Results for 'Deleuze. Peirce. Ontopolítica. História. Multidões'

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  1.  63
    Ontopolítica e diagramas históricos do poder: maioria e minoria segundo Deleuze e a Teoria das Multidões segundo Peirce.Hélio Rebello Cardoso Jr - 2012 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 57 (1).
    Este artigo procura desenvolver o âmbito da assim chamada ontopolítica como contribuição original do pensamento do G. Deleuze para a filosofia política contemporânea. Com este objetivo, veremos que Deleuze toma o conceito de poder em Foucault e lhe confere alçada ontológica. Este conceito de poder dá acesso a outro elemento importante da filosofia política deleuzeana, ou seja, o estudo dos diagramas históricos do poder nas denominadas sociedades disciplinar e de controle. Com o diagrama de funcionamento das mesmas podemos entender qual (...)
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  2. Signs of the time: Deleuze, Peirce, and the documentary image.Laura Marks - 2000 - In Gregory Flaxman (ed.), The brain is the screen: Deleuze and the philosophy of cinema. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 193--214.
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    Deleuze’s zeroness and Peirce’s pure zero regarding the expansion of semiotics’ categorial frame.Helio Rebello Cardoso Jr - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (258):1-23.
    Deleuze (1925–1995), in the early 1980s, adopts Peirce’s (1839–1914) semiotics in order to classify the signs that the images of the cinema display. Aiming at insufflating the Peircean principles with the movement that animates the images of cinema, he provides Peirce’s triadic logic with a new category – Zeroness – which stands for the semiotic movement of cinematic images. Deleuze’s new category has impacts on the main domains of Peirce’s philosophy. Accordingly, our inquiry will focus on the irradiation of Zeroness (...)
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  4.  51
    Peirce’s resonances on Deleuze’s concept of sign: Triadic relations, habit and relation as semiotic features.Helio Rebello Cardoso Jr - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):165-189.
    This article inspects Peirce’s resonances on Deleuze’s semiotic. Whereas most of the literature agrees that Deleuze adapts Peirce’s semiotic to serve his Bergsonian-based theory of sign, this article claims that the relationship of Deleuze with Peirce’s writings is more foliated than it may appear at first. The development of this hypothesis invites to trace back Deleuze’s works before his very acquaintance with Peirce in the 1980s. Therefore, one of Peirce’s classical issues – the role that relations and habits play for (...)
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    Lo que significa “hacer” historia de la filosofía: Deleuze y la cuestión del método.Julien Canavera - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 55:21-37.
    El cometido que Deleuze asigna a la práctica del comentario no es otro que el de liberar al pensamiento del orden filosófico custodiado por la historiografía standard . Para ello el filósofo francés recurre a un determinado tipo de discurso, calificado como “indirecto libre”, capaz de ablandar los cercados en los que la Historia de la Filosofía ha confinado y arrinconado a los pensadores –y, con ellos, al pensamiento. Asimismo Deleuze destaca la existencia de un “devenir-filosófico”, el cual, a la (...)
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    Using Peirce (and deleuze’s Peirce) to think about #foodporn and other instagram signs.Roger Dawkins - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (5):101-117.
    This essay applies Peirce’s and Deleuze’s semiotics to “food porn” on Instagram, and this sign is an exemplar of the structure of all signs on this platform. Food porn is defined as triadic: th...
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    Deleuze and Peirce.Peter Lang - forthcoming - Semiotics:127-138.
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  8. Acontecimento e história: pensamento de Deleuze e problemas epistemológicos das ciências humanas.Hélio Rebello Cardoso Jr - 2005 - Trans/Form/Ação 28 (2):105-116.
    O conceito de “acontecimento” foi desenvolvido para o domínio epistemológico da história por P. Veyne, no intuito de ativar determinados problemas foucaultianos que indicavam a estrita ligação entre o trabalho historiográfico e o trabalho filosófico. A definição deste conceito poderia ser aprofundada se fosse extraído do domínio epistemológico para o qual fora elaborado e levado a uma dimensão mais abrangente. Vislumbra-se tal possibilidade a partir da articulação do referido conceito a determinadas injunções do pensamento de Deleuze, particularmente tendo em vista (...)
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    A história materialista do desejo - uma leitura de 'Selvagens, Bárbaros, Civilizados', de Deleuze e Guattari.Gabriel Pereira Gioppo - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 22 (1).
