Results for 'Domination'

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  1.  65
    IIDominic Scott: Primary and Secondary Eudaimonia.Dominic Scott - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):225-242.
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  2. Concepts of disease and health.Dominic Murphy - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Hard lessons: learning from the Charlie Gard case.Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):438-442.
    On 24 July 2017, the long-running, deeply tragic and emotionally fraught case of Charlie Gard reached its sad conclusion. Following further medical assessment of the infant, Charlie’s parents and doctors finally reached agreement that continuing medical treatment was not in Charlie’s best interests. Life support was subsequently withdrawn and Charlie died on 28 July 2017.Box 1 ### Case summary and timeline21–23 Charlie Gard was born at full term, apparently healthy, in August 2016. At a few weeks of age his parents (...)
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    God’s punishment and public goods.Dominic D. P. Johnson - 2005 - Human Nature 16 (4):410-446.
    Cooperation towards public goods relies on credible threats of punishment to deter cheats. However, punishing is costly, so it remains unclear who incurred the costs of enforcement in our evolutionary past. Theoretical work suggests that human cooperation may be promoted if people believe in supernatural punishment for moral transgressions. This theory is supported by new work in cognitive psychology and by anecdotal ethnographic evidence, but formal quantitative tests remain to be done. Using data from 186 societies around the globe, I (...)
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    Harm isn't all you need: parental discretion and medical decisions for a child: Table 1.Dominic Wilkinson & Tara Nair - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (2):116-118.
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    Levels of Argument: A Comparative Study of Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.Dominic Scott - 2015 - New York, NY.: Oxford University Press.
    Dominic Scott compares the Republic and Nicomachean Ethics from a methodological perspective. He argues that Plato and Aristotle distinguish similar levels of argument in the defence of justice, and that they both follow the same approach: Plato because he thinks it will suffice, Aristotle because he thinks there is no need to go beyond it.
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  7. Feckless Reason.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2014 - In Greg Currie, Matthew Kieran, Aaron Meskin & Jon Robson, Aesthetics and the Sciences of Mind. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 21-36.
    Empirical research on aesthetic response poses two challenges to philosophy. The more familiar challenge is that scientific explanations of aesthetic responses debunk what we take to be our reasons for those responses. One reaction to this challenge is an accommodation strategy that seeks to reconcile the scientific findings with an improved understanding of our normative reasons. This paper presents a more fundamental challenge: a well-established body of research in social psychology indicates that we routinely confabulate the reasons we give for (...)
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    Sleep softly: Schubert, ethics and the value of dying well.Dominic Wilkinson - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):218-224.
    Ethical discussions about medical treatment for seriously ill babies or children often focus on the ‘value of life’ or on ‘quality of life’ and what that might mean. In this paper, I look at the other side of the coin—on the value of death, and on the quality of dying. In particular, I examine whether there is such a thing as a good way to die, for an infant or an adult, and what that means for medical care. To do (...)
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    Domination and misframing in the refugee regime.Jamie Draper - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (7):939-962.
    The current practices of refugee protection refugees largely leave the burdens of the refugee regime to lie where they fall. Those states which are geographically proximate to refugee-producing regions, already amongst the least advantaged, bear the bulk of these burdens. In this paper, I critically assess two proposals which seek to address this maldistribution: a market in asylum services and a principle of comparative advantage. I argue that from the standpoint of justice, these proposals share two objectionable features. First, they (...)
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    Disability, discrimination and death: is it justified to ration life saving treatment for disabled newborn infants?Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2014 - Monash Bioethics Review 32 (1-2):43-62.
    Disability might be relevant to decisions about life support in intensive care in several ways. It might affect the chance of treatment being successful, or a patient’s life expectancy with treatment. It may affect whether treatment is in a patient’s best interests. However, even if treatment would be of overall benefit it may be unaffordable and consequently unable to be provided. In this paper we will draw on the example of neonatal intensive care, and ask whether or when it is (...)
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  11. Les Arts et les images: Dialogues avec Dominic McIver Lopes.Dominic McIver Lopes & Laure Blanc-Benon - 2019 - Paris, France: Sorbonne Université Presses.
    Les Arts et les Images se veut une introduction aux principaux terrains d’investigation de Dominic McIver Lopes, philosophe canadien contemporain, figure incontournable de l’esthétique et de la philosophie de l’art en langue anglaise au cours des vingt dernières années. Il ouvre une réflexion sur les méthodes employées en esthétique et philosophie de l’art aujourd’hui, qu’on soit un philosophe dit « analytique » ou bien « continental », Lopes cherchant à penser le lien entre les deux traditions. -/- À travers leur (...)
