Results for 'ECHR Article 8'

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  1.  7
    Does the English Law on Abortion Affront Human Dignity?Charles Foster - 2016 - The New Bioethics 22 (3):162-184.
    The English law on abortion is examined through four lenses manufactured by the principle of dignity. Those lenses are embodiment, relationality, story and a transactional, rather than an atomistic, approach to the ascertaining of the relevant interests. It is contended that this approach gives more nuanced, humane, intellectually satisfactory and pastorally satisfactory answers than those generated by the existing law. It is further argued that only this dignity-based approach is compatible with that mandated by Article 8 of the (...). (shrink)
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    Crossing and Not Crossing: Gender, Sexualityand Melancholy in the European Court of Human RightsChristine Goodwin v. United Kingdom(Application no. 28957/95) [2002] I.R.L.R. 664,[2002] 2 F.L.R. 487, [2002] 2 F.C.R. 577,(2002) 35 E.H.R.R. 18, 13 B.H.R.C. 120, (2002)67 B.M.L.R. 199, I v. United Kingdom(Application no. 25680/94) [2002] 2 F.L.R. 518, [2002] 2 F.C.R. 613 (ECHR). [REVIEW]Ralph Sandland - 2003 - Feminist Legal Studies 11 (2):191-209.
    In the cases of Goodwin v. U.K.and I. v. U.K. the European Court of Human Rights held the U.K. Government to be in breach of Articles 8 and 12 of the European Convention for denying certain rights and entitlements, particularly the right to marry, to post-operative transsexuals. This article argues that although on some level these are welcome decisions, they are also conservative and recuperative in that they seek to shore up traditional binarist ideas of gender and sexuality. The (...)
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  3. Anti-doping, purported rights to privacy and WADA's whereabouts requirements: A legal analysis.Oskar MacGregor, Richard Griffith, Daniele Ruggiu & Mike McNamee - 2013 - Fair Play 1 (2):13-38.
    Recent discussions among lawyers, philosophers, policy researchers and athletes have focused on the potential threat to privacy posed by the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) whereabouts requirements. These requirements demand, among other things, that all elite athletes file their whereabouts information for the subsequent quarter on a quarterly basis and comprise data for one hour of each day when the athlete will be available and accessible for no advance notice testing at a specified location of their choosing. Failure to file one’s (...)
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    Right to Privacy v. European Commission's Expanded Power of Inspection According to Regulation 1/2003.Justina Balčiūnaitė & Lijana Štarienė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):115-132.
    Regulation No 17: First Regulation implementing Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty set out that in carrying out the duties assigned to it by Article 89 and by provisions adopted under Article 87 of the Treaty, the officials authorized by the EU Commission were empowered inter alia to enter any premises, land and means of transport of undertakings. Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in (...)
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    The headscarf controversy: A response to Jill Marshall.Sharon Cowan - 2008 - Res Publica 14 (3):193-201.
    This paper argues that Article 8 of the ECHR, as applied to the protection of a person’s right to wear a headscarf, is an inappropriate locus for thrashing out arguments about the right to protection of religious freedom, and that Article 9 allows for a broader legal and political analysis of the multiple meanings and impacts of religion in our lives. However, the law should not prohibit women from wearing the headscarf. Legal regulation of the headscarf should (...)
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    Protection under the European Convention on Human Rights – Oasis for Asylum Seekers in Europe?Lyra Jakulevičienė & Vladimiras Siniovas - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):855-899.
    Even though the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) does not explicitly address the rights of asylum seekers and refugees, the case law of the European Human Rights Court (ECtHR) confirms that their rights can be successfully defended under this mechanism. In parallel, in its evolving jurisprudence on asylum the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) refers to the Strasbourg case law, where there is a certain interrelationship between these two jurisdictions, in (...)
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    To Derogate or to Restrict? The COVID-19 Pandemic, Proportionality and the Justificatory Gap in European Human Rights Law.Alain Zysset - 2022 - Jus Cogens 4 (3):285-301.
    In this paper, I offer an analytical and normative framework to re-visit the question of whether state parties should derogate from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in order to combat the COVID-19 pandemic via harsh ‘lockdown’ measures. It is three-pronged. First, I show that the predominant debate on the (non-)derogation question is informed by a textual approach to adjudication, which severely limits the analytical and evaluative horizon for addressing the issue. Most importantly, it cannot address one salient (...)
