Results for 'E. Littré'

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  1.  8
    La philosophie positive d’É. Littré.Ernest Coumet - 1982 - Revue de Synthèse 103 (106-108):177-214.
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    Dictionnaire Des Antiquités grecques Et Romaines d'après les textes et les monuments, contenant l'explication des termes qui se rapportent aux mœurs, aux institutions, à la religion, qua: arts, aux sciences, au costume, au mobilier, à la guerre, à la marine, aux métiers, aux monnaies, poids et mesures, etc. etc., et en général à la vie publique et privée des anciens. Ouvrage rédigé par une société d' écrivains spéciaux, d'archéologues et de professeurs, sous la direction de MM. Ch. Daremberg et Edm. Saglio, avec 3000 figures d'aprés l'antique, dessinées par P. Sellier et gravées par M. Rapine. Paris: Hachette. 1873–1887. Vol. I pt. 1 A. B. pp. 1–756. pt. 2 C. pp. 757–1703. large 4to (same size as Littre's French Dictionary, issued by the same firm). Each part 5 frs. [REVIEW]E. B. M. J. - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (07):201-202.
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  3. Prescribing Positivism: The Dawn of Nietzsche's Hippocratism.Joel E. Mann - 2014 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 45 (1):54-67.
    ABSTRACT As a classical philologist, Nietzsche was extremely familiar with the work of many ancient Greek writers. It is well known that Nietzsche made a practice of identifying with and praising ancient thinkers with whom he felt a kinship. It is worth investigating, then, whether Nietzsche's mention of Hippocrates in D signals a sustained interest in the so-called father of medicine. I argue that there is no evidence that Nietzsche paid special attention to Hippocrates or the Hippocratic corpus. Instead, Nietzsche's (...)
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  4. Lettere inedite di Michel Bréal, Gaston Paris e Emile Littré.P. Ciureanu - 1955 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:452-65.
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    Tradução de Grandes epidemias, de Émile Littré.Rodrigo Barros Gewehr - 2023 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 32 (63):109-154.
    “Grandes epidemias”, de Émile Littré, é um ensaio que se debruça sobre a história das epidemias e tenta lançar as bases para uma história patológica da humanidade, a partir dessas grandes calamidades. O texto também avança no que Littré chama de “afecções menos grosseiras”, que ele identifica com “doenças nervosas”, considerando‑ as em seu caráter epidêmico. Essa transição entre duas categorias de infortúnios de ampla repercussão abre uma série de questões concernentes à definição mesma de epidemia, e nos (...)
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    Aîtres de la langue et demeures de la pensée.Henri Maldiney - 1975 - Lausanne: Éditions L'Âge d'homme.
    L'aître, nous dit le Littré, est, dans une église, "ce corps avancé qui précède le portail", ce vestibule par lequel il nous faut accéder afin d'entrer dans l'imposant édifice. Avant d'habiter la langue en laquelle nous pensons, nous faut-il en passer par ses aîtres, lesquels, s'ils ne sont eux-mêmes la demeure, nous y donnent accès. Une langue, en effet, ne se parle usuellement qu'en nous imposant son état construit, et le plus souvent, intentionnel. Or, tout l'enjeu de cet ouvrage, (...)
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    La clé des champs: et autres impromptus.André Comte-Sponville - 2023 - Paris: PUF.
    Les douze articles ici rassemblés entrent dans la série de ce que j'appelle, pensant à Schubert, mes 'impromptus' : des textes brefs, résolument subjectifs, écrits 'sur le champ et sans préparation' (comme dit le Dictionnaire de Littré), qui s'adressent au grand public et sont le plus souvent, malgré l'éventuelle légèreté de l'écriture, d'une tonalité quelque peu grave ou mélancolique. C'est encore le cas dans ce recueil, et d'autant plus, s'agissant de ce dernier point, que la plupart de ces minuscules essais (...)
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  8.  40
    Where Does Schroedinger's “What is Life?” Belong in the History of Molecular Biology?E. J. Yoxen - 1979 - History of Science 17 (1):17-52.
  9. Responsibility for structural injustice: A third thought.Robert E. Goodin & Christian Barry - 2021 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 20 (4):339-356.
    Some of the most invidious injustices are seemingly the results of impersonal workings of rigged social structures. Who bears responsibility for the injustices perpetrated through them? Iris Marion...
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    Véronique ALEMANY, Monique COTTRET et Bernard COTTRET (dir.), Saintes ou sorcières? L’héroïsme chrétien au féminin, Paris, Les Éditions de Paris, 2006, 268 pages. [REVIEW]Marcel Bernos - 2007 - Clio 25:249-290.
    L’» héroïsme » est une notion complexe, dont le sens a évolué dans le temps. Littré le définit comme « ce qui est propre au héros », ce qui nous renvoie à l’article « Héros » plus fourni. L’acception qui peut en être retenue ici semble être la troisième : « Tout homme [sic : preuve que le présent ouvrage est utile] qui se distingue par la force du caractère, la grandeur d’âme, une haute vertu …». Notons que c’est (...)
