Results for 'Doina Jela'

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  1. Spovedania unui fost torţionar.Doina Jela & Drumul Damascului - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    The Spillover Effect of the EU Economy on the Culture.Doina Gavrilov - 2019 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 87:23-31.
    Publication date: 2 May 2019 Source: Author: Doina Gavrilov The Economy has always been considered an essential pillar of the development. This is why, when the European Union appeared, the idea of a community based on economic relations with the purpose of empowering the common economy seemed to be an attractive idea to the outside states of the European Economic Community. Even at first, the idea of empowering the Economy was a very good one, after politics, culture, agriculture, science, (...)
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    Rezension.Jela Riha - 1988 - Erkenntnis 28 (3):431-440.
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    Europeanization of Turkey and the Long Way to EU Membership.Doina Gavrilov - 2019 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 86:1-9.
    Publication date: 21 March 2019 Source: Author: Doina Gavrilov For a few decades, Europe watches Turkey evolution in a matter of politics, policy, policies, human rights and so on. Everything begins in 1959 when Turkey applies to associate membership to the European Economic Community. But unfortunately for Turkey, the accession to the Community was not to accomplish. In time, the European Economic Community became the European Union. The organization pass through the enlargement process multiple times that today it is (...)
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    Extracts from a paper laboratory: the nature of Francis Bacon’s Sylva sylvarum.Doina-Cristina Rusu & Christoph Lüthy - 2017 - Intellectual History Review 27 (2):171-202.
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    Beyond literary texts: A semiotic approach to a fictional (ritual) game of real (dis) order in William Golding's Lord of the Flies.Doina Cmeciu & Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (182):115-132.
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    Folk Psychological Narratives: The Sociocultural Basis of Understanding Reasons.Doina Cmeciu - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (4):506-506.
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    Sur la vertu dans le dialogue Ménon.Doina Grigoraş - 2007 - Cultura 4 (1):62-67.
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    Ugly, Creepy, Disgusting, and Other Modes of Abjection.Jela Krečič & Slavoj Žižek - 2016 - Critical Inquiry 43 (1):60-83.
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    Between MDPs and semi-MDPs: A framework for temporal abstraction in reinforcement learning.Richard S. Sutton, Doina Precup & Satinder Singh - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 112 (1-2):181-211.
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    Using instruments in the study of animate beings: Della Porta's and Bacon's experiments with plants.Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (3):393-405.
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    Rethinking Sylva sylvarum: Francis Bacon’s Use of Giambattista Della Porta’s Magia naturalis.Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (1):1-35.
    The study of vegetables represents one of the main topics in Bacon’s Sylva sylvarum. Not only in quantitative terms, because plants occupy about a third of the entire book, but the centuries on plants are among the most structured, and this reveals Bacon’s particular interest for the topic. The key to understanding Bacon’s interest can be found in both his Sylva sylvarum and the Historia vitae et mortis, where Bacon explains how the results of studying certain processes in plants can (...)
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    : Testimonies: States of Mind and States of Body in the Early Modern Period.Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (2):654-657.
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    Anne Conway’s Exceptional Vitalism: Material Spirits and Active Matter.Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (2):528-546.
    Anne Conway’s philosophy has been categorized as “vitalism,” “vital monism,” “spiritualism,” “monistic spiritualism,” “immaterial vitalism,” and “antimaterialism.” While there is no doubt that she is a monist and a vitalist, problems arise with the categories of “spiritualism,” “immaterial vitalism,” and “antimaterialism.” Conway conceives of created substances as gross and fixed spirit, or rarefied and volatile matter. While interpreters agree that Conway’s “spirit” shares characteristics traditionally attributed to matter (e.g., extension, divisibility, impenetrability), and that she is critical of Henry More’s immaterial (...)
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    Lorenzo Giovannetti: Eidos and Dynamis: The Intertwinement of Being and Logos in Plato’s Thought. [REVIEW]Doina Cristina Ionescu - 2023 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 44 (2):385-389.
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    Giovan B attista D ella P orta and F rancis B acon on the creative power of experimentation.Doina-Cristina Rusu & Dana Jalobeanu - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (3):381-392.
