Results for 'Djibril Mbaye'

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  1.  25
    La figura del negro soldado en La revolución es un sueño eterno de Andrés Rivera / The figure of the black soldier in La revolución es un sueño eterno by Andrés Rivera.Djibril Mbaye - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (1):99-108.
    Este artículo se propone estudiar la representación de la imagen del negro soldado en La revolución es un sueño eterno de Andrés Rivera. En efecto, frente a la negación por la historia del aporte épico de los afrodescendientes en las luchas por la emancipación, Andrés Rivera rescata la figura del afrosoldado argentino que se ha destacado heroicamente en los frentes bélicos para la defensa de la patria. Así, este trabajo analiza esta visión revolucionaria de la negritud argentina en Andrés Rivera. (...)
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  2. Africa's Understanding of the Slave Trade: Oral Accounts.Djibril Tamsir Niane - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (179):75-90.
    Antao Gonçalves, a Portuguese explorer, began the slave trade in 1445 with the first purchase of slaves on the African coast: “nine Blacks and some gold powder in exchange for European merchandises.” Portuguese sailors continued this trade until the end of the fifteenth century. The slaves, black for the most part, were brought to Portugal or sold in the markets of Lagos, which were crowded with buyers seeking colored servants. These slaves also served in the development of the Atlantic Isles (...)
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  3.  11
    Études de philosophie ancienne et médiévale.Djibril Samb - 2020 - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal.
    Cet ouvrage se présente comme un mélange de textes majeurs qui s'ouvrent sur une nouvelle interprétation des notions de matière et de substance dans l'ancienne physique des stoïciens, se poursuivent avec l'analyse philologique et historique de la notion de plagiat dans l'antiquité gréco-romaine puis avec des commentaires sur deux ouvrages de Lucien de Samosate consacrés à l'intellectuel à gages. Deux études sur la déontologie des médecins hippocratiques et sur un immense philosophe médiéval, Marsile de Padoue, viennent parachever cette fresque qui (...)
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    L'heur de philosopher la nuit et le jour.Djibril Samb - 2017 - Dakar: Les Nouvelles éditions africaines du Sénégal.
    [tome 1] (1989-2015) : premières méditations tilogiques -- tome 2. (2016) : la mesure des choses -- tome 3. (2017) : quand philosopher c'est vivre.
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    Les premiers dialogues de Platon: structure dialectique et ligne doctrinale.Djibril Samb - 1997 - Dakar: Nouvelles éditions africaines du Sénégal.
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    Consumers’ Perceptions of Retail Business Ethics and Loyalty to the Retailer: The Moderating Role of Social Discount Practices.Mbaye Fall Diallo & Christine Lambey-Checchin - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):435-449.
    This research investigates the influence that consumers’ perceptions of retail business ethics have on their responses when retailers either create social discount spaces or do not. Using scenarios to imply these social practices and structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses among a sample of 689 respondents, the authors find that consumers’ perceptions of retail business ethics have positive effects on consumer loyalty, both directly and through consumer trust, as well as positive, strong influences on the retailer’s corporate social responsibility (...)
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  7. Loci aegyptii in Platonis operibus.Djibril Sam - 1988 - Filosofia Oggi 11 (3):437-464.
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  8.  33
    CSR Actions, Brand Value, and Willingness to Pay a Premium Price for Luxury Brands: Does Long-Term Orientation Matter?Mbaye Fall Diallo, Norchène Ben Dahmane Mouelhi, Mahesh Gadekar & Marie Schill - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):241-260.
    Sustainable luxury is a strategic issue for managers and for society, yet it remains poorly understood. This research seeks to clarify how corporate social responsibility actions directly and indirectly affect consumers’ willingness to pay a premium price for luxury brand products, as well as how a long-term orientation might moderate these relationships. A scenario study presents fictional CSR actions of two brands, representing different luxury products, to 1,049 respondents from two countries. The results of a structural equation modeling approach show (...)