    Resumo: Este artigo objetiva realizar uma interpretação do terceiro capítulo do livro O Anti-Édipo, de Deleuze e Guattari, denominado ‘Selvagens, Bárbaros, Civilizados’. Para tanto, serão reconstituídos, de início, alguns dos conceitos fundamentais dos capítulos anteriores, tais como processo esquizofrênico, produção desejante, máquinas sociais e as três sínteses do inconsciente. Em seguida, as três máquinas sociais - a primitiva, a despótica e a capitalista - serão expostas em seu funcionamento, mostrando as configurações específicas entre desejo e socius que lhes são próprias, (...)
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    Só há história universal das contingências: Deleuze-Guattari com Marx via Althusser e Balibar.Frederico Pacheco Lemos - 2023 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 42 (2):101-114.
    Partindo da Introdução geral à crítica da economia política de Marx, Deleuze e Guattari afirmam, em O anti-Édipo, que só há história universal das contingências. O que está em jogo nessa valorização do aspecto contingente da história universal segundo a leitura deleuzo-guattariana de Marx? Nossa hipótese é a de que uma boa via para compreender o sentido desta valorização da contingência é através de um exame de alguns comentários de Althusser e Balibar à obra de Marx, em que defendem que (...)
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  11.  17
    Sobre la historia y la historia de la filosofía en Gilles Deleuze.Luis Franco Garrido - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (2):273-292.
    El objetivo del presente artículo es esclarecer el valor de la noción de historia en la obra de Gilles Deleuze a partir de su relación con la historia de la filosofía. Esta propuesta es realizada a partir del análisis de los diferentes estilos que para la escritura filosófica ensayó y tematizó el filósofo francés como modo de reinterpretar el canon de la filosofía. Dicha estrategia, en Deleuze, supone perseguir el sentido interno del estilo en la filosofía y su vinculación con (...)
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  12. Collective self-organization in general biology: Gilles Deleuze, Charles S. Peirce, and Stuart Kauffman.Rocco Gangle - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):223-240.
    Abstract.Stuart Kauffman's proposal in Investigations to ground a “general biology” in the laws of self‐organization governing systems of autonomous agents runs up against the methodological problem of how to integrate formal mathematical with semantic and semiotic approaches to the study of evolutionary development. Gilles Deleuze's concept of the virtual and C. S. Peirce's system of existential graphs provide a theoretical framework and practical art for answering this problem of method by modeling the creative event of collective self‐organization as both represented (...)
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  13.  41
    Un “diferencial de la historia”. Vico, Tolstoi, Deleuze.Alessandro Montefameglio - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
    El presente artículo examina algunos tópicos histórico-teoréticos que ligan la filosofía de la historia de Giambattista Vico con el pensamiento postmoderno, particularmente el de Gilles Deleuze. Concepto sostenedor de nuestro trabajo es el de diferencial tal como es elaborado por León Tolstoi en Guerra y paz para construir, a partir de su significado matemático, una original teoría de la historia como integración de la multiplicidad de pulsiones humanas. No obstante, Vico, a diferencia de Deleuze, no emplea directamente dicho concepto, lo (...)
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  14.  40
    El capitalismo según Gilles Deleuze: inmanencia y fin de la historia.Marcelo Antonelli - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 57:57-66.
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    Drei Leibnizlektüren: Charles Sanders Peirce, Gilles Deleuze, John Rawls.Ludwig Nagl - 2018 - In Herta Nagl-Docekal (ed.), Leibniz Heute Lesen: Wissenschaft, Geschichte, Religion. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 111-140.
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  16. Historia pewnego nieporozumienia. Peirce i James.Marcin Poręba - 2010 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 76.
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    A presença da semiótica de C. S. Peirce nas reflexões de Gilles Deleuze sobre os signos.Rogério Da Costa Santos - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):286-303.
    Este artigo investiga a presença da semiótica de C. S. Peirce na filosofia de Gilles Deleuze. O interesse pelas ideias de Peirce se deu a partir da parceria que Deleuze estabeleceu com Félix Guattari, e que se manifesta no uso dos conceitos de semiótica e diagrama em sua obra conjunta “Mil platôs”. Mais tarde, Deleuze faria um uso mais aprofundado da semiótica de Peirce em seus livros e cursos sobre cinema.
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  18.  46
    From the perspective of the object in semiotics: Deleuze and Peirce.Roger Dawkins - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):1-18.