    This special issue brings to the attention of the scholarly community some of the common features and some of the subtle, but important, differences between Francis Bacon's and Giovan Battista Della Porta's ways of dealing with the reading, selecting, enacting, and recording of recipes. Focusing on questions of genre, intellectual and material context, strategies of research, and strategies of performing recipes, the four papers of this special issue address two major issues. First, they shed new light on the relationship between (...)
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    (1 other version)Agir urbain.Doina Petrescu, Anne Querrien & Constantin Petcou - 2007 - Multitudes 31 (4):11.
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    Jardinières du commun.Doina Petrescu - 2010 - Multitudes 42 (3):126.
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    Tracer là ce qui nous échappe.Doina Petrescu - 2006 - Multitudes 1 (1):193-201.
    Deligny¹s contribution to the contemporary thinking of community is to map the topos of a community which can be hardly described by words but can be traced by lines. Deligny¹s use of lines differ from any other form of mapping exactly because they do not pretend to represent anything other than our own ignorance about what is mapped. Rather than a negative thinking, it is an active form of negative mapping of what is common within the members of an « (...)
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  20.  47
    Élodie Cassan , Bacon et Descartes. Geneses de la modernite philosophique.Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2015 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 4 (1):132-135.
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    Spiders, Ants, and Bees: Francis Bacon and the Methodology of Natural Philosophy.Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2020 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 9 (2):27-51.
    This paper argues that the methodology Francis Bacon used in his natural histories abides by the theoretical commitments presented in his methodological writings. On the one hand, Bacon advocated a middle way between idle speculation and mere gathering of facts. On the other hand, he took a strong stance against the theorisation based on very few facts. Using two of his sources whom Bacon takes to be the reflection of these two extremes—Giambattista della Porta as an instance of idle speculations, (...)
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    Communication resources and the consequences of linguistic censorship.Doina Ruşti - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (172):261-268.
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  23. Proper names: being in touch with the real.Jela Krecic-Žižek - 2019 - In Mirt Komel, The Language of Touch: Philosophical Examinations in Linguistics and Haptic Studies. New York, USA: Bloomsbury Publishing.
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  24. Reward is enough.David Silver, Satinder Singh, Doina Precup & Richard S. Sutton - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 299 (C):103535.
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    Edited by Pietro Daniel Omodeo. Bernardino Telesio and the natural sciences in the Renaissance. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2019, xvi + 285 pp. ISBN: 9789004352636; 9789004352643. [REVIEW]Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (3):592-594.
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    Entre el atomismo y la alquimia: la teoría de la materia en Francis Bacon. [REVIEW]Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2011 - Early Science and Medicine 16 (6):631-634.
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    Epistêmê or Technê? A Relationship That Shaped the History of Science. Essay Review of Wolfgang Lefèvre, Minerva Meets Vulcan: Scientific and Technological Literature—1450–1750 (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2021), ix+198 pp. EUR 108.99 (hard cover). ISBN: 9783030730840. [REVIEW]Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2023 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (4):358-372.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, EarlyView.
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    Jennifer M. Rampling, The Experimental Fire. Inventing English Alchemy, 1300-1700, Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2020. [REVIEW]Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2021 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 10 (1):126-129.
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    (1 other version)Agir l'espace.Constantin Petcou & Doina Petrescu - 2007 - Multitudes 31 (4):101.
    Résumé À partir d’expériences concrètes, les auteurs montrent les dimensions politiques des démarches micro-urbaines et d’une reconstruction de l’espace de proximité à partir des marges, des bords et des interstices de la ville capitaliste. Ces interventions permettent la constitution d’une subjectivité collective et synaptique capable d’appropriations territoriales poreuses et de transformations politiques à partir du quotidien. Une démocratisation continue de l’espace de proximité par « agencement jardinier », un agir interstitiel et biopolitique « en bas de chez soi ».
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    Au rez de chaussée de la ville.Constantin Petcou & Doina Petrescu - 2005 - Multitudes 1 (1):75-87.
    ECObox is a project initiated by the Self-Managed Architecture Workshop, offering the inhabitants of La Chapelle the chance to occupy an abandoned space and to transform it into a participatory garden and a place for debate. The practice of the Workshop tests and provokes the « availability » of the city through « urban tactics » directed toward the interstitial condition and multiple temporalities of certain spaces in the city. At stake is a spatial production from the bottom up, re-energising (...)
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    History of Logic. Volume III.Anton Dumitriu, Duiliu Zamfirescu, Dinu Giurcaneanu & Doina Doneaud - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):369-370.