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    Interpretation of statements: Article 8.Ronald A. Brand, Harry Flechtner & Franco Ferrari - 2003 - In Ronald A. Brand, Harry Flechtner & Franco Ferrari (eds.), The Draft Uncitral Digest and Beyond: Cases, Analysis and Unresolved Issues in the U.N. Sales Convention. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  9. The gender of space 1.Ina Ro& X. 000 A. 8 Sing - 2003 - Philosophy and Geography 6 (2):189-211.
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    Should there be a right to die with dignity in certain medical cases in the United Kingdom? Some reflections on the decision of the United Kingdom Supreme Court regarding the protection afforded by Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights.Lisa Claydon - 2015 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 19 (1):91-106.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik Jahrgang: 19 Heft: 1 Seiten: 91-106.
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    The ethics of prophetic disobedience: Qur'an 8:67 at the crossroads of islamic sciences.Rumee Ahmed - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (3):440-457.
    Medieval Muslim scholars were challenged with squaring their conceptions of prophetic infallibility with reports that Muhammad disobeyed revelatory commands from God. The manner in which they rehabilitated the prophetic image in these cases had corresponding repercussions in the fields of jurisprudence, theology, and legal theory. The present article uses the case of Q. 8:67 to demonstrate the intertwined nature of the Islamic sciences and the stakes involved when delimiting the prophetic ability to err and/or disobey God.
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    Andrea Christina Golombiewski 26.8. 1970 Berlin in fester Partnerschaft lebend Tochter Feline geboren im Februar 1998.Berlin-Zehlendorf Johannes-Tews-Grundschule, Abschluß der Tierärztlichen Vorprüfung, Abschluß der Tierärztlichen Prüfung & Zulassung zum Promotionsverfahren - forthcoming - Studium.
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    Séance du 8 Avril 1933. DEFENSE ET ILLUSTRATION DE LA MACHINE.Elie Faure, Maurice Blondel, Jean Rimaud, M. Bourgarel, M. Abauzit, Mlle Anziani, M. Urtin, M. Cornil & M. Janot - 1933 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (3/4):121 - 126.
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    Effect of an 8-Week Yoga-Based Lifestyle Intervention on Psycho-Neuro-Immune Axis, Disease Activity, and Perceived Quality of Life in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Surabhi Gautam, Manoj Kumar, Uma Kumar & Rima Dada - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15. Papyrus Berol. N. 8.Karl Praechter - 1907 - Hermes 42 (1):150-153.
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    A reading of the leper’s healing in Matthew 8:1–4 through ethnomedical anthropology.Fednand M. M’Bwangi - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (1).
    Scholars offer several options for Matthew’s value of the leper’s story in his narrative that range from revealing Jesus’ attributes of compassion and sympathy, manifesting God’s empire, to portraying Jesus’ function as a temple. Although these suggestions aptly portray Matthew’s rhetorical use of the leper’s healing in his narrative to address societal concerns of his time, for lack of referring to the social setting of the narrative, they do not capture the holistic healthcare system embodied by Jesus in Matthew’s narrative (...)
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  17. Aún una celebración viquiana más: Merano 8-9 de mayo de 1995.Franco Ratto - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 5:407-408.
    Reseña critica de los trabajos presentados en el encuentro italo-germano sobre Vico celebrado en Merano, 8-9 de Mayo de 1995, con la participación de G. Cotroneo, D. Barbieri, J. Seifert, K. Flasch, H. Seidl y G. Patella.A critical review of the papers submined at the Italian-German Meeting on Vico held at Merano during May, 8th and 9th 1995. References are made to G. Cotroneo, D. Barbieri, J. Seifert, K. Flasch, H. Seidl and G. Patella.
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    Séance du samedi 8 janvier 1938. La notion de causalite dans la philosophie anglaise contemporaine.Thomas Greenwood - 1940 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (1/2):25 - 26.
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  19. Report on the March 8-9, 1999 Assisi conference on the'Operette morali'of Giacomo Leopardi.F. Pierangeli - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 54 (2):339-340.
