Results for 'Derrida's deconstruction'

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  1.  75
    From Derrida's Deconstruction to Stiegler's Organology: Thinking after Postmodernity.Anne Alombert - 2020 - Derrida Today 13 (1):33-47.
    The aim of this paper is to question the significance of Derrida's deconstruction of the concepts of subject and history. While ‘postmodernity’ tends to be characterized by philosophical critique as the ‘liquidation of the subject’ or the ‘end of history’, I attempt to show that Derrida's deconstruction of ‘subjectivity’ and ‘historicity’ is not an elimination or destruction of these concepts, but an attempt to transform them in order to free them from their metaphysical-teleological presuppositions. This paper (...)
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  2.  10
    Derrida's deconstruction of the subject: writing, self and other.Thea Bellou - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Introduction: the strategy of deconstruction -- The reception of derrida's thought -- The partial exit from phenomenology -- Beyond the subject -- Beyond the subject -- The other -- The other -- Violence to the other : religion, hospitality and forgiveness -- Violence to the other : limitrophy, animot, divanimality, the abyssal limit and the ends of man -- Epilogue -- Bibliography.
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    Derrida’s deconstruction of authority.Newman Saul - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (3):1-20.
    This article explores the political aspect of Derrida's work, in particular his critique of authority. Derrida employs a series of strategies to expose the antagonisms within Western philosophy, whose structures of presence provide a rational and essentialist foundation for political institutions. Therefore, Derrida's interrogation of the universalist claims of philosophy may be applied to the pretensions of political authority. Moreover, I argue that Derrida's deconstruction of the two paths of 'reading' - inversion and subversion - may (...)
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  4. Derrida's Deconstruction of Logocentrism: Implications for Trauma Studies.Julie Elaine Goodspeed-Chadwick - 2009 - In Kailash C. Baral & R. Radhakrishnan, Theory after Derrida: essays in critical praxis. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  5.  15
    Derrida’s Deconstructive Interpretation of Husserl’s Theory of Language. 손영창 - 2023 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 104:137-171.
    후설은 이후 자신이 ‘환원’이라는 이름으로 수행할 관념화의 길을 『논리연구』에서 이미 언어의 분석을 통해서 잘 보여주었다. 이를테면 그는 언어를 표현과 표시로 구분하여, 표시를 기호의 물질적이고 경험적 차원으로 규정하면서 평가절하한다. 반면에 표현은 언어 나 기호에 있어 의미가 발현될 수 있는 계기로 보아서 의미의 정신성과 연결짓는다. 후설 이 표현에서 의미의 부여와 정신의 생명성을 보장함으로써, 전통철학에서 그러하듯, 언어 의 현상학은 언어의 즉자태인 표시보다 의미의 담지자인 표현은 형이상학적인 우위를 차 지한다. 현상학적 의미에서 언어의 근원은 주관이나 이념적 존재에서 기반하기 때문이다. 이런 이유로 데리다는 후설의 현상학이 전통적인 (...)
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    (1 other version)The Paradox of Ipseity and Difference: Derrida's Deconstruction and Logocentrism.Roland Theuas S. Pada - 2007 - Kritike 1 (1):32-51.
    In thinking of Derrida's notion of deconstruction as an attitude in understanding logocentrism, one might find it necessary to pre-empt this discourse by taking into serious consideration three words: center, consciousness, and difference. These words offer the key towards the problem of logocentrism within Derrida's deconstruction and, as far as these words seem to contextualize themselves within Derrida's texts, they also offer an explanation of how meaning becomes possible. Derrida's deconstruction is a form (...)
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  7.  64
    How Radical is Derrida's Deconstructive Reading?Gerasimos Kakoliris - 2009 - Derrida Today 2 (2):177-186.
    The aim of my paper is to focus upon those aspects of Derrida's relation to language and textual interpretation that have not been adequately dealt with by either proponents of deconstruction, who take Derrida to have effected a total revolution in the way in which we must read texts, or those critics who view deconstruction as having subverted all possible criteria for a valid interpretation leading, thus, to an anarchical textual ‘freeplay’. This inadequate approach by both proponents (...)
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  8.  24
    Schizogonies: Deconstruction of Derrida’s Deconstruction of Reproduction.Francesco Vitale - 2023 - Derrida Today 16 (2):143-157.
    While working on the Italian translation of Life Death, I became aware of some inaccuracies on Derrida’s part that might weaken the effectiveness of his deconstruction of the notion of ‘reproduction’. Not only, such inaccuracies seem to lead Derrida’s interpretation of reproduction toward a conception of ‘life’ that might even hint at an undeconstructed metaphysical background. I have already dealt with such inaccuracies in detail in two articles published in French, here I will recall their outcomes in order to (...)
