Results for 'Decidability of satisfiability'

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  1.  29
    Decidability of ∀*∀‐Sentences in Membership Theories.Eugenio G. Omodeo, Franco Parlamento & Alberto Policriti - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):41-58.
    The problem is addressed of establishing the satisfiability of prenex formulas involving a single universal quantifier, in diversified axiomatic set theories. A rather general decision method for solving this problem is illustrated through the treatment of membership theories of increasing strength, ending with a subtheory of Zermelo-Fraenkel which is already complete with respect to the ∀*∀ class of sentences. NP-hardness and NP-completeness results concerning the problems under study are achieved and a technique for restricting the universal quantifier is presented.
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  2.  41
    Decidability of Fluted Logic with Identity.William C. Purdy - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (1):84-104.
    Fluted logic is the restriction of pure predicate logic to formulas in which variables play no essential role. Although fluted logic is significantly weaker than pure predicate logic, it is of interest because it seems closely to parallel natural logic, the logic that is conducted in natural language. It has been known since 1969 that if conjunction in fluted formulas is restricted to subformulas of equal arity, satisfiability is decidable. However, the decidability of sublogics lying between this restricted (...)
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  3.  17
    Decidability of a Hybrid Duration Calculus.Thomas Bolander, Jens Ulrik Hansen & Michael R. Hansen - 2007 - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 174 (3):113-133.
    We present a logic which we call Hybrid Duration Calculus. HDC is obtained by adding the following hybrid logical machinery to the Restricted Duration Calculus : nominals, satisfaction operators, down-arrow binder, and the global modality. RDC is known to be decidable, and in this paper we show that decidability is retained when adding the hybrid logical machinery. Decidability of HDC is shown by reducing the satisfiability problem to satisfiability of Monadic Second-Order Theory of Order. We illustrate (...)
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    Decidability of Inquisitive Modal Logic via Filtrations.Stipe Marić & Tin Perkov - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-19.
    Inquisitive logic is an extension of classical logic which can express questions. To enable this expressiveness, a possible world semantics is used. So, it is natural to combine inquisitive and modal logic, thus obtaining the inquisitive modal logic $$\textrm{InqML}$$. This paper contributes to the model theory of $$\textrm{InqML}$$. We show that the filtration technique can be adapted to the inquisitive logic semantics. Using filtrations, we prove that $$\textrm{InqML}$$ has the finite model property, i.e., every satisfiable formula is satisfiable in a (...)
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    Decidability of independence-friendly modal logic.Merlijn Sevenster - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):415-441.
    In this paper we consider an independence-friendly modal logic, IFML. It follows from results in the literature that qua expressive power, IFML is a fragment of second-order existential logic, , that cannot be translated into first-order logic. It is also known that IFML lacks the tree structure property. We show that IFML has the , a weaker version of the tree structure property, and that its satisfiability problem is solvable in 2NEXP. This implies that this paper reveals a new (...)
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  6. The cross-cultural importance of satisfying vital needs.Allen Andrew A. Alvarez - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (9):486-496.
    Ethical beliefs may vary across cultures but there are things that must be valued as preconditions to any cultural practice. Physical and mental abilities vital to believing, valuing and practising a culture are such preconditions and it is always important to protect them. If one is to practise a distinct culture, she must at least have these basic abilities. Access to basic healthcare is one way to ensure that vital abilities are protected. John Rawls argued that access to all-purpose primary (...)
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  7.  14
    The Cross‐Cultural Importance of Satisfying Vital Needs.Allenandrewa Alvarez - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (9):486-496.
    ABSTRACT Ethical beliefs may vary across cultures but there are things that must be valued as preconditions to any cultural practice. Physical and mental abilities vital to believing, valuing and practising a culture are such preconditions and it is always important to protect them. If one is to practise a distinct culture, she must at least have these basic abilities. Access to basic healthcare is one way to ensure that vital abilities are protected. John Rawls argued that access to all‐purpose (...)
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  8.  35
    Satisfiability of formulae with one ∀ is decidable in exponential time.Erich Grädel - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 29 (4):265-276.
    In first order logic without equality, but with arbitrary relations and functions the ∃*∀∃* class is the unique maximal solvable prefix class. We show that the satisfiability problem for this class is decidable in deterministic exponential time The result is established by a structural analysis of a particular infinite subset of the Herbrand universe and by a polynomial space bounded alternating procedure.
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  9.  49
    Completeness and Decidability of General First-Order Logic.Aldo Antonelli - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (3):233-257.
