Results for 'Devartha Morang'

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  1.  43
    Content, context and care in environmental ethics.Prabhu Venkataraman & Devartha Morang - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (7):38-42.
    Em questões ambientais, a relação dos seres humanos com a natureza é vista como um problema ético importante. Isso gerou várias posições éticas como antropocentrismo, biocentrismo, ecocentrismo e similares. Sobre a relação do homem com o animal, B. G. Nortor menciona que animais em “contexto” devem ter prioridade em relação a animais em “conteúdo”. Norton nomeia animais domesticados e animais selvagens mantidos em cativeiros como animais em “contexto”. Ele sustenta que devemos cuidar dos animais domesticados na medida em que temos (...)
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  2.  76
    Synthetic Biology: A Bridge Between Functional and Evolutionary Biology.Michel Morange - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (4):368-377.
    The interests of synthetic biologists may appear to differ greatly from those of evolutionary biologists. The engineering of organisms must be distinguished from the tinkering action of evolution; the ambition of synthetic biologists is to overcome the limits of natural evolution. But the relations between synthetic biology and evolutionary biology are more complex than this abrupt opposition: Synthetic biology may play an important role in the increasing interactions between functional and evolutionary biology. In practice, synthetic biologists have learnt to submit (...)
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    Life Explained.Michel Morange - 2008 - Yale University Press.
    In this accessible and fascinating book, Michel Morange draws on recent advances in molecular genetics, evolutionary biology, astrobiology, and other disciplines to find today’s answers to the question of life.
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    Archaeology in the Capital of Molecular Biology.Michel Morange - 2003 - Metascience 12 (2):195-197.
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  5. L'autogestion en biologie moléculaire.Michel Morange - 1982 - The Temps de la Réflexion 3:485.
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  6. Monod.Michel Morange - 2006 - In L. Kritzman, The Columbia History of Twentieth Century French Thought. Columbia Univ Pr. pp. 622--624.
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    Michael Fry, Landmark experiments in molecular biology: London: Academic Press, 2016, xxiii + 546 pp.Michel Morange - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (2):39.
  8.  61
    What might be a new “view of evolution”?Michel Morange - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2):578-581.
  9.  35
    The Discovery of Cellular Oncogenes.Michel Morange - 1993 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 15 (1):45 - 58.
    Between 1975 and 1985 a series of experiments demonstrated that cancer, whatever its causative agent, is due to the activation, by modification or overexpression, of a family of genes highly conserved during evolution, called the cellular oncogenes. These genes participate in the control of cell division in every living cell. Their products belong to the regulatory network relaying external signals from the membranes towards the nucleus and allowing cells to adapt their division rate to the demand of the organism. These (...)
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  10. (1 other version)The T complex of the mouse: An instructive mirage.Michel Morange - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (3-4):521-554.
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  11.  51
    A Critical Perspective on Synthetic Biology.Michel Morange - 2009 - Hyle 15 (1):21 - 30.
    Synthetic biology emerged around 2000 as a new biological discipline. It shares with systems biology the same modular vision of organisms, but is more concerned with applications than with a better understanding of the functioning of organisms. A herald of this new discipline is Craig Venter who aims to create an artificial microorganism with the minimal genome compatible with life and to implement into it different 'functional modules' to generate new micro-organisms adapted to specific tasks. Synthetic biology is based on (...)
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  12.  17
    Le pouvoir des gènes : analyse historique et épistémologique.Michel Morange - 2017 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 59 (1):3-15.
    Le chemin vers de Nouvelles Humanités passera-t-il par la modification du génome? Si la réponse est encore incertaine, il est évident que le pouvoir des gènes est au coeur de nombreuses interrogations, de peurs et d’espoirs. Nous montrerons que ce pouvoir des gènes, encore appelé « déterminisme génétique » a connu son apogée au milieu du xx e siècle, puis a perdu, avec la description précise des mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les gènes exercent leurs effets, sa force et sa simplicité. (...)
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  13. A History of Molecular Biology.Michel Morange & Matthew Cobb - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (3):568-570.
  14.  58
    Human germline editing: a historical perspective.Michel Morange - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (4):34.
    The development of the genome editing system called CRISPR–Cas9 has opened a huge debate on the possibility of modifying the human germline. But the types of changes that could and/or ought to be made have not been discussed. To cast some light on this debate, I will describe the story of the CRISPR–Cas9 system. Then, I will briefly review the projects for modification of the human species that were discussed by biologists throughout the twentieth century. Lastly, I will show that (...)
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  15. The Boundaries of Development.Thomas Pradeu, Lucie Laplane, Michel Morange, Antonine Nicoglou & Michel Vervoort - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):1 - 3.