    From Peirce, a sign represents something other than itself, an object, for some third; from Deleuze, a sign can create and erase an object, for some third. He makes this claim in the cinema books, without detailed explication. It is a fleeting reference to the Peircean triad developed in his semiotics; moreover, references to “objects” in Deleuze’s discussions of signs in his other work are often generic. In this essay, I explain what it means in Deleuze’s semiotics for a sign (...)
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  19.  14
    A semiotic lifeworld. Semiotics and phenomenology: Peirce, Husserl, Heidegger, Deleuze, and Merleau-Ponty.Claudio Paolucci - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):25-43.
    If we think of cognition and experience from the enactivist idea of a structural coupling between organism and environment, we see that this environment is first and foremost a semiotic environment, crowded with objects, norms, habits, institutions, and artefacts that shape our minds and represent the background of our perception of the world. This semiotic environment, which goes far beyond the opposition between nature and culture, (See Paolucci 2021. Cognitive semiotics: Integrating signs, minds, meaning, and cognition. Berlin: Springer: ch. 1.) (...)
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  20. The Belief Story: Peirce's Anti-Kantian Open Perspectives: A História da Crença: As Perspectivas Abertas Pelo Antikantismo de Peirce.Giovanni Maddalena - 2010 - Cognitio 11 (2).
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  21. All Things in Mind: Panpsychist Elements in Spinoza, Deleuze, and Peirce. [REVIEW]Jonathan Beever & Vernon Cisney - 2013 - Biosemiotics 6 (3):351-365.
    Benedict de Spinoza, C.S. Peirce, and Gilles Deleuze delineate a trajectory through the history of ideas in the dialogue about the potentials and limitations of panpsychism, the view that world is fundamentally made up of mind. As a parallel trajectory to the panpsychism debate in contemporary philosophy of mind and cognitive psychology, this approach can inform and enrich the discussion of the role and scope of mind in the natural world. The philosophies of mind developed by Deleuze and Peirce are (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Deleuze and Guattari’s Semiorhythmology: A Sketch for a Rhythmic Theory of Signs.Iain Campbell - 2019 - la Deleuziana 10:351-370.
    I propose in this text a rhythmic theory of signs drawn from the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. I name this theory a semiorhythmology. I suggest that the theory of rhythm developed in A Thousand Plateaus (1980) can be understood, in part, as the culmination of the diverse set of inquiries into signs that both Deleuze and Guattari undertook, individually and together, beginning in the 1960s. I first outline Deleuze’s theory of signs as a theory of encounter as (...)
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  23.  26
    Deleuze’s Cinema Books: Three Introductions to the Taxonomy of Images.David Deamer - 2016 - Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze’s two Cinema books explore film through the creation of a series of philosophical concepts. Not only bewildering in number, Deleuze’s writing procedures mean his exegesis is both complex and elusive. -/- Three questions emerge: What are the underlying principles of the taxonomy? How many concepts are there, and what do they describe? How might each be used in engaging with a film? -/- This book is the first to fully respond to these three questions, unearthing the philosophies inspiring Deleuze’s (...)
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    The problem of a material element in the cinematic sign Deleuze, Metz and Peirce.Roger Dawkins - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (3):155 – 166.
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    The images of film and the categories of signs: Peirce and Deleuze on media.Geoffrey Sykes - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (176):65-81.
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    (1 other version)Deleuze e o Eterno Retorno da Diferença.Ovídio De Abreu - 2011 - Dois Pontos 8 (2).
    Estudos sobre a abordagem da história da filosofia por Deleuze ainda serão bem vindos: pesquisas sobre a sua maneira de remontar dos conceitos aos problemas que lhes dão sentido, de indissociar-se dos pensadores que estuda de modo a produzir um campo de intensidades, uma região de indiscernibilidades, lá onde ele próprio, Deleuze, pode criar com eles, retomando, prologando e renovando o pensamento. O objetivo desse texto define-se como a incursão por essa zona de indiscernibilidades e tem em vista um problema (...)
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    Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty: The Logics and Pragmatics of Creation, Affective Life, and Perception by Dorothea E. Olkowski.Elodie Boublil - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):152-154.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty: The Logics and Pragmatics of Creation, Affective Life, and Perception by Dorothea E. OlkowskiElodie BoublilOLKOWSKI, Dorothea E. Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty: The Logics and Pragmatics of Creation, Affective Life, and Perception. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2021. 180 pp. Cloth, $63.00; paper, $28.00[End Page 152]Dorothea E. Olkowski's latest book carefully examines "the relationship between the creation of ideas and their actualization in relation to semiology, logic and (...)