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    (1 other version)Structures of Subjectivity: Explorations in Psychoanalytic Phenomenology and Contextualism.George E. Atwood & Robert D. Stolorow - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Robert D. Stolorow.
    Structures of Subjectivity: Explorations in Psychoanalytic Phenomenology and Contextualism, is a revised and expanded second edition of a work first published in 1984, which was the first systematic presentation of the intersubjective viewpoint – what George Atwood and Robert Stolorow called psychoanalytic phenomenology – in psychoanalysis. This edition contains new chapters tracing the further development of their thinking over the ensuing decades and explores the personal origins of their most essential ideas. In this new edition, Atwood and Stolorow cover the (...)
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    Pedagogy and the Practice of Science: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Wiebe E. Bijker, Michael Gordin, Trevor Pinch, Graeme Gooday, Hugh Gusterson & Kenji Ito - 2005 - MIT Press.
    Studies examining the ways in which the training of engineers and scientists shapes their research strategies and scientific identities.
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    The relevance of health state after treatment in prioritising between different patients.E. Nord - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (1):37-42.
    In QALY-thinking, an activity that takes N people from a bad state (including 'dying') to the state of healthy for X years should have priority over an activity that takes N other people from the same bad state to a state of moderate illness for the same number of years (given equal costs). An empirical study indicates that this view may not be shared by the general public in Norway. Subjects tended to emphasise equality in value of life and in (...)
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    Lectures on Fundamental Concepts of Algebra and Geometry.E. Jordan - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (6):718-719.
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    Second-person Perspective in Interdisciplinary Research: A Cognitive Approach for Understanding and Improving the Dynamics of Collaborative Research Teams.Claudia E. Vanney & J. Ignacio Aguinalde Sáenz - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (2):155-178.
    In this paper, we argue that to reverse the excess of specialization and to create room for interdisciplinary cross-fertilization, it seems necessary to move the existing epistemic plurality towards a collaborative process of social cognition. In order to achieve this, we propose to extend the psychological notion of joint attention towards what we call joint intellectual attention. This special kind of joint attention involves a shared awareness of sharing the cognitive process of knowledge. We claim that if an interdisciplinary research (...)
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  16. Two episodes in the unification of logic and topology.E. R. Grosholz - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):147-157.
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    Correction to: Corporate Essence and Identity in Criminal Law.Mihailis E. Diamantis - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):833-833.
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  18. Divine causation and the pairing problem.Gregory E. Ganssle - 2021 - In Gregory E. Ganssle (ed.), Philosophical Essays on Divine Causation. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  19. Foreword: Wouldn't take nothing for my journey.E. Patrick Johnson - 2021 - In Scott Herring & Lee Wallace (eds.), Long term: essays on queer commitment. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    (De)facing the face of lecturing with Deleuze and Guattari.Tyson E. Lewis - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 174 (1):98-117.
    This paper articulates the separate accounts of facial education and lecturing found in A Thousand Plateaus in order to theorize a new concept of lecturing for a post-digital university. Many accounts of Deleuze and Guattari in educational theory turn away from lecturing as hierarchical and striated, yet this approach denies Deleuze and Guattari’s deterritorialization of the practice through their description of a lecture by the character Professor Challenger. When read alongside their plateau on facialization, Challenger’s unusual performance can be interpreted (...)
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    Dialectal vocabulary of the newspaper corpus of the Yakut language.E. R. Nikolaev - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
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  22. The Ministry of Women in the New Testament: Reclaiming the Biblical Vision for Church Leadership.E. Bachiochi - unknown
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    Estudos de metafísica e ontologia: perspectivas de um horizonte filosófico.José Bacelar E. Oliveira - 2003 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edited by Lúcio Craveiro da Silva.
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    Existentialism: A Beginner's Guide.Thomas E. Wartenberg - 2008 - Oneworld.
    A lively introduction to this celebrated philosophical tradition. -/- Existentialism pervades modern culture, yet if you ask most people what it means, they won’t be able to tell you. In this lively and topical introduction, Wartenberg reveals a vibrant mode of philosophical inquiry that addresses concerns at the heart of the existence of every human being. Wartenberg uses classic films, novels, and plays to present the ideas of now-legendary Existentialist thinkers from Nietzsche and Camus to Sartre and Heidegger and to (...)
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  25.  32
    Mendeleyev revisited.E. G. Marks & J. A. Marks - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (2):215-223.
    Despite the periodic table having been discovered by chemists half a century before the discovery of electronic structure, modern designs are invariably based on physicists’ definition of periods. This table is a chemists’ table, reverting to the phenomenal periods that led to the table’s discovery. In doing so, the position of hydrogen is clarified.