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    Where Love Begins 8.Drucilla Cornell - 1997 - In Ellen K. Feder, Mary C. Rawlinson & Emily Zakin (eds.), Derrida and Feminism: Recasting the Question of Woman. New York: Routledge. pp. 161.
  21. Emotions and Empathy : 8. Situated Empathy: Applying Contextualism to the Science of Recognizing Other People's Emotions.Kibby McMahon & M. Zachary Rosenthal - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan (eds.), Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
  22. Von Schopenhauer hergelesen: Rilkes 8. Duineser Elegie.Heinz Gerd Ingenkamp - 1985 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 66:247-252.
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    1 Peter 4:1–8.Paul J. Achtemeier - 2011 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 65 (1):76-78.
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    Spatial reasoning with RCC 8 and connectedness constraints in Euclidean spaces.Roman Kontchakov, Ian Pratt-Hartmann & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 217 (C):43-75.
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  25. 8. Free Will and Providence.Kenny Boyce - forthcoming - In Tyron Goldschmidt & Daniel Rynolds (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Jewish Philosophy. Routledge.
    Many Jews, Christians, and Muslims adhere to the following three claims: First, God has comprehensive knowledge of all that is, was, and will be. Second, God makes use of this knowledge in order to exercise providential control over the world. Third, human beings have free will. This combination of views raises philosophical puzzles. My aim in this chapter is to explore how historic Jewish reflection on these puzzles relates to treatment of them by contemporary analytic philosophers.
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  26. Werke I-8, Schriften 1799-1800.F. W. J. Schelling, Manfred Durner, Wilhelm G. Jacobs & Peter Kolb - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 195 (3):372-372.
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    Die Tollkühnheit, einen schönen Menschen zu küssen. Philosophische Ansätze bei der Textinterpretation am Beispiel von Xenophon, Memorabilia 1, 3, 8-15.Magnus Frisch - 2014 - der Altsprachliche Unterricht 57 (5):42-49.
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    The Best is the Telos: An Argument in Eudemian Ethics 1.8.Daniel Ferguson - 2022 - Phronesis 67 (3):338-369.
    This paper examines Aristotle’s argument in Eudemian Ethics 1.8 that eudaimonia, the best practicable good, is the telos of the practicable goods. Aristotle defers to the Platonists in thinking that the best practicable good is the first practicable good and the cause of the other practicable goods’ goodness. But, on his view, it is the telos of the practicable goods that has these two properties. Aristotle’s argument for this latter claim is supported by his view, more fully discussed in Posterior (...)
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    8. Reason and Language.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2012 - In Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo (eds.), Reason and Rationality. Ontos Verlag. pp. 171-198.
    The paper discusses four main views on the relation between language and reasons. Two of them contend that there is no significant relation, on different bases; a third contends that linguistic features can only be clarified by relating them to motivating reasons, and the fourth makes a similar claim but with respect to normative reasons instead. These approaches assume contrasting views on the nature of language. The first is a Platonist view on which the languages are abstract entities whose properties (...)
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    A Stylish Exit: Marcus Terentius’ Swansong (Tacitus, Annals 6.8), Curtius Rufus and Virgil.Rhiannon Ash - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):330-346.
    Within the narrative fora.d.32, Tacitus recreates a spirited speech delivered before the Senate by theequesMarcus Terentius (Ann. 6.8), defending himself retrospectively for having been a ‘friend’ of Sejanus. This speech, the only extended speech inoratio rectato feature inAnnalsBook 6, is historiographically rich and suggestive.This article first analyses the speech as a compelling piece of oratory in its own right. It then explores the provocative mirroring of another important speech in Curtius Rufus (7.1.19–40). This is where the general Amyntas, defending (...)
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    8. Speaking Out For Others: Philosophy’s Activity in Deleuze and Foucault.Leonard Lawlor & Janae Sholtz - 2016 - In Nicolae Morar, Thomas Nail & Daniel Warren Smith (eds.), Between Deleuze and Foucault. Edinburgh University. pp. 139-159.
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    Le secret médical à l’aune de l’article 8 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme.Jacques Vitenberg - 2008 - Médecine et Droit 2008 (88):8-9.