    This paper investigates the “general” semantics for first-order logic introduced to Antonelli, 637–58, 2013): a sound and complete axiom system is given, and the satisfiability problem for the general semantics is reduced to the satisfiability of formulas in the Guarded Fragment of Andréka et al. :217–274, 1998), thereby showing the former decidable. A truth-tree method is presented in the Appendix.
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  10.  79
    (1 other version)Decidable fragments of first-order temporal logics.Ian Hodkinson, Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 106 (1-3):85-134.
    In this paper, we introduce a new fragment of the first-order temporal language, called the monodic fragment, in which all formulas beginning with a temporal operator have at most one free variable. We show that the satisfiability problem for monodic formulas in various linear time structures can be reduced to the satisfiability problem for a certain fragment of classical first-order logic. This reduction is then used to single out a number of decidable fragments of first-order temporal logics and (...)
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  11.  31
    Computability of validity and satisfiability in probability logics over finite and countable models.Greg Yang - 2015 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 25 (4):324-372.
    The -logic of Terwijn is a variant of first-order logic with the same syntax in which the models are equipped with probability measures and the quantifier is interpreted as ‘there exists a set A of a measure such that for each,...’. Previously, Kuyper and Terwijn proved that the general satisfiability and validity problems for this logic are, i) for rational, respectively -complete and -hard, and ii) for, respectively decidable and -complete. The adjective ‘general’ here means ‘uniformly over all languages’. (...)
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  12.  92
    Monodic packed fragment with equality is decidable.Ian Hodkinson - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (2):185-197.
    We prove decidability of satisfiability of sentences of the monodic packed fragment of first-order temporal logic with equality and connectives Until and Since, in models with various flows of time and domains of arbitrary cardinality. We also prove decidability over models with finite domains, over flows of time including the real order.
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  13.  38
    The theory of {vec Z}C(2)^2-lattices is decidable.Stefano Baratella & Carlo Toffalori - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (2):91-104.
    For arbitrary finite group $G$ and countable Dedekind domain $R$ such that the residue field $R/P$ is finite for every maximal $R$ -ideal $P$ , we show that the localizations at every maximal ideal of two $RG$ -lattices are isomorphic if and only if the two lattices satisfy the same first order sentences. Then we investigate generalizations of the above results to arbitrary $R$ -torsion-free $RG$ -modules and we apply the previous results to show the decidability of the theory (...)
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  14.  36
    A decidable timeout-based extension of linear temporal logic.Janardan Misra & Suman Roy - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (3):262-291.
    We develop a timeout extension of propositional linear temporal logic to specify timing properties of timeout-based models of real-time systems. A timeout is used to model the execution of an action marking the end of a delay. With a view to expressing such timeout constraints, ToLTL uses a dynamic variable to abstract the timeout behaviour in addition to a variable which captures the global clock and some static timing variables which record time instances when discrete events occur. We propose a (...)
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  15.  35
    Some effects of Ash–Nerode and other decidability conditions on degree spectra.Valentina S. Harizanov - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (1):51-65.
    With every new recursive relation R on a recursive model , we consider the images of R under all isomorphisms from to other recursive models. We call the set of Turing degrees of these images the degree spectrum of R on , and say that R is intrinsically r.e. if all the images are r.e. C. Ash and A. Nerode introduce an extra decidability condition on , expressed in terms of R. Assuming this decidability condition, they prove that (...)
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  16.  38
    A probabilistic temporal epistemic logic: Decidability.Zoran Ognjanović, Angelina Ilić Stepić & Aleksandar Perović - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (5):827-879.
    We study a propositional probabilistic temporal epistemic logic $\textbf {PTEL}$ with both future and past temporal operators, with non-rigid set of agents and the operators for agents’ knowledge and for common knowledge and with probabilities defined on the sets of runs and on the sets of possible worlds. A semantics is given by a class ${\scriptsize{\rm Mod}}$ of Kripke-like models with possible worlds. We prove decidability of $\textbf {PTEL}$ by showing that checking satisfiability of a formula in ${\scriptsize{\rm (...)
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  17.  30
    Reduction Techniques for Proving Decidability in Logics and Their Meet–Combination.João Rasga, Cristina Sernadas & Walter Carnielli - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):39-66.