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  26. Experience and its objects.E. J. Lowe - 1992 - In Tim Crane (ed.), The Contents of Experience. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  27.  49
    A Plea for a New Nominalism.E. M. Zemach - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):527 - 537.
    I believe that the world is a totality of things: there are no properties, or relations, or sets, or states of affairs, or facts, or events; there are only particular things. I also believe that all true statements can be expressed in a canonical language which includes names of things and logical terms only: there will be no predicates in this language. For what is a predicate? Some say that predicates are names of universals which individual things exemplify, or names (...)
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  28. Smysl i granit︠s︡y chelovecheskoĭ dukhovnosti: (filosofsko-kulʹturologicheskoe ėsse).V. E. Gromov - 2005 - Dnepropetrovsk: Nat︠s︡īonalʹniĭ gīrnichiĭ unīversitet.
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    Mental representation in unilateral neglect and related disorders.E. Bisiach - 1993 - Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (3):435-461.
  30.  84
    Obituary.E. Thompson - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (3-4):220-222.
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    Correspondence.E. M. Wood - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (01):277-278.
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    Hjalmar Lindgren: Studia Curtiana. Pp. xv+102. Upsala: Almquist och Wiksell, 1935. Paper.E. C. Woodcock - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (06):243-.
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    Latin Syntax.E. C. Woodcock - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (02):145-.
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    Tacitus, Annals, IV, 16, 2.E. C. Woodcock - 1934 - The Classical Review 48 (04):125-126.
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    Features of the naming of weapons and military equipment in contemporary information discourse.E. A. Yakovleva & E. N. Irnazarov - 2018 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 7 (2):132.
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    Studying Diligently Is the Only Way.Ma Yi'E. - 2002 - Chinese Studies in History 36 (1):98-100.
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    Aristophanes, Clouds, 520 FF.E. C. Yorke - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (05):165-.
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    Observations on the elight of birds and the mechanics of flight.E. W. Young - 1903 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 14 (1):419-423.
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    The views of the sophists in Euripides’s “Iphigenia in Tauris”.E. S. Yurina - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (6):486.
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    C. Imber, The Ottoman Empire.E. A. Zachariadou - 1992 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 84-85 (1-2):130-131.
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    Book ReviewsAlain Boyer,. Hors du temps: Un essai sur Kant.Paris: J. Vrin, 2001. Pp. 318. €27,44.E. G. Zahar - 2004 - Ethics 114 (4):806-810.
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    I. Die Geschichte der Philosophie, ihre Ziele und Wege.E. Zeller - 1888 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 1 (1):1-10.
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    Sprachstatistisches.E. Zeller - 1898 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 11 (1):1-12.
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    X. Zu Aristippus.E. Zeller - 1888 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 1 (2):172-177.
  45.  83
    Many Times.E. M. Zemach - 1968 - Analysis 28 (5):145 - 151.
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    Unpacking the Chalcedonian Formula: From Studied Ambiguity to Saving Mystery.Brian E. Daley - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):165-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Unpacking the Chalcedonian Formula:From Studied Ambiguity to Saving MysteryBrian E. Daley, S.J.One of the central questions Christian theologians continue to ask themselves, as they confront the mystery of the person of Christ, is, what is the significance for us today of the Council of Chalcedon? For generations of modern scholars, especially those in the West, the dense and rather technical phrases forged at that fifth-century gathering of Christian bishops (...)
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    Charles Taylor: The Language Animal. The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Ability.Solveig Bøe - 2017 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 35 (1):349-355.
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    Correction to: Cultural Change Reduces Gender Differences in Mobility and Spatial Ability among Seminomadic Pastoralist-Forager Children in Northern Namibia.Helen E. Davis, Jonathan Stack & Elizabeth Cashdan - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (1):207-207.
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    Self-Efficiency Perceptions of Religious Officials Working in the Field of Social Work.E. G. E. Remziye & Muhammed Ali YAZIBAŞI - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):249-280.
    Religious education and religious services practices that emerged as spiritual/religious support and guidance in the context of social work in Turkey are carried out with the protocols between Presidency of Religious Affairs ( DIB) and Ministry of Health, Justice, Ministry Family and Social Services, Youth and Sports, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency. This research is on the self-efficacy perceptions of religious officials assigned in various social work areas of the Ministry of Family and Social Services. Researching the self-efficacy perceptions of (...)
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  50. Perception: A Blind Spot in Brandom’s Normative Pragmatics.Daniel E. Kalpokas - 2019 - Disputatio 8 (9).
    Brandom explains perceptual knowledge as the product of two distinguishable sorts of capacities: the capacity to reliably discriminate behaviorally between different sorts of stimuli; and the capacity to take up a position in the game of giving and asking for reasons. However, in focusing exclusively on the entitlement of observation reports, rather than on perception itself, Brandom passes over a conception of perceptual experience as a sort of contentful mental state. In this article, I argue that this is a blind (...)
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