    This special issue of Biological Theory is focused on development; it raises the problem of the temporal and spatial boundaries of development. From a temporal point of view, when does development start and stop? From a spatial point of view, what is it exactly that "develops", and is it possible to delineate clearly the developing entity? This issue explores the possible answers to these questions, and thus sheds light on the definition of development itself.
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  16.  28
    Mapping the Future of Biology: Evolving Concepts and Theories Vol. 266.Anouk Barberousse, Michel Morange & Thomas Pradeu - 2009 - Springer. Edited by Anouk Barberousse, Michel Morange & Thomas Pradeu.
    This volume is the best available tool to compare and appraise the different approaches of today’s biology and their conceptual frameworks, serving as a springboard for new research on a clarified conceptual basis. It is expected to constitute a key reference work for biologists and philosophers of biology, as well as for all scientists interested in understanding what is at stake in the present transformations of biological models and theories. The volume is distinguished by including, for the first time, self-reflections (...)
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  17.  33
    Commentaire sur Delisle. Les philosophies du néo-darwinisme.Michel Morange - 2011 - Philosophiques 38 (1):281-284.
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  18.  33
    From experimental systems to evolutionary biology: an impossible journey?Michel Morange - 2012 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 35 (1):27-32.
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  19.  39
    L'énigme de la vie.Michel Morange - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (3):285 - 289.
    Il y a trente ans, Georges Canguilhem montrait que la question « Qu'est-ce que la vie ? » avait eu une histoire, qui semblait s'être arrêtée avec l'avènement de la biologie moléculaire. Nous montrons que la question a réémergé ces dernières années. Nous analysons les raisons de cette renaissance, et la nature des réponses qui lui sont aujourd'hui apportées. 30 years ago, Georges Canguilhem showed that the question « What's life ? » had its own story, which seemed to have (...)
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  20.  38
    Pseudoalleles and Gene Complexes: The Search for the Elusive Link Between Genome Structure and Gene Function.Michel Morange - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (2):196-204.
    The history of research on pseudoalleles, closely linked genes that have similar functions, is rich and complex. Because pseudoalleles’ proximity on the chromosome makes their distinction by the complementation tests traditionally used by geneticists difficult, and because they have similar functions, they were initially often considered as allelic forms of the same gene, hence their name. The Hox cluster is an emblematic example of a pseudoallelic gene complex. The first observations of pseudoalleles were made very early but remained puzzling until (...)
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  21. Un moment biologique, la fin des années 1960.Michel Morange - 2012 - In Claude Debru, Michel Morange, Frédéric Worms & Laurent Loison, Une nouvelle connaissance du vivant: François Jacob, André Lwoff et Jacques Monod. Paris: Editions Rue d'Ulm.
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  22.  68
    What will result from the interaction between functional and evolutionary biology?Michel Morange - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (1):69-74.
    The modern synthesis has been considered to be wrongly called a “synthesis”, since it had completely excluded embryology, and many other disciplines. The recent developments of Evo-Devo have been seen as a step in the right direction, as complementing the modern synthesis, and probably leading to a “new synthesis”.My argument is that the absence of embryology from the modern synthesis was the visible sign of a more profound lack: the absence of functional biology in the evolutionary synthesis. I will consider (...)
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  23.  42
    Defining Life.Jean Gayon, Christophe Malaterre, Michel Morange, Florence Raulin-Cerceau & Stéphane Tirard - unknown
    This Special Issue of Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres contains papers based on the contributions presented at the Conference "Defining Life" held in Paris (France) on 4-5 February, 2008. The main objective of this Conference was to confront speakers from several disciplines--chemists, biochemists, biologists, exo/astrobiologists, computer scientists, philosophers and historians of science--on the topic of the definition of life. Different viewpoints of the problem approached from different perspectives have been expounded and, as a result, common grounds as well (...)
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  24.  9
    Les secrets du vivant: contre la pensée unique en biologie.Michel Morange - 2005 - Paris: Editions La Découverte.
    Annoncé à grand fracas, le décryptage do génome humain devait nous révéler le secret ultime de la vie et ouvrir la voie à de nouvelles thérapies miracles. Espoirs déçus : à l'ère de la post-génomique, les secrets du vivant sont maintenant recherchés dans les théories de la complexité, dans la convergence des efforts des biologistes, des physiciens et des mathématiciens. Comment comprendre la signification de cette succession rapide d'objectifs apparemment différents, de cette alternance d'espoirs et de désillusions? Dans ce livre (...)