    Satisfaction systems and reductions between them are presented as an appropriate context for analyzing the satisfiability and the validity problems. The notion of reduction is generalized in order to cope with the meet-combination of logics. Reductions between satisfaction systems induce reductions between the respective satisfiability problems and (under mild conditions) also between their validity problems. Sufficient conditions are provided for relating satisfiability problems to validity problems. Reflection results for decidability in the presence of reductions are established. (...)
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  18.  56
    Deciding regular grammar logics with converse through first-order logic.Stéphane Demri & Hans De Nivelle - 2005 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14 (3):289-329.
    We provide a simple translation of the satisfiability problem for regular grammar logics with converse into GF2, which is the intersection of the guarded fragment and the 2-variable fragment of first-order logic. The translation is theoretically interesting because it translates modal logics with certain frame conditions into first-order logic, without explicitly expressing the frame conditions. It is practically relevant because it makes it possible to use a decision procedure for the guarded fragment in order to decide regular grammar logics (...)
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  19.  11
    Deciding Regular Grammar Logics with Converse Through First-Order Logic.Stéphane Demri & Hans Nivelle - 2005 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14 (3):289-329.
    We provide a simple translation of the satisfiability problem for regular grammar logics with converse into GF2, which is the intersection of the guarded fragment and the 2-variable fragment of first-order logic. The translation is theoretically interesting because it translates modal logics with certain frame conditions into first-order logic, without explicitly expressing the frame conditions. It is practically relevant because it makes it possible to use a decision procedure for the guarded fragment in order to decide regular grammar logics (...)
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  20.  54
    An incomplete decidable modal logic.M. J. Cresswell - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):520-527.
    The most common way of proving decidability in propositional modal logic is to shew that the system in question has the finite model property. This is not however the only way. Gabbay in [4] proves the decidability of many modal systems using Rabin's result in [8] on the decidability of the second-order theory of successor functions. In particular [4, pp. 258-265] he is able to prove the decidability of a system which lacks the finite model property. (...)
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  21.  70
    Action Type Deontic Logic.Martin Mose Bentzen - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (4):397-414.
    A new deontic logic, Action Type Deontic Logic, is presented. To motivate this logic, a number of benchmark cases are shown, representing inferences a deontic logic should validate. Some of the benchmark cases are singled out for further comments and some formal approaches to deontic reasoning are evaluated with respect to the benchmark cases. After that follows an informal introduction to the ideas behind the formal semantics, focussing on the distinction between action types and action tokens. Then the syntax and (...)
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  22.  75
    On decidable consequence operators.Jaros?aw Achinger & Andrzej W. Jankowski - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (4):415 - 424.
    The main theorem says that a consequence operator is an effective part of the consequence operator for the classical prepositional calculus iff it is a consequence operator for a logic satisfying the compactness theorem, and in which every finitely axiomatizable theory is decidable.
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  23.  28
    Deciding some Maltsev conditions in finite idempotent algebras.Alexandr Kazda & Matt Valeriote - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2):539-562.
    In this paper we investigate the computational complexity of deciding if the variety generated by a given finite idempotent algebra satisfies a special type of Maltsev condition that can be specified using a certain kind of finite labelled path. This class of Maltsev conditions includes several well known conditions, such as congruence permutability and having a sequence of n Jónsson terms, for some given n. We show that for such “path defined” Maltsev conditions, the decision problem is polynomial-time solvable.
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    Decidability: theorems and admissible rules.Vladimir Rybakov - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2):293-308.
    The paper deals with a temporal multi-agent logic TMAZ, which imitates taking of decisions based on agents' access to knowledge by their interaction. The interaction is modelled by possible communication channels between agents in special temporal Kripke/Hintikka-like models. The logic TMAZ distinguishes local and global decisions-making. TMAZ is based on temporal Kripke/Hintikka models with agents' accessibility relations defined on states of all possible time clusters C(i) (where indexes i range over all integer numbers Z). The main result provides a decision (...)
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  25.  18
    Techniques of Deductive Inference. [REVIEW]J. M. P. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (1):155-155.
    This is a textbook in symbolic logic comprising sentential and quantificational theory only. The logic of the propositional calculus is developed in a natural-deduction form reminiscent of Fitch's technique; therefore, most of the theorems take the form of metamathematical assertions and possess corresponding meta-proofs. The classical propositional calculus SCc is then formulated in the Hilbert-style axiomatic way which naturally leads to consistency, completeness, and decidability theorems for the system. The theory of quantifiers is also first set up in natural (...)