  32. In the Romanian penal law.Dan Perju-Dumbravă, Silviu Morar, Iuliu Fulga, Adrian Avram, Doina Todea & Costel Siserman - 2008 - Romanian Journal of Bioethics 6 (2).
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    Ştefan Aug. Doinaş and Basarab Nicolescu, Epistolary Exchange and Aesthetic Transfiguration of Certain Transdisciplinary Concepts.Maria Chețan - 2015 - Human and Social Studies 4 (2):29-43.
    Ştefan Aug. Doinaş and Basarab Nicolescu, two great spirits related through the generosity of the humanist vision, met, held an epistolary dialogue and had common projects. Doinaş commented upon a few of the innovative concepts proposed by Basarab Nicolescu and he also aesthetically transfigured, in literary pages, certain concepts of transdisciplinarity.
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  34. Aşa grăit-a Zarathustra, traducere de Ştefan Aug. Doinaş, Bucureşti.Friedrich Nietzsche - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Lessons from America: Liberal French Nobles in Exile, 1793–1798. By Doina Pasca Harsanyi.K. Steven Vincent - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (6):858-859.
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    (1 other version)Anton Dumitriu. History of logic. Volume III. Revised and enlarged English translation of Parts VI and VII of the second edition of Istoria logicii by Duiliu Zamfirescu, Dinu Giurcăneanu, and Doina Doneaud. Abacus Press, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, 1977, ix + 393 pp. [REVIEW]I. Grattan-Guinness - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):369-370.
  37. BAB 4: BURUNG GURU.Sari N. P. W. P. & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Suatu pagi di musim panas, desa burung diselimuti keheningan. Semua orang sibuk mendengarkan pengembara baru. Burung pengembara ini berasal dari keluarga yang tidak jelas; bulunya berwarna-warni, gerak-geriknya lucu, dan ilmunya baru. Dia bercerita seolah-olah sedang memberi ceramah, tepat sekali, warga desa memanggilnya burung Guru – orang yang menjawab setiap pertanyaan aneh warga desa yang rajin belajar. Burung pelatuk telah belajar menangkap cacing di sore hari, sehingga mereka tidak perlu bangun pagi. Burung pipit sekarang tahu cara mencuri beras dari gudang saat (...)
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    “Perkawinan” pasangan homoseksual.Largus Nadeak & Bernardus C. G. Maduwu - forthcoming - Logos:119-129.
    Secara alami dan biologis, jenis kelamin manusia jelas, yaitu laki-laki dan perempaun. Secara tradisoonal diterima oleh masyarakat bahwa ketertarikan seksual bersifat heteroseks, yaitu laki-laki tertarik berelasi seksual dengan perempaun dan perempuan tertarik berelasi seksual dengan pria. Sekarang sebagian masyarakat menerima bahwa ketertarikan seksual bukan hanya bersifat heteroseks, tetapi bisa juga bersifat homoseks, yaitu laki-laki tertarik secara seksual dengan pria, dan perempuan tertarik secara seksual dengan perempuan. Orientasi seksual yang bukan hanya heteroseks makin mendapat perhatiaan saat ini. Perhatian makin serius karena (...)
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    Nasihat-nasihat hidup orang Jawa.Iman Budhi Santosa - 2021 - Baturetno, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Noktah.
    “Aja ngomong waton, nanging ngomonga nganggo waton.” Jangan asal bicara, tetapi bicaralah dengan patokan atau alasan yang jelas. Peribahasa tersebut merupakan ajakan untuk tidak asal bicara. Usahakan setiap pembicaraan benar-benar memiliki landasan atau alasan yang jelas agar dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Biasanya, peribahasa ini digunakan untuk mengingatkan siapa pun yang sering menjelek-jelekkan orang lain dan menyebarkan kabar bohong atau hoaks. Dalam khazanah hidup kebudayaan Jawa, tersimpan ribuan peribahasa yang tetap diamalkan dan memberikan warna khusus bagi dinamika masyarakatnya hingga kini. Buku ini sengaja (...)
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    The Strained Relation Between Samaritans and Jews in the Works of Flavius Josephus.Albertus Purnomo - 2017 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 16 (1):64.