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    The Contained-Rivalry Requirement and a 'Triple Feature' Program for Business Ethics.Dominic Martin - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):167-182.
    This paper proposes a description of the moral obligations of economic agents. It will show that a threefold division should be adopted to distinguish moral obligations applying to their interactions in the market, obligations applying to their interactions inside business firms and obligations applying to their interactions with agents outside the market. Competition might be permissible in the first case since markets are special patterns of social interactions (called adversarial schemes). They produce their benefits when agents try to satisfy exclusive (...)
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    Human Error: Species--Being and Media Machines.Dominic Pettman - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    What exactly is the human element separating humans from animals and machines? The common answers that immediately come to mind—like art, empathy, or technology—fall apart under close inspection. Dominic Pettman argues that it is a mistake to define such rigid distinctions in the first place, and the most decisive “human error” may be the ingrained impulse to understand ourselves primarily in contrast to our other worldly companions. In _Human Error_, Pettman describes the three sides of the cybernetic triangle—human, animal, and (...)
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    Cost-equivalence and Pluralism in Publicly-funded Health-care Systems.Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (4):287-309.
    Clinical guidelines summarise available evidence on medical treatment, and provide recommendations about the most effective and cost-effective options for patients with a given condition. However, sometimes patients do not desire the best available treatment. Should doctors in a publicly-funded healthcare system ever provide sub-optimal medical treatment? On one view, it would be wrong to do so, since this would violate the ethical principle of beneficence, and predictably lead to harm for patients. It would also, potentially, be a misuse of finite (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Aristotle on well-being and intellectual contemplation: Dominic Scott.Dominic Scott - 1999 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 73 (1):225–242.
    [David Charles] Aristotle, it appears, sometimes identifies well-being with one activity, sometimes with several, including ethical virtue. I argue that this appearance is misleading. In the Nicomachean Ethics, intellectual contemplation is the central case of human well-being, but is not identical with it. Ethically virtuous activity is included in human well-being because it is an analogue of intellectual contemplation. This structure allows Aristotle to hold that while ethically virtuous activity is valuable in its own right, the best life available for (...)
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    Valuing life and evaluating suffering in infants with life-limiting illness.Dominic Wilkinson & Amir Zayegh - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (4):179-196.
    In this paper, we explore three separate questions that are relevant to assessing the prudential value of life in infants with severe life-limiting illness. First, what is the value or disvalue of a short life? Is it in the interests of a child to save her life if she will nevertheless die in infancy or very early childhood? Second, how does profound cognitive impairment affect the balance of positives and negatives in a child’s future life? Third, if the life of (...)
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  17.  30
    Models of integration given multiple sources of information.Dominic W. Massaro & Daniel Friedman - 1990 - Psychological Review 97 (2):225-252.
  18. A Philosophy of Computer Art.Dominic Lopes - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    What is computer art? Do the concepts we usually employ to talk about art, such as ‘meaning’, ‘form’ or ‘expression’ apply to computer art? _A Philosophy of Computer Art_ is the first book to explore these questions. Dominic Lopes argues that computer art challenges some of the basic tenets of traditional ways of thinking about and making art and that to understand computer art we need to place particular emphasis on terms such as ‘interactivity’ and ‘user’. Drawing on a wealth (...)
  19.  81
    Being for Beauty: Aesthetic Agency and Value.Dominic Lopes - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    For centuries, philosophers have identified beauty with what brings pleasure. Dominic McIver Lopes challenges this interpretation by offering an entirely new theory of beauty - that beauty engages us in action, in concert with others, in the context of social networks - and sheds light on why aesthetic engagement is crucial for quality of life.
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  20. Exceptional technologies: a continental philosophy of technology.Dominic Smith - 2018 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction : Picturing technology -- A sense of the transcendental -- The blank page -- Embodiment conditions -- Three exceptional technologies -- Which way to turn? -- Conclusion : Exceptional technologies, not technological exceptionalism.
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    Frailty Triage: Is Rationing Intensive Medical Treatment on the Grounds of Frailty Ethical?Dominic J. C. Wilkinson - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (11):48-63.
    In early 2020, a number of countries developed and published intensive care triage guidelines for the pandemic. Several of those guidelines, especially in the UK, encouraged the explicit assessment...
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    Rethinking ethics through hypertext.Dominic Garcia - 2019 - Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
    This book is a formidably compelling source of insights for those who are interested in subjects ranging from moral philosophy, social justice, hermeneutics and education. It reconciles traditional theories of ethics by re-framing them through hypertextual techniques, bringing together contrasting and contradictory ethical views.
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  23. Creative Motor Actions As Emerging from Movement Variability.Dominic Orth, John van der Kamp, Daniel Memmert & Geert J. P. Savelsbergh - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:281868.
