Results for 'Dr Tadeus Doktór'

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  1. Psychological Characteristics of Members of New Religious and Parareligious Movements.Dr Tadeus Doktór - 1994 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 21 (1):232-238.
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    Psychological characteristics of members of new religious and parareligious movements.Tadeus Doktór - 1994 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 21 (1):232-238.
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    O Karlu Kosíkovi a nejen o něm.Tereza Kunešová & Josef Zumr - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (1):105-124.
    Dne 31. července 2013 poskytl dr. Josef Zumr rozhovor, zaměřující se na jeho dlouholetého přítele a spolupracovníka Karla Kosíka. Doktor Zumr zde představuje dobu 60. let, vzpomíná na to, jak se s Karlem Kosíkem potkal, co prožili. Popisuje Kosíkovo mládí, důvody, proč se rozhodl studovat filosofii. Líčí politickou situaci v Československu a různé nástroje a způsoby politické perzekuce, která postihla většinu pracovníků FÚ ČSAV (a nejen jich), a popisuje, jakým způsobem se s touto situací vyrovnával on sám i Karel Kosík. (...)
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  4. Zeynep Sağır (Ed.). Din Psikolojisi: Teori, Güncel Araştırmalar ve Yeni Eğilimler. İstanbul: Dem Yayınları / Publishing, 2020. [REVIEW]Beyza Okumuş - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 55:505-509.
    Fırat Üniversitesi Din Psikolojisi Anabilim Dalı’nda görev yapmakta olan Dr. Zeynep Sağır editörlüğünde hazırlanan “Din Psikolojisi: Teori, Güncel Araştırmalar ve Yeni Eğilimler” başlıklı çalışma, din psikolojisi alanında çalışmalarını yürüten doktor veya doktora öğrencisi araştırmacıların hazırlamış oldukları makaleleri bir araya getirerek alanın güncel çalışmaları hakkında fikir vermeyi hedeflemektedir. Suriyeli mülteciler üzerine yapılmış çalışmalar, Fowler’ın İnanç Gelişimi Teorisi, organ kaybı yaşayan bireylerin manevi yaşam doyumları, manevi danışmanlık ve rehberlik lisansüstü programları, din ve mizah, rüya, radikalleşme ve manevi müzik terapi uygulamaları eserde ele (...)
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  5. Dysputa żydowsko-chrześcijańska na dworze hanowerskim 1711.Jan Doktór - 1995 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 40.
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    Factors influencing tolerance to new religious movements.Tadeusz Doktór - 2003 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 25 (1):88-99.
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    Humanizm, prakseologia, pedagogika: materiały konferencji zorganizowanej dla upamiętnienia 100 rocznicy urodzin Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego.Kazimierz Doktór & Edward Hajduk (eds.) - 1989 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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  8. Sabbataizm jako ideologia kryzysu.Jan Doktór - 1986 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 31.
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    Dr Frank Taylor, 1910-2000.Dr Frederick Ratcliffe & Anne Young - 2000 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 82 (2):81-84.
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  10. „Jakob Frank und sein messianisches Reich “.Jan Doktor - 1992 - Kairos (misc) 34:35-93.
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  11. Od narcyzmu do samourzeczywistnienia. Kultowa transformacja osobowości narcystycznej.Tadeusz Doktór - 1987 - Colloquia Communia 30 (1-2):167-180.
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    Wie hilfreich sind „ethische Richtlinien“ am Einzelfall?Sandra Bartels, Mike Parker, Tony Hope & Prof Dr Stella Reiter-Theil - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (3):191-205.
    Entscheidungen der Therapiebegrenzung und in der Betreuung am Lebensende sind häufig komplex und von ethischen Problemen begleitet. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung steht die entscheidende Frage, wie hilfreich existierende „Ethik-Richtlinien“, die eine ethische Orientierung bei solchen Entscheidungen geben sollen, in der klinischen Praxis tatsächlich sind. Die Frage, welchen Nutzen „Ethik-Richtlinien“ bei der Entscheidungsfindung haben oder haben können, wird hier exemplarisch an einem klinischen Fallbeispiel aus einer Ethik-Kooperationsstudie in der Intensivmedizin analysiert. Vergleichend werden hierzu „Ethik-Richtlinien“ aus Deutschland, der Schweiz und aus Großbritannien (...)
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    Detailed Study of Cultural Context Effects on Online Shopping Trust and Store Reputation.Arunkumar Devalapura Thimmappa, Anisha Chaudhary, Dr Anil Sharma, Prateek Garg, Dr Rajeev Kumar Sinha, Dr Vinima Gambhir & Shriya Mahajan - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:895-903.
