Results for 'Dominik Gautier'

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  1.  34
    Processing Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Signal with a Kalman Filter to Assess Working Memory during Simulated Flight.Gautier Durantin, Sébastien Scannella, Thibault Gateau, Arnaud Delorme & Frédéric Dehais - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  2. Talking about Tolerance: A New Strategy for Dealing with Student Relativism.Dominik Balg - 2020 - Teaching Philosophy 43 (2):1-16.
    Student relativism is a widespread phenomenon in philosophy classes. While the exact nature of student relativism is controversially discussed, many authors agree on two points: First, it is widely agreed that SR is a rather problematic phenomenon, because it potentially undermines the very purpose of doing philosophy—if there is no objective truth, arguing seems to be pointless. Second, it is widely agreed that there will be some close connection between SR and a tolerant attitude towards conflicting opinions. In this paper, (...)
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  3. Research on Corporate Philanthropy: A Review and Assessment.Arthur Gautier & Anne-Claire Pache - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):343-369.
    We review some 30 years of academic research on corporate philanthropy, taking stock of the current state of research about this rising practice and identifying gaps and puzzles that deserve further investigation. To do so, we examine a total of 162 academic papers in the fields of management, economics, sociology, and public policy, and analyze their content in a systematic fashion. We distinguish four main lines of inquiry within the literature: the essence of corporate philanthropy, its different drivers, the way (...)
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    Legitimation Work Within a Cross-Sector Social Partnership.Dominik Rueede & Karin Kreutzer - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):39-58.
    This study illuminates how a cross-sector social partnership legitimizes itself toward multiple internal and external stakeholders. Within a single-case study design, we collected retrospective and real time data on the partnership between Deutsche Post DHL and The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Within this partnership, Deutsche Post DHL provides corporate volunteers that support disaster response after natural disasters on a pro bono basis. The main objects that needed legitimacy as well as the audiences from which legitimacy (...)
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    “Look at the future”: Maintained fixation impoverishes future thinking.Joanna Gautier, Lina Guerrero Sastoque, Guillaume Chapelet, Claire Boutoleau-Bretonnière & Mohamad El Haj - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 105 (C):103398.
  6.  40
    Changing Types: Information Dynamics for Qualitative Type Spaces.Dominik Klein & Eric Pacuit - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (2):297-319.
    Many different approaches to describing the players’ knowledge and beliefs can be found in the literature on the epistemic foundations of game theory. We focus here on non-probabilistic approaches. The two most prominent are the so-called Kripkeor Aumann- structures and knowledge structures (non-probabilistic variants of Harsanyi type spaces). Much of the recent work on Kripke structures has focused on dynamic extensions and simple ways of incorporating these. We argue that many of these ideas can be applied to knowledge structures as (...)
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  7.  20
    Aristote et la limitation politique de l’économie.Timothée Gautier - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (1):95-118.
    Dans la Politique, Aristote s’attache à distinguer, pour les articuler et les hiérarchiser, la sphère économique et la sphère politique. Tout en reconnaissant l’autonomie propre des activités économiques, il s’attache à exposer les motifs qui légitiment la limitation de celles-ci par le pouvoir politique. En consacrant l’éminence de la politique par rapport à la sphère marchande, Aristote manifeste l’impérieuse nécessité de subordonner la recherche et l’acquisition des biens et des richesses matérielles – légitimes dans leur ordre – aux activités les (...)
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  8. Znaczenie traktatów Boecjusza dla rekonstrukcji nauki pitagorejskie w epoce wczesnochrześcijańskiej.Dominik Burakowski - 2007 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 19 (19).
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  9. Fantasma de la escritura: Benjamín, Proust y Kafka.Dominik Finkelde - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 36 (110):127-138.
  10. French research traditions on peasant agriculture.Denis Gautier & Christian Kull - 2015 - In Thomas Albert Perreault, Gavin Bridge & James McCarthy (eds.), The Routledge handbook of political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  11.  17
    L'ordinaire et le politique.Claude Gautier & Sandra Laugier (eds.) - 2006 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La référence à l'ordinaire, dans l'ordre du discours, dans les pratiques politiques, ou dans le domaine des sciences sociales, est moins fréquente que celle au " commun ", au " populaire ", ou au " quotidien ". La notion d'ordinaire est pourtant à la fois plus immédiate, et plus centrale. Elle s'oppose à la fois au " savant ", au " théorique ", à l' " historique " et au " tragique ". Mais l'ordinaire est-il si aisé à connaître et (...)