    In cognitive science, creative ideas are defined as original and feasible solutions in response to problems. A common proposal is that creative ideas are generated across dedicated cognitive pathways. Only after creative ideas have emerged, they can be enacted to solve the problem. We present an alternative viewpoint, based upon the dynamic systems approach to perception and action, that creative solutions emerge in the act rather than before. Creative actions, thus, are as much a product of individual constraints as they (...)
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    Motivation: A Critical Consideration of Freud and Rogers’ Seminal Conceptualisations.Dominic Willmott, Saskia Ryan, Nicole Sherretts, Russell Woodfield & Danielle McDermott - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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  25. The Emmanuel community.Dominic Cudmore - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (2):186.
    Cudmore, Dominic Ecclesial movements, inspired by a desire to live the Gospel more intensively and to announce it to others, have always been manifest in the midst of the People of God. ... In our day and particularly during recent decades, new movements have appeared that are more independent of the structures and style of the religious life than in the past.
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    How Much Weight Should We Give To Parental Interests In Decisions About Life Support For Newborn Infants?Dominic Wilkinson - 2010 - Monash Bioethics Review 29 (2):16-40.
    Life-sustaining treatment is sometimes withdrawn or withheld from critically ill newborn infants with poor prognosis. Guidelines relating to such decisions place emphasis on the best interests of the infant. However, in practice, parental views and parental interests are often taken into consideration.In this paper I draw on the example of newborn infants with severe muscle weakness (for example spinal muscular atrophy). I provide two arguments that parental interests should be given some weight in decisions about treatment, and that they should (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Understanding Pictures.Dominic Lopes - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (196):398-400.
  28.  7
    Abstraction.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2015 - In Four Arts of Photography. Wiley. pp. 114–124.
    The critic Dominic Eichler recently described some abstract photographs by Wolfgang Tillmans as exposing a forgotten reservoir of unseen pictures, a kind of mysterious, enormous underbelly of photography past and present. Modernist period abstract photography shared the ambition of the classic tradition to open up a window into a hitherto unseen reality. Photography's having made realistic depiction a trivial achievement, painters tacked toward an exploration of light and form. The effects of this new direction first made their mark on figurative (...)
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  29. Justice and persuasion in the Republic.Dominic Scott - 2018 - In David Owen Brink, Susan Sauvé Meyer & Christopher John Shields, Virtue, happiness, knowledge: themes from the work of Gail Fine and Terence Irwin. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  30. Is it better to be minimally conscious than vegetative?Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (9):557-558.
    In the case of Re M, summarised in the paper by Julian Sheather, Justice Baker faced the difficult task of weighing up objectively whether or not it was in Mâs best interests to withdraw artificial feeding and to let her die.1 The judge concluded that M was ârecognisably aliveâ, and that the advantages of continued life outweighed the disadvantages. He compared her minimally conscious state favourably to that of a persistent vegetative state .2 It was clear that artificial feeding would (...)
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  31. Psychiatry in the Scientific Image.Dominic Murphy - 2005 - MIT Press.
    In _ Psychiatry in the Scientific Image, _Dominic Murphy looks at psychiatry from the viewpoint of analytic philosophy of science, considering three issues: how we should conceive of, classify, and explain mental illness. If someone is said to have a mental illness, what about it is mental? What makes it an illness? How might we explain and classify it? A system of psychiatric classification settles these questions by distinguishing the mental illnesses and showing how they stand in relation to one (...)
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  32. Ubiquitous Vagueness without Embarrassment.Dominic Hyde & R. Sylvan - 1995 - Acta Analytica 10:7--29.
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    The Nature of the Political Reconsidered.Dominic Holland - 2017 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (1):32-57.
    I present an immanent, and explanatory, critique of reflections on the nature of politics and of power within political science. I argue that these reflections are problematic, to the extent that they presuppose an actualist conception of the political, and that this is generated by an empiricist way of thinking on the one hand and a constructivist way of thinking on the other. I show how re-defining politics, power, and the political on the basis of a dialectical critical realist ontology (...)
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  34. Platonic Recollection.Dominic Scott - 1999 - In Gail Fine, Plato, Volume 1: Metaphysics and Epistemology. Oxford University Press.
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    Philosophy of Literature & Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures, 2 Book Set.Dominic Mciver Lopes, No?L. Carroll & Jinhee Choi - 2008 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Pack includes 2 titles from the popular Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies Series: Philosophy of Literature: Contemporary and Classic Readings - An Anthology Edited by Eileen John and Dominic McIver Lopes ISBN: 9781405112086 Essential readings in the philosophy of literature are brought together for the first time in this anthology. Contains forty-five substantial and carefully chosen essays and extracts Provides a balanced and coherent overview of developments in the field during the past thirty years, including influential work on fiction, interpretation, metaphor, literary (...)
