Duane Roller [4]Duane W. Roller [2]
  1.  11
    Teaching the History of Science.L. Pinkus, Duane Roller, Charles Gillespie, John Greene & L. Klopfer - 1956 - Isis 47:61-63.
  2.  20
    A note on the Berber head in London.Duane W. Roller - 2002 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 122:144-146.
    The well-known ¿Berber Head¿ in the British Museum, found at Kyrene in 1861, has long defied exact stylistic analysis. Its findspot provides no precise date, and ever since the excavators suggested that it was a piece from the fourth century bc, this dating has been sustained, generally through inertia. Yet recent scholars have become increasingly aware of the weakness of this date without offering specific alternatives other than a gradual down-dating. Its North African features indicate that it is a portrait (...)
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  3. THE WOMEN CALLED CLEOPATRA - (L.) Llewellyn-Jones The Cleopatras. The Forgotten Queens of Egypt. Pp. xviii + 361, maps, pls. New York: Basic Books, 2024. Cased, US$34. ISBN: 978-1-5416-0292-2. [REVIEW]Duane W. Roller - forthcoming - The Classical Review:1-2.
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