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  9.  30
    Derrida's Deconstruction: Wholeness and Différance.A. T. Nuyen - 1989 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 3 (1):26 - 38.
  10.  33
    Derrida's deconstruction of the ideal of legitimation.Andrew Cutrofello - 1990 - Man and World 23 (2):157-173.
  11.  9
    Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida, with a New Introduction.Jacques Derrida - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
    Responding to questions put to him at a Roundtable held at Villanova University in 1994, Jacques Derrida leads the reader through an illuminating discussion of the central themes of deconstruction. Speaking in English and extemporaneously, Derrida takes up with unusual clarity and great eloquence such topics as the task of philosophy, the Greeks, justice, responsibility, the gift, the community, the distinction between the messianic and the concrete messianisms, and his interpretation of James Joyce. Derrida convincingly refutes the charges of (...)
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  12.  47
    Teaching Philosophy through Derrida's Deconstruction.Yuji Nishiyama - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 52:39-48.
    Jacques Derrida est l’un des philosophes qui a continué à remettre en cause sérieusement les rapports théoriques et pratiques entre la philosophie et l’éducation, tout en restant hors des institutions universitaires traditionnelles en France. Dans les années 1970, il organise le GREPH (Groupe de recherches surl’enseignement philosophique) avec des enseignants et des étudiants contre la réduction de l’enseignment philosophique au lycée par le gouvernement français, et pour faire les recherches théoriques sur le lien essentiel de la philosophie à l’enseignement en (...)
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  13.  57
    Deconstruction in a nutshell: a conversation with Jacques Derrida.Jacques Derrida - 1997 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by John D. Caputo.
    Responding to questions put to him at a Roundtable held at Villanova University in 1994, Jacques Derrida leads the reader through an illuminating discussion of the central themes of deconstruction. Speaking in English and extemporaneously, Derrida takes up with unusual clarity and great eloquence such topics as the task of philosophy, the Greeks, justice, responsibility, the gift, the community, the distinction between the messianic and the concrete messianisms, and his interpretation of James Joyce. Derrida convincingly refutes the charges of (...)
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  14.  32
    The Relevance of Fink’s Notion of Operative Concepts for Derrida’s Deconstruction.Pietro Terzi - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 50 (1):50-67.
    ABSTRACTIn the literature on Derrida’s philosophical formation, the name of Eugen Fink is usually forgotten. When it is recalled, it is most often because of his 1930s articles on phenomenology. In this paper, I claim on the contrary that Fink’s writings exerted a lasting influence on Derrida’s thought, well beyond his early phenomenological works. More specifically, I focus on a 1957 paper presented at a conference on Husserl’s thought where Fink formulates an important distinction between operative and thematic concepts. By (...)
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  15. D'ailleurs, Derrida Derrida's Elsewhere.Safaa Fathy, Jacques Derrida, Jean-luc Nancy, Laurent Lavoie & Isabelle Pragier - 1999 - First Run/Icarus Films.
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    Play and Messianicity: The Question of Time and History in Derrida's Deconstruction.Françoise Dastur - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor, A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 179–193.
    The questions of time and history, which were explicitly at the center of Heidegger's thought since its beginning, have constituted in a more latent and implicit way the kernel of Derrida's deconstruction. Derrida himself considered this chapter, which is an “Introduction to the Problem of the Sign in Husserl's Phenomenology” as the subtitle states, as coming first since it deals with a decisive point: the question of the privilege given to self‐presence is called living speech. It was quite (...)
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  17.  37
    Derrida's Matrix: The Births of Deconstruction.Elissa Marder - 2018 - Oxford Literary Review 40 (1):1-19.
    Many of Derrida's formative texts from 1967 about writing, the trace, supplementarity, death, and différance feature striking liminal references to the figure of the mother and are implicitly haunted by the question of birth. In a pivotal passage of De la grammatologie, Derrida links the very futurity of deconstruction to the emergence of ‘a reading discipline to be born’. In this essay, I show that through his readings of the ‘birth of language’ in Lévi-Strauss and Rousseau, Derrida implicitly (...)
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  18.  76
    Derrida’s Paralogism of Writing: A Critique of Deconstructive Reasoning.Peter Bornedal - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (7):699-714.
    This article is a critique of the flawed logic Derrida employed in articulating his program of a Grammatology for “deconstructing” Western philosophy. I argue that Derrida in several instances built his arguments around what Kant called the “paralogism.” I look at an often cited case in order to substantiate my claim: Derrida’s reading of Saussure, where his argument is based on a paralogism. Derrida misinterprets Saussure by seeing his alleged rejection of graphical writing as a rejection of his own idiosyncratic (...)