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  12. Pláticas doctrinarias.Miguel Angel Gautier - 1950 - Ciudad Trujillo,: Impresora Dominicana.
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    Looking for Image Statistics: Active Vision With Avatars in a Naturalistic Virtual Environment.Dominik Straub & Constantin A. Rothkopf - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The efficient coding hypothesis posits that sensory systems are tuned to the regularities of their natural input. The statistics of natural image databases have been the topic of many studies, which have revealed biases in the distribution of orientations that are related to neural representations as well as behavior in psychophysical tasks. However, commonly used natural image databases contain images taken with a camera with a planar image sensor and limited field of view. Thus, these images do not incorporate the (...)
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    Gibt es so etwas wie intellektuelle Toleranz?Dominik Balg - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (2):319-342.
    In this article, it will be argued that tolerance is not necessarily a political or ethical, but rather an abstract attitude that can be applied to many different dimensions of normative evaluation. More specifically, it will be argued that there are genuinely intellectual forms of tolerance that are epistemically motivated and that need to be assessed on purely epistemic grounds. To establish this claim, an abstract characterization of tolerance will be applied to the epistemic phenomenon of disagreement in order to (...)
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  15.  13
    Implementation of a New Food Picture Database in the Context of fMRI and Visual Cognitive Food-Choice Task in Healthy Volunteers.Yentl Gautier, Paul Meurice, Nicolas Coquery, Aymery Constant, Elise Bannier, Yann Serrand, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Romain Moirand & David Val-Laillet - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  16.  19
    Suárez on Intellectual Cognition and Occasional Causation.Dominik Perler - 2019 - In Dominik Perler & Sebastian Bender (eds.), Causation and Cognition in Early Modern Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 18-38.
    Like many philosophers in the scholastic tradition, Suárez claims that we cannot cognize anything unless we use a cognitive device, a so-called intelligible species. But how can we produce such a device? And what kind of cognition does it make possible? This chapter examines these questions, paying particular attention to Suárez’s rejection of traditional theories that explained the production of intelligible species by referring to efficient causation. On his view, there can only be a relation of occasional causation: the existence (...)
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  17.  27
    Normativités du sens commun.Claude Gautier & Sandra Laugier (eds.) - 2009 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Nous proposons dans ce volume une approche pluridisciplinaire du sens commun. Fruit d'un travail collectif organisé au CURAPP et dans le cadre du programme scientifique ASC, les articles ici présentés, par la diversité de leurs orientations théoriques et disciplinaires, contribuent à faire un état des lieux de la question. L'idée de sens commun est fréquemment utilisée et citée en sociologie, philosophie, linguistique, psychologie, sans qu'il en soit toujours proposé de définition ou d'analyse critique. Elle demandait un travail de définition et (...)
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    Analogue Quantum Simulation: A New Instrument for Scientific Understanding.Dominik Hangleiter, Jacques Carolan & Karim Thebault - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This book presents fresh insights into analogue quantum simulation. It argues that these simulations are a new instrument of science. They require a bespoke philosophical analysis, sensitive to both the similarities to and the differences with conventional scientific practices such as analogical argument, experimentation, and classical simulation. -/- The analysis situates the various forms of analogue quantum simulation on the methodological map of modern science. In doing so, it clarifies the functions that analogue quantum simulation serves in scientific practice. To (...)
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  19.  32
    Libet’s experiment: Questioning the validity of measuring the urge to move.Tomáš Dominik, Daniel Dostál, Martin Zielina, Jan Šmahaj, Zuzana Sedláčková & Roman Procházka - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:255-263.
  20.  23
    Der korykische Greis in der „Anthologia Graeca“.Dominik Berrens - 2021 - Hermes 149 (2):206.