    Online shopping allows consumers to save anytime, anywhere. However, cultural elements have a profound effect on consumer expectations and perceptions, affecting online shopping trust and in-keep popularity. Understanding these precise cultural factors is crucial to improve e-trade techniques and building consumer consideration. Consumers should buy products online, buying everywhere and anytime. However, purchaser expectancies and impressions are closely influenced by cultural context, affecting online purchasing self-assurance and in-save popularity. Gaining a higher expertise in these particular cultural aspects is critical to (...)
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    Investigating the Effects of Cinematic Content on Psychological Attitudes towards Social Issues.Anubhav Bhalla, Ramachandran Thulasiram, Prakhar Goyal, Dr Aashka Thakkar, B. Reddy, Dr Amit Kumar Shrivastav & Dr Sadaf Hashmi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1032-1040.
    Cinematic content plays a crucial role in shaping and reflecting societal attitudes, offering powerful narratives that can influence public perceptions of social issues. This study explores the impact of cinematic content on psychological attitudes towards social issues among college students. A sample of 150 students was divided into two groups: Group A (80 students) impacted the positive attitude while Group B (70 students) served as the control group with negative attitude. This study aimed to assess how cinematic narratives affect attitudes (...)
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    Extensive Analysis of Viewer Engagement with Ethnic Minority Representations in Animation.K. Suneetha, Anisha Chaudhary, Dr Dhruvin Chauhan, Amritpal Sidhu, Dr Rajeev Kumar Sinha, Dr Shoaib Mohammed & Bhanu Juneja - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:744-751.
    The animated movie creates character performances and movement frame-by-frame by involving a sequence of slightly different objects. The technique involves the development of computer graphics, images, or drawings with creativity. More frequently, the representation of ethnic minorities provides a significant impact on the viewers. So, it is significant to analyze how the viewers are influenced by minority representation in animated movies. Hence, the present investigates the impact of ethnic minority representations in animation on various aspects of viewer engagement. A sample (...)
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    Giving Liberty Its Due, But No More: Trans Fats, Liberty, and Public Health.Dr James Wilson - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):34-36.
    Resnik’s argument relies upon an undefended and unjustified overvaluation of liberty. First, he overlooks some important arguments in favour of restrictions to liberty, and his consideration of the two he does review is unfair; second his account grossly overestimates the autonomy of our food choices; and lastly his mechanism for balancing liberty against other concerns involves an illicit double counting of the weight of individual liberty.
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    Measuring the Impact of Technological Evolutions on Fine Arts Competence Development.M. P. Sunil, Anisha Chaudhary, Dr Yashesh Zaveri, Jagmeet Sohal, Anup Kumar Singh, Dr Poonam Singh & Sunila Choudhary - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1021-1031.
    Technological evaluations have significantly enhanced college students’ fine arts competence development by providing advanced tools and platforms that foster creativity, improve technical skills, and enable innovative artistic expression. In this study 500 college students were mentioned as participators. The variables Technological Tools, Technical Proficiency, Advanced Technologies, Creativity and Innovation, Online Platforms, Skill Development, and Collaborative Competencies are built to evaluate various aspects of technological and creative capabilities in educational and professional settings. Fine arts competitions like the (Artificial Intelligence) AI art (...)
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    Empfehlungen zur Evaluation von Ethikberatung in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens.Dr med Gerald Neitzke, Prof Dr Phil Annette Riedel, Dr Theol Stefan Dinges, Dr Phil Uwe Fahr & Dr Phil Arnd T. May - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (2):149-156.
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    Allokationsethik aus Sicht des Personalmanagements im Krankenhaus.Dr Jürgen Wallner - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (4):283-289.
    Es ist in der Literatur weithin bekannt, dass im Gesundheitswesen auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen Allokationsentscheidungen getroffen werden. Während es auf der Makroebene um gesellschaftlich-politische Strukturfragen geht, stehen die Akteure der Mikroebene vor der Aufgabe, begrenzte Ressourcen in einer Organisation sinnvoll einzusetzen. In den ethischen Analysen der Mikro-Allokationsebene werden zumeist Entscheidungen der Healthcare Professionals thematisiert, weil sie eine unmittelbare Auswirkung auf die konkreten Patienten haben. Weniger in den Blick geraten Allokationen des Managements, welche die Rahmenbedingungen für Ressourcenzuteilungen beim Patienten betreffen. Hierbei geht (...)
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  20. Biotic Scale to Sign and Symbol: Concept of Vira in Jaina-Saiva Cults: A Comparative Study.Dr K. Satya Murty - 2001 - In Haripriya Rangarajan, G. Kamalakar, A. K. V. S. Reddy, M. Veerender & K. Venkatachalam, Jainism: art, architecture, literature & philosophy. Delhi: Sharada Pub. House. pp. 276.
