Results for 'Dulcie Sharpe'

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  1.  10
    Contribuições e limites da abordagem analítica na filosofia da psicologia de Ludwig Wittgenstein.Pedro Dulci - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):240-255.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as contribuições de Ludwig Wittgenstein à fundamentação do saber e prática psicológica. Isso será feito em dois movimentos fundamentais: em primeiro lugar, reconstruiremos os interlocutores de Wittgenstein e as questões que estavam pressupostas em cada um deles. Em segundo lugar, argumentaremos sobre o método analítico que Wittgenstein escolheu para lidar com essas questões. Isto significa, pelo menos, duas coisas: Wittgenstein assume que a linguagem descritiva é o padrão para a interlocução humana, mas que (...)
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    Cidades rebeldes e terror revolucionário.Pedro Lucas Dulci - 2017 - Perspectivas 2 (1):59-76.
    no conjunto imenso e nada sistematizado da filosofia de Slavoj Žižek, a noção benjaminiana de “violência divina” é recorrentemente articulada. Para os propósitos do presente artigo, que é pensar a introdução de um terceiro elemento destituinte da dialética da violência que põe e mantém o direito, nos valeremos três textos do filósofo esloveno: Robespierre, ou a “divina violência” do terror (2007), Violência divina (2008) e Da democracia à violência divina (2009). Nesse sentido, reconstruiremos o que está no centro da sua (...)
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    Da necessidade de um proceder divino nos assuntos humanos: esquecimento, perdão e promessa como redenção aos infortúnios da ação humana.Pedro Lucas Dulci - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 13 (1):349-372.
    O presente trabalho buscará fazer uma breve fenomenologia da ação humana tendo como ponto de inflexão a concepção de trágico na ação, isto é, pensar a ação humana como portadora de aspectos trágicos que exigem de nós respostas e atitudes que geralmente os sistemas éticos clássicos não conseguem proporcionar. Esta concepção pode ser apresentada a partir de vários autores de épocas e lugares bastante distintos. Todavia, optaremos por buscar em dois, dos três grandes tragediógrafos gregos, uma perspectiva trágica da ação (...)
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    Do universo da precisão à serenidade do desvelamento: Heidegger e a questão da técnica.Pedro Lucas Dulci - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 9 (1):282-305.
    O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os problemas teóricos e históricos ligados à compreensão da técnica moderna na filosofia de Martin Heidegger. Para tal investigação começaremos investigando sobre qual é a constituição da essência da técnica para que, então, possamos explorar o significado da técnica à luz de sua caracterização mais essencial. Isto nos dará condições de identificar quais sãos os riscos envolvidos na era em que a dominação técnica atingiu níveis nunca vistos antes. Tudo isto será questionado para que (...)
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  5. Testemunhas do futuro: sobre filosofia, teologia e messianismo em Walter Benjamin.Pedro Lucas Dulci - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 3 (1):116-142.
    o presente trabalho procura investigar se existe algum elo de união que perpassa a crítica à civilização empreendida pelo filósofo alemão Walter Benjamin, bem como algo que passa necessariamente pela sua rejeição ao capitalismo, impulsionada tanto pelo romantismo alemão, pelo marxismo libertário quando pelo messianismo judaico. Em meio a um aparente aglomerado filosófico, nossa pergunta metodológica indaga-se pela possibilidade de falar de um fio condutor no pensamento do filósofo das inúmeras passagens e anotações fragmentadas? A hipótese que sustentaremos no presente (...)
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    Bodies, Commodities, and Biotechnologies: Death, Mourning, and Scientific Desire in the Realm of Human Organ Transfer.Lesley Alexandra Sharp - 2006 - Columbia University Press.
    In the United States today, the human body defines a lucrative site of reusable parts, ranging from whole organs to minuscule and even microscopic tissues. Although the medical practices that enable the transfer of parts from one body to another most certainly relieve suffering and extend lives, they have also irrevocably altered perceptions of the cultural values assigned to the body. Organ transfer is rich terrain to investigate—especially in the American context, where sophisticated technological interventions have significantly shaped understandings of (...)
