Results for 'De visione Dei'

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  1.  50
    In a Mirror and an Enigma: Nicholas of Cusa’s De Visione Dei and the Milieu of Vision.Taylor Knight - 2020 - Sophia 59 (1):113-137.
    Nicholas of Cusa’s deployment of an omnivoyant image in the De visione Dei has been said to deconstruct Leon Battista Alberti’s mathematical determination of space in single-point linear perspective. While there has been some debate over whether the omnivoyant functions like a medieval icon or instead like a Renaissance painting, what has been neglected is a more careful analysis of what underlies the very structure of omnivoyance, namely the milieu from which its contradictions and paradoxes emerge. In this article, (...)
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  2. Commento al De visione Dei di Nicola Cusano.Andrea Fiamma - 2010 - Rivista di Ascetica E Mistica 1:35–82.
    Il lavoro consiste in una particolare rilettura del testo cusaniano, nella quale si cerca di evidenziare, tra le altre fonti, soprattutto la presenza di Meister Eckhart. La “discesa” nel fondo dell'anima è presentata come il culmine teoretico di quel cammino di visione a cui e-duca l'aegnima dell'icona. Per queste ragioni l'articolo punta sull'influsso della mistica speculativa in campo teoretico e di quella dottrina che M. Eckhart chiama “Generazione del Logos nell'anima”. Tale trattazione apre poi il senso dell'ampia sezione dedicata (...)
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  3. Mutmassungen über das Sehen Gottes. Zu Cusanus; 'De visione Dei'.Günter Wohlfart - 1986 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 93 (1):151.
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    Intentionality & Intersubjectivity in Cusa'S De Visione Dei.Joseph Simmons - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (2):258-265.
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    La gracia como posibilidad del encuentro entre Dios y el hombre en la obra De visione Dei de Nicolás de Cusa.Lorena Basualto Porra - 2012 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 26:35-56.
  6.  16
    Ver e imagen del ver: acotaciones sobre el capítulo XV del "De visione Dei" de Nicolás de Cusa.Ángel Luis González - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (3):627-648.
    The article attempts to provide an explanation of Nicholas of Cusa's assertion regarding the actual infinity as being the unity in which image is true.
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    Urs von Balthasar y la singularidad en De visione Dei de Nicolás de Cusa.Rodrigo Núñez - 2009 - Teología y Vida 50 (1-2).
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  8. Rien n'est en dehors de l'infini (De visione Dei, XIII, 54).Hervé Pasqua - 2017 - In Hervé Pasqua (ed.), Infini et altérité dans l'oeuvre de Nicolas de Cues (1401-1464). Bristol, CT: Peeters.
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  9. Before the icon: the figural matrix of De visione Dei.David Albertson - 2019 - In Gerald Christianson & Thomas M. Izbicki (eds.), Nicholas of Cusa and times of transition: essays in honor of Gerald Christianson. Boston: Brill.
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  10. Die beiden Schriften De pace fidei und De visione Dei aus dem Jahre 1453.Walter Andreas Euler - 1995 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 22:187-203.
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  11. Nicholas of Cusa’s Dialectical Mysticism: Text, Translation, andInterpretive Study of De Visione Dei.Jasper Hopkins - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (1):54-56.
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  12. J. Hopkins, "Nicholas of Cusa's dialectical mysticism: Text, Translation and interpretative study of" De visione dei.G. G. White - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (1):54.
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    Mi visión deI filosofar.Carlos París - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):11-24.
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    ¿Profundización O caída Del realismo jurídico como teoría descriptiva de normas?Diego Dei Vecchi - 2017 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 47:9-38.
    Algunas versiones del realismo jurídico pretenden compatibilizar la pretensión de que el derecho es un conjunto de normas con un fuerte compromiso con el empirismo. De conformidad con este último, el derecho no está constituido por entidades abstractas de ningún tipo sino por hechos empíricamente constatables. En vistas a llevar a cabo esta compatibilización, en varios trabajos Riccardo Guastini ha defendido una concepción de las proposiciones normativas, i.e. aserciones existenciales sobre normas jurídicas, como enunciados teóricos acerca del derecho vigente, necesariamente (...)
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  15. Unum – verum – bonum v Komenského metafyzických spisech v komparaci s cestou k obrazu Trojice v Augustinově díle De civitate dei a pohybem existence u Jana Patočky.Zuzana Svobodová - 2022 - Studia Aloisiana 13 (1):23-36.
    The paper compares Comenius’ usage of the terms unum, verum and bonum in his metaphysical writings both with the expression of the image of the Trinity in De civitate dei by Aurelius Augustinus and with the concept of existence as three basic movements in the philosophical work of Jan Patočka. The purpose of the text is to show, despite the differences in historical periods, language and life experience, the possible similarity or connection of the vision that Augustine, Comenius and Patočka (...)