    The influence of Latin texts on Greek literature of the Imperial period remains somewhat understudied. However, there are some Greek texts that seem to depend from a Latin pretext, from works of Vergil in particular. This article discusses an epigram by Apollonides (Anth. Gr. 6.239), in which an old beekeeper named Kleiton is presented in much the same way as the old Corycian in Vergil’s “Georgics” (4.116-148). Vergil’s famous digression might therefore be a pretext for Apollonides’ poem. Moreover, Apollonides apparently (...)
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  21.  26
    Visible Labour? Productive Forces and Imaginaries of Participation in European Insect Studies, ca. 1680–1810.Dominik Hünniger - 2021 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 44 (2):180-210.
    The practice of early modern natural history depended on the collective collecting activities of a great variety of people. Among them, artisans played a major role in acquiring and distributing knowledge about the natural world and they contributed significantly to the scholarly labour in natural history. This distributed labour was both acknowledged by contemporaries as well as hidden from sight, reflecting the period′s dominant norms for class and gender. By combining an interpretation of the visual representation of labour in European (...)
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  22.  69
    Who Is Who? Testimonial Injustice and Digital Learning in the Philosophy Classroom.Dominik Balg - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (1):1-21.
    In this paper, I argue that there are significant instances of educational injustice in the context of philosophy teaching that can be effectively reduced by an increased implementation of digital technologies. More specifically, I show that there are good reasons to believe that testimonial injustices constitute serious instances of educational injustice that will frequently occur in philosophy classes. Using digital tools to anonymize student contributions opens up a promising way of dealing with these injustices. If convincing, my arguments give reason (...)
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  23. Essentialism and direct realism: Some late medieval perspectives.Dominik Perler - 2000 - Topoi 19 (2):111-122.
    Perler, D. Essentialism and Direct Realism: Some Late Medieval Perspectives. Topoi 19, 111–122 (2000).
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  24.  41
    The Alienation Effect in the Historiography of Philosophy.Dominik Perler - 2018 - In Marcel van Ackeren (ed.), Philosophy and the Historical Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 140-154.
    It has often been said that we should enter into a dialogue with thinkers of the past because they discussed they same problems we still have today and presented sophisticated solutions to them. I argue that this “dialogue model” ignores the specific context in which many problems were created and defined. A closer look at various contexts enables us to see that philosophical problems are not as natural as they might seem. When we contextualize them, we experience a healthy alienation (...)
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  25.  10
    For the Sake of Knowledge: The Epistemic Value of Other-Regarding Epistemic Virtues.Dominik Jarczewski - forthcoming - Acta Analytica:1-19.
    This paper examines the epistemic value of other-regarding epistemic virtues, challenging the common view that these virtues are primarily moral in nature. To this end, it proposes a new framework to explain the role of epistemic virtues: the Epistemic Social Environment (ESE). It is argued that the value of an epistemic virtue stems from its contribution to a healthy ESE. This approach enables a broader and unified theory of epistemic virtues, emphasising their role in the communal production of knowledge. Ultimately, (...)
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  26.  28
    Faculties in Medieval Philosophy.Dominik Perler - 2015 - In The Faculties: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 97-139.
    What kind of entities are faculties? How are they related to the soul and to the entire living being? How can they be classified? And in what sense are they responsible for a large variety of activities? This chapter examines these questions, which were extensively discussed by scholastic authors, and focuses on the metaphysical models established by William of Auvergne, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, and Francisco Suárez. It argues that there was no unified scholastic doctrine. While some authors (e.g. (...)
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  27. Ontologia pitagorejska w świetle nauki harmoniki. Perspektywa boecjańska.Dominik Burakowski - 2008 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 20 (20).
  28.  48
    Du topos à la contre-topique. Cartographie du magique comme champ opératoire de la phénoménologie sartrienne.Gautier Dassonneville - 2015 - Methodos 15.
    Cet article interroge le statut du magique chez le premier Sartre à la fois comme héritage d'un dialogue avec la psychologie et l'anthropologie françaises et comme le lieu de la coupure phénoménologique par laquelle se développe une philosophie de l'existence originale. L'A. retrace l'apparition de la conscience magique, pour laquelle la spontanéité persiste d'une manière spécifique là où elle semblait mise en défaut, notamment dans les pathologies de l'imagination et dans l'émotion. Aussi la catégorie du magique permet-elle de penser l'autonomie (...)