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  26.  11
    An Arrow-Based Dynamic Logic of Normative Systems and Its Decidability.Hans van Ditmarsch, Louwe Kuijer & Mo Liu - 2023 - In Natasha Alechina, Andreas Herzig & Fei Liang (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 9th International Workshop, LORI 2023, Jinan, China, October 26–29, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 63-76.
    Normative arrow update logic (NAUL) is a logic that combines normative temporal logic (NTL) and arrow update logic (AUL). In NAUL, norms are interpreted as arrow updates on labeled transition systems with a CTL-like logic. We show that the satisfiability problem of NAUL is decidable with a tableau method and it is in EXPSPACE.
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  27.  32
    Deciding the unguarded modal -calculus.Oliver Friedmann & Martin Lange - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (4):353-371.
    The modal -calculus extends basic modal logic with second-order quantification in terms of arbitrarily nested fixpoint operators. Its satisfiability problem is EXPTIME-complete. Decision procedures for the modal -calculus are not easy to obtain though since the arbitrary nesting of fixpoint constructs requires some combinatorial arguments for showing the well-foundedness of least fixpoint unfoldings. The tableau-based decision procedures so far also make assumptions on the unfoldings of fixpoint formulas, e.g., explicitly require formulas to be in guarded normal form. In this (...)
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  28. Fluted formulas and the limits of decidability.William C. Purdy - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (2):608-620.
    In the predicate calculus, variables provide a flexible indexing service which selects the actual arguments to a predicate letter from among possible arguments that precede the predicate letter (in the parse of the formula). In the process of selection, the possible arguments can be permuted, repeated (used more than once), and skipped. If this service is withheld, so that arguments must be the immediately preceding ones, taken in the order in which they occur, the formula is said to be fluted. (...)
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  29.  98
    Alternative axiomatics and complexity of deliberative stit theories.Philippe Balbiani, Andreas Herzig & Nicolas Troquard - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (4):387 - 406.
    We propose two alternatives to Xu’s axiomatization of Chellas’s STIT. The first one simplifies its presentation, and also provides an alternative axiomatization of the deliberative STIT. The second one starts from the idea that the historic necessity operator can be defined as an abbreviation of operators of agency, and can thus be eliminated from the logic of Chellas’s STIT. The second axiomatization also allows us to establish that the problem of deciding the satisfiability of a STIT formula without temporal (...)
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  30.  44
    Whether Logic Should Satisfy the Humanities Requirement.John N. Martin - 1996 - Teaching Philosophy 19 (4):385-396.
    The author addresses the question of the necessity of logic courses in undergraduate education, particularly their use as a requirement in the humanities. This paper outlines why logic counts as a humanities subject and why certain virtues of logic are beneficial to a humanities education. The authors explores these two aspects of the question and invites the reader to decide whether the combination of these two aspects of a logic course jointly satisfy the educational needs of their particular institution’s curriculum.
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  31.  51
    Small substructures and decidability issues for first-order logic with two variables.Emanuel Kieroński & Martin Otto - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):729-765.
    We study first-order logic with two variables FO² and establish a small substructure property. Similar to the small model property for FO² we obtain an exponential size bound on embedded substructures, relative to a fixed surrounding structure that may be infinite. We apply this technique to analyse the satisfiability problem for FO² under constraints that require several binary relations to be interpreted as equivalence relations. With a single equivalence relation, FO² has the finite model property and is complete for (...)
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  32.  79
    Eventually infinite time Turing machine degrees: Infinite time decidable reals.P. D. Welch - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1193-1203.
    We characterise explicitly the decidable predicates on integers of Infinite Time Turing machines, in terms of admissibility theory and the constructible hierarchy. We do this by pinning down ζ, the least ordinal not the length of any eventual output of an Infinite Time Turing machine (halting or otherwise); using this the Infinite Time Turing Degrees are considered, and it is shown how the jump operator coincides with the production of mastercodes for the constructible hierarchy; further that the natural ordinals associated (...)
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  33.  21
    (1 other version)The decision problem for restricted universal quantification in set theory and the axiom of foundation.Franco Parlamento & Alberto Policriti - 1992 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 38 (1):143-156.
    The still unsettled decision problem for the restricted purely universal formulae 0-formulae) of the first order set-theoretic language based over =, ∈ is discussed in relation with the adoption or rejection of the axiom of foundation. Assuming the axiom of foundation, the related finite set-satisfiability problem for the very significant subclass of the 0-formulae consisting of the formulae involving only nested variables of level 1 is proved to be semidecidable on the ground of a reflection property over the hereditarily (...)