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  7.  22
    Zizek and Politics: A Critical Introduction.Matthew Sharpe & Geoff M. Boucher - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    In Zizek and Politics, Geoff Boucher and Matthew Sharpe go beyond standard introductions to spell out a new approach to reading Zizek, one that can be highly critical as well as deeply appreciative. They show that Zizek has a raft of fundamental positions that enable his theoretical positions to be put to work on practical problems. Explaining these positions with clear examples, they outline why Zizek's confrontation with thinkers such as Derrida, Foucault and Deleuze has so radically changed how (...)
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    Transições negociadas: o “Não” de Pablo Larraín e as memórias do plebiscito na pós-transição chilena.Tereza Maria Spyer Dulci - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (1):554-580.
    Este artigo procura lidar com as batalhas travadas pela memória na pós-transição democrática vivenciada pelo Chile a partir da análise do filme “Não”, de Pablo Larraín. O objetivo é pensar nas produções audiovisuais como um lugar privilegiado de disputa pela memória. Examinaremos como a obra, terceira de uma trilogia sobre a ditadura civil-militar chilena, procura retratar as campanhas do SIM e do NÃO antes do plebiscito de 1988, em que se decidiu sobre o destino da ditadura de Pinochet. Será analisada, (...)
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  9. Relational Equality and Immigration.Daniel Sharp - 2022 - Ethics 132 (3):644-679.
    Egalitarians often claim that well-off states’ immigration restrictions create or reinforce objectionable inequality. Standard defenses of this claim appeal to the distributive consequences of exclusion. This article offers a relational egalitarian defense of more open borders. On this view, well-off states’ immigration restrictions are problematic because they accord the citizens of well-off states a troubling form of asymmetric power over the disadvantaged. This creates an objectionably unequal relationship between affluent states’ citizens and disadvantaged immigrants. I show that this argument offers (...)
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    Camus, Philosophe: To Return to Our Beginnings.Matthew Sharpe - 2015 - Boston: Brill.
    In _Camus, Philosophe: To Return to our Beginnings_ Matthew Sharpe reads Camus as a _philosophe_ in the classical and enlightenment lineages, arguing that his defense of _mesure_ singles him out amidst 20th century French thought and makes him of renewed relevance today.
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    In community of inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp: childhood, philosophy and education.Ann Margaret Sharp - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Edited by Megan Laverty & Maughn Rollins Gregory.
    In close collaboration with the late Matthew Lipman, Ann Margaret Sharp pioneered the theory and practice of 'the community of philosophical inquiry' (CPI) as a way of practicing 'Philosophy for Children' and prepared thousands of philosophers and teachers throughout the world in this practice. In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp represents a long-awaited and much-needed anthology of Sharp's insightful and influential scholarship, bringing her enduring legacy to new generations of academics, postgraduate students and researchers in the fields of (...)
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    Sources of the Self.R. A. Sharpe - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (167):234.
    'Most of us are still groping for answers about what makes life worth living, or what confers meaning on individual lives', writes Charles Taylor in Sources of the Self. 'This is an essentially modern predicament.' Charles Taylor's latest book sets out to define the modern identity by tracing its genesis, analysing the writings of such thinkers as Augustine, Descartes, Montaigne, Luther, and many others. This then serves as a starting point for a renewed understanding of modernity. Taylor argues that modern (...)
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    Philosophy as a way of life: history, dimensions, directions.Matthew Sharpe - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Michael Ure.
    The idea of philosophy as a 'way of life' is not a new one. From the first recorded philosophy by Plato, there has been a tradition of thinking about philosophy as pointing us towards the good life, happiness and an ethical existence. But where does this notion that philosophy has anything to offer in terms of guiding us in how to live and live well come from? In this first ever introduction to philosophy as a way of life, Matthew (...) and Michael Ure take us us through the history of the idea from Plato and the Buddha to Foucault, Hadot and Zizek. They examine the kinds of practical exercises each thinker recommended and practiced to transform their philosophy into manners of living and acting. Philosophy as a Way of Life also examines the recent resurgence of thinking about philosophy as a practical, lived reality and why this ancient tradition still has so much relevance and power in the contemporary world. (shrink)
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    Immigration, Naturalization, and the Purpose of Citizenship.Daniel Sharp - 2022 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 104 (2):408-441.