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  19.  56
    Force of Flesh: From the Phenomenology of the Living Body to the Ethics of Meat Consumption in Derrida’s Deconstruction of Law and Justice.Yoav Kenny - 2016 - Research in Phenomenology 46 (3):426-439.
    _ Source: _Volume 46, Issue 3, pp 426 - 439 The concept of _flesh_ had a very short and fragmented career in the writings of Jacques Derrida, appearing as such in central arguments only in his reading of Antonin Artaud from 1965 and in an interview with Jean-Luc Nancy from 1988. By exposing and exploring several implicit discussions of flesh in Derrida’s juridico-political texts from the 1990s, this paper outlines the conceptualization of flesh implicit in Derrida’s work and, consequently, argues (...)
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    Jacques Derrida’s Cambridge Affair: Deconstruction, Philosophy and Institutionality.Niall Gildea - 2019 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This is the first study of the Cambridge Affair. Drawing upon archival and unpublished material, little-known texts pertaining to the Affair, and Derrida’s own oeuvre, this original account offers an historical and philosophical reconstruction of this crucial debate.
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  21. Derrida's love of philosophy: From deconstruction to aporia.John Protevi - manuscript
    In looking at Derrida’s career, many people claim to see a “political turn” with the 1989 essay “Force of Law.” So on this reading, the early Derrida is concerned with metaphysics and literature and the later Derrida with politics and ethics. I disagree. The concerns have always been metaphysical/literary and political/ethical at once, but the “methodology” changes: from deconstruction to aporia.
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    Writing as a Supplement: Jacques Derrida’s Deconstructive Reading of Rousseau’s Confessions.Gerasimos Kakoliris - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (6).
  23.  16
    Plato's Deconstruction of Derrida.C. Pickstock - 1996 - Télos 1996 (107):9-43.
  24.  29
    Deconstruction and Religion: Exploring Derrida’s View on Religion.Arokiaraj Joseph Patrick - 2023 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 19 (2):181-196.
    In today’s postmodern world, the idea of having absolute theories or absolute truth is rejected. This has also created a problem of how to explain religion, which is an important part of human nature. Most postmodern philosophers think there is an element of spiritual desire in each human being which is seeking the Wholly Other for its fulfilment. Hence in their own way, they have tried to explain this mystical desire in humans. Derrida has been seen as a major contributor (...)
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    Transcendental Is the Difference: Derrida's Deconstruction of Husserl's Phenomenology of Language.João J. Vila-Chã - 1996 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 52 (1/4):967 - 988.
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  26.  19
    Deconstruction and Pragmatism.Simon Critchley, Jacques Derrida, Ernesto Laclau & Richard Rorty (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Deconstruction and pragmatism constitute two of the major intellectual influences on the contemporary theoretical scene; influences personified in the work of Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty. Both Rortian pragmatism, which draws the consequences of post-war developments in Anglo-American philosophy, and Derridian deconstruction, which extends and troubles the phonomenological and Heideggerian influence on the Continental tradition, have hitherto generally been viewed as mutually exclusive philosophical language games. The purpose of this volume is to bring deconstruction and pragmatism into (...)
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  27.  27
    Derrida/Searle: Deconstruction and Ordinary Language.Raoul Moati & Jean-Michel Rabaté - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Raoul Moati intervenes in the critical debate that divided two prominent philosophers in the mid-twentieth century. In the 1950s, the British philosopher J. L. Austin advanced a theory of speech acts, or the "performative," that Jacques Derrida and John R. Searle interpreted in fundamentally different ways. Their disagreement centered on the issue of intentionality, which Derrida understood phenomenologically and Searle read pragmatically. The controversy had profound implications for the development of contemporary philosophy, which, Moati argues, can profit greatly by returning (...)
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  28. Aesthetics in deconstruction: Derrida's reception of Kant's critique of judgment.Jeffrey S. Librett - 2012 - Philosophical Forum 43 (3):327-344.
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    Jacques Derrida's Double Deconstructive Reading: A Contradiction in Terms?Gerasimos Kakoliris - 2004 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 35 (3):283-292.
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  30. The Collision of Marxism and Derrida’s Deconstruction in China.Wei Xiaoping - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (4):56-62.