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    Cartography of the magical as an operational field in Sartre's phenomenology.Gautier Dassonneville - 2015 - Methodos 15.
    Cet article interroge le statut du magique chez le premier Sartre à la fois comme héritage d'un dialogue avec la psychologie et l'anthropologie françaises et comme le lieu de la coupure phénoménologique par laquelle se développe une philosophie de l'existence originale. L'A. retrace l'apparition de la conscience magique, pour laquelle la spontanéité persiste d'une manière spécifique là où elle semblait mise en défaut, notamment dans les pathologies de l'imagination et dans l'émotion. Aussi la catégorie du magique permet-elle de penser l'autonomie (...)
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  30. Afterword: Sonic cartographies.Ana María Ochoa Gautier - 2019 - In Gavin Steingo & Jim Sykes (eds.), Remapping sound studies. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Didier Deleule (1941-2019).Claude Gautier - 2020 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145 (1):124-126.
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    Présentation du dossier.Claude Renault Gautier - 2022 - Astérion 27 (27).
    In light of heated recent debates about neutrality and scientificity in social sciences, this issue seizes the opportunity to reconsider the terms of epistemological and political arguments concerning the relationships between critique and social sciences.
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    Texte, contexte et intention illocutoire de l'auteur. Les enjeux du programme methodologique de Quentin Skinner.Claude Gautier - 2004 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (2):175-192.
    Comment la critique de Q. Skinner adressée aux historiens essentialistes et contextualistes de la pensée politique lui permet-elle de justifier, à partir d’une certaine lecture de J. L. Austin, le recours à ce qu’il appelle l’« intention illocutoire » de l’auteur. La mise au jour d’une telle intention devant permettre de décrire positivement l’ensemble des relations existant entre un texte et son contexte. De quel contexte s’agit-il? Le critère de l’intention permet-il, valablement, de se substituer au critère de la convention (...)
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    Islam: The View from the Edge.Gautier H. A. Juynboll & Richard W. Bulliet - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):483.
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  35. Ens et unum convertuntur: À propos de la théorie de la substance chez aristote (I) 1.Dominik Lusser - 2009 - Revue Thomiste 109 (1):79-116.
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    Descartes über Fremdpsychisches.Dominik Perler - 1995 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 77 (1):42-62.
    The journal publishes exceptional articles in all areas of Western philosophy from antiquity up to contemporary philosophy. The Archiv articles are distinguished by precise argumentation and lucid prose.
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    Satz, Seele und Sachverhalt. Der propositionale Wahrheitsbegriff im Spätmittelalter.Dominik Perler - 2006 - In Markus Enders & Jan Szaif (eds.), Die Geschichte des philosophischen Begriffs der Wahrheit. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 191-210.
    Satz, Seele und Sachverhalt. Der propositionale Wahrheitsbegriff im Spätmittelalter.
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  38. Was Sich Schickt.Dominik Zechner & mit Avital Ronell - 2015 - In Matthias Schmidt (ed.), Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas "Die Postkarte": ein essayistisches Glossar. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  39. Seeing the World More Clearly: Strategies for unleashing the full moral potential of thought experiments in the Philosophy Classroom.Dominik Balg - 2022 - Journal of Didactics of Philosophy 6:1-17.
    In this paper, I discuss the effects of using thought experiments for the purpose of conceptual clarification on students’ hermeneutical abilities. On the one hand, by providing opportunities to explore the scope of normatively loaded concepts, thought experiments can effectively help students to interpret their social and moral reality more adequately, which in some cases might even help to reduce existing hermeneutical injustices. On the other hand, given their notorious susceptibility to distorting factors that are philosophically irrelevant, they can also (...)
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    Generalized Trust in the Mirror. An Agent-Based Model on the Dynamics of Trust.Dominik Klein & Johannes Marx - 2018 - Historical Social Research 43 (1):234-258.
    High levels of trust have been linked to a variety of benefits including the well-functioning of markets and political institutions or the ability of societies to solve public goods problems endogenously. While there is extensive literature on the macro-level determinants of trust, the micro-level processes underlying the emergence and stability of trust are not yet sufficiently understood. We address this lacuna by means of a computer model. In this paper, conditions under which trust is likely to emerge and be sustained (...)