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  28.  15
    (1 other version)Una concepción quebrada de la historia a partir de Nietzsche y Deleuze: el nihilismo como a priori de la historia universal.Rodrigo Martínez Reinoso - 2013 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 2:33.
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    Sobre el debate del historicismo y el anti-historicismo en Deleuze.Marcelo Sebastián Antonelli Marangi - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 42 (1):77-93.
    Tras elaborar una versión de la Historia Universal motorizada por la producción deseante, Deleuze adoptó un viraje anti-historicista, desplazándose a los devenires no históricos y multiplicando perspectivas negativas sobre la historia. En el marco del debate entre quienes le adjudican posiciones exclusivamente anti-historicistas y quienes le atribuyen una filosofía de la historia o una metodología historicista, proponemos elucidar las críticas deleuzianas a la historia sirviéndonos de la distinción entre la historia como realidad objetiva y la disciplina histórica. Además, analizamos la (...)
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  30. Elective Metaphysical Affinities: Emerson’s “Natural History of Intellect” and Peirce’s Synechism: Afinidades Metafísicas Eletivas: A “História Natural do Intelecto” de Emerson e o Sinequismo de Peirce.David Dilworth - 2010 - Cognitio 11 (1).
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    Deleuze and Pragmatism.Simone Bignall, Sean Bowden & Paul Patton (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection brings together the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and the rich tradition of American pragmatist thought, taking seriously the commitment to pluralism at the heart of both. Contributors explore in novel ways Deleuze’s explicit references to pragmatism, and examine the philosophical significance of a number of points at which Deleuze’s philosophy converges with, or diverges from, the work of leading pragmatists. The papers of the first part of the volume take as their focus Deleuze’s philosophical relationship to classical pragmatism (...)
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    Hacia las fuentes del empirismo trascendental. Deleuze con y más allá de Gueroult.Igor Krtolica & David Bastidas-Bolaños - 2024 - Universitas Philosophica 41 (82):229-247.
    La relación de Deleuze con Gueroult es paradójica. Desde un punto de vista estrictamente filosófico, Gueroult profesaba un racionalismo que poco tenía que envidiar al de Alquié o al de Hyppolite, el cual Deleuze no dejará de criticar severamente. Ahora bien, Deleuze no solo no critica las posiciones de Gueroult, sino que las adopta continuamente. ¿Cómo puede explicarse esto? La razón nos parece ser la siguiente: Gueroult jamás dejó de apoyar y sostener la exigencia de un “orden sintético” o de (...)
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    A ontologia espinosista de Deleuze: univocidade, imanência, diferença.Mariana de Toledo Barbosa - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (56).
    Na filosofia de Gilles Deleuze, há uma ontologia, que é apresentada por meio da tese da univocidade do ser. Na história da filosofia ocidental, Deleuze destaca três momentos da univocidade do ser: com Duns Scot, o ser é pensado como unívoco ; com Espinosa, o ser é afirmado como unívoco ; com Nietzsche, o ser é realizado como unívoco. Em todo caso, a univocidade é uma alternativa à analogia, e a principal discordância entre essas duas teses é que a analogia (...)
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    Reception of Peirce in Poland.Agnieszka Hensoldt - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    The first mention of Charles Sanders Peirce we find in Polish philosophical literature is in the third volume of Historia filozofii (History of Philosophy) by Władysław Tatarkiewicz, edited for the first time in 1931 in Lwów. Władysław Tatarkiewicz was a Polish philosopher and historian of philosophy and his History of Philosophy has been until now the most popular history of philosophy textbook in Poland. However, in Tatarkiewicz’s History of Philosophy, there is no chapter devoted to Peirce...
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  35. La centralidad de la noción de “univocidad” en la ontología de Gilles Deleuze.Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 18 (35):193-214.
    El presente texto analiza la reflexión ontológica de Gilles Deleuze a partir de la noción de “univocidad del Ser”, con el objetivo de exponer su importancia para el pensamiento de la Diferencia que el filósofo francés propone. En su primer movimiento el trabajo expone, resumidamente y de modo cartográfico, la configuración general de la ontología deleuziana y sus principales ejes de reflexión. Enseguida acompaña el itinerario que Deleuze elabora para la determinación de la historia conceptual del pensamiento de la univocidad. (...)
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  36. Charles Sanders Peirce and a Religious Metaphysics of Nature Leon Niemoczynski God and the World of Signs: Trinity, Evolution, and the Metaphysical Semiotics of C. S. Peirce Andrew Robinson.Greg Moses - 2013 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49 (1):120-122.