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  9.  39
    Decolonial Aesthetics I: Tangled Humanism in the Afro-European Context.Michaela Ott & Babacar Mbaye Diop (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    The publication aims to make suggestions for a 'decolonisation of aesthetics' within an Afro-European framework. The texts (whose authors come from different cultural contexts between Germany, France, Senegal, Benin, Nigeria and Tunesia) do not only refer to heterogenous aesthetic practices understood as subversive and decolonial strategies, but also discuss philosophical questions of a renewed (non-in)dividual humanism. The artistic practices analyzed include artistic installations and ensembles as well as actions in urban and rural space, deceptive manœuvres at the borders and their (...)
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  10.  7
    Fashionable Ethics: Exploring Ethical Perspectives in the Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Fashion.Patsy Perry, Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Fahian Anisul Huq & Mbaye Fall Diallo - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):711-721.
    This Special Issue examines ethics in fashion to further critical understanding of the various drivers and barriers, nuances and layers of complexity in fashion production, marketing, and consumption, and aims toward a more future-oriented perspective through the lens of ethics. Research on ethical issues in fashion is growing but is fragmented across diverse domains, from supply chain and operations management, to psychology and sociology, to marketing and consumption. Furthermore, there has been only a peripheral focus on ethics and limited application (...)
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  11.  26
    How Sustainable Luxury Influences Product Value Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions: A Comparative Study of Emerging vs. Developed Markets.Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Vignesh Yoganathan, Fabian Bartsch, Mbaye Fall Diallo & Hongfei Liu - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-26.
    Coinciding with the rising development of emerging markets, sustainable consumption practices in these markets are increasingly under scrutiny. In this context, we compare empirical results from consumers in four countries (three emerging markets and one developed market) in an experimental study to uncover patterns of preferences for sustainable luxury products (i.e., products that combine sustainability and luxury characteristics). Our findings illustrate that consumers’ quality, emotional, price, and social value perceptions, as well as purchase and electronic word-of-mouth intentions, are consistently higher (...)
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    Fashionable Ethics: Exploring Ethical Perspectives in the Production, Marketing, and Consumption of Fashion.Patsy Perry, Victoria-Sophie Osburg, Fahian Anisul Huq & Mbaye Fall Diallo - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):711-721.
    This Special Issue examines ethics in fashion to further critical understanding of the various drivers and barriers, nuances and layers of complexity in fashion production, marketing, and consumption, and aims toward a more future-oriented perspective through the lens of ethics. Research on ethical issues in fashion is growing but is fragmented across diverse domains, from supply chain and operations management, to psychology and sociology, to marketing and consumption. Furthermore, there has been only a peripheral focus on ethics and limited application (...)
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  13.  35
    Post storyboard, d’après le film Touki Bouki de Djibril Mambety Diop.Olive Martin - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):41-41.
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  14.  22
    L’énergie radicale de Touki Bouki.Emmanuelle Chérel - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):33-40.
    Le film Mille soleils de la cinéaste Mati Diop (Grand prix du FID de Marseille 2013) nous convie aujourd’hui à revoir le film de Djibril Diop Mambety, son premier long-métrage, Touki Bouki, le voyage de la hyène, considéré comme un classique du cinéma après avoir reçu le prix de la critique internationale du festival de Cannes en 1973. Par ses caractéristiques formelles très audacieuses et par les thèmes toujours actuels qu’il traite, ce film continue à nous questionner : que (...)
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  15.  12
    Penser l'Afrique noire.Alassane Ndaw - 2019 - Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal. Edited by Djibril Samb & Khadidiatou Kane.
    "C'est en 2010 que le doyen Alassane Ndaw me confia l'édition d'un recueil de ses textes incluant des articles déjà publiés ainsi que des inédits. Il me demanda expressément de rédiger, à cet effet, outre une introduction, une préface, et m'assura que j'avais toute liberté de conduire le travail éditorial. L'ouvrage, Penser l'Afrique noire, se présente donc comme un ensemble de quatorze textes déjà publiés ou inédits, auxquels s'ajoute un quinzième constituant l'épilogue qui fut à l'origine une magistrale préface de (...)
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