Results for 'E. Maréchal'

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  1. (1 other version)Plato's Guide to Living with Your Body.Russell E. Jones & Patricia Marechal - 2017 - In John E. Sisko, Philosophy of Mind in Antiquity: The History of the Philosophy of Mind, Volume 1. New York: Routledge. pp. 84-100.
    In the Phaedo, Socrates offers recommendations for living a philosophical life. We argue that those recommendations can be properly understood only in light of Socrates’ account of the soul’s true nature, considered separately from the body. Embodiment causes the soul to diverge from its proper end, the pursuit of knowledge. Bodily pleasures, pains, and desires divert the soul to other ends, distract its attention away from knowledge, and deceive it about what is true. Socrates’ recommended solutions to these obstacles are (...)
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  2. Galen on the Form and Substance of the Soul.Patricia Marechal - 2023 - In David Charles, The History of Hylomorphism: From Aristotle to Descartes. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    In On my own opinions, Galen claims to agree with Aristotle that the soul is the form of the body. But should we take this statement at face value? After all, Galen says that the substance of the soul is a bodily mixture, and that the soul is the form of the body in the sense that it is the principle of mixing of the elementary qualities (i.e., hot, cold, wet, and dry). As is well known, Aristotle explicitly rejects this (...)
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    E. Przywara et l’« école » Maréchal-Heidegger. La culture du « problématique ».Julien Lambinet - 2020 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 103 (4):703-732.
    Toute une génération de penseurs catholiques allemands du xxe siècle a cru pouvoir se rattacher à la pensée de la finitude développée par M. Heidegger pour la faire dialoguer avec, d’une part l’idéalisme allemand, et d’autre part surtout, la métaphysique de Thomas d’Aquin et l’ouverture à Dieu Ipsum esse per se subsistens qu’elle semblait ménager via la différence ontologique. À cet égard, ils effectuaient bon gré mal gré une tentative de conciliation toute kantienne en ses origines, entre le thomisme transcendantal (...)
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    Ação comunicativa e ética no acesso e uso sustentável da água: a experiência do saneamento rural de Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR.Alvori Ahlert - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1571-1588.
    Título Ação comunicativa e ética no acesso e uso sustentável da água: a experiência do saneamento rural de Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR (Communicative action and ethics on the access and sustainable use of water: the experience of rural sanitation of Marechal Cândido Rondon – Paraná, Brazil. DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n32p1571 Resumo O texto apresenta um estudo/pesquisa sobre a ética e os recursos hídricos, problematizando a relação entre a ética e o uso sustentável da água, tendo como modelo referencial aproximações na experiência (...)
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    The Heritage of Christian Thought. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (1):165-165.
    Fourteen essays by former pupils of Calhoun, including G. A. Lindbeck, W. A. Christian, N. C. Nielsen, Jr., R. P. Ramsey, and A. C. Outler. The depth of scholarship that these former students have achieved as well as the generally high calibre of all the essays are ample evidence of Calhoun's pedagogical prowess. Most of the contributions are of theological import, and most are historically oriented as the title of the book suggests. Lindbeck's essay, however, "The A Priori in St. (...)
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    Hominisation. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (1):159-159.
    This addition to Herder's "Quaestiones Disputatae" Series is a portion of Rahner's and Overhage's Das Problem der Hominisation; it is very nicely self-contained. After a rapid review of what the ecclesiastical and scriptural sources have to say about the problem of human origins and evolution as a possible explanation of these origins, Rahner launches into a metaphysical analysis of the concepts of "spirit" and "matter," on the one hand, and "causality" and "becoming," on the other. The method is transcendental and (...)
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  7. Ética e Cidadania nos Projetos Político-Pedagógicos em Cursos de Graduação: Um Estudo de Caso da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná-Campus de Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR.Alvori Ahlert - 2007 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 9 (1).
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    Spirit in the World. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (2):385-386.
    This is a translation of the second revised edition of Geist in Welt. It was J. B. Metz, a Rahner pupil, who carried out the revision with Rahner's full approval. Metz has added a brief foreword to this translation. Also included is an excellent and jam-packed Introduction by Francis P. Fiorenza which attempts to set the background for Spirit in the World, in terms of its being an attempt to ground a metaphysics by going through Kant back to an Aquinas (...)
