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    Anglo-Saxon Scribes and Old English Verse.Douglas Moffat - 1992 - Speculum 67 (4):805-827.
    At the beginning of his essay on the phrases þing gehegan and seonoþ gehegan in Beowulf and Phoenix, Eric Stanley makes the following pessimistic statement about the fundamental uncertainties facing literary critics of Old English verse:After a century and a half of serious and informed Beowulf scholarship we have our orthodoxies of understanding and may even feel safe enough for literary criticism of points of detail requiring a familiarity with the overtones of the original which, I believe, we lack. The (...)
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    The Occurrences of āc 'Oak' in Old English: A List.Douglas Moffat - 1987 - Mediaeval Studies 49 (1):534-540.
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    Thomas Cable, The English Alliterative Tradition.(Middle Ages Series.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991. Pp. x, 191. $25.95. [REVIEW]Douglas Moffat - 1993 - Speculum 68 (4):1076-1078.
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