectory. And Marxism, which had held out the possibility of creating a new social order, has been swept from the historical stage by the failure of Eastern European communism. Nihilism Inc. is an attempt to overcome (...)
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    Interrogating the Anthropocene: Ecology, Aesthetics, Pedagogy, and the Future in Question.Jan Jagodzinski (ed.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag: Springer Verlag.
    This volume weaves together a variety of perspectives aimed at confronting a spectrum of ethico-political global challenges arising in the Anthropocene which affect the future of life on planet earth. In this book, the authors offer a multi-faceted approach to address the consequences of its imaginary and projective directions. The chapters span the disciplines of political economy, cybernetics, environmentalism, bio-science, psychoanalysis, bioacoustics, documentary film, installation art, geoperformativity, and glitch aesthetics. The first section attempts to flesh out new aspects of current (...)
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    The Lebensform as organism: Clarifying the limits of immanent critique.Emerson Bodde - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (9):1060-1087.
    In this article, I argue for the necessary organicism of immanent critique and the resulting limits and applicability of immanent critique as elaborated in Rahel Jaeggi’s account of Lebensformen. Through a historical review of the problem of natural purposiveness between Kant, Schelling and Hegel, I show that the notion of immanent critique that Hegel produced, and Jaeggi adopts, was an intrinsically organic notion. With this conceptual connection, I demonstrate that Jaeggi’s elaboration of Lebensformen is consistent with this organicism, but also (...)
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    Normatività come ideologia. Da Foucault a Marx ed Engels.Matteo Polleri - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):119-132.
    L’articolo sostiene che la presunta opposizione tra la “genealogia delle norme” di Foucault e la “critica dell’ideologia” marxista è per molti versi infondata. Analizzando alcuni suoi scritti, si argomenta che le obiezioni rivolte da Foucault alla critica marxista dell’ideologia nascondono in realtà un uso creativo di alcune tesi elaborate da Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels nel 1845. Nella prima parte, si individuano alcune “eco marxiste” nel lavoro di Foucault. Nella seconda, si mostra che queste eco conducono a delle originali riformulazioni (...)
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    On the Fence: Media, Ecology, Marx.Reinhold Martin - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 49 (3):359-383.
    This article considers the expropriation, description, and cultivation of land as a central problem for media history and political ecology. Recent work in the history and theory of media has posited the cultivation of land as a primordial cultural technique or a material operation that underlies signification. Such work stops short, however, of considering that operation—which begins with the drawing of lines on the ground—as a form of labor and hence a dimension of political economy comparable to Rousseau’s account of (...)
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    Pandemic Capitalism: Metabolic Rift, World-Ecology Crossing Dialectical Biology.Jacopo Nicola Bergamo - 2023 - Historical Materialism 31 (1):93-121.
    In this article, I contrast two of the main schools of thought within eco-Marxism, namely Metabolic Rift (MR) and World-Ecology (WE). These differ above all else in their accounts of the ontological status of society and nature. The Covid-19 pandemic constitutes a moment of concretisation of this long-standing debate, which is able to dissolve at least in part its issues. The article consists of four parts. I begin with a summary of the two schools of thought and their core (...)
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  17. Nihilism Incorporated: European Civilization and Environmental Destruction (Review). [REVIEW]Arran Gare - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (3):278-280.
    Review of 'Nihilism Incorporated: European Civilization and Environmental Destruction.
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  18. The Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Civilization: A Manifesto for the Future.Arran Gare - 2016 - London and New York: Routledge.
    The global ecological crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever had to confront, and humanity is failing. The triumph of the neo-liberal agenda, together with a debauched ‘scientism’, has reduced nature and people to nothing but raw materials, instruments and consumers to be efficiently managed in a global market dominated by corporate managers, media moguls and technocrats. The arts and the humanities have been devalued, genuine science has been crippled, and the quest for autonomy and democracy undermined. The resultant (...)