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  9. Lettres de MM. E. Castelli, J. Devolvé, H. Gouhier, J. Maréchal.G. Berger - 1933 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7.
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  10. A Savignano, Psicologismo e giudizio filosofioa in M. Heidegger, X. Zubiri, J. Marechal. [REVIEW]Albino Babolin - 1978 - Filosofia 29 (1):97.
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    Maréchal, Lonergan et le désir de connaître.Paul Gilbert - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (4):1125 - 1143.
    Bernard Lonergan não menciona Joseph Maréchal nos seus escritos, apesar de ter sido por ele influenciado no que respeita à estrutura dinâmica do conhecimento. Apesar disso, há que reconhecer que a intenção de Maréchal não era a de Lonergan. Maréchal, formado em biologia e em psicologia, desejava participar no movimento de renovação do tomismo, o qual na sua época era fortemente intelectualista. O seu esforço juntou-se ao do Maurice Blondel afirmando os direitos do acto comprometido nos processos (...)
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  12. Lettres de MM. Maurice Blondel, Jacques Chevalier, J. Dinner, J. Maréchal, J. Paliard, J. Segond, E. Souriau.G. Berger - 1931 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 5.
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    Spiritualità ignaziana e metodo trascendentale.Giorgia Salatiello & Rossano Zas Friz de Col (eds.) - 2020 - Roma, Italy: Pontificia Università Gregoriana Pontificio Istituto Biblico.
    Agli inizi dell'anno accademico 2011-2012, si raduna un gruppo di professori della Pontificia Università Gregoriana che, grazie all'iniziativa di Giorgia Salatiello (filosofia), coinvolge a Rogelio García Mateo, SJ (spiritualità), Dariusz Kowalczyk, SJ (teologia), Ferenc Patsch, SJ (teologia), Gerald Whelan, SJ (teologia), e Rossano Zas Friz De Col, SJ (spiritualità). Il presente volume raccoglie otto anni di ricerca del gruppo, centrati nel rintracciare il rapporto tra spiritualità ignaziana e metodo trascendentale in diversi pensatori gesuiti del ventesimo secolo, come Joseph Marechal (1878-1944), (...)
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    Fundamentos Filosóficos da Teologia de Karl Rahner.Otto Muck - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (2):369 - 391.
    A teologia de Karl Rahner teve um grande impacto no concílio Vaticano II e no tempo que se Ihe seguiu. Em ordem a compreender-se o seu argumento teológico é importante tomar em conta as suas bases filosóficas, especialmente a sua compreensão do "método transcendental". Neste sentido, opresente artigo começa por prestar atenção à abordagem transcendental de Kant. Em seguida investiga a transformação do método transcendental operada na obra de Joseph Maréchal, o qual fez uso dele em ordem a demonstrar (...)
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    Continental philosophy and modern theology: an engagement.David Brown - 1987 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
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    An Observation on Robert Lauder’s Review of G. A. McCool, S.J.Romanus Cessario - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):701-710.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN OBSERVATION ON ROBERT LAUDER'S REVIEW OF G. A. McCOOL, S.J.1 RoMANus CEssARro, O.P. Dominican House of Studies Washington, District of Columbia BECAUSE OF HIS scholarly commentary on the development of Roman Catholic theology in the 19th and 20th centuries, students interested in the history of this period owe a debt of gratitude to Fr. Gerald McCool, S.J. In a recent issue of this journal, Robert Lauder presented a (...)
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    La recepción de Platón en el siglo XX: una poíesis de la percepción.Claudio César Calabrese & Federico Nassim Bravo (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Peter Lang.
    La presencia de Platón y del pensamiento platónico se ha mantenido de manera incesante a lo largo de la historia de la cultura. En esta historia, el siglo XX refleja el rechazo y la aceptación, la recepción, en suma, de un modo inusitado tal vez porque, durante este siglo, la humanidad se vio cara a cara con los infiernos que supo crear: un mundo en ruinas hacía imposible intuir la perfecta quietud de las Formas. La recepción de Platón en el (...)