    The strained relation between Samaritans and Jews as a fruit of long-term process from the division of the United Kingdom of Israel (ca. 931 B.C.E) became a dominant issue since the post-exilic period and became more pronounced in the first century C.E. Beside the Old Testament, the story of their relation which was full of conflict can be traced to extra-biblical sources. One of them is Flavius Josephus’ works (ca. 70 to 100 C.E), i.e., Jewish War and Jewish Antiquities. The (...)
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    Status Tuhan dalam Filsafat Teoretis Immanuel Kant.Martinus Ariya Seta - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):69.
    Abstrak: Di dalam filsafat teoretis Kant, status Tuhan bukan lagi transenden tetapi transendental. Perubahan status Tuhan menjadi transendental memiliki dampak ganda. Di satu sisi, Kant memberikan pendasaran rasionalitas konsep Tuhan. Akan tetapi di sisi lain, Kant menghindari penegasan terhadap eksistensi Tuhan. Menurut Kant, konsep Tuhan adalah sebuah ide regulatif. Ide regulatif tidak memiliki referensi di luar pikiran manusia. Kant hanya menegaskan urgensi logis konsep Tuhan bagi kesatuan pengetahuan. Akan tetapi, urgensi logis tidak cukup memadai sebagai argumen pembuktian eksistensi Tuhan. Kant (...)
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    Creativity and God In Whitehead's Process Philosophy.Thomas Hidya Tjaya - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (2):141-159.
    The category of creativity unquestionably occupies a central position in Alfred North Whitehead’s philosophy of organism. Its employment is hardly surprising given his project to establish a speculative philosophy that is compatible with modern science. This article examines the use of such a category in this project and argues that the separation between creativity and God causes several problems, including the absence of an ontological principle that may ground the interaction of the various elements in this metaphysical scheme. A more (...)
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    F. Budi Hardiman, Seni Memahami Hermeneutik dari Schleiermacher sampai Derrida, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2015, 343 hlm.Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):95-97.
    Hermeneutika adalah ilmu tentang pemahaman. Mengapa pemahaman perlu ada ilmunya? Karena, sebagaimana kita tahu dari pengalaman sehari-hari, kita sering salah paham. Kita mendengar persis apa yang dikatakan orang lain, tetapi kita salah tangkap juga dan terjadi masalah. Hal yang sama berlaku bagi ekspresi-ekspresi manusia lain. Misalnya, ada monumen. Ambil batu-batuan di Stonehenge di Inggris yang diperkirakan sudah berumur ribuan tahun. Tentang maksud tiang-tiang batu itu para ahli tetap masih menerka-nerka. Tetapi seorang penduduk Jakarta, begitu melihat fotonya, langsung merasa tahu apa (...)
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    Dekalog dan Perjanjian yang Baru.Surip Stanislaus - 2022 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 18 (2):238-271.
    The Decalogue is the ten commandments which are a covenant between God and His people. Written on two tablets of stone, this Decalogue is apodictive (unconditional command and prohibition). It expresses the love between God and His people and between members of the people. This article shows that in the Pentateuch there are two versions of the Decalogue (Ex. 20:1-17 and Deut. 5:6-21) with some differences between them. Deuteronomy 5:6-21 contains additions to Exodus 20:1-17. Ex. 20:1-17 was spoken by God (...)
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    Ernst Mach Dan Ekonomi Pikiran.Karlina Supelli - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (1):20-60.
    Ernst Mach stands as a representative figure of the positivist philosophy of science at the turn of the twentieth century, yet he is by far the most misunderstood scientist-philosopher. The misunderstanding is largely caused by his epistemological rejection of the use of hypothetical entities that are ordinarily posited by scientists. He also argued against the mechanistic worldview which dominated scientific investigations in the nineteenth century. This essay will demonstrate that Mach’s positivism differs from the earlier positivism of August Comte. His (...)
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    Pierre Rosanvallon, Democratic Legitimacy: Impartiality, Reflexivity, Proximity, Translated by Arthur Goldhammer, Princeton: Princeton University Press, (2011), 2015, 235 hlm. [REVIEW]Ito Prajna-Nugroho - 2017 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 16 (1):98.