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    Alienation and Nature in Environmental Philosophy.Simon Hailwood - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Many environmental scientists, scholars and activists characterise our situation as one of alienation from nature, but this notion can easily seem meaningless or irrational. In this book, Simon Hailwood critically analyses the idea of alienation from nature and argues that it can be a useful notion when understood pluralistically. He distinguishes different senses of alienation from nature pertaining to different environmental contexts and concerns, and draws upon a range of philosophical and environmental ideas and themes including pragmatism, eco-phenomenology, climate change, (...)
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  20. Feminism and ecology: Making connections.Karen J. Warren - 1987 - Environmental Ethics 9 (1):3-20.
    The current feminist debate over ecology raises important and timely issues about the theoretical adequacy of the four leading versions of feminism-liberal feminism, traditional Marxist feminism, radical feminism, and socialist feminism. In this paper I present a minimal condition account of ecological feminism, or ecofeminism. I argue that if eco-feminism is true or at least plausible, then each of the four leading versions of feminism is inadequate, incomplete, or problematic as a theoretical grounding for eco-feminism. I conclude that, if eco-feminism (...)
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    Amid the Alien Corn: Capitalism and Animal Life.Kate Soper - 2024 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy:1-19.
    This essay considers the multiple, and often conflicting, ways in which capitalism may be said to have impacted on animal experience. Capitalism has intensified a perennial division in human culture between instrumental and affective responses to animals. In their engagement with animals, left and Marxist critics of capitalism have either ignored animals or argued for naturalist and anti-humanist positions of a kind carried over into the contemporary post-humanist paradigm, with its emphasis on human-animal affinities and continuities. I, by contrast, put (...)
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    Introduction to Global Politics: A Reader.John Scott Masker (ed.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Moving beyond the almost exclusively liberal and realist readings included in other anthologies, Introduction to Global Politics: A Reader provides a better balance of canonical essays and more recent scholarship representing contemporary work in the constructivist, feminist, Marxist, and postmodern traditions. Thomas Homer-Dixon on eco-terrorism; and Cynthia Enloe on Abu Ghraib. Other experts address such compelling topics such as landmines, global hunger, jihad, torture, and cyber-terrorism.
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    Marx for Cats: A Radical Bestiary.Leigh Claire La Berge - 2023 - Duke University Press.
    At the outset of _Marx for Cats_, Leigh Claire La Berge declares that “all history is the history of cat struggle.” Revising the medieval bestiary form to meet Marxist critique, La Berge follows feline footprints through Western economic history to reveal an animality at the heart of Marxism. She draws on a twelve-hundred-year arc spanning capitalism’s feudal prehistory, its colonialist and imperialist ages, the bourgeois revolutions that supported capitalism, and the communist revolutions that opposed it to outline how cats (...)
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    Toward a Marxian ecological ethic: A response to two critics.Donald C. Lee - 1982 - Environmental Ethics 4 (4):339-343.
    To the claim that Marx has no concept of human nature after 1845 and is not prescriptive, I reply that his work only makes sense in the light of his definition of the human being as creator and producer of himself through his own productive activity; otherwise, there is no reason that labor should “naturally” belong to the laborer, since other animals live from each other’s labor and exploitation is natural Marx’s rejection of exploitation is an ethical principle. On the (...)
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    Guns Under the Table: Kim Stanley Robinson and the Transition to Utopia.Andrew Milner - 2020 - Utopian Studies 31 (2):388-397.
    Kim Stanley Robinson is a declared eco-socialist and arguably the most distinguished acolyte of Fredric Jameson, America's leading Marxist literary critic. Robinson's Mars trilogy develops a detailed account of three political revolutions. Robinson explains that this was a deliberate choice on his part, because he felt that in his first utopian novel, Pacific Edge, he “dodged the necessity of revolution.” He describes Antarctica and The Years of Rice and Salt as his next utopian novels, but these, too, dodge the “necessity (...)
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    Sur le rapport entre écologie et marxisme en RDA.Alexander Amberger & Jean Quétier - 2023 - Actuel Marx 74 (2):71-88.