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    Transcendental Thomism and the Thomistic Texts.John F. X. Knasas - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):81-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TRANSCENDENTAL THOMISM AND THE THOMISTIC TEXTS JOHN F. x. KNASAS Genter for Thomistic Studies Houston, Temas SOME THIRTY YEARS ago in the journal Thought, there appeared an article by Fr. Joseph Donceel, S.J., entitled " A Thomistic Misapprehension? " Its thesis is that American Thomism had seen too much of the a posteriori in Aquinas's noetic.1 In fact the interpretation was so a posteriori that it bordered on empiricism (...)
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    Síndrome de burnout em professores de Educação Física na pandemia de Covid-19.Laiana Dall’Oglio Schlindwein, Adelar Sampaio, Dayane Cristina de Souza Souza, Daiana Machado & Arestides Pereira da Silva Junior - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 31.
    O estudo objetivou investigar a Síndrome de Burnout em professores de Educação Física no período de pandemia de Covid-19. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, na qual a amostra foi constituída por 31 professores de Educação Física do município de Marechal Cândido Rondon/PR. Foram utilizados questionário sociodemográfico e Maslach Burnout Inventory para educadores. Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva (média e desvio padrão). Os resultados demonstraram que os índices das dimensões foram classificados como alto para exaustão emocional e médio para (...)
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    A Short Reply.Gianluca Mori - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2):343-344.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Short ReplyGianluca MoriWhile thanking Thomas Lennon for the interest he has shown in my work—and without going into details of interpretation which cannot bear discussion in this context—I would like to make a few remarks on factual questions raised by his response.1) Lennon's text (p. 338): "The text that Bayle and Mori erroneously take to be Saint-Evremond's is in fact from Jean-François Sarasin."While it is not certain that (...)
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    Die transzendentale Methode in der scholastischen Philosophie der Gegenwart. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):373-373.
    Neo-scholasticism is supposed to be a "creative" development of the spirit of Thomism and its application to contemporary philosophical themes. Yet its partisans as well as its adversaries largely ignore the fact that many of the neo-scholastic thinkers are increasingly applying the transcendental method to reach the major ideas of Aquinas. The thesis of the present book is that the "transcendental method," viewed in a large sense as stretching from Kant to Heidegger, is an integral part of the thought of (...)
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    Kampf gegen das Chaos, Kampf gegen die Meinung: Intensive Größe und Empfindung bei Gilles Deleuze und Hermann Cohen.Christoph F. E. Holzhey & Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky - 2016 - In Thomas Leinkauf & Thomas Kisser, Intensität Und Realität: Systematische Analysen Zur Problemgeschichte von Gradualität, Intensität Und Quantitativer Differenz in Ontologie Und Metaphysik. De Gruyter. pp. 259-274.
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    A mulher no pedestal: representações de feminilidade e cristianismo na escrita masculina do periódico ouro-pretano O Noticiador de Minas.Matheus Da Cruz E. Zica - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35).
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  24. Sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėticheskie traktary.A. Kh Farabi, E. D. Kasymzhanov & B. Ia Kharenko - 1973 - Alma-Ata,: "Nauka,". Edited by A. Kh Kasymzhanov.
  25. Fenomenolohichna teorii︠a︡ svidomosti E. Husserli︠a︡.I︠E︡vhen Mykolaĭovych Prychepiĭ - 1971
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    John Locke: Correspondence: Volume Iii, Letters 849-1241.E. S. De Beer (ed.) - 1978 - Clarendon Press.
    A scholarly edition of The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke: Correspondence: Letters 849-1241 by E. S. de Beer. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
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    Professionalʹnai︠a︡ ėtika: moralʹnai︠a︡ propedevtika delovogo povedenii︠a︡: uchebnoe posobie.E. S. Protanskai︠a︡ - 2003 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡.
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  28. Il principio trascendentale e l'autonomia dell'arte nell'estetica filosofica di A. Banfì.Note E. Rassegne - 1962 - Rivista di Estetica 7:442.
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  29. L'arte e la musica in Giuseppe Mazzini.Note E. Rassegne - 1966 - Rivista di Estetica 11:267.
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    Instant pharmacology, By K. Saeb-Parsy, RG Assomull, FZ Kahn, K. Saeb-Parsy, and E. Kelly.I. E. Hughes - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (11):980-981.