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  25.  46
    Experimental Systems in the Co‐Construction of Scientific Knowledge.Michel Morange - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):301-305.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 301-305, September 2022.
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  26.  28
    Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Synthetic Biology.Michel Morange - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (4):311-313.
  27.  15
    How François Jacob bridged the gap between the « two cultures ».Michel Morange - unknown
    While the scientific contributions of François Jacob were outstanding, I also consider that his conception of science, and of its place among other forms of knowledge, is also highly original, and important for the future of science in our societies. His contributions to the history and philosophy of science were neither a hobby nor a secondary activity, but they were for him a natural complement to his scientific work. He fully opposed the concept of the two cultures, the literary and (...)
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  28.  25
    The Protein Side of the Central Dogma: Permanence and Change.Michel Morange - 2006 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 28 (4):513 - 524.
    There are two facets to the central dogma proposed by Francis Crick in 1957. One concerns the relation between the sequence of nucleotides and the sequence of amino acids, the second is devoted to the relation between the sequence of amino acids and the native three-dimensional structure of proteins. 'Folding is simply a function of the order of the amino acids,' i.e. no information is required for the proper folding of a protein other than the information contained in its sequence. (...)
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  29.  96
    From the Regulatory Vision of Cancer to the Oncogene Paradigm, 1975–1985.Michel Morange - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (1):1 - 29.
  30.  51
    Homage to Eric Davidson.Michel Morange - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (4):30.
    The Britten–Davidson model of genetic regulation was well received by American molecular biologists and embryologists, but not by the members of the French School of molecular biology. In particular, François Jacob considered it too abstract and too removed from experiments. I re-examine the contrast between the Britten–Davidson model and the operon model by Jacob and Monod, the different scientific contexts in which they were produced and the different roles they played. I also describe my recent encounters with Eric Davidson, and (...)
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  31.  48
    Introduction: Eric Davidson and the molecular biology of evolution and development.Michel Morange & Ute Deichmann - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (4):28.
    Between November 30th and December 2nd, 2015, the Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva held its Eighth International Workshop under the title “From Genome to Gene: Causality, Synthesis and Evolution”. Eric Davidson, the founder of the concept of developmental Gene Regulatory Networks, had regularly attended the previous meetings, and his participation in this one was expected, but he suddenly passed away 3 months before. In this (...)
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  32.  11
    L’exercice de la parentalité en espace de rencontre. Conditions et limites de l’usage d’un dispositif socio-judiciaire.Arnaud Morange - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 240 (2):21-37.
    Le présent article est le fruit d’une recherche qualitative auprès de l’ensemble des acteurs concernés par le dispositif « Espace de rencontre » ( er ) en France. Ce dispositif tant judiciaire que répondant aux nouvelles aspirations sociales autour de la famille vient soutenir le lien parent-enfant dans le cadre de séparations conflictuelles ou en cas d’incapacité de l’un des parents d’accueillir son ou ses enfants. Cette recherche, conduite entre 2017 et 2020 au sein de douze structures, visait à mieux (...)
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  33.  33
    What is Life? A new look at an old question.Michel Morange - unknown
    For molecular biologists, the question What is Life?" disappeared in the 1960s to reemerge recently. The reasons for this reemergence will be analysed: they tell us much about the recent transformations of biology, and its present state. This question can be considered as a thermometer, which measures the balance between reductionist vs. holist explanations in biology: when the question disappears, reductionist approaches are dominant; when the question reappears, the reductionist vision is challenged.
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  34.  67
    The Death of Molecular Biology?Michel Morange - 2008 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 30 (1):31 - 42.
    In recent decades the expression "molecular biology" has progressively disappeared from journals, and no longer designates new chairs or departments. This begs the question: does it mean that molecular biology is dead, and has been displaced by new emerging disciplines such as systems biology and synthetic biology? Maybe its reductionist approach to living phenomena has been substituted by one that is more holistic. The situation, undoubtedly, is far less simple. To appreciate better what has happened it is necessary to acknowledge (...)
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  35. Post-genomics, between reduction and emergence.Michel Morange - 2006 - Synthese 151 (3):355 - 360.
    It is frequently said that biology is emerging from a long phase of reductionism. It would be certainly more correct to say that biologists are abandoning a certain form of reductionism. We describe this past form, and the experiments which challenged the previous vision. To face the difficulties which were met, biologists use a series of concepts and metaphors - pleiotropy, tinkering, epigenetics - the ambiguity of which masks the difficulties, instead of solving them. In a similar way, the word (...)
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  36.  34
    François Jacob's Lab in the Seventies: The T-complex and the Mouse Developmental Genetic Program.Michel Morange - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (3):397 - 411.