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  16. HH STUCKENSCHMIDT, La musica moderna, Torino, Einaudi, 1960. Questo volume, di uno dei più conosciuti e apprezzati critici musicali della Germania d'oggi, costituisce un notevole sforzo per sintetizzare, in una rapida visione d'insieme, la varietà e complessità di motivi e tendenze.Amalia de Maria - 1961 - Rivista di Estetica 6:293.
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    Imago Dei : la perspectiva de Ibn ʻArabī a la luz de la tradición judeocristiana.Saeideh Sayari, Mohd Zufri bin Mamat & Maisarah Bint Hasbullah - 2020 - Al-Qantara 41 (1):255.
    El concepto de la forma divina del ser humano es mencionado en varias descripciones en las tres religiones abrahámicas mayores. El enfoque tradicional judeocristiano de Imago Dei (La imagen de Dios) tiene tres perspectivas principales: sustantiva, funcional y relacional. Ibn ‘Arabī, como pensador y místico musulmán, explicó esta idea a través del concepto de espejo y otros dos conceptos, a saber, el ‘Hombre Perfecto’ y la vicegerencia de Dios. Consideró la forma divina del ser humano como un espejo a través (...)
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  18.  21
    La normatividad desenmascarada. [REVIEW]Diego Dei Vecchi - 2015 - Revus 25:171-188.
    El autor lleva a cabo una revisión de la obra The Many Faces of Normativity intentado resaltar algunos rasgos comunes que se van presentando a lo largo de los diversos textos que componen la obra revisada. Luego de abordar la visión de Robert Audi acerca de las tendencias hacia la naturalización de la normatividad así como el análisis que Jaap Hage efectúa de los conceptos normativos, se tratan dos ataques a la distinción ser-deber ser que defienden argumentos que, sobre la (...)
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  19.  54
    La Matematica ¿incompleta, aleatoria, experimental?Javier de Lorenzo - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):423-450.
    En 1931 Gödel publica su Teorema de incompletud. Resultado clave en Lógica matemática, se interpretó como una limitación de los formalismos, un fracaso del Programa de Hilbert. Sin embargo, el método de aritmetización, la recursividad han propiciado una visión positiva y la creación de nuevas teorias - Teorías de la Complejidad, de Información algorítmica... -. Con ellas, nuevas demostraciones del teorema y, consecuentes, nuevas discusiones en Filosofía de la Matemática. En especial, desde la Teoría de la Complejidad. Además de incompleta, (...)
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    Nicolás de gusa: Perspectivas éticas a partir de su Concepción Del individuo Y de la visión de dios.Jorge Mario Machetta - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (3):823-830.
    Alguna consideración reducida de lafilosofia medieval considera la síntesis lograda ene! sigla XIII como e! modelo exclusivo y acabado,de modo que, de alú en más, los pensadorespasteriores ingresen en una pendiente de decadenciaque habrá de culminar com la rupturaproclamada por el pensamiento moderno. Pero lahistoriografia moderna nos permite evaluar mejorla diversidad de las propuestas que jalonan lossiglas XIV y XV. Uno de estas motivos nos loproporciona el pensamiento de Nicolás de Cusa pues en él se evidencia cómo lahistoria viviente incorpora (...)
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    « Voir, c’est imaginer. Et imaginer, c’est voir. » Perception et imaginaire chez Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel de Saint Aubert - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:257-281.
    “To see is to imagine. And to imagine, is to see.”Perception and Imaginary in Merleau-PontyMerleau-Ponty accords such a phenomenological and ontological priority to perception that this privilege might lead him to minimize the importance of theimaginary in our relationship with the world. In fact, in the work published during his life, the theme of the imaginary does not occupy a large place, and its conceptual elaboration remains little visible. A reading of his posthumous publications and of his unpublished papers leads (...)
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  22.  18
    A metáfora do olhar em nicolau de cusa.Maria Simone Cabral Marinho - 2003 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48 (3):455-460.
    A autora oferece as linhas gerais da obra De vistone de Nicolau de Cusa, expondo a sua metáfora da visão. Nesta metáfora, é possivel ver um tema importante do pensamento de Nicolau de Cusa, a saber, o modo como Deus serelaciona para com as suas criaturas e o modo como as suas criaturas se relacionam com ele, em diferentes modos de ver. A metáfora da visão toca também a natureza dos seres humanos, destinado a uma sensação privilegiada, a visão de (...)
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  23. Los pilares del "De Docta Ignorantia" de Nicolás de Cusa.Mariano Brasa Díez - 1989 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 7:129.