    Après le rapport du « Club de Rome », le débat écologique a acquis une très grande audience à l’Ouest. Les « limites de la croissance » étaient discutées publiquement dans de nombreux ouvrages à succès et faisaient l’objet de débats dans le champ politique, culturel, économique et social. Un mouvement environnemental s’est constitué qui, par la suite, a donné naissance aux partis verts. En RDA, en revanche, la croissance n’a pas fait l’objet de discussions à cette époque. Le parti-État (...)
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    Chinese Environmental Ethics and Whitehead’s Philosophy.Zhihe Wang, Meijun Fan & Cobb Jr - 2020 - Environmental Ethics 42 (1):73-91.
    Environmental ethics is a major topic of discussion and enactment in China. The government is committed to work toward an “ecological civilization,” a society in which concerns for a healthy natural environment are interwoven with concerns for a healthy human society and healthy human relations with nature. Whereas in the United States concern for the environment is rarely consciously philosophical, Chinese history has made people aware that philosophy underlies and shapes public policy. Whitehead’s thought has been welcomed as a way (...)
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    A Feminist Cartography of Critical New Materialist Philosophies.Evelien Geerts - 2024 - In Felicity Colman & Iris van der Tuin (eds.), Methods and Genealogies of New Materialisms. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 78-104.
    In ‘Situated Knowledges’, feminist science studies scholar – and, as will be argued in this chapter, critical new materialisms scene-setter – Donna Haraway (1988) reveals her own politicised ‘electroshock’ (578) therapeutic take on epistemology and what it means to create knowledge from the ground up. She builds her argument upon Marxist, historical and feminist materialisms, the rich tradition of feminist epistemology and, above all, Sandra Harding’s (1986, 1987, 1991) standpoint theory. Connecting the foregoing philosophies to the Foucauldian idea of power/knowledge (...)
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    The Truth is the Whole: Essays in Honor of Richard Levins.Maynard Clark, Tamara Awerbuch & Peter J. Taylor - 2018 - Arlington, MA, USA: The Pumping Station.
    Richard Levins (1930-2016) was an outstanding ecologist, population geneticist, biomathematician, philosopher of science, complexity theorist, and Marxist. Key to all aspects of his work was a dialectical logic of process and change. His work provides a framework for the understanding of crises in environment and society and their analytic relationship with capitalism and imperialism, as well as the tools for the critique of biological determinist justifications for the existing structures of power. This anthology pays tribute to Levins by carrying forward (...)
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    Bacon’s Anthropocene.Pietro Daniel Omodeo - 2021 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (3):149-170.
    The current predicament, marked by an unprecedented environmental crisis and novel debates on the anthropic-technological transformation of the earth-system, calls for a reassessment of the historical-epistemological question of the entanglement between power, knowledge, and nature. Francis Bacon is the classical reference point for this thematic cluster – a focal point for both historical reconstructions and epistemological reflections, for both those who extol the merits of scientific progress and those who criticize the risks posed by its abuse. I begin this essay (...)
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    Conversations About the End of Time: Umberto Eco, Stephen Jay Gould, Jean-Claude Carriere, Jean Delumeau.Umberto Eco, Catherine David, Frédéric Lenoir & Jean-Philippe de Tonnac (eds.) - 2000 - Fromm International.
    Umberto Eco -- Stephen Jay Gould -- Jean-Claude Carrière -- Jean Delumeau.
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    Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language.Umberto Eco - 1986 - Indiana University Press (Ips).
    "Eco wittily and enchantingly develops themes often touched on in his previous works, but he delves deeper into their complex nature... this collection can be read with pleasure by those unversed in semiotic theory." —Times Literary Supplement.
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    Interview: Umberto Eco.Umberto Eco, Adelaida Lopez, Marithelma Costa & Donald Tucker - 1987 - Diacritics 17 (1):46.
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    The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce vol. 1.Umberto Eco & Thomas Albert Sebeok - 1982 - Indiana University Press.
    "... fascinating throughout.... the book is recreative in the highest sense." —Arthur C. Danto, The New Republic "A gem for Holmes fans and armchair detectives with a penchant for logical reflection, and Peirce scholars." —Library Journal.