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  34. Propositional Epistemic Logics with Quantification Over Agents of Knowledge.Gennady Shtakser - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):311-344.
    The paper presents a family of propositional epistemic logics such that languages of these logics are extended by quantification over modal operators or over agents of knowledge and extended by predicate symbols that take modal operators as arguments. Denote this family by \}\). There exist epistemic logics whose languages have the above mentioned properties :311–350, 1995; Lomuscio and Colombetti in Proceedings of ATAL 1996. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 1193, pp 71–85, 1996). But these logics are obtained from first-order (...)
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  35.  8
    Fragments of first-order logic.Ian Pratt-Hartmann - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    A sentence of first-order logic is satisfiable if it is true in some structure, and finitely satisfiable if it is true in some finite structure. The question arises as to whether there exists an algorithm for determining whether a given formula of first-order logic is satisfiable, or indeed finitely satisfiable. This question was answered negatively in 1936 by Church and Turing (for satisfiability) and in 1950 by Trakhtenbrot (for finite satisfiability).In contrast, the satisfiability and finite satisfiability (...)
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  36.  26
    Should Age be a Deciding Factor in Ethical Decision-Making?Robert K. Pretzlaff - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (2):119-128.
    The question of age as a factor in ethical decision-making takes two forms. The first form considers age as a factor at the societal, or policy, level, and the second as a factor in determining the capacity of the individual patient to make decisions regarding their own care. This article satisfies itself with a consideration of only the latter question. The issue of whether age is contributing factor in medical decision-making is frequently posited when one considers ethically charged instances of (...)
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  37.  72
    Theory of rejected propositions. I.Jerzy Słupecki, Grzegorz Bryll & Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 1971 - Studia Logica 29 (1):75 - 123.
    The idea of rejection of some sentences on the basis of others comes from Aristotle, as Jan Łukasiewicz states in his studies on Aristotle's syllogistic [1939, 1951], concerning rejection of the false syllogistic form and those on certain calculus of propositions. Short historical remarks on the origin and development of the notion of a rejected sentence, introduced into logic by Jan Łukasiewicz, are contained in the Introduction of this paper. This paper is to a considerable extent a summary of papers (...)
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  38.  48
    Quine's 'limits of decision'.William Purdy - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1439-1466.
    In a 1969 paper, Quine coined the term 'limits of decision'. This term evidently refers to limits on the logical vocabulary of a logic, beyond which satisfiability is no longer decidable. In the same paper. Quine showed that not only monadic formulas, but homogeneous k-adic formulas for arbitrary k lie on the decidable side of the limits of decision. But the precise location of the limits of decision has remained an open question. The present paper answers that question. It (...)
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    Logics for Reasoning About Processes of Thinking with Information Coded by p-adic Numbers.Angelina Ilić Stepić & Zoran Ognjanović - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):145-174.
    In this paper we present two types of logics and \ ) where certain p-adic functions are associated to propositional formulas. Logics of the former type are p-adic valued probability logics. In each of these logics we use probability formulas K r,ρ α and D ρ α,β which enable us to make sentences of the form “the probability of α belongs to the p-adic ball with the center r and the radius ρ”, and “the p-adic distance between the probabilities of (...)
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    Formal languages defined by the underlying structure of their words.J. P. Ressayre - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1009-1026.
    i) We show for each context-free language L that by considering each word of L as a structure in a natural way, one turns L into a finite union of classes which satisfy a finitary analog of the characteristic properties of complete universal first order classes of structures equipped with elementary embeddings. We show this to hold for a much larger class of languages which we call free local languages. ii) We define local languages, a class of languages between free (...)
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  41.  30
    The Bernays—Schönfinkel—Ramsey class for set theory: decidability.Alberto Policriti & Eugenio Omodeo - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):896-918.
    As proved recently, the satisfaction problem for all prenex formulae in the set-theoretic Bernays-Shönfinkel-Ramsey class is semi-decidable over von Neumann's cumulative hierarchy. Here that semi-decidability result is strengthened into a decidability result for the same collection of formulae.
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    Spinoza’s Doctrine of the Imitation of Affects and Teaching as the Art of Offering the Right Amount of Resistance.Johan Dahlbeck - unknown
    Proposal Information: In this paper it is argued that although Spinoza, unlike other great philosophers of the Enlightenment era, never actually wrote a philosophy of education as such, he did – in his Ethics – write a philosophy of self-improvement that is deeply educational at heart. When looked at against the background of his overall metaphysical system, the educational account that emerges is one that is highly curious and may even, to some extent at least, come across as counter-intuitive in (...)