    The existence of a genetic program of development was proposed by molecular biologists in the nineteen-sixties. Historians and philosophers of science have since thoroughly criticized this notion. To fully appreciate its significance, it is interesting to consider the research which was pursued during this period by molecular biologists who proposed this notion. This study focuses on François Jacob's work and on the model of development supported by his lab in the early seventies, the T-complex model. This episode of Jacob's scientific (...)
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  37.  66
    Recent opportunities for an increasing role for physical explanations in biology.Michel Morange - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (2):139-144.
    Relations between physics and biology have been always difficult. One reason is that physical approaches to the phenomena of life have frequently been conceived by their authors as alternatives to biological explanations. My argument is that molecular descriptions and explanations have been pushed so far that they have reached their limits: these limits constitute a favourable niche in which physical explanations can develop. I will focus on the field of molecular and cell biology and give many examples of these recent (...)
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  38.  22
    [Georges Canguilhem and 20th-century biology].M. Morange - 1999 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (1):83-105.
  39.  96
    How Evolutionary Biology Presently Pervades Cell and Molecular Biology.Michel Morange - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (1):113 - 120.
    The increasing place of evolutionary scenarios in functional biology is one of the major indicators of the present encounter between evolutionary biology and functional biology (such as physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology), the two branches of biology which remained separated throughout the twentieth century. Evolutionary scenarios were not absent from functional biology, but their places were limited, and they did not generate research programs. I compare two examples of these past scenarios with two present-day ones. At least three characteristics distinguish (...)
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  40.  42
    Comparison between the work of synthetic biologists and the action of evolution: engineering versus tinkering.Michel Morange - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (4):318-323.
    The comparison between natural evolution and the action of a tinkerer has become highly popular since its reintroduction by François Jacob at the end of the 1970s. It has been used as a weapon against the existence of an “intelligent design” as well as a way for synthetic biologists to promote their ambitious projects. I will describe the complex history of this metaphor, and examine its pertinence. Whereas Darwin considered it as a way to describe how evolution proceeded, Jacob linked (...)
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  41.  55
    Editors' Introduction to Special Issue.Ute Deichmann, Michel Morange & Anthony S. Travis - 2012 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55 (4):470-472.
    In this second decade of the 21st century, we find the pervasive influence of synthetic biology everywhere, not only in research laboratories, but also in the discourses of politicians and ethicists. Despite its ubiquity, the precise meaning of the notions of "synthetic biology" and "synthetic life," as well as their history, potential, and risks, remain obscure not only to the layperson, but also to most biologists.The aim of this special issue is twofold. First, it is intended to help the reader (...)
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  42.  28
    The origin of life: scientific, historical and philosophical perspective.U. Deichmann & M. Morange - 2012 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 34 (3):337-339.
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  43. Book reviews-Felix d'herelle and the origins of molecular biology.William C. Summers & Michel Morange - 2000 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 22 (3):441-441.
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  44.  93
    Synthetic Biology: A Challenge to Mechanical Explanations in Biology?Michel Morange - 2012 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55 (4):543-553.
    The construction of synthetic life might appear to be the natural objective of the emerging discipline of synthetic biology. The situation, though, is not that simple. Plans to synthesize life appeared quite early, at the beginning of the 20th century (Bensaude-Vincent 2009; Deichmann 2009; Fox Keller 2002; Pereto and Catala 2007). Nor can synthetic biology be identified with work on the origin of life. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that a new, more integrated approach to the origin of life appeared exactly (...)
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  45.  60
    Georges Canguilhem et la biologie du XXe siècle/ Georges Canguilhem and twentieth-century biology.Michel Morange - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 53 (1):83-106.
  46.  38
    On the Relations between History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences and Biology.Michel Morange - 2001 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (1):65 - 74.
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  47.  31
    Keith Wailoo;, Stephen Pemberton. The Troubled Dream of Genetic Medicine: Ethnicity and Innovation in Tay‐Sachs, Cystic Fibrosis, and Sickle Cell Disease. x + 249 pp., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. $21.95. [REVIEW]Michel Morange - 2008 - Isis 99 (1):229-230.
  48.  23
    Of Flies, Mice, and Men by Francois Jacob; Giselle Weiss. [REVIEW]Michel Morange - 2000 - Isis 91:398-399.
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  49. Robert William Holley.M. Morange - 2007 - In Noretta Koertge, New Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Thomson Gale. pp. 3.
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  50.  69
    The study of lysogeny at the Pasteur Institute : an epistemologically open system.Nadine Peyrieras & Michel Morange - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):419-430.
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