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    Erratum à l’article « Le secret médical à l’aune de l’article 8 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. Commentaire d’un arrêt de la chambre criminelle du 24 avril 2007 » [Médecine et Droit 88 (2008) 8–9]. [REVIEW]Jacques Vitenberg - 2008 - Médecine et Droit 2008 (90):94.
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    8 Valued Non-Deterministic Semantics for Modal Logics.Pawel Pawlowski & Daniel Skurt - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (2):351-371.
    The aim of this paper is to study a particular family of non-deterministic semantics for modal logics that has eight truth-values. These eight-valued semantics can be traced back to Omori and Skurt (2016), where a particular member of this family was used to characterize the normal modal logic K. The truth-values in these semantics convey information about a proposition’s truth/falsity, whether the proposition is necessary/not necessary, and whether it is possible/not possible. Each of these triples is represented by a unique (...)
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    8 On Rumours, Gossip and Related Matters.Mladen Dolar - 2021 - In Adrian Johnston (ed.), Objective Fictions: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Marxism. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 144-164.
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    Late mismatch negativity of lexical tone at age 8 predicts Chinese children’s reading ability at age 10.Han Wu & Yixiao Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundDeficits in phonological processing are commonly reported in dyslexia but longitudinal evidence that poor speech perception compromises reading is scant. This 2-year longitudinal ERP study investigates changes in pre-attentive auditory processing that underlies categorical perception of mandarin lexical tones during the years children learn to read fluently. The main purpose of the present study was to explore the development of lexical tone categorical perception to see if it can predict children’s reading ability.MethodsBoth behavioral and electrophysiological measures were taken in this (...)
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    Association between tennis training experience and executive function in children aged 8–12.Yue Xu, Wanxia Zhang, Hanfeng Zhang, Lijuan Wang, Yanlin Luo & Guoxin Ni - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Cognitively engaging activities have been shown to facilitate the improvement of executive functions in children. However, a limited number of studies have investigated whether the relationship between dose parameters of physical activities and executive functions, and heterogeneity exists. In the present study, we aim to explore the association between tennis training experience and executive functions in children. Sixty children between the ages of 8 and 12 were recruited in this study and were allocated to the short-term group and the long-term (...)
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    Leituras em educação - volume 8.Rodrigo Costa Araujo, Querte Terezinha Conti & Katia Cilene Silva - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 6.
    Leituras em Educação — volume 8 — constitui importante contribuição às discussões que se formulam sobre o ensino e a prática pedagógica - da leitura, da literatura infantojuvenil, da iniciação científica no Ensino Médio, dos infinitos diálogos com Paulo Freire. Esta coletânea, em seus cinco artigos, explora de modo consistente pressupostos teóricos que explicitam a importância da educação e sua construção em saberes, incluindo a tecnologia, quando refletem sobre a aprendizagem. Todas as leituras examinam, de maneira cuidadosa, a prática pedagógica (...)
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  39. t. 8. Rapports des sciences naturelles avec la psychologie et autres écrits sur la psychologie.édité par Bernard Baertschi - 1984 - In Pierre Maine de Biran (ed.), Œuvres. Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Bibliographie der bis zum 8. April 1989 veröffentlichten schriften Edmund husserls.Manfred Schmitz - 1989 - Husserl Studies 6 (3):205-226.
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    Gesammelte Schriften, Band 8: Kirchliche, politische und theologische Zeitgenossenschaft by Raymund Schwager. [REVIEW]Petra Steinmair-Pösel - 2018 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 56:20-22.
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    On the Trinity, Books 8–15. [REVIEW]David Vincent Meconi - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (1):140-141.
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    Le langage des philosophes 8 novembre 2002 Extraits de l'émission « Les vendredis de la philosophie » sur France Culture. [REVIEW]FranÇois Noudelmann, Antonia Soulez, FrÉdÉric Cossutta & Patrice Loraux - 2005 - Rue Descartes 50:120-126.
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  44. On the Trinity, Books 8–15. [REVIEW]S. J. David Vincent Mecone - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (1):140-140.
