Results for 'Dr Jack D. Maser'

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  1. Is the free market dead?Dr Jack Russell Weinstein - unknown
    The occasion of this talk was a panel discussion ending the conference on “Radical Politics” sponsored by The University of North Dakota’s chapter to Students for a Democratic Society. Many of the members are self-described Marxists and Anarchists. It is they whom I address here.
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    Understanding everyday life.Jack D. Douglas - 1970 - Chicago,: Aldine Pub. Co..
  3. Understanding Existentialism.Dr Jack Reynolds - 2005 - Routledge.
    Understanding Existentialism provides an accessible introduction to existentialism by examining the major themes in the work of Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and de Beauvoir. Paying particular attention to the key texts, Being and Time, Being and Nothingness, Phenomenology of Perception, The Ethics of Ambiguity and The Second Sex, the book explores the shared concerns and the disagreements between these major thinkers. The fundamental existential themes examined include: freedom; death, finitude and mortality; phenomenological experiences and 'moods', such as anguish, angst, nausea, boredom, (...)
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    Appearances, antirealism, and Aristotle.Jack D. Davidson - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 63 (2):147 - 166.
    Nussbaum misconstrues the difference between Plato and Aristotle over what is real for a debate over a conception of truth. She seems to mistake Aristotle's arguments against Plato' version of realism as an argument against realism per se, though the texts do not permit such a reading. She claims Aristotle is convinced that realism involves a fatal “failure of reference,” yet she produces not a single text where Aristotle is even remotely concerned about such a failure of reference given the (...)
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  5. Video Meliora Proboque, Deteriora Sequor: Leibniz on the Intellectual Source of Sin.Jack D. Davidson - 2005 - In Donald Rutherford & J. A. Cover (eds.), Leibniz: nature and freedom. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Economics and Philosophy.D. T. Jack - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):68 - 80.
    In a recent article in Philosophy Professor Knox makes a plea for a philosophic treatment of economic activity by way of contrast to either the specialized study of economic history or of economic science. The conclusion which was reached was embodied in the statement that “the historical and scientific methods of the study of economic activity leave incompletely satisfied the curiosity of students , and reach results which need special interpretation before they can be useful to politicians, let alone to (...)
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    Untying the Knot: Leibniz on God's Knowledge of Future Free Contingents.Jack D. Davidson - 1996 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 13 (1):89 - 116.
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    Locke’s Finely Spun Liberty.Jack D. Davidson - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (2):203 - 227.
    Near the end of the long and often convoluted discussion of freedom in the chapter ‘Of Power’ in An Essay concerning Human Understanding, Locke states that in ‘The care of ourselves, that we mistake not imaginary for real happiness, is the necessary foundation of our liberty’. He goes on to explain that ‘we are by the necessity of preferring and pursuing true happiness as our greatest good, obliged to suspend the satisfaction of our desire in particular cases’. Locke then adds (...)
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    Baechler's theory of suicide.Jack D. Douglas - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):275-276.
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    Everyday life: reconstruction of social knowledge.Jack D. Douglas (ed.) - 2010 - New Brunswick, N.J.: AldineTransaction.
    In addition, this volume can be used in courses specifically dealing with ethnomethodology, in graduate seminars dealing with these issues, and in academic work ...
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    Medical Chimera: The Anniversary of an Allograft.Jack D. Rollins - 1999 - Journal of Medical Humanities 20 (3):177-190.
  12. Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts.Rosalyn Diprose & Dr Jack Reynolds - 2008 - Routledge.
    Having initially not had the attention of Sartre or Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty's work is arguably now more widely influential than either of his two contemporaries. "Merleau-Ponty: Key Concepts" presents an accessible guide to the core ideas which structure Merleau-Ponty's thinking as well as to his influences and the value of his ideas to a wide range of disciplines. The first section of the book presents the context of Merleau-Ponty's thinking, the major debates of his time, particularly existentialism, phenomenology, the history of (...)
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    Independent school attendance and social class status.Jack D. Mooers - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (3):253-258.
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  14. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.Jack D. Davidson - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), Medieval Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 3--167.