  31.  16
    Derrida/Searle: Deconstruction and Ordinary Language.Maureen Chun & Timothy Attanucci (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Raoul Moati intervenes in the critical debate that divided two prominent philosophers in the mid-twentieth century. In the 1950s, the British philosopher J. L. Austin advanced a theory of speech acts, or the "performative," that Jacques Derrida and John R. Searle interpreted in fundamentally different ways. Their disagreement centered on the issue of intentionality, which Derrida understood phenomenologically and Searle read pragmatically. The controversy had profound implications for the development of contemporary philosophy, which, Moati argues, can profit greatly by returning (...)
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  32.  25
    Deconstructing the Death Penalty: Derrida's Seminars and the New Abolitionism.Kelly Oliver & Stephanie M. Straub (eds.) - 2018 - Fordham University Press.
    This volume represents the first collection of essays devoted exclusively to Jacques Derrida's Death Penalty Seminars, conducted from 1999-2001. The volume includes essays from a range of scholars working in philosophy, law, Francophone studies, and comparative literature, including established Derridians, activist scholars, and emerging scholars.
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    Plato and Saussure Deconstructed: Language and Philosophy through Derrida’s Lens.Julia Bouchut - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (4):820-834.
    Jacques Derrida’s philosophy greatly disrupted traditional Western metaphysics by questioning our understanding of the relationship between language and reality. This paper examines how Derrida deconstructs logocentric and phonocentric perspectives that have influenced Western thought, focusing on his analyses of Plato’s Cratylus and Phaedrus, as well as Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics. For Derrida, the meaning in language is always shifting, suggesting that absolute truths, as traditionally conceived in Platonic metaphysics, are inherently unstable. His concept of différance illustrates the (...)
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  34.  46
    Derrida and Deconstruction.Hugh J. Silverman (ed.) - 1989 - London: Routledge.
    The effects of Derrida's writings have been widespread in literary circles, where they have transformed current work in literary theory. By contrast Derrida's philosophical writings--which deal with the whole range of western thought from Plato to Foucault--have not received adequate attention by philosophers. Organized around Derrida's readings of major figures in the history of philosophy, ____Derrida and Deconstruction __ focuses on and assesses his specifically philosophical contribution. Contemporary continental philosophers assess Derrida's account of philosophical tradition, (...)
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  35.  68
    Deconstruction and Zionism: Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx.Christopher Wise - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (1):56-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.1 (2001) 56-72 [Access article in PDF] Deconstruction and ZionismJacques Derrida's Specters of Marx Christopher Wise No differance without alterity, no alterity without singularity, no singularity without here-now. —Jacques Derrida, Specters of Marx Introduction Following Jacques Derrida's first sustained critique of Marx and Marxism in Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International (1994), an expanded version (...)
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  36.  52
    The Derrida-Habermas reader.Lasse Thomassen, Jacques Derrida & Jürgen Habermas (eds.) - 2006 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This is the first book to consider the debate between two of the most prominent philosophers and social theorists of the 20th century: Jacques Derrida and Jürgen Habermas. It presents a unique collection of articles by the two figures and by those who have written about them, and includes pieces published in English for the first time.The book will be of interest to students and scholars with an interest in the implications of Derrida's deconstruction and Habermas's critical theory (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Of grammatology.Jacques Derrida - 1976 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
    "One of the major works in the development of contemporary criticism and philosophy." -- J. Hillis Miller, Yale University Jacques Derrida's revolutionary theories about deconstruction, phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and structuralism, first voiced in the 1960s, forever changed the face of European and American criticism. The ideas in De la grammatologie sparked lively debates in intellectual circles that included students of literature, philosophy, and the humanities, inspiring these students to ask questions of their disciplines that had previously been considered improper. (...)
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  38.  45
    Derrida on Deconstruction.Senior Honorary - forthcoming - Philosophy.
    Jacques Derrida is one of the most influential and controversial philosophers of the last fifty years. Derrida on Deconstruction introduces and assesses: Derrida's life and the background to his philosophy the key themes of the critique of metaphysics, language and ethics that characterize his most widely read works the continuing importance of Derrida's work to philosophy. This is a much-needed introduction for philosophy or humanities students undertaking courses on Derrida.
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  39. Edmund Husserl’s ‘Origin of Geometry’: An Introduction.Jacques Derrida - 1978 - University of Nebraska.
    Derrida's introduction to his French translation of Husserl's essay "The Origin of Geometry," arguing that although Husserl privileges speech over writing in an account of meaning and the development of scientific knowledge, this privilege is in fact unstable.
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  40.  12
    Acts of Literature.Jacques Derrida & Derek Attridge - 1992 - New York: Routledge.
    An introduction to Derrida's contribution to literary studies, comprising much of Derrida's work on writers such as Shakespeare, Mallarme, Joyce and Kafka, with an introductory essay on deconstruction.