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  36. Digital Domination: Social Media and Contestatory Democracy.Ugur Aytac - 2024 - Political Studies 72 (1):6-25.
    This paper argues that social media companies’ power to regulate communication in the public sphere illustrates a novel type of domination. The idea is that, since social media companies can partially dictate the terms of citizens’ political participation in the public sphere, they can arbitrarily interfere with the choices individuals make qua citizens. I contend that social media companies dominate citizens in two different ways. First, I focus on the cases in which social media companies exercise direct control over (...)
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    Deferring Decision-making in the Face of Uncertainty.Dominic J. C. Wilkinson - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):30-33.
    Decisions about providing life-sustaining treatments for extremely premature infants born after preterm labor are complex, contested, and fraught. They are medically uncertain—the outcome of embark...
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    Vagueness, Logic and Ontology.Dominic Hyde - 2008 - Routledge.
    The topic of vagueness re-emerged in the twentieth century from relative obscurity. It deals with the phenomenon in natural language that manifests itself in apparent semantic indeterminacy - the indeterminacy, for example, that arises when asked to draw the line between the tall and non-tall, or the drunk and the sober. Vagueness, Logic and Ontology explores various responses to the philosophical problems generated by vagueness and its associated paradox - the sorites paradox. Hyde argues that the theoretical space in which (...)
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    The Internet as Idea.Dominic Smith - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (3):381-410.
    This article has two related aims: to examine how the Internet might be rendered an object of coherent philosophical consideration and critique, and to contribute to divesting the term “transcendental” of the negative connotations it carries in contemporary philosophy of technology. To realise them, it refers to Kant’s transcendental approach. The key argument is that Kant’s “transcendental idealism” is one example of a more general and potentially thoroughgoing “transcendental” approach focused on conditions that much contemporary philosophy of technology misunderstands or (...)
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    Ethik des Klimawandels: Eine Einführung.Dominic Roser & Christian Seidel - 2013 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
  41.  37
    Judgmental model of the Ebbinghaus illusion.Dominic W. Massaro & Norman H. Anderson - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (1):147.
  42.  34
    J. Quentin Lauer, S.J. 1917-1997.Dominic J. Balestra - 1998 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (5):150 - 151.
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    Death or Disability? The 'Carmentis Machine' and Decision-Making for Critically Ill Children.Dominic Wilkinson - 2013 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Death and grief in the ancient world -- Predictions and disability in Rome.
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    Identity and real distinction according to Duns Scotus.Dominic LaMantia - 2025 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-23.
    Scotus’ theory of identity and distinction is a unique and central aspect of his thought, as he applies it throughout his metaphysics. On Scotus’s account of identity, the indiscernibility of identicals fails—i.e., A and B can be identical but not share all the same properties. As Ockham objected, Scotus is now in the difficult position of needing to provide alternative necessary and sufficient conditions for being identical, rather than simply invoking indiscernibility. The secondary literature has argued that the lack of (...)
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    Schrodinger's fetus.Dominic Wilkinson - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (1):1-1.
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    The relational threshold: a life that is valued, or a life of value?Dominic Wilkinson, Claudia Brick, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):24-25.
    The four thoughtful commentaries on our feature article draw out interesting empirical and normative questions. The aim of our study was to examine the views of a sample of the general public about a set of cases of disputed treatment for severely impaired infants.1 We compared those views with legal determinations that treatment was or was not in the infants’ best interests, and with some published ethical frameworks for decisions. We deliberately did not draw explicit ethical conclusions from our survey (...)
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    Good life.Dominic Scott - 2013 - In Frisbee Sheffield & James Warren, The Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 347.
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  48. Pictorial Colour: Aesthetics and Cognitive Science.Dominic McIver Lopes - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (4):415-428.
    The representation of color by pictures raises worthwhile questions for philosophers and psychologists. Moreover, philosophers and psychologists interested in answering these questions will benefit by paying attention to each other's work. Failure to recognize the potential for interdisciplinary cooperation can be attributed to tacit acceptance of the resemblance theory of pictorial color. I argue that this theory is inadequate, so philosophers of art have work to do devising an alternative. At the same time, if the resemblance theory is false, then (...)
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    Perception of letters, words, and nonwords.Dominic W. Massaro - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):349.
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  50. An anthropologist of the world : interview with Ulf Hannerz, September 2012.Dominic Boyer - 2015 - In Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten, Shalini Randeria & Ulf Hannerz, Anthropology now and next: essays in honor of Ulf Hannerz. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
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