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  15. Understanding everyday life: toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge.Jack D. Douglas - 1971 - London,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    Understanding Everyday Life All of sociology necessarily begins with the understanding of everyday life, and all of sociology is directed either to ...
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    Jean-Paul Sartre: Key Concepts.Steven Churchill & Dr Jack Reynolds (eds.) - 2013 - Durham: Routledge.
    Most readers of Sartre focus only on the works written at the peak of his influence as a public intellectual in the 1940s, notably "Being and Nothingness". "Jean-Paul Sartre: Key Concepts" aims to reassess Sartre and to introduce readers to the full breadth of his philosophy. Bringing together leading international scholars, the book examines concepts from across Sartre's career, from his initial views on the "inner life" of conscious experience, to his later conceptions of hope as the binding agent for (...)
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    Leibniz on Providence, Foreknowledge and Freedom.Jack D. Davidson - 1994 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Commentators have long been fascinated by the problem of freedom in Leibniz's system. Many of the recent studies begin with Leibniz's views on modality, truth, and so-called superessentialism, and then investigate whether these doctrines are compatible with freedom and contingency. There is, however, another dimension to Leibniz's thinking about freedom that has been largely overlooked in the recent literature. ;Leibniz inherited a medieval debate about God's foreknowledge of and providence over human free actions, and unlike the other great philosophers of (...)
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    On the Subject(s) of Jack Kevorkian, M.D.: A Retrospective Analysis.Tom Koch - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (4):436-441.
    To those defining euthanasia as a battle for the principle of self-determination, persons seeking physician assisted death (PAD) are soldiers in the fight for patient autonomy. The reasons they seek it, or the potential of other, non-life-threatening interventions is less important than this principle: individuals have the right not only to choose death (suicide), but to be assisted in dying. They should not be second guessed or denied on the basis of another's distaste for that decision. This paper offers a (...)
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  19. Leibniz on the Labyrinth of Freedom.Jack D. Davidson - 2003 - The Leibniz Review 13:19-43.
    Leibniz devoted immense energy and thought to questions concerning moral responsibility and human freedom. This paper examines Leibniz’s views on freedom and sin in two important early texts - “Von der Allmacht Allmacht und Allwissenheit Gottes und der Freiheit des Menschen” and “Confessio Philosophi” - as a propaedeutic to a detailed examination of the development of Leibniz’s views on freedom and sin. In particular, my aim is to see if Leibniz’s early thinking on freedom and sin in these early writings (...)
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    Overcoming Insomnia:A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach Therapist Guide: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach Therapist Guide.Jack D. Edinger & Colleen E. Carney - 2008 - Oxford University Press USA.
    It is estimated that one in ten U.S. adults suffers from chronic insomnia. If left untreated, chronic insomnia reduces quality of life and increases risk for psychiatric and medical disease, especially depression and anxiety. There are two forms of insomnia: secondary insomnia, in which it is comorbid with another condition such as psychiatric disorders, chronic pain conditions, or cardiopulmonary disorders, and primary insomnia, which does not coexist with any other disorder. This treatment program uses cognitive-behavioral therapy methods to correct poor (...)
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    Existential Sociology.Jack D. Douglas & John M. Johnson - 1977 - Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of ten original essays was first published in 1977. It engages the 'crisis in sociology' at the most fundamental level of thought and experience. Existential sociology is defined as the study and understanding of all forms of human existence. Without seeking to erect a pristine philosophical sanctuary of its own, Existential Sociology examines and criticizes the underlying philosophical assumptions of previous theories of social science, while elaborating its own approach to human understanding. The contributors are concerned with constructing (...)
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    Exploring an emotional basis of cognitive control in the flanker task.Motonori Yamaguchi, Jack D. Moore, Sarah E. Hendry & Felicity D. A. Wolohan - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The present study investigated the influence of emotional stimuli in the flanker task. In six experiments, separate influences of anticipating and reacting to valence-laden stimuli (affective pictures or facial expressions) on the flanker effect and its sequential modulation (also known as conflict adaptation) were examined. The results showed that there was little evidence that emotional stimuli influenced cognitive control when positive and negative stimuli appeared randomly during the flanker task. When positive and negative stimuli were separated between different participant groups (...)