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  21. The difference totality makes. Reconsidering Pannenberg's eschatological ontology.Dr Benjamin Myers - 2007 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 49 (2).
    Wolfhart Pannenberg's eschatological ontology has been criticised for undermining the goodness and reality of finite creaturely differentiation. Drawing on David Bentley Hart's recent ontological proposal, this article explores the critique of Pannenberg's ontology, and offers a defence of Pannenberg's depiction of the relationship between difference and totality, especially as it is presented in his 1988 work, Metaphysics and the Idea of God. In this work, Pannenberg articulates a structured relationship between difference and totality in which individual finite particularities are preserved (...)
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  22. Abortion and personhood: Historical and comparative notes.Dr David L. Perry - unknown
    A caveat: The topic of abortion is both highly controversial and extremely complex, and I certainly cannot hope to address all of its important ethical aspects in the brief notes that follow. Readers are urged to consult a good annotated bibliography such as the one compiled by James DeHullu for references to more extensive scholarly treatments of abortion.
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    Stūpa Worship: The Early Form of Tai Religious Tourism.Dr Pimmada Wichasin - 2009 - Contemporary Buddhism 10 (1):185-191.
    Pilgrimage and tourism can be related to each other, especially religious tourism. It can be said that pilgrimage is considered an early form of religious tourism due to the fact that these two share similar aspects. The relationship of pilgrimage and tourism with the emphasis on the case of stūpa worship is illustrated in this paper. Stūpa worship is regarded to be an early form of both the pilgrimage and tourism of Tai. The ‘Tai’ in this context refers to those (...)
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    Abortion and parental responsibility.Dr M. E. Winston - 1986 - Journal of Medical Humanities and Bioethics 7 (2):153-153.
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    Sollte es ein favorisiertes Modell klinischer Ethikberatung für Krankenhäuser geben? – Erfahrungen aus den USA.Dr med Eva C. Winkler - 2009 - Ethik in der Medizin 21 (4):309-322.
    In den USA haben sich im Wesentlichen drei verschiedene Organisationsformen klinischer Ethikberatung entwickelt: der einzelne Berater, das große Komitee und das Beratungsteam teilweise mit Rückbindung an ein größeres Komitee. Bislang gibt es jedoch weder empirische Daten noch ein Ergebnis der anfänglichen theoretischen Diskussion, ob es ein favorisiertes Modell für die klinische Ethikberatung geben sollte und welches dieses sei. Dieser Artikel argumentiert, dass die Vorzüge, Nachteile und die Erfolgsfaktoren der verschiedenen Organisationsformen in Abhängigkeit von der Zielsetzung klinischer Ethikdienste (KED) bewertet werden (...)
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  26. Studies in the sociology of knowledge and their implications for history of science.Dr Oldroyd - 1987 - History of Science 25 (1).
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    Hans Kelsen and the Case for Democracy.Dr Sandrine Baume - 2012 - Ecpr Press.
    This study assesses Kelsenian democratic theory.
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    Scientific and religious worldviews: Antagonism, non-antagonistic incommensurability and complementarity.Dr Victoria S. Harrison - 2006 - Heythrop Journal 47 (3):349–366.
    This article reviews three basic ways in which the relationship between Abrahamic religion and science has been construed: as fundamentally antagonistic; as non‐antagonistically incommensurable; and as complementary. Unfortunately, while each construal seems to offer benefits to the religious believer, none, as the article demonstrates, is without considerable cost.
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    Justification as a triune event.Dr Robert W. Jenson - 1995 - Modern Theology 11 (4):421-427.
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    Wittgenstein: Rethinking the Inner.Dr Paul Johnston & Paul Johnston - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    The idea of the Inner is central to our concept of a person and yet is far from being philosophically understood. This book offers a comprehensive account of Wittgenstein's work on the subject and presents a forceful challenge to contemporary views. Written in a non-technical and accessible style, it throws new light both on Wittgenstein's work and on the problem of the Inner self.
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    The attitude of Islam towards science and philosophy: a translation of Ibn Rushd's (Averroës) famous treatise Faslul-al-maqal.Dr H. N. Rafia - 2003 - New Delhi: Sarup & Sons.
    Biography of Ibn Rushd... Averroes, old heathen, If only you had been right, if Intellect Itself were absolute law, sufficient grace. Our lives could be a myth of captivity. Which we might enter: an unpeopled region.
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    Law, liability and expert systems.Dr Joseph A. Cannataci - 1989 - AI and Society 3 (3):169-183.
    This paper examines some of the possible legal implications of the production, marketing and use of expert systems. The relevance of a legally useful definition of expert systems, comprising systems designed for use both by laymen and professionals, is related to the distinctions inherent in the legal doctrine underlying provision of goods and provision of services. The liability of the sellers and users of, and contributors to, expert systems are examined in terms of professional malpractice as well as product liability. (...)
