Results for 'Domenico Grasso'

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    I carismi nello Chiesa antica.Domenico Grasso - 1980 - Augustinianum 20 (3):671-686.
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  2. Dead poets and engineers.Domenico Grasso - 2018 - In Nicholas Sakellariou & Rania Milleron, Ethics, Politics, and Whistleblowing in Engineering. Boca Raton, FL: Crc Press.
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    Just Instruments for Adaptation Finance.Marco Grasso - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (2):405-412.
    The paper discusses Baatz’s work (2018) published in a recent issue of this journal. It first considers the proposed framework of justice within which to evaluate instruments for adaptation finance; it then develops the framework’s criteria of fairness and feasibility further; finally, it proposes an option for increasing the capacity of Baatz’s framework to ensure that instruments for adaptation finance operate in a just way.
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    John Paul II on Modernity, Freedom, and the Metaphysics of the Person.Kenneth L. Grasso - 2010 - Catholic Social Science Review 15:15-34.
    Beginning by praising Carson Holloway’s The Way of Life: John Paul II and the Challenge of Liberal Modernity for both contributing to our understanding of John Paul’s posture toward modernity and bringing his thought into conversation with the thought of some of the intellectual architects of liberal modernity, my essayproceeds to identify several subjects I wish Holloway had explored further, including the positive aspects of John Paul’s appraisal of liberal modernity and the engagement with modern thought that looms so large (...)
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    Die Französische Revolution und das Bild des klassischen Altertums: von Constant zu Nietzsche.Domenico Losurdo - 2022 - In Lothar Berthold, Zur Architektonik der Vernunft. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 564-579.
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    Le ragioni degli altri: scritti in onore di Domenico Antonino Conci.Domenico Antonio Conci, Isabella Lucchese & Rita Melillo (eds.) - 2008 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Harnessing Wicked Problems in Multi-stakeholder Partnerships.Domenico Dentoni, Verena Bitzer & Greetje Schouten - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):333-356.
    Despite the burgeoning literature on the governance and impact of cross-sector partnerships in the past two decades, the debate on how and when these collaborative arrangements address globally relevant problems and contribute to systemic change remains open. Building upon the notion of wicked problems and the literature on governing such wicked problems, this paper defines harnessing problems in multi-stakeholder partnerships as the approach of taking into account the nature of the problem and of organizing governance processes accordingly. The paper develops (...)
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    The Emerging Neuroscience of Intrinsic Motivation: A New Frontier in Self-Determination Research.Stefano I. Di Domenico & Richard M. Ryan - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Impure Procedural Justice in Climate Governance Systems.Marco Grasso & Simona Sacchi - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (6):777-798.
    Climate change governance is extremely challenging because of both the intrinsic difficulty of the issues at stake and the plurality of values and world-views. For these reasons, the ethical concerns that characterise climate change should also be meaningfully addressed through a specific version of procedural justice. Accordingly, in this article we adopt an impure notion of procedural justice. On this theoretical basis, we define relevant fairness criteria and contextualise them for climate governance systems. Then, we empirically justify fairness criteria against (...)
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  10. Consciousness and the Fallacy of Misplaced Objectivity.Francesco Ellia, Jeremiah Hendren, Matteo Grasso, Csaba Kozma, Garrett Mindt, Jonathan Lang, Andrew Haun, Larissa Albantakis, Melanie Boly & Giulio Tononi - 2021 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 7 (2):1-12.
    Objective correlates—behavioral, functional, and neural—provide essential tools for the scientific study of consciousness. But reliance on these correlates should not lead to the ‘fallacy of misplaced objectivity’: the assumption that only objective properties should and can be accounted for objectively through science. Instead, what needs to be explained scientifically is what experience is intrinsically— its subjective properties—not just what we can do with it extrinsically. And it must be explained; otherwise the way experience feels would turn out to be magical (...)
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    The Misconception of Religion as the Legal External Appearance of Identity? The Latest Studies of Olivier Roy.Domenico Bilotti - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (9).
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    Archeologia del concetto di politico in Carl Schmitt.Fabrizio Grasso - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
  13. Incarnations of the intangible. Ideality and scripture between memory and design.Davide Grasso - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50.
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    The Freedom of the Church and the Taming of Leviathan: The Christian Revolution, Dignitatis Humanae, and Western Liberty.Kenneth L. Grasso - 2012 - Catholic Social Science Review 17:221-240.