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    Wolfcang-Hagen Hein. Alexander von Humboldt und die Pharmazie. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgessellschaft, 1988. Pp. 130. ISBN 3-8047-0984-2. DM 29. [REVIEW]D. B. Jack - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (4):474.
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    Treading on hallowed ground.Dr Mark D. Williams & Charles B. Rodning - 1996 - Journal of Medical Humanities 17 (2):103-118.
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    Neuroregulators: neurotransmitters and neuromodulators.Glen R. Elliott & Jack D. Barchas - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):423-424.
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    Selling [out] the church in the marketplace of desire.Dr Philip D. Kenneson - 1993 - Modern Theology 9 (4):319-348.
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    Alexander von Humboldt und die Pharmazie. [REVIEW]D. Jack - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (4):474-475.
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    Ist terminale Sedierung medizinisch sinnvoll oder ersetzbar?Dr med D. Beck - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):334-341.
    ZusammenfassungDie von einem multiprofessionellen Behandlungsteam durchgeführte Symptombehandlung bei inkurablen Patienten am Lebensende erweist sich als hoch effektiv und verschafft den meisten Patienten eine ausreichende Linderung. Dennoch verbleibt ein Patientenanteil, bei dem auch unter Berücksichtigung physischer, psychischer, sozialer und spiritueller Bedürfnisse kein erträglicher Zustand erreicht werden kann. In diesen Extremfällen können Sedierungsmaßnahmen zur Linderung eingesetzt werden. Der Begriff und das Angebot der terminalen Sedierung sind in vielerlei Hinsicht umstritten. Eine Kasuistik soll die Problemstellung veranschaulichen und zeigen, wie die terminale Sedierung von (...)
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    Culinary MarxismSteppenwolf and Everyman: Outsiders and Conformists in Contemporary Literature.Ehrhard Bahr, Ruth Kunzer, Hans Mayer & Jack D. Zipes - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (3):18.
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    The effects of inescapable shock on the retention of a previously learned response in an appetitive situation with delay of reinforcement.Richard S. Calef, Michael C. Choban, Jim P. Shaver, Jack D. Dye & E. Scott Geller - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (3):213-216.
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    Altered choroid plexus gene expression in major depressive disorder.Cortney A. Turner, Robert C. Thompson, William E. Bunney, Alan F. Schatzberg, Jack D. Barchas, Richard M. Myers, Huda Akil & Stanley J. Watson - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Violet Anselmini Allain, Richard Moll, John R. Thelin, Neal A. Norris, William J. Lowe, Nicholas C. Polos, W. Bruce Leslie, Jack D. Spiro, Robert R. Sherman, J. Harold Anderson, William F. O'Neill, Ray Nichols, Donna Lee Younker & Thomas A. Brindley - 1980 - Educational Studies 11 (3):294-310.
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    Small Firms' Demand for Health Insurance: The Decision to Offer Insurance.Jack Hadley & James D. Reschovsky - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (2):118-137.
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    Health and the Cost of Nongroup Insurance.Jack Hadley & James D. Reschovsky - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (3):235-253.
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    The Old Babylonian Tablets from Al-RimahThe Old Babylonian Tablets from Tell al Rimah.Jack M. Sasson, Stephanie Dalley, C. B. F. Walker & J. D. Hawkins - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (4):453.
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  36. School of philosophy and ethics.Dr D. Farland - unknown
    • This paper consists of 3 pages. Please ensure that you have them all. • This paper divides into four sections. Please answer all sections. • Section A is a compulsory section. Answer all questions in this section. • Section B you have a choice: EITHER do Part I OR do Part II. • Section C is a compulsory section. Answer all questions in this section. • Section D you have a choice: answer ONE of the questions.