    St. Augustine tells us that he worked on the De Trinitate on and off between 400 and 416. The aim of this work is basically twofold: to examine both how the absolute monotheism of Christianity can speak of three divine persons as well as to examine how humanity images this triune God. A rare treasure of theology and psychology, the DT has shaped most of the West’s talk about the Trinity. For how we read Scripture’s often oblique references to the (...)
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  45.  14
    On Aristotle’s Prior Analytics 1.8–13. [REVIEW]Leo J. Elders - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (4):901-901.
    In previous issues of The Review of Metaphysics attention has been drawn to the project of Professor Richard Sorabji to publish the English translations of the ancient Greek commentators of Aristotle. We are happy to present a new volume of this series which contains the English translation of the commentary by Alexander of Aphrodisias on Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, I, chapters 8–13. In his preface Professor Sorabji underlines the importance of Alexander’s commentary on these chapters, in which Aristotle invented modal syllogistic. (...)
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    FERRAZ, Salma (org.). As malasartes de Lúcifer: textos críticos de Teologia e Literatura. Londrina: Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, 2012. 281p. ISBN: 978 85 7216 618-8. [REVIEW]Antonio Geraldo Cantarela - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):1162-1166.
    FERRAZ, Salma (org.). As malasartes de Lúcifer : textos críticos de Teologia e Literatura. Londrina: Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, 2012. 281p. ISBN: 978 85 7216 618-8.
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    Acerca de la primacía del ΧΩΡΙΣΤÓN en la sustancia aristotélica. El comentario de Alejandro de Afrodisia a Metafísica V, 8, 1017b 23-26. [REVIEW]Giampaolo Abbate - 2009 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 40:29-51.
    Este artículo discute el comentario de Alejandro a Aristóteles, Metafísica V.8 1017b23-26. Allí Aristóteles sostiene que la sustancia se dice de dos maneras: (i) el sustrato último, y (ii) la estructura y la forma de cada cosa. En cuanto al primer significado, el comentador apropiadamente pone énfasis en el hecho de que hay una perfecta biunivocidad entre ser sustancia y ser sustrato. Esta biunivocidad, sugiere Abbate, puede verse en las tres entidades que, según el mismo Aristóteles, desde las Categorías –una (...)
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    Annotated insights into legal reasoning: A dataset of Article 6 ECHR cases.Jack Mumford, Katie Atkinson & Trevor Bench-Capon - 2024 - Argument and Computation 15 (2):113-119.
    We present a novel annotated dataset of legal cases pertaining to Article 6 – the right to a fair trial – of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This dataset will serve as a useful resource to the research community, to assist in the training and evaluation of AI systems designed to embody the legal reasoning involved in determining the appropriate legal outcome from a description of the case material. The annotations were applied to provide finer-grain classifications (...)
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    Review Article: Arab feminisms: Lila Abu-Lughod, ed., Remaking Women: Feminism and Modernity in the Middle East. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. 300 pp. ISBN 978—0—691—05792— 3 (pbk) Margot Badran, Feminism in Islam: Secular and Religious Convergences. Oxford: Oneworld, 2009. 349 pp. ISBN 978—1—85168—556—1 (pbk) Miriam Cooke, Women Claim Islam: Creating Islamic Feminism through Literature. London: Routledge, 2001. 240 pp. ISBN 978—0—415—92554—1 (pbk) Mona M. Mikhail, Seen and Heard: A Century of Arab Women in Literature and Culture. Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, 2004. 169 pp. ISBN 978—1— 56656—463—8 (pbk) Haideh Moghissi, Feminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Limits of Postmodern Analysis. London and New York: Zed Books, 1999. 166 pp. ISBN 1—85649—590—6 (pbk). [REVIEW]Anastasia Valassopoulos - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (2):205-213.
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  50. Review Articles : Forgiveness and Truth: Explorations in Contemporary Theology, edited by Alistair McFadyen and Marcel Sarot. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2001. 240 pp. pb. £19.99. ISBN 0-567-08777-8. Forgiveness and Revenge, by Trudy Govier. London: Routledge, 2002. 205 pp. pb. £13.99. ISBN 0-415-27856-2. On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness, by Jacques Derrida. London: Routledge, 2001. 60 pp. pb. £7.99. ISBN 0-415-22712-7. [REVIEW]John Hughes - 2003 - Studies in Christian Ethics 16 (1):79-86.
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