    Sejak 2001 Collége de France, lembaga pendidikan tinggi Prancis paling bergengsi yang berisi para filsuf dan pemikir terkenal dari berbagai bidang, menginisiasi munculnya sebuah fakultas baru. Modern and Contemporary History of the Political adalah nama fakultas baru tersebut. Pierre Rossanvallon, seorang ahli filsafat politik dan penulis buku yang produktif, didaulat sebagai Guru Besar untuk yang pertama kali dan masih menjabat hingga saat ini. Nama fakultas tersebut rupanya sejalan dengan perkembangan termutakhir dalam kajian filsafat politik, yaitu penelaahan kembali asas-asas politik demokratis (...)
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    M. Sastrapratedja, Lima Gagasan Yang Dapat Mengubah Indonesia, Jakarta: Pusat Kajian Filsafat dan Pancasila, 2013, 413 hlm. [REVIEW]Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 13 (1):138-142.
    Lima gagasan yang dapat mengubah Indonesia itu tentu Pancasila. Sebagaimana ditulis Jakob Oetama dalam kata pengantar buku Profesor Sastrapratedja, sudah sangat mendesak untuk mengaktualisasikan kembali Pancasila. Pancasila sudah lama berada dalam bahaya, bukan karena masih ada kekuatan politik yang mempersoalkannya, melainkan karena dukungan terhadap Pancasila cenderung menguapkan maknanya. Di masa Demokrasi Terpimpin Pancasila semakin dikesampingkan oleh semboyan-semboyan lain di mana yang paling tragis adalah NASAKOM. Di masa Orde Baru Pancasila dinyatakan sakti dan sesudahnya jutaan saudara dan saudari sebangsa dibunuh, dikucilkan, (...)
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    Paul Moses, The Saint and the Sultan: The Crusades, Islam, and Francis of Assisi’s Mission of Peace, New York: Doubleday, 2009, 302 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2010 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 9 (2):289-296.
    Perjumpaan Fransiskus Assisi dengan Sultan al-Kamil di tengah ko- baran perang salib akhir-akhir ini mendapat banyak perhatian dari pel- bagai macam peneliti (Hoeberichts 1997; Warren 2003, Tolan 2007, Moses 2009). Yang terakhir, Paul Moses—seorang Guru Besar Jurnalistik di Brooklyn College, New York— melakukan investigasinya sendiri dan menulis suatu buku yang sangat menarik dan aktual, seperti yang boleh diharapkan dari seorang pakar komunikasi. Landasan penting penelitian Moses adalah evaluasinya yang kritis terhadap sumber-sumber. Ia mengemukakan bahwa sumber-sumber tertua tentang peristiwa ini (Jacques (...)
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    Steven L. McKenzie & John Kaltner, eds., New Meanings for Ancient Texts: Recent Approaches to Biblical Criticisms and their Applications, Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2013, xiii+181pp. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2015 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 14 (1):144-147.
    Beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu Steven McKenzie menjadi editor sebuah kumpulan karangan yang berjudul To Each Its Own Meaning: An Introduction to Biblical Criticism and their Application (1993). Dalam bunga rampai itu dibahas metode-metode penelitian lama yang berfokus pada latar belakang sejarah teks (penelitian sumber, sejarah tradisi, jenis sastra, peredaksian), cara-cara penelitian literer yang lebih baru (seperti penelitian strukturalis, pasca-strukturalis, naratif, atau reader’s respons) dan beberapa yang lain (penelitian ilmu sosial, kanonik, atau retorika). Dalam dua puluh tahun sejak terbitan itu (...)
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    Julianus Mojau Meniadakan atau Merangkul?: Pergulatan Teologis Protestan dengan Islam Politik di Indonesia, Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 2012, xxvi + 447 hlm. [REVIEW]Eddy Kristiyanto - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (1):143-150.
    Satu lagi, buku teologi (sosial) yang berbobot terbit! Berawal dari penelitian yang dimaksudkan untuk penyusunan disertasi pada The South East Asia Graduate School of Theology (SEAGST), 2004, Pendeta Gereja Masehi Injili di Halmahera, Julianus Mojau menyodorkannya kepada khalayak ramai di Indonesia. Argumen utama buku ini dapat diformulasikan dalam pertanyaan berikut ini: bagaimana model teologi sosial sebagaimana dihasilkan oleh tokoh-tokoh Kristen Protestan dan dokumen-dokumen yang meretas dari Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia selama kurun waktu tiga dasawarsa, konkretnya semasa pemerintahan Orde Baru? Selama (...)
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