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    La struttura assente. La ricerca semiotica e il metodo strutturale.Umberto Eco - 2004 - T. Bompiani.
    La crisi dello strutturalismo e i confini della semiotica in un volume importante della produzione di Eco. Un libro che trova la sua continuazione ideale in 'Lector in fabula'.
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    The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts.Umberto Eco - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 38 (3):336-337.
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    Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition.Umberto Eco - 2000 - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
    A collection of essays discusses such topics as the nature of perception, the semiotic links between cognition and language, and iconism, with imaginative fables featuring animal heroes to illustrate the main points.
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    Art and beauty in the Middle Ages.Umberto Eco - 1986 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    In this book, the Italian novelist and philosopher Umberto Eco presents a learned summary of medieval aesthetic ideas.
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    On the Medieval Theory of Signs.Umberto Eco & Costantino Marmo (eds.) - 1989 - Benjamins.
    In the course of the long debate on the nature and the classification of signs, from Boethius to Ockham, there are at least three lines of thought: the Stoic heritage, that influences Augustine, Abelard, Francis Bacon; the Aristotelian tradition, stemming from the commentaries on De Interpretatione; the discussion of the grammarians, from Priscian to the Modistae. Modern interpreters are frequently misled by the fact that the various authors regularly used the same terms. Such a homogeneous terminology, however, covers profound theoretical (...)
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  40. The aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas.Umberto Eco - 1988 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    As the only book-length treatment of Aquinas's aesthetics available in English, this volume should interest philosophers, medievalists, historians, critics, and ...
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    Semiotica e filosofia del linguaggio.Umberto Eco - 1984
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    Apocalypse Postponed: Essays by Umberto Eco.Umberto Eco - 2000 - Indiana University Press.
    An erudite and witty collection of Umberto Eco's essays on mass culture from the 1960s through the 1980s, including major pieces which have not been translated into English before. The discussion is framed by opposing characterizations of current intellectuals as apocalyptic and opposed to all mass culture, or as integrated intellectuals, so much a part of mass culture as to be unaware of serving it. Organized in four main parts, "Mass Culture: Apocalypse Postponed," "Mass Media and the Limits of Communication," (...)
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    Il nome della cosa.Umberto Eco & Patrizia Violi - unknown
    Esperimento mentale: siete Immanuel Kant, vi trovate in Australia, e ve ne state andando a passeggio. A un tratto scorgete una strana bestiola in riva al lago. Ha gli occhi di una talpa, ma sarà grande dieci volte tanto. Ha il becco di un’anatra, ma non ha le ali; e non ha piume bensì una fitta pelliccia che la fa assomigliare semmai a una lontra. La coda poi sembra quella di un castoro; e le zampe hanno dita palmate, ma con (...)
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  44. On the ontology of fictional characters: A semiotic approach.Umberto Eco - 2009 - Sign Systems Studies 37 (1/2):82-97.
    Why are we deeply moved by the misfortune of Anna Karenina if we are fully aware that she is simply a fictional character who does not exist in our world?But what does it mean that fictional characters do not exist? The present article is concerned with the ontology of fictional characters. The author concludes thatsuccessful fictional characters become paramount examples of the ‘real’ human condition because they live in an incomplete world what we have cognitive access to but cannot influence (...)
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    Latratus Canis.Umberto Eco - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (1):3 - 14.
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    Opera aperta: forma e indeterminazione nelle poetiche contemporanee.Umberto Eco - 1976 - Milano: Bompiani.
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  47. A Theory of Semiotics.Umberto Eco - 1977 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (3):214-216.
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  48. On the medieval theory of signs, coll. « Foundations of Semiotics ».Umberto Eco & Costantino Marmo - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (1):67-68.
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  49. Weak thought and the limits of interpretation.Umberto Eco - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala (ed.), Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
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  50. La struttura assente: introduzione alla ricerca semiologica.Umberto Eco - 1968 - Milano: Bompiani.
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