    It is widely believed that immigrants, after some time, acquire a claim to naturalize and become citizens of their new state. What explains this claim? Although existing answers (may) succeed in justifying some of immigrants' rights claims, they cannot justify the claim that immigrants are owed the opportunity to naturalize because these theories lack a sufficiently rich account of the purpose of citizenship. To fill this gap, I offer a novel egalitarian account of citizenship. Citizenship, on this account, partially protects (...)
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    Are women held to a higher moral standard than men? Gender bias among university students.David Sharp, Laurie Pant & Jeffrey Cohen - 1998 - Teaching Business Ethics 2 (2):197-209.
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    Immigration and state system legitimacy.Daniel Sharp - 2020 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (2):294-304.
    Several political philosophers have recently developed novel legitimacy-based theories of migration. These accounts argue that individual states’ legitimacy depends upon their role in a legitimate state system characterized by global cooperation on migration. This review critically assesses these arguments, as articulated by Christopher Bertram, Gillian Brock, and David Owen.
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    Música.Robert Sharpe - 2010 - Critica.
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  18. Jacques lacan.Matthew Sharpe - 2002 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind.R. A. Sharpe - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (120):268-269.
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    Unbounded families and the cofinality of the infinite symmetric group.James D. Sharp & Simon Thomas - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 34 (1):33-45.
    In this paper, we study the relationship between the cofinalityc(Sym(ω)) of the infinite symmetric group and the minimal cardinality $$\underset{\raise0.3em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\thicksim}$}}{b} $$ of an unbounded familyF of ω ω.
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    Uniformization Problems and the Cofinality of the Infinite Symmetric Group.James D. Sharp & Simon Thomas - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (3):328-345.
    Assuming Martin's Axiom, we compute the value of the cofinality of the symmetric group on the natural numbers. We also show that Martin's Axiom does not decide the value of the covering number of a related Mycielski ideal.
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    Deformation of neutron-irradiated copper single crystals.J. V. Sharp - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (139):77-96.
  23.  17
    Justice in the Context of Family Balancing.Richard R. Sharp & Michelle L. McGowan - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (2):271-293.
    Bioethics and feminist scholarship has explored various justice implications of nonmedical sex selection and family balancing. However, prospective users’ viewpoints have been absent from the debate over the socially acceptable bounds of nonmedical sex selection. This qualitative study provides a set of empirically grounded perspectives on the moral values that underpin prospective users’ conceptualizations of justice in the context of a family balancing program in the United States. The results indicate that couples pursuing family balancing understand justice primarily in individualist (...)
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    The Moral System of Shakespeare: A Popular Illustration of Fiction as the Experimental Side of Philosophy.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (2):251-252.
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    Slavoj Zizek.Matthew Sharpe - 2005 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    “Bringin’ Sexy Back” (and With it, Women): Shusterman Beyond Foucault on the Greeks.Matthew Sharpe - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4):138-146.
    Richard Shusterman, Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 436 pages./ Like other contributors, I would like to begin by expressing my respect and admiration for the scale and scope of Richard Shusterman’s achievement in Ars Erotica. The Preface acknowledges “the vast amount of material” involved in this project of charting “the history of erotic theory in the world’s most influential premodern cultures,” with each chapter on a different cultural tradition potentially (...)
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    A Realist Theory of Science.R. A. Sharpe - 1976 - Philosophical Quarterly 26 (104):284-285.
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    On a Neglected Argument in French Philosophy: Sceptical Humanism in Montaigne, Voltaire and Camus.Matthew Sharpe - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (1):1-26.
    This paper wants to draw out a common argument in three great philosophers and littérateurs in modern French thought: Michel de Montaigne, Voltaire, and Albert Camus. The argument makes metaphysical and theological scepticism the first premise for a universalistic political ethics, as per Voltaire's: “it is clearer still that we ought to be tolerant of one another, because we are all weak, inconsistent, liable to fickleness and error.” The argument, it seems to me, presents an interestingly overlooked, deeply important and (...)