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    Duplicate publication and 'paper inflation' in the fractals literature.Dr Ronald N. Kostoff, Dustin Johnson, J. Antonio Del Rio, Louis A. Bloomfield, Michael F. Shlesinger, Guido Malpohl & Hector D. Cortes - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (3):543-554.
    The similarity of documents in a large database of published Fractals articles was examined for redundancy. Three different text matching techniques were used on publisheds to identify redundancy candidates, and predictions were verified by reading full text versions of the redundancy candidate articles. A small fraction of the total articles in the database was judged to be redundant. This was viewed as a lower limit, because it excluded cases where the concepts remained the same, but the text was altered substantially.Far (...)
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    3. Croce and the Commedia dell'arte of Naples.Jack D'amico - 1999 - In Jack D'Amico, Dain A. Trafton & Massimo Verdicchio (eds.), The Legacy of Benedetto Croce: Contemporary Critical Views. University of Toronto Press. pp. 31-51.
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    The Legacy of Benedetto Croce: Contemporary Critical Views.Jack D'Amico, Dain A. Trafton & Massimo Verdicchio - 1999 - University of Toronto Press.
    The foremost Italian philosopher of the first half of the 20th century, Croce's influence extended to every aspect of Italian intellectual life. This collection explores the depth, originality, and significance of his thought.
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    Dynamic scaling in a simple one-dimensional model of dislocation activity.Jack Deslippe, R. Tedstrom, Murray S. Daw *, D. Chrzan, T. Neeraj ¶ & M. Mills - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (23):2445-2454.
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    Poems.Jack Coulehan & John D. Engel - 1994 - Journal of Medical Humanities 15 (2):141-142.
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    Insurance Premiums and Insurance Coverage of Near-Poor Children.Jack Hadley, James D. Reschovsky, Peter Cunningham, Genevieve Kenney & Lisa Dubay - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (4):362-377.
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    X.—Symposium: Ethical Principles of Social Reconstruction.L. P. Jacks, G. Bernard Shaw, C. Delisle Burns & H. D. Oakeley - 1917 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 17 (1):256-299.
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    Navigating the Complexities of Domain Specific English: Analyzing the Influence of Digital Media on the Metacognitive and Linguistic Competence of Management Students.Dr Shagufta Parween, V. Temuzion Kumuja, M. D. Roshan Jameer & Anuradha Duvvuri - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    In an increasingly digital world, the role of digital media in shaping the linguistic and metacognitive abilities of management students has become a focal point for academic inquiry. This study aims to explore the influence of digital media on the development of domain-specific English skills among management students, with a particular focus on metacognitive and linguistic competencies. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research examines how exposure to and engagement with digital content tailored to the management domain impacts students' ability to (...)
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    Vorwort: zu dem neuen Band des Archivs für Religionspsychologie.D. D. Dr Wilhelm Stählin - 1962 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 7 (1):5-6.
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  46. School of philosophy and ethics.Dr D.-P. Baker - unknown
    • Answer ONE question from Section B. • Answer ONE question from Section C. 3. WRITE ANSWERS FROM EACH SECTION IN A DIFFERENT ANSWER BOOK.
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    Gianni Vattimo's hermeneutics and the trace of divinity.Dr Luca D'Isanto - 1994 - Modern Theology 10 (4):361-381.
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    Bette Anton, MLS, is the Head Librarian of the Optometry Library/Health Sciences Information Service. This library serves the University of California at Berkeley–University of California at San Francisco Joint Medical Program and the University of California at Berkeley School of Optometry. Robert Baker, Ph. D., is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Center for. [REVIEW]Jack Coulehan, John B. Davis, Joseph C. D’Oronzio, Steve Heilig, D. Micah Hester, Kenneth V. Iserson & Greg Loeben - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11:327-328.
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    Smoking Pot Doesn't Hurt Anyone But Me!Jack Green Musselman, Russ Frohardt & D. G. Lynch - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dale Jacquette (eds.), Cannabis Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 175–191.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Moral Argument Science and Health Argument Social Policy Argument.
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    Associative symmetry and item availablity as a function of five methods of paired-associate acquisition.N. Jack Kanak & Sharon D. Neuner - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):288.
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