    This review of books by Niemoczynski and Robinson considers how semiotic processes of consciousness posited by Pierce yield insights into experiences usually categorized as religious. For Niemoczynski, consciousness experiences iconic representation and then disruptions of it. Conscious responds to such disruptions by means of abduction, and this is the seed of transcendence. Niemoczynski develops these processes with attention to Schelling, Heidegger, Deleuze, Corrington, and Badiou. Turning to Robinson's book, we find a deep inquiry into trinitarian logic that considers early work (...)
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    Alguns elementos de espinosa nas filosofias de Marx E Deleuze.Benito Maeso - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 39:125-139.
    A partir da leitura comparada de trechos dos Cuadernos Spinozade Karl Marx e de Espinosa: filosofia prática,de Gilles Deleuze, o trabalho busca encontrar nestes autores elementos do pensamento espinosano, principalmente do Tratado Teológico-Políticoe excertos da Ética. Tais conexões parecem mais visíveis nos conceitos de materialismo e na relação homem-natureza. Se, conforme Marx, o concreto é a síntese de múltiplas determinações, o que relaciona-se com a ideia deleuziana da determinação da diferença como diferença de si e da História como contingência, como (...)
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    Icons of control: Deleuze, signs, law.Nathan Moore - 2007 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 20 (1):33-54.
    This paper is broadly concerned with Deleuze’s distinction between ‚la loi et les lois’ on the one hand, and jurisprudence on the other. Jurisprudence is the␣creative action of legal practice, the process by which it is forced to think constructively and anew. In such circumstances legal thought is akin to Deleuze’s concept of the event. I explore the distinction between law and jurisprudence by way of Deleuze’s comments on control societies, arguing that, under control, law ceases to be a juridical (...)
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    Ontología, historia y epistemología en la teoría de los ensamblajes.Alberto Villalobos-Manjarrez - 2025 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 71:124-141.
    Within the framework of the assemblage theory formulated by Manuel De Landa, in this article, we develop the following points: the definition of the concept of assemblage, the explanation of its historical character and the problematization of this theory from its relation with epistemology, ethics, and ontology. In addition, we show briefly how this flat ontology is linked to political philosophy and, again, to epistemol-ogy. Problematizing the assemblage theory, whose philosophical source is in Deleuze and Guattari’s work, allows us to (...)
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    Ontología, historia y epistemología en la teoría de los ensamblajes.Alberto Villalobos Manjarrez - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    Dentro del marco de la teoría de los ensamblajes formulada por Manuel De Landa, en este artículo se desarrollan los siguientes puntos: el esclarecimiento del concepto de ensamblaje, la explicación de su carácter histórico y la problematización de esta teoría a partir de su relación con la epistemología, la ética y la ontología. En la conclusión, se clarifica el concepto de materia presupuesto en esta filosofía. Además, se muestra brevemente cómo esta ontología plana se vincula con la filosofía política y, (...)
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    Danza turbulenta: Hegel y Deleuze.Julián Ferreyra - 2022 - [Adrogué?]: La Cebra.
    El prejuicio más aciago de la filosofía es que su historia jalona rivalidades sangrientas, conflictos insuperables, superaciones radicales, reinicios absolutos, fines y clausuras. Se trata de una concepción pobre y desangelada de esta pasión que impulsa mi viaje por la tierra. El paisaje de lo trascendental se anima cuando se lo concibe como el trabajo conjunto de una saga de artistas embriagados por el pensamiento. Esto no quiere decir que se trate de una suave danza de almas bellas; por el (...)
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    Para ler O espinosa-de-Deleuze: Uma interpretação historiográfico-filosófica.Guilherme Almeida Ribeiro - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 35:209-243.
    The purpose of this article is to define and restore, in a systematic way, the decisive argumentative axes that allow a degree of internal consistency to the famous expressive interpretation of Spinoza’s philosophy made by Gilles Deleuze. Initially, we will examine how the Deleuzian interpretation of Spinoza portrays a peculiar and unique moment of the relations that Deleuze, during at least three decades, has established with the history of philosophy. Then, we will check which conceptual frameworks – built in a (...)
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  43. Santayana's Anticipations of Deleuze: Total Natural Events and Quasi-Pragmatism.Joshua M. Hall - 2017 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 53 (2):270.
