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Donald G. Miller [12]Donald E. Miller [4]Donald W. Miller [3]Don Miller [3]
Donald F. Miller [2]Donald Miller [2]Donald Eugene Miller [2]Donna L. Miller [1]

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  1. Medicine is not science.Clifford Miller & Donald W. Miller - 2014 - European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 2 (2):144-153.
    ABSTRACT: Abstract Most modern knowledge is not science. The physical sciences have successfully validated theories to infer they can be used universally to predict in previously unexperienced circumstances. According to the conventional conception of science such inferences are falsified by a single irregular outcome. And verification is by the scientific method which requires strict regularity of outcome and establishes cause and effect. -/- Medicine, medical research and many “soft” sciences are concerned with individual people in complex heterogeneous populations. These populations (...)
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  2. The Real World Failure of Evidence-Based Medicine.Donald W. Miller & Clifford Miller - 2011 - International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 1 (2):295-300.
    As a way to make medical decisions, Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) has failed. EBM's failure arises from not being founded on real-world decision-making. EBM aspires to a scientific standard for the best way to treat a disease and determine its cause, but it fails to recognise that the scientific method is inapplicable to medical and other real-world decision-making. EBM also wrongly assumes that evidence can be marshaled and applied according to an hierarchy that is determined in an argument by authority to (...)
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  3. On Evidence, Medical and Legal.Donald W. Miller & Clifford Miller - 2005 - Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons 10 (3):70-75.
    Medicine, like law, is a pragmatic, probabilistic activity. Both require that decisions be made on the basis of available evidence, within a limited time. In contrast to law, medicine, particularly evidence-based medicine as it is currently practiced, aspires to a scientific standard of proof, one that is more certain than the standards of proof courts apply in civil and criminal proceedings. But medicine, as Dr. William Osler put it, is an "art of probabilities," or at best, a "science of uncertainty." (...)
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  4. The Necessity of Euphemism.Donald F. Miller - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (134):129-135.
    Emile Benvcniste may be used to introduce the topic. The French linguist begins an essay on “Euphemisms Ancient and Modern” with a paradox about the early Greek definitions of euphemism. “To speak words which augur well” is one meaning given, but another is “to maintain silence”. This initial contradiction is further compounded by yet a third expression, “to shout in triumph”. The dilemma is. however, easily dissolved. To speak words which augur well implies, for special occasions, an exhortation even to (...)
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    Energy Policy and Life Styles in California.Henry B. Clark & Donald E. Miller - 1979 - Selected Papers From the Annual Meeting: American Society of Christian Ethics 5:23-44.
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  6. The Gospel According to Matthew.Suzanne de Dietrich & Donald G. Miller - 1961
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  7. The Layman's Bible Commentary, Vol. I: Introduction to the Bible.Kenneth J. Foreman, Balmer H. Kelly, Arnold B. Rhodes, Bruce M. Metzger & Donald G. Miller - 1959
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    Healthcare ethics committees, dialysis, and decisionmaking.Martin J. Gorbien, Donna L. Miller & Dennis W. Jahnigen - 1994 - HEC Forum 6 (1):57-63.
  9. The Shaping of Modern Christian Thought.Warren F. Groff & Donald E. Miller - 1968
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  10. Tools for Bible Study.Balmer H. Kelly & Donald G. Miller - 1956
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    The Hermeneutical Quest: Essays in Honor of James Luther Mays on His Sixty-fifth Birthday.Donald G. Miller - 1986 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    This long-standing series provides the guild of religion scholars a venue for publishing aimed primarily at colleagues. It includes scholarly monographs, revised dissertations, Festschriften, conference papers, and translations of ancient and medieval documents. Works cover the sub-disciplines of biblical studies, history of Christianity, history of religion, theology, and ethics. Festschriften for Karl Barth, Donald W. Dayton, James Luther Mays, Margaret R. Miles, and Walter Wink are among the seventy-five volumes that have been published. Contributors include: C. K. Barrett, Francois Bovon, (...)
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  12. Conqueror in Chains: A Story of the Apostle Paul.Donald G. Miller - 1951
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  13. Fire in Thy Mouth.Donald G. Miller - 1954
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    Life Style: A Category For The Analysis Of Moral Identity.Donald E. Miller - 1976 - Selected Papers From the Annual Meeting: American Society of Christian Ethics 2:75-88.
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    On Rejoicing in God: A Sermon on Habakkuk 3:17–19.Donald G. Miller - 1948 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 2 (2):172-179.
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  16. On This Rock: A Commentary on I Peter.Donald C. Miller - 1993
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    Sport: a contemporary view.Donna Mae Miller - 1971 - Philadelphia,: Lea & Febiger. Edited by Kathryn R. E. Russell.
  18. The Authority of the Bible.Donald G. Miller & Wm. B. Eerdman - 1972
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    The Birth of a Journal.Donald G. Miller - 1996 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 50 (2):117-129.
    As we conceived of Interpretation, we had no interest in merely launching another journal; in providing another channel of literary expression; or in creating another public relations medium for the purpose of making Union Theological Seminary more widely known. No, we designed Interpretation to have a mission. Our aim was to create a medium through which the church would understand more fully its nature as the body of Christ giving expression to the will of its head.
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    The Government Grant System: Inhibitor of Truth and Innovation?Donald Miller - 2007 - Journal of Information Ethics 16 (1):59-69.
  21. The Layman's Bible Commentary, Vol. 18: Luke.Donald G. Miller - 1959
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    The Politics of Metaphor.Don Miller - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):63-65.
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    The Reason of Metaphor: A Study in Politics.Donald F. Miller - 1992
    The Essays Assembled In This Volume Are All Concerned, In Different Ways, With Analysing The Limitations Of, And Explosing Alternatives To, The Dominant Positivist Conceptions Of Politics. The Views Expressed Here Provide The Basis For Both A Coherent Theoretical Critique Of Positivism And An Alternative Philosophy Politcs.
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  24. The Scent of Eternity: A Life of Hams Elliott Kirk of Baltimore.Donald G. Miller - 1989
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  25. The Way to Biblical Preaching.Donald G. Miller - 1957
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  26. Reviews : The Poverty of Meillassoux's Anthropology. [REVIEW]Jan Branson & Don Miller - 1984 - Thesis Eleven 9 (1):157-165.
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    Abraham Farrar (1861-1944): donor of the Farrar Collection of books on the education of the deaf and cognate subjects in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, Deansgate. [REVIEW]Jan Branson & Don Miller - 1998 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 80 (1):173-196.
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  28. Greengarten, I. M., "Thomas Hill Green and the Development of Liberal-Democratic Thought". [REVIEW]Donald E. Miller - 1982 - Ethics 93:206.
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    Stanley L. Jaki. Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985. Pp. xii + 472. ISBN 90-247-2897-5. Dfl. 175.00; £44.50. [REVIEW]Donald Miller - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (1):110-111.