    At the beginning of De Visione Dei, Nicholas of Cusa puts us before an icon of the divine glance and invites us to an experimentation – initially surrounded by the metaphorical reflection – of the mystic contemplation. Working with the metaphor of the glance, the Cusano leaves us before the Creator’s look and the creature’s look. In the De Visione Dei, the divine look is creator and lover. The God’s look sees, creates and loves. This way, the present (...)
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    La metáfora del mirar en Nicolás de Cusa.Maria Simone Marinho Nogueira - 2003 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 20:69-78.
    Al comienzo del De Visione Dei ,Nicolás de Cusa nos pone ante un icono del mirar divino y nos invita a una experiencia muy personal, a una acción inicialmente envuelta en la reflexión metafórica, la contemplación mística. Trabajando con la metáfora de la mirada, el Cusano nos sitúa ante la mirada del creador y la mirada de la creatura. En De Visione Dei, el mirar divino es creador y amante. El mirar de Dios ve, crea y ama. De (...)
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  25.  50
    Nicolás de Cusa o la recuperación del Universo.Mariano Brasa Díez - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13 (S1):129-136.
    At the beginning of De Visione Dei, Nicholas of Cusa puts us before an icon of the divine glance and invites us to an experimentation – initially surrounded by the metaphorical reflection – of the mystic contemplation. Working with the metaphor of the glance, the Cusano leaves us before the Creator’s look and the creature’s look. In the De Visione Dei, the divine look is creator and lover. The God’s look sees, creates and loves. This way, the present (...)
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  26. Schriften des Nikolaus von Cues.Paul Nicholas, Ernst Wilpert & Hoffman - 1936 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner. Edited by Ernest Hoffmann, Paul Wilpert & Karl Bormann.
    Heft 1. Der Laie über die Weishelt, von E. Bohnenstädt.--Heft 2. Über den Beryll. von K. Fleischmann.--Heft 3. Drei Schriften vom verborgenen Gott. De Deo abscondito. De quaerendo Deum. De filiatione Dei. Hrsg. von E. Bohnenstaedt.--Heft. 5. Von Gottes Sehen. De visione Dei. Von E. Bohnenstaedt.--Heft 4. Der Laie über Versuche mit der Waage. Idiota de staticis experimentis. Von H. Menzel-Rogner.--Heft 6-7. Sichtung des Alkorans. Cribratio Alkoran. 1. Buch von P. Naumann. 2.-3. Buch von G. Hölscher.--Heft 8. Über den (...)
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  27.  10
    De theologicis complementis de Nicolás de Cusa.Cecilia Rusconi - 2021 - Patristica Et Medievalia 42 (2).
    _De theologicis complementis _no ha tenido el mismo éxito que otras obras cusanas. Sin embargo, constituye un testimonio privilegiado de la función propedéutica que la matemática cusana tiene en relación con los escritos especulativos, sobre todo, los teológicos. Nicolás parte allí, en efecto, de los métodos de solución de la cuadratura del círculo expuestos en _De mathematicis complementis _y se dirige a una propuesta que adelanta los desarrollos de _De visione Dei_. En este sentido, los complementos teológicos ofrecen un (...)
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    La dimensión simbólica del arte en Nicolás de Cusa.Joâo Maria André - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (3):547-582.
    The article begins by placing Nicholas of Cusa's ideas in the context of Mysticism, whilst, at the same time, establishing the continuing actuality of the topic. After a short review of the concept of art as an imitation of nature through Antiquity and the Middle Ages, the second part of the essay deals with the originality of the Germán Cardinal's development of the concept of "imitatio" and the relation he posits between art and nature. The third part explores some significant (...)
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    Contemplation, liberté et tragédie de la raison. Le tournant anthropologique de la philosophie : de Nicolas de Cues à Giordano Bruno.Maria Jesús Soto-Bruna - 2016 - Noesis 26:173-195.
    Dans un contexte de compréhension de l’être humain en tant que créé à l’image et à la ressemblance divine, Nicolas de Cues a considéré que la vision et l’union avec l’Absolu conduit, d’une part, au bonheur, et implique aussi, d’autre part, l’expression de la plus grande liberté que puisse atteindre l’humain, c’est-à-dire la pleine possession de soi. Cette conviction se présente dans son œuvre, le De visione Dei, dans une ambiance mesurée par l’attitude de la personne en prière, qui (...)
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  30. Questions on the Beatific Vision by Thomas Wylton and Sibert de Beka.Lauge Nielsen & Cecilia Trifogli - 2006 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 17:511-586.
    Lo studio prende in esame sei questioni di Thomas Wylton sulla visione beatifica e una questione dal Quodlibet di Siberto di Beka, carmelitano, contemporaneo di Wylton. Il saggio confronta in modo analitico le posizioni dei due autori sul ruolo e la necessità del lumen gloriae nella visione beatifica nelle singole questioni di cui si dà a seguito l'edizione. I codici sono V’ = Vat. Borgh. 36; T' = Tortosa 88; S' = Vat. Borgh. 39. L'edizione, posta in appendice (...)