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  29. A conjecture.Keiran Sharpe - 2002 - In Gavin Kitching & Nigel Pleasants (eds.), Marx and Wittgenstein: Knowledge, Morality and Politics. New York: Routledge. pp. 113.
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    Who Is Buying Bioethics Research?Richard R. Sharp, Angela L. Scott, David C. Landy & Laura A. Kicklighter - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):54-58.
    Growing ties to private industry have prompted many to question the impartiality of academic bioethicists who receive financial support from for-profit corporations in exchange for ethics-related services and research. To the extent that corporate sponsors may view bioethics as little more than a way to strengthen public relations or avoid potential controversy, close ties to industry may pose serious threats to professional independence. New sources of support from private industry may also divert bioethicists from pursuing topics of greater social importance, (...)
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  31. Comparative Religion: A History.Eric J. Sharpe - 1989 - Philosophy East and West 39 (3):362-364.
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    Reseña de "Argentina 2010. Proyecto de país hacia el bicentenario" de Eduardo María Candioti.Federico Leopoldo Sharp - 2004 - Enfoques 16 (1):99-103.
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    The Moral Economy.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19 (1):84-86.
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    The Midwives Book: Or the Whole Art of Midwifery Discovered.Jane Sharp - 1999 - Oxford University Press USA.
    When the midwife Jane Sharp wrote The Midwives Book in 1671, she became the first British woman to publish a midwifery manual. Drawing on works by her male contemporaries and weaving together medical information and lively anecdotes, she produces a book that is instructive, accessible, witty, and constantly surprising.
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    Pressing Questions for the Philosophical Life in a Time of Crisis.Matthew Sharpe, Eli Kramer & Michael Chase - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (2):1-6.
    Preview: 2020, the year the coronavirus pandemic spread globally, marked the twenty-fifth year since the publication of Pierre Hadot’s work Philosophy as a Way of Life. In that time, what began as the research specialization of just a few scholars has become a growing area of philosophical and metaphilosophical inquiry, bringing together researchers from around the globe. Hadot’s key ideas of spiritual exercises, and the very idea of PWL, have been applied to a host of individual thinkers from across the (...)
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    Feminist Philosophies of Life.Hasana Sharp & Chloë Taylor (eds.) - 2016 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Much of the history of Western ethical thought has revolved around debates about what constitutes a good life, and claims that a good life is achievable only by certain human beings. In Feminist Philosophies of Life, feminist, new materialist, posthumanist, and ecofeminist philosophers challenge this tendency, approaching the question of life from alternative perspectives. Signalling the importance of distinctively feminist reflections on matters of shared concern, Feminist Philosophies of Life not only exposes the propensity of discourses to normalize and exclude (...)
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    How It's Not the Chrisippus You Read: On Cooper, Hadot, Epictetus, and Stoicism as a Way of Life.Matthew Sharpe - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (3):367-392.
    This article challenges John M. Cooper’s reading of ancient Stoicism as a way of life, one which sets its back against Pierre Hadot’s notion that Stoicism could have philosophically advocated regimens of non-cognitive practices of the kind documented by Hadot. Part 1 examines Arrian’s Discourses, following A. A. Long in seeing in this text Arrian’s portrait of Epictetus as a philosophical persona: one bringing together the different virtues of Socrates, Diogenes, and Zeno. Part 2 then examines Epictetus’s Handbook , seeing (...)
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    Slavoj Žižek: A Little Piece of the Real.Matthew Sharpe - 2004 - Routledge.
    Slavoj Zizek has emerged as the pre-eminent European cultural theorist of the last decade and has been described as the ultimate Marxist/Lacanian cultural studies scholar. His large and growing body of work has generated considerable controversy, yet his texts are not structured as standard academic tomes. In Slavoj Zizek: A Little Piece of the Real, Matthew Sharpe undertakes the difficult task of drawing out an evolving argument from all of Zizek's texts from 1989 to 2001, and reads them as (...)