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    Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research: The Selected Works of Mary E. James.Mary E. James - 2016 - Routledge.
    In the _World Library of Educationalists_, international experts themselves compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces – extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, major theoretical and practical contributions – so the world can read them in a single manageable volume, allowing readers to follow the themes of their work and see how it contributes to the development of the field. Mary James has researched and written on a range of educational subjects which encompass (...)
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  32. Love Reveals Persons as Irreplaceable.E. D. Young - 2014 - In Christian Maurer, Tony Milligan & Kamila Pacovská, Love and Its Objects: What Can We Care For? Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    The cognitive disunity of mankind: G. E. R. Lloyd: Disciplines in the making: Cross-cultural perspectives on elites, learning, and innovation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009, viii + 215 pp, £25.00, US $50 HB.Toby E. Huff - 2011 - Metascience 20 (1):191-193.
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  34. Gilles Deleuze e la pittura.E. Castelli Gattinara - 1987 - Rivista di Estetica 27 (25):124-133.
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    A note on the distribution of family sizes in the adult population of Great Britain, 1972.E. H. Hare - 1974 - Journal of Biosocial Science 6 (3):343-346.
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    Logica matematica, storia E filosofia Della logica.Storia E. Filosofia Della Logica - 2001 - In V. Fano, M. Stanzione & G. Tarozzi, Prospettive Della Logica E Della Filosofia Della Scienza. Rubettino.
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  37. Probabilistic Inference and Probabilistic Reasoning.Jr: Henry E. Kyburg - 1990 - Philosophical Topics 18 (2):107-116.
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  38. Comment devient-on humain?Évelyne Heyer - 2015 - In Yves Coppens, André Pichot & Camille Chevrillon, Devenir humains. Paris: Autrement.
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    Emendations of Herodas.E. L. Hicks, Henry Jackson & Robinson Ellis - 1891 - The Classical Review 5 (08):350-363.
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    Mythological Aspects of Trees and Mountains in the Great Epic.E. Washburn Hopkins - 1910 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 30 (4):347-374.
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    Zu den Scriptores historiae Auçustae.E. E. Hudemann - 1854 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 9 (1-4):278-278.
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    some English Documents Of The Conciliar Movement.E. F. Jacob - 1931 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 15 (2):358-394.
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  43. Scepticism and Religious Belief: Pascal, Bayle, Hume.E. James - 1979 - In Classical Influences on Western Thought.
  44. La division Des sexes chez Grégoire de nysse et chez Jean Scot érigène.Édouard Jeauneau - 1980 - In Werner Beierwaltes, Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen: Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.-30. August 1979. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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    Is There a Natural Sexual Inequality of Intellect? A Reply to Kimura.Jeffrey E. Foss - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (3):24 - 46.
    The noted psychologist, Doreen Kimura, has argued that we should not expect to find equal numbers of men and women in various professions because there is a natural sexual inequality of intellect. In rebuttal I argue that each of these mutually supporting theses is insufficiently supported by the evidence to be accepted. The social and ethical dimensions of Kimura's work, and of the scientific study of the nature-nurture controversy in general, are briefly discussed.
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  46. Estʻetikuri aġzrdis princʻipi.Giorgi Jiblaże - 1968 - Tʻbilisi: Tʻbilisis universitetis gamomcʻemloba.
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  47. Christ and human suffering.E. Stanley Jones - 1933 - New York, [etc.]: Abingdon.
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    Kierkegaard y el salto de fe. Un acto de individualidad.A. Jonás E. Aponte - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (1):197-224.
    The purpose of this essay is to analyze succinctly the concept of faith through the very penetrating gaze of the Danish philosopher Sören Kierkegaard. Faith is analyzed by Kierkegaard from absurdity, resignation and the paradox of faith. In the same way, his concept of faith is carved with a chisel that would complete all his philosophy, that is, to touch human reality away from any abstract thought, trying at all times that his examination be seen on a personal dimension in (...)
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    De la sociologie juridique.E. Jorion - 1967 - Res Publica 9 (4):605-619.
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    Gipoteza globalʹnogo gumanizma: monografii︠a︡.E. A. Kafyrin - 2013 - Moskva: Izd-vo MGOU.
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