    This essay explores the impact of the ancient principle of the freedom of the Church—identified by the Second Vatican Council as “the fundamental principle” governing “the relations between the Church and governments and the whole civil order”—on both Western civilization and the development of modern Catholic social thought. Arguing that this principle requires the articulation and institutionalization of a new understanding of society and government, it contends this principle revolutionized the structure of Western political life and helped lay the groundwork (...)
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    The Verdict on the Founding.Kenneth L. Grasso - 2021 - Catholic Social Science Review 26:23-38.
    Robert R. Reilly’s America on Trial: A Defense of the Founding argues that the intellectual roots of the founders’ political theory are found in the Christian understanding of man, society and the world, and in the tradition of natural law thinking that emerged under its aegis. The American founding, he concludes, must be understood as an attempted “re-establishment” of “the principles and practices” of medieval constitutionalism. While finding the broad outlines of Reilly’s argument persuasive, the author worries that Reilly does (...)
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    Phénoménologie herméneutique et marxisme.Domenico Jervolino - 1999 - Actuel Marx 25:57-68.
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  17. Scritti platonici.Domenico Pesce - 1988 - Parma: Edizioni Zara.
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    Forcing in Finite Structures.Domenico Zambella - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (3):401-412.
    We present a simple and completely model-theoretical proof of a strengthening of a theorem of Ajtai: The independence of the pigeonhole principle from IΔ0. With regard to strength, the theorem proved here corresponds to the complexity/proof-theoretical results of [10] and [14], but a different combinatorics is used. Techniques inspired by Razborov [11] replace those derived from Håstad [8]. This leads to a much shorter and very direct construction.
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  19. Notes on polynomially bounded arithmetic.Domenico Zambella - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):942-966.
    We characterize the collapse of Buss' bounded arithmetic in terms of the provable collapse of the polynomial time hierarchy. We include also some general model-theoretical investigations on fragments of bounded arithmetic.
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    Sapienza antica: studi in onore di Domenico Pesce.Vittorio Enzo Alfieri & Domenico Pesce - 1985 - F. Angeli.
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    IIT, half masked and half disfigured.Giulio Tononi, Melanie Boly, Matteo Grasso, Jeremiah Hendren, Bjorn E. Juel, William G. P. Mayner, William Marshall & Christof Koch - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    The target article misrepresents the foundations of integrated information theory and ignores many essential publications. It, thus, falls to this lead commentary to outline the axioms and postulates of IIT and correct major misconceptions. The commentary also explains why IIT starts from phenomenology and why it predicts that only select physical substrates can support consciousness. Finally, it highlights that IIT's account of experience – a cause–effect structure quantified by integrated information – has nothing to do with “information transfer.”.
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    Per una fondazione onto-assiologica del diritto.Domenico Campanale - 1986 - F. Angeli.
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    On Max Born's "Vorlesungen ueber Atommechanik, Erster Band".Domenico Giulini - unknown
    A little more than half a year before Matrix Mechanics was born, Max Born finished his book "Vorlesungen ueber Atommechanik, Erster Band", which is a state-of-the-art presentation of Bohr-Sommerfeld quantisation. This book, which today seems almost forgotten, is remarkable for its epistemological as well as technical aspects. Here I wish to highlight one aspect in each of these two categories, the first being concerned with the role of axiomatisation in the heuristics of physics, the second with the problem of quantisation (...)
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    De Anima II.12.R. Grasso - 2013 - Philosophical Inquiry 37 (1-2):23-44.
    A blatant contradiction seems to characterize the first part of DA II 12: 424a24-25 entails that possession of the power to ‘receive forms without the matter’ is sufficient for being a sense organ, while the ‘wax simile’ supposedly preceding it (424a19-23) attributes the same power to both senses and wax blocks. To solve the contradiction, I contend that Aristotle does not in fact endorse the described ‘wax simile’. He offers, instead, a ‘signature simile’ between the forms received by senses and (...)
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    Getting Murray Right.Kenneth L. Grasso - 2011 - Catholic Social Science Review 16:85-94.
    This essay seeks to dispel two common misunderstandings of the argument of We Hold These Truths. Contrary to what is sometimes asserted, it argues, Murray does not turn the American founding into an expression of Thomistic political theory. Although he emphasizes the Christian and medieval roots of the American democratic experiment, Murray also recognizes—even if he does not explore the point systematically—the imprint left on the American founding bydistinctively modern intellectual currents. Likewise, it maintains that although the rejection of the (...)
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    Introduction.Kenneth L. Grasso - 2000 - Catholic Social Science Review 5:9-10.
  27. Pluralism, the Public Good and the Problem of Self-Government in The Federalist.Kenneth Grasso - 1987 - Interpretation 15 (2/3):323-345.