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    II. A critique of British empiricism∗.R. A. Sharpe - 1968 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 11 (1-4):430-435.
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  40. The logical status of natural laws.R. A. Sharpe - 1964 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 7 (1-4):414-416.
    In this note I have presented the essentials of a view of how laws are falsified, a view which has been held by some notable philosophers but which is radically opposed to that of Professor Popper. I have not scrupled to ?improve? upon it, so the view of no one philosopher is presented. I try to show that an interesting and convincing account of scientific simplicity is implicit in the theory and I conclude by suggesting how we can bring the (...)
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  41. Discovering yourself a person.A. M. Sharp - 1992 - In Ann Margaret Sharp, Ronald F. Reed & Matthew Lipman (eds.), Studies in philosophy for children: Harry Stottlemeier's discovery. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 56--64.
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    Problems in Business Ethics.Frank Chapman Sharp & Philip Gorder Fox - 1937 - D. Appleton-Century Company.
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    Quaestio super universalia.John Sharpe - 1990 - Firenze: Olschki. Edited by Alessandro D. Conti.
  44. Samuel Johnson: Literature, Religion and English Cultural Politics from the Restoration to Romanticism. By JCD Clark.A. Sharp - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:162-162.
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    Smash the Sovereign Paradigm! “The War of the Races” as an Alternative to the Discourse of Sovereignty.Hasana Sharp - 2002 - Intertexts 6 (1):98-109.
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    The other Enlightenment: self-estrangement, race, and gender.Matthew Sharpe - 2023 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This post-colonial and feminist reading of the Enlightenment explores the proto-postmodernist practice of examining one's conclusions through the eyes of the Other. Self-estrangement to gain critical distance from one's taken-for-granted assumptions was central to the Enlightenment and remains vital for critical sociopolitical thinking today.
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    Strategization of CSR.Ziva Sharp & Nurit Zaidman - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (1):51-71.
    We examine the process of strategization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within 12 Israeli firms using a longitudinal qualitative approach. We analyzed the process of CSR strategization under Jarzabkowski’s framework. Our findings identify the differentiating characteristics of CSR strategization processes, including the requirement for informative communications rather than persuasive negotiations, and the absence of resistance within the organizational community. These unique aspects of CSR strategization may be attributed to the moral and value-centric nature of CSR activity.
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  48. Spinoza, Poetry, and Human Bondage.Hasana Sharp - 2023 - Australasian Philosophical Review 7 (1):37-47.
    This paper explores Spinoza’s relationship to poetry by considering two prominent allusions to classical literature in Spinoza’s political treatises. Susan James illuminates Spinoza’s worries about the dangers of poetic address. At the same time, Spinoza relies on poetic language and citation to press some central claims. References to Seneca and Tacitus, I suggest, aim to transform the popular imagination with respect to the relationship between government, violence, and domination. Poetic language reinforces his challenge to false solutions to the problems of (...)
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  49. From Amy Allen to Abbé Raynal: Critical Theory, the Enlightenment and Colonialism.Matthew Sharpe - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (2):178-199.
    ABSTRACTThis paper is a critical response to Amy Allen’s The End of Progress: Decolonising the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory. We take up her book’s call for a “problematizing” history which challenges “taken-for-granted” preconceptions in order to contest Allen’s own representation of the thought of the enlightenment. Allen accepts that all the enlighteners agreed upon a stadial, progressive account of history, which she critiques epistemically and normatively. But we show in Part 2, drawing on the work of Henri Vyverberg and (...)
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    Do Not Forget to Live.Matthew Sharpe - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 22:93-99.
    Pierre Hadot is famous for his work on ancient philosophy, and the notion that ancient philosophia was conceived in the Greek schools as a way of life, including existential practices to reshape students’ beliefs, desires, and actions. Yet his last published book before his death in 2010 was the study N’Oublie Pas de Vivre, on the oeuvre of the modern German thinker and litterateur, Goethe. Hadot’s work throughout refuses to make a sharp distinction between ancients and moderns, interested rather, as (...)
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