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    A Rational Agent With Our Evidence.Dominik Kauss - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (7):2803-2824.
    This paper discusses a scenario borrowed from Williamson (2000) and repurposes it to argue for the possibility of conflict between two _prima facie_ categorical norms of epistemic rationality: the norm to respect one’s evidence and the norm to be coherent. It is argued, _pace_ Williamson, that in the conflict defining the scenario, the evidence norm overrides the coherence norm; that a rational agent with our evidence would lack evidence about some of their own credences; and that for agents whose evidence (...)
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  42. Ancient and medieval theories of intentionality.Dominik Perler (ed.) - 2001 - Leiden: Brill.
    This volume analyses ancient and medieval theories of intentionality in various contexts: perception, imagination, and intellectual thinking.
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  43. Accuracy and Credal Imprecision.Dominik Berger & Nilanjan Das - 2019 - Noûs 54 (3):666-703.
    Many have claimed that epistemic rationality sometimes requires us to have imprecise credal states (i.e. credal states representable only by sets of credence functions) rather than precise ones (i.e. credal states representable by single credence functions). Some writers have recently argued that this claim conflicts with accuracy-centered epistemology, i.e., the project of justifying epistemic norms by appealing solely to the overall accuracy of the doxastic states they recommend. But these arguments are far from decisive. In this essay, we prove some (...)
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  44.  20
    How to become an iconic social thinker: The intellectual pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault.Dominik Bartmanski - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (4):427-453.
    The present article develops a new approach to intellectual history and sociology of knowledge. Its point of departure is to investigate the conditions under which social thinkers assume the iconic reputation. What does it take to become ‘a founding father’ of a humanistic discipline? How do social thinkers achieve the status of a trans-disciplinary star? Why some intellectuals attract tremendous attention and ‘go down in history’ despite personal and professional failures, while others enjoy only limited recognition or simply sink into (...)
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  45.  22
    Duns Scotus's Philosophy of Language.Dominik Perler - 2002 - In Thomas Williams (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 161-192.
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    Seeing and Judging: Ockham and Wodeham on Sensory Cognition.Dominik Perler - 2008 - In Kärkkäinen Knuuttila (ed.), Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. pp. 151-169.
    The aim of the series Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind is to foster historical research into the nature of thinking and the workings of the mind. The volumes address topics of intellectual history that would nowadays fall into different disciplines like philosophy of mind, philosophical psychology, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, etc. The monographs and collections of articles in the series are historically reliable as well as congenial to the contemporary reader. They provide original insights into central contemporary (...)
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  47. American parishes in the twenty-first century.Mary L. Gautier - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (2):197.
    Gautier, Mary L It is exciting to be witness to the twenty-first century in American Catholicism. Much has changed over the course of the twentieth century and I will discuss some key trends in American Catholicism that likely will be shaping American parishes in the twenty-first. In particular, changes in Catholic population during the twentieth century have influenced the number of American parishes, their location, and their size, as well as the composition of parishioners and of the leaders who (...)
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    Realism against delegitimation.Dominik Austrup - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Political realists exercise ideology critique to emancipate citizens from problematic beliefs concerning the legitimacy of their social order. They seek to unveil hidden conflict within apparent harmony. However, realists have so far neglected the opposite case in which erroneous beliefs delegitimise a social order, thus contributing to unrest and resentment. As a prototypical case for delegitimation, I will discuss the ‘big lie’ narrative that surrounds the 2020 presidential election in the United States. As I will argue, realist ideology critique is (...)
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    Logik – eine wertlose Wissenschaft‘? Zum Verhältnis von Logik und Theologie bei Roger Bacon.Dominik Perler & Ulrich Rudolph - 2005 - In Dominik Perler & Ulrich Rudolph (eds.), Logik – eine wertlose Wissenschaft‘? Zum Verhältnis von Logik und Theologie bei Roger Bacon. Leiden: Brill. pp. 375-399.
    The contributions in this volume examine these questions on the basis of key texts, thus shedding new light on the problematic relationship between logic and theology.
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    A Social Analgesic? Acetaminophen Reduces Positive Empathy.Dominik Mischkowski, Jennifer Crocker & Baldwin M. Way - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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