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    Isaac Newton on Mathematical Certainty and Method - by Niccolò Guicciardini.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 2010 - Centaurus 52 (3):264-265.
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  29. Michele camerota's new biography of Galileo: Three essay reviews.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 2005 - Early Science and Medicine 10:4.
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    Shadows and deception: from Borelli's Theoricae to the Saggi of the Cimento.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Science 31 (4):383-402.
    ‘Poor Borelli!’ exclaimed Alexandre Koyre at the end of his wonderful and by now classic study of Borelli's ‘celestial mechanics’. Koyre frankly admitted that Borelli lacked Newton's genius and intellectual audacity. However, in his story Borelli deserved a place between Kepler and Newton for his ‘imperfect but decisive’ unification of terrestrial and celestial physics. This framework finds a powerful justification in Borelli's extensive usage of Keplerian astronomy and in Newton's references to Borelli's work on the Medicean planets, Theoricae mediceorum planetarum (...)
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    Pensare il proprio tempo, tra scelta e destino: la serietà "lieve" di Roberto Racinaro.Domenico Taranto, Clementina Cantillo, Gian Paolo Cammarota & Roberto Racinaro (eds.) - 2019 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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  32. L¿ interrogazione metafisica. Noterelle filosofiche a partire da Kant e Heidegger.Domenico Venturelli - 2006 - Giornale di Metafisica 28 (2):483-502.
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  33. Un'esigenza di purezza nel pensiero. A proposito dell'ultimo saggio filosofico di Mario Gennari.Domenico Venturelli - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (3):787-796.
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  34. Some remarks on the notions of general covariance and background independence.Domenico Giulini - 2007 - Lecture Notes in Physics 721:105--20.
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    Simone Weil, Reader of the Dionysiaca.Domenico Accorinti - 2014 - In Konstantinos Spanoudakis, Nonnus of Panopolis in Context: Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 461-486.
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    Half-human and Monstrous Races in Zoroastrian Tradition.Domenico Agostini - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (4):805.
    Legends and stories about fabulous races that dwelt in India or in Africa circulated in Iran probably since the Achaemenid times. Unfortunately, scholarship on this topic has neglected some late Iranian and, especially, Zoroastrian sources, such as Draxt ī āsūrīg, the Bundahišn, the Ayādgār ī Jāmāspīg, and the New Persian epic Šāhnāme. This article examines the aforementioned sources and discusses their accounts of five fabulous races from an Iranian, and especially Zoroastrian, perspective and through a comparative approach to some similar (...)
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  37. Intérêt e coscienza. Antropologia e politica in Jean de Silhon.Domenico Bosco - 1988 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 80 (2):177-215.
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    Special issue: CMNA coming of age: 18 years of the Computational Models of Natural Argument workshop.Floriana Grasso & Nancy L. Green - 2018 - Argument and Computation 9 (2):73-75.
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    Geschichtsphilosophie und Ethik.Domenico Losurdo - 1998 - Peter Lang Publishing.
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  40. La concezione stoica del tempo.Domenico Pesce - 1992 - Paideia 47:49-64.
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  41. Scrissela da filosofo : the life of Giambattista Vico written by himself.Domenico Pietropaolo - 2005 - In Thomas Mathien & D. G. Wright, Autobiography as Philosophy: The Philosophical Uses of Self-Presentation. New York: Routledge.
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  42. Sestov: l'assenza di Dio e la speranza inesauribile.Domenico Saguto - 2002 - Studium 98 (6):895-905.
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    Magie als Brennpunkt der Rationalität und Emotionalität.Domenico Schneider - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2024 (2):164-179.
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    From the eloquence of light to the splendor of the word.Domenico Silvestri - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (136).
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    Implicit and Explicit Linguistics.Domenico Silvestri - 2013 - Diogenes 60 (2):53-59.
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    Decadenza dell'Occidente e “fede” nel giovane de Martino.Domenico Conte - 2010 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 23:493-514.
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    Massimo di Torino e iI suo pubblico.Domenico Devoti - 1981 - Augustinianum 21 (1):153-167.
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    Sogno e conversione nei Padri.Domenico Devoti - 1987 - Augustinianum 27 (1-2):101-136.
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    Commentary: Primary Emotional Systems and Personality: An Evolutionary Perspective.Stefano I. Di Domenico & Richard M. Ryan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Italian literature on Thomas Hobbes after the second world war.Domenico Felice - 1985 - Topoi 4 (1):121-128.
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