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    The Architecture of Deconstruction: Derrida's Haunt.Mary Bittner Wiseman - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (2):211-212.
  42.  19
    Derrida’s animalism.Mauro Senatore - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (5):35-49.
    This article focuses on Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive re-elaboration of the tradition of mechanicism, from the Cartesian animal–machine to contemporary scientism. It shows that Derrida does not counter this tradition by resorting to the metaphysical presupposition of Freedom – as sovereign independence from the machine – which secures the traditional oppositions of Man and the Machine and of the biological and the psychical. Rather, since his interpretation of the cybernetic concept of programme, he had been concerned with a conception of machines (...)
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    The problem of Genesis in Husserl's philosophy.Jacques Derrida - 2003 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Derrida's first book-length work, The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy , was originally written as a dissertation for his diplôme d'etudes superieures in 1953 and 1954. Surveying Husserl's major works on phenomenology, Derrida reveals what he sees as an internal tension in Husserl's central notion of genesis, and gives us our first glimpse into the concerns and frustrations that would later lead Derrida to abandon phenomenology and develop his now famous method of deconstruction. For Derrida, the problem (...)
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    Negotiations: Interventions and Interviews, 1971-2001.Jacques Derrida & Elizabeth Rottenberg - 2002 - Stanford University Press.
    This collection of essays and interviews, some previously unpublished and almost all of which appear in English for the first time, encompasses the political and ethical thinking of Jacques Derrida over thirty years. Passionate, rigorous, beautifully argued, wide-ranging, the texts shed an entirely new light on his work and will be welcomed by scholars in many disciplines--politics, philosophy, history, cultural studies, literature, and a range of interdisciplinary programs. Derrida's arguments vary in their responsiveness to given political questions--sometimes they are (...)
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    Jacques Derrida’s (Art)Work of Mourning.Eva Antal - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (2):25-39.
    Derrida’s highly personal mourning texts are collected and published in a unique book under the title The Work of Mourning edited by Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas, two outstanding translators of Derrida’s works. The English collection is published in 2001, while the French edition came out later in 2003 titled Chaque fois unique, la fin du monde. In his deconstructed eulogies, Derrida, being in accordance with ‘the mission impossible’ of deconstruction, namely, ‘to allow the coming of the entirely other’ (...)
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    Deconstruction as Repetitive Crossing Out and the Movement of Appearing: On Derrida's 1964/65 Heidegger Reading.Benjamin Schuppert - 2021 - Oxford Literary Review 43 (1):155-176.
    Taking the question of phenomenality as its guiding thread, this paper attempts to shed light on the relationship between Heidegger's turn and Derrida's 1964/65 seminar on Heidegger. I argue that deconstruction can be understood as a performative attempt to take into account Heidegger's thinking of originary semblance or errancy, which already announces itself in Sein und Zeit and is a central figure of what the later Heidegger calls ‘the turn’. Instead of trying to grasp this errancy or this (...)
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    Derrida's Worldly Responsibility: The Opening between “Faith” and the “Sacred”.Patrick O'Connor - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (2):303-334.
    This article will theorize how Derrida's deconstruction signifies a fundamental ontological alterity. We will examine the use of both the tropes of “sacred” and “faith” as tropes to express this possibility. We will articulate how deconstruction, as a development of phenomenology, provides a theoretical nexus where the alterity of things and persons may be thought. We will arrive at the paradoxical formulation of “ontological alterity” as a key moment in deconstructive thinking. Essentially we will argue that (...) offers the resources to think the relation between other person and things in the world as motivated by a firm radicalization of Heideggerean worldliness and Levinasian alterity. (shrink)
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    Deconstruction and Marxism Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx.Yannis Plangesis - 1996 - Philosophical Inquiry 18 (3-4):91-115.
  49.  8
    The Derrida Reader: Writing Performances.Jacques Derrida - 1998 - U of Nebraska Press.
    In the English-speaking world, Jacques Derrida’s writings have most influenced the discipline of literary studies. Yet what has emerged since the initial phase of Derrida’s influence on the study of English literature, classed under the rubric of deconstruction, has often been disowned by Derrida. What, then, can Derrida teach us about literary language, about the rhetoric of literature, and about questions concerning style, form, and structure? The Derrida Reader draws together a number of Derrida’s most interesting and idiosyncratic essays (...)
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    Limited Inc.Jacques Derrida - 1988 - Northwestern University Press.
    The book's two essays, 'Limited Inc.' and 'Signature Event Context, ' constitute key statements of the Derridean theory of deconstruction. They are perhaps the clearest exposition to be found of Derrida's most controversial idea.
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