    In a monograph published last year, literary theorist Mark Noble notes that, in the way Deleuze understands the relationship between materialism and subjectivity, Deleuze “also sounds curiously like Santayana.” For example, the work of both philosophers “locates human value in a source at once immanent and alien.” Noble also wonders “whether the lesson of Santayana’s own negotiation with his tendency to humanize the non-human ground of experience also anticipates the thrill Deleuze chases when positing the univocity of being.” In the (...)
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    Deleuze and Pragmatism eds. by Sean Bowden et al.Sarin Marchetti & Alan Rosenberg - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (2):312-317.
    The editors of this collection aim to fill a notable gap in the scholarship on Gilles Deleuze, pragmatism, and their reciprocal relations. This task is approached along two main lines, corresponding roughly to the volume’s two parts: on the one hand, by reconstructing Deleuze’s direct or potential engagements with classical pragmatism, while on the other hand by investigating the real or virtual exchanges between Deleuze’s rich philosophical production and most contemporary varieties of pragmatism. As the editors explain in their useful (...)
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    Notas sobre tempo e história. Homenagem a Franklin Leopoldo e Silva.Tessa Moura Lacerda - 2024 - Discurso 54 (1):98-112.
    The article presents a dialogue, made over time, about the concept of time. Thus, it recovers Franklin Leopoldo e Silva's interpretation of time in Bergson's philosophy and puts this interpretation in relation to an interpretation of time in Leibniz inspired by Deleuze and Benjamin's readings of the seventeenth-century author. I use testimony as a philosophical category to narrate my dialogue with Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, which began in 1993.
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    Elementos de ética en una pieza de Deleuze.Luís G. Soto - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):617-630.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es ensayar una explicación e interpretación de la introducción “Répétition et différence” de _Différence et répétition_ de Gilles Deleuze. Parte de la hipótesis de que es una pieza de un conjunto no desarrollado de filosofía moral. Esta pieza aborda cuatro elementos: conducta, ley, concepto y sujeto morales. El análisis detallado muestra que Deleuze esboza un programa de investigación de la acción moral que se inspira, como punto de partida, en el kantismo, y culmina en una (...)
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    La inversión del platonismo en Gilles Deleuze, herencia renovada de Nietzsche.Francisco Javier Alcalá Rodríguez - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):135-149.
    This article tries to elucidate the Deleuzian project of the reversal of Platonism in relation to that of Nietzsche. To this aim, I have made a predominantly historiographic sketch of the question in both authors. In the case of Nietzsche, I inquired about both the relationship that the reversal of Platonism presents in his philosophy with the problem of nihilism and the evolution that the topic undergoes throughout his vast intellectual production, until it reaches its final formulation. With regard to (...)
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    Charting the Road of Inquiry: Deleuze's Humean Pragmatics and the Challenge of Badiou.Jeffrey Bell - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 44 (3):399-425.
    This essay responds to Badiou's charge that Deleuze fails to set forth a philosophy that is “beyond Gategorical oppositions.” It is argued that this criticism of Deleuze is founded upon a misreading of the Deleuzean distinction between the virtual and the actual, a reading that carries forward Badiou's misreading of Spinoza and, hence, of Deleuze's Spinozism. With this corrected, we show how the virtual‐actual distinction operates within the experimental philosophy, or pragmatics, that Deleuze, and later Deleuze and Guattari, sets forth. (...)
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    Dos historias de la crueldad. Epílogo al tratado segundo de La genealogía de la moral de F. Nietzsche.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (1):25-36.
    El artículo presenta un análisis del tratado segundo de La genealogía de la moral identificando la existencia de dos aproximaciones diferenciadas al problema de la crueldad. Por una parte, una perspectiva transmutadora y afirmativa del sufrimiento y, por otro lado, una modalidad reactiva de enfrentarlo que deriva en el resentimiento contra la vida. Estos dos puntos de vista son expuestos como dos relatos históricos a partir de diferentes referencias a las obras de Nietzsche y teniendo especialmente presente la lectura de (...)
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    Las lógicas diagramáticas de Llull y Peirce: trashumancia, triadicidad, geometrización.Fernando Zalamea - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (Especial):57-64.
    En este artículo se muestra una comparación de las lógicas diagramáticas lulianas y peirceanas. En la Sección 1, se introduce una problemática general del tránsito y de sus resoluciones triádicas y espaciales, aprovechando perspectivas de las obras de Aby Warburg y Walter Benjamin. La Sección 2 es una síntesis de los engranajes fundamentales del sistema diagramático de Llull. En la Sección 3, se resumen las características geométrico-topológicas esenciales de los gráficos existenciales de Peirce. Y finalmente, en la Sección 4, se (...)
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