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  43. Levels of abstraction and the Turing test.Luciano Floridi - 2010 - Kybernetes 39 (3):423-440.
    An important lesson that philosophy can learn from the Turing Test and computer science more generally concerns the careful use of the method of Levels of Abstraction (LoA). In this paper, the method is first briefly summarised. The constituents of the method are “observables”, collected together and moderated by predicates restraining their “behaviour”. The resulting collection of sets of observables is called a “gradient of abstractions” and it formalises the minimum consistency conditions that the chosen abstractions must satisfy. Two useful (...)
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    The Rule of Non‐Opposition: Opening Up Decision‐Making by Consensus.Philippe Urfalino - 2014 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (3):320-341.
    The objective of this article is to propose a precise characterization of the collective practice behind at least an important part of the phenomena named “decision by consensus”. First, I provide descriptions of the use of this rule, and give a definition of the non-opposition rule, both as a specific sequence of acts and as a stopping rule. Second, I challenge the usual way of understanding the non-opposition rule by contrast with voting, stating that the contrast between logic of approval (...)
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  45.  13
    Algebraic and Model Theoretic Properties of O-minimal Exponential Fields.Lothar Sebastian Krapp - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):529-530.
    An exponential $\exp $ on an ordered field $$. The structure $$ is then called an ordered exponential field. A linearly ordered structure $$ is called o-minimal if every parametrically definable subset of M is a finite union of points and open intervals of M.The main subject of this thesis is the algebraic and model theoretic examination of o-minimal exponential fields $$ whose exponential satisfies the differential equation $\exp ' = \exp $ with initial condition $\exp = 1$. This study (...)
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  46. Of marigold beer: A reply to Vermaas and Houkes.Beth Preston - 2003 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 (4):601-612.
    Vermaas and Houkes advance four desiderata for theories of artifact function, and classify such theories into non-intentionalist reproduction theories on the one hand and intentionalist non-reproduction theories on the other. They argue that non-intentionalist reproduction theories fail to satisfy their fourth desideratum. They maintain that only an intentionalist non-reproduction theory can satisfy all the desiderata, and they offer a version that they believe does satisfy all of them. I reply that intentionalist non-reproduction theories, including their version, fail to satisfy their (...)
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    Establishing the teratogenicity of Zika and evaluating causal criteria.Jon Williamson - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 10):2505-2518.
    The teratogenicity of the Zika virus was considered established in 2016, and is an interesting case because three different sets of causal criteria were used to assess teratogenicity. This paper appeals to the thesis of Russo and Williamson (2007) to devise an epistemological framework that can be used to compare and evaluate sets of causal criteria. The framework can also be used to decide when enough criteria are satisfied to establish causality. Arguably, the three sets of causal criteria considered here (...)
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    (1 other version)Submodels of Kripke models.Albert Visser - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (4):277-295.
    A Kripke model ? is a submodel of another Kripke model ℳ if ? is obtained by restricting the set of nodes of ℳ. In this paper we show that the class of formulas of Intuitionistic Predicate Logic that is preserved under taking submodels of Kripke models is precisely the class of semipositive formulas. This result is an analogue of the Łoś-Tarski theorem for the Classical Predicate Calculus.In Appendix A we prove that for theories with decidable identity we can take (...)
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    Truth in V for Ǝ ∀∀-Sentences Is Decidable.D. Bellé & F. Parlamento - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (4):1200 - 1222.
    Let V be the cumulative set theoretic hierarchy, generated from the empty set by taking powers at successor stages and unions at limit stages and, following [2], let the primitive language of set theory be the first order language which contains binary symbols for equality and membership only. Despite the existence of ∀∀-formulae in the primitive language, with two free variables, which are satisfiable in V but not by finite sets ([5]), and therefore of ƎƎ∀∀ sentences of the same language, (...)
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    An Event-Based Fragment of First-Order Logic over Intervals.Savas Konur - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (1):49-68.
    We consider a new fragment of first-order logic with two variables. This logic is defined over interval structures. It constitutes unary predicates, a binary predicate and a function symbol. Considering such a fragment of first-order logic is motivated by defining a general framework for event-based interval temporal logics. In this paper, we present a sound, complete and terminating decision procedure for this logic. We show that the logic is decidable, and provide a NEXPTIME complexity bound for satisfiability. This result (...)
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