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    Synthesis: The Existence of the Illative Sense.Dr Zeno O. F. M. Cap - 1952 - Franciscan Studies 12 (2):196-213.
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    Narratives From The Netherlands.C. Dr - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (1):77.
    I graduated from medical school in 1957. I first went into hospital practice for 3½; years, and then went to Africa for 5 years before returning to Holland to resume practicing as a Family Physician. I have also participated in the postgraduate training and education for family doctors in Amsterdam, Currently, there are approximately 2,300 patients in my practice, about average for a Dutch physi- cian. Ten percent of those patients are over the age of 65.
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    Novum Organum Ii: Going Beyond the Scientific Research Model.Dr Chris Edwards - 2014 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This timely book has come to formalize these methods, build upon Bacon’s scientific research model, and to ultimately go beyond it.
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    Standards für die Beratung zu Patientenverfügungen.Dr Arnd T. May, Silke Niewohner, Jürgen Bickhardt, Hartmut Kreß & Sonja Rothärmel - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (4):332-336.
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    Call for papers.Michael-Owen Dr - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64 (3):iii-iii.
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    Notes on the Origin of 'the Chase': Artefacts of an Indigenous Racing Tradition in Transkei.Dr Craig Paterson - 2021 - Kronos 47 (1):1-24.
    In 19th Century Transkei, crowds would gather to watch whole herds of cattle charging over several kilometres in the popular sport of uleqo. This sport became untenable due to environmental conditions and colonial responses to those conditions. Horses replaced cattle in the racing tradition and uleqo was effectively relegated to a footnote in the history of the area. This article draws together the few remaining descriptions of uleqo in the Eastern Cape. It does so to ask two main questions: what (...)
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    Une Polémique Augustinienne Contre Cicéron.Dr José Oroz Reta - 1981 - Augustinian Studies 12:19-41.
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    Die Wahrheitsfrage in der Religionspsychologie.Dr Wilhelm Stählin - 1930 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 5 (2):136-159.
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    Philosophie en Cultuur.Dr Herman Wolf - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):262-274.
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    A Letter to the Editor.Dr Zeno - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:251-251.
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    Die Implementierung Klinischer Ethikberatung in Deutschland.Dr med Andrea Dörries & Katharina Hespe-Jungesblut - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (2):148-156.
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    Education in a Single Europe.Dr Colin Brock, Colin Brock & Withold Tulasiewicz (eds.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    This book brings together contributors from the different member states of the European Union in order to understand the different degrees of subscription to the concept of Europe and the role education plays in such a process. This second edition includes the new countries which have become part of the union and also considers recent developments in policy and practice. Countries covered are: Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Ireland; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Portugal; Spain; Sweden and the UK. All (...)
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  45. Naturalism.Dr David Macarthur - unknown
    Naturalism is a term that stands for a family of positions that endorse the general idea of being true to, or guided by, “nature”, an idea as old as Western thought itself (e.g. Aristotle is often called a naturalist) and as various and open-ended as interpretations of “nature”. Since the rise of the modern scientific revolution in the seventeenth century, nature has increasingly come to be identified with the-worldas-studied-by-the-sciences. Consequently, naturalism has come to mean a set of positions defined in (...)
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    Business ethics and the spirit of global capitalism: Moral leadership in the context of global Hegemony1.Dr Ivan Manokha - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):27-41.
    This article carries out a critical analysis of the discourse/practice of Business Ethics that has developed to an unprecedented extent in the last decade or so. It argues that in the late-modern global political economy (GPE) there develops a form of a Gramscian hegemony of transnational capital and the discourse/practice of Business Ethics can be seen as a form of moral leadership in the context of the emerging hegemonic order.
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    Autonomie am Lebensende — Patientenverfügungen.Dr A. T. May - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (2):152-158.
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    Acquired Citizenship & Role of Apparent Status in Proving It: A Comparative Study.Dr Sadeq Zghair Mohaisen & Ekhlas Farhan Muhi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:61-66.
    The apparent situation is a method of establishing nationality where an individual can invoke it if he or she loses proof of his or her belonging to the country that claims to be entitled to his or her nationality. s nationality ", a legal situation in which an individual is unable to prove his or her nationality in order to lose evidence of his or her acquisition of citizenship from official documents or an incidental occurrence that has made the question (...)
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    Durfte der Kieler Ärztetag den ärztlich assistierten Suizid verbieten? Ja!Dr med Martina Wenker - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):73-77.
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    By the logic of the gospel: Proposal for a theology of culture.Dr Jonathan R. Wilson - 1994 - Modern Theology 10 (4):401-414.
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