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  31.  19
    Le sermon comme manuductio chez Nicolas de Cues.Jean-Michel Counet - 2015 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 98 (3):543-561.
    Après avoir donné quelques informations générales sur le corpus des Sermons de Nicolas de Cues, l’article se centre sur le concept de manuductio (fait de prendre par la main). Issue de la tradition dionysienne, il s’agit là d’une notion très importante pour le Cusain. L’intellect humain ne découvre que peu à peu les réalités les plus hautes, il a besoin pour cela d’un guide expérimenté qui l’initie à la pratique de la contemplation. L’art des Conjectures, l’enseignement du De Visione (...)
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  32. Henri de Lubac.A. Russo - 1994 - Credere Oggi 2:77--86.
    Il testo presenta una visione complessiva dell'opera di Henri de Lubac, uno dei più importanti autori cattolici del XX secolo; mette, poi, in primo piano, nel suo contesto, l'influsso che ebbe su di lui l'opera di Maurice Blondel. Il lavoro si serve di abbondante documentazione inedita ed è stato giudicato dalla critica "un imponente lavoro di ricerca...una lettura stimolante...un pun to d'osservazione privilegiasto per comprendere la crescita del pensiero teologico nel nostro sec olo".
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  33. Reflections on the Trinity as expression of love in Nicholas of Cusa.Maria Simone Marinho Nogueira - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1):119-140.
    Procuramos, neste artigo, apresentar a reflexão de Nicolau de Cusa sobre a Trindade, em dois dos seus textos: De coniecturis e De visione dei. Nesses dois livros, a Trindade recebe uma série de outras designações diferentes daquelas que aparecem nas citações bíblicas ou, como ele próprio afirma, diferentes das usadas pelos nossos doutores. Nesse sentido, objetivamos mostrar, também, que as expressões da Trindade podem ser lidas como expressões do amor no pensamento do filósofo alemão. We seek in this paper (...)
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    Theology as Interdisciplinary Inquiry: Learning with and from the Natural and Human Sciences eds. by Robin W. Lovin and Joshua Mauldin.Sara A. Williams - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):192-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Theology as Interdisciplinary Inquiry: Learning with and from the Natural and Human Sciences eds. by Robin W. Lovin and Joshua MauldinSara A. WilliamsTheology as Interdisciplinary Inquiry: Learning with and from the Natural and Human Sciences Edited by Robin W. Lovin and Joshua Mauldin grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2017. 202 pp. $32.00How can Christian theology engage in fruitful dialogue with fields of inquiry such as cognitive science, anthropology, and (...)
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    Vision and Its Double.Caterina Di Fazio - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:387-400.
    Far from being haphazard, Merleau-Ponty’s 1945 essay on cinema and 1953 notes on cinema for the lectures at the Collège de France are a precursor of a genuine phenomenology of cinema. Accordingly, in this paper I shall demonstrate that a phenomenology of movement and space tacitly appears in films, since cinema is the art of motion on screen and therefore the art of intersubjectivity par excellence. Moreover, I show that Merleau-Ponty’s ontological conception of the chiasm between the visible and the (...)
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    Mediologie – Christologie. Konturen einer Grundfigur mittelalterlicher Medialität.Christian Kiening - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (2):16-32.
    One cannot scrutinize mediality in a pre-media age without referring to the complex issue of Christology. The idea of Christ as medium and mediator concerns not only particular theological questions but also general issues of translation and transference, as well as models of word and image. This paper sketches first the notion of Christ′s mediality up to early Scholasticism and then highlights the new conceptual patterns developed by Bonaventure (Collationes in Hexaemeron) and Nicolas of Cusa (De visione dei).
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    Der sich wandelnde Gottesbegriff bei Nikolaus von Kues: eine werkgenetische Untersuchung.Lukas Ohler - 2019 - Wien: Herder.
    Die Studie untersucht die Entwicklung des Gottesbegriffs und der diesbezüglichen Erkenntnisschritte im Werk des Nikolaus von Kues. Im Einzelnen werden in chronologischer Reihenfolge textphilologisch analysiert: 'De docta ignorantia', 'De coniecturis', 'De deo abscondito', 'De visione Dei', 'Trialogus de possest', 'De non aliud' und 'De apice theoriae'. Die Untersuchung unterstreicht die Relevanz der cusanischen Theologie für den gegenwärtigen Diskurs, wobei sie zugleich deren Anschlussfähigkeit an die christliche Tradition thematisiert. Zahlreiche Graphiken und formallogische Darstellungen bündeln die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse.
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    Elemental Optics: Nicholas of Cusa, Omnivoyance and the Aquatic Gaze.Taylor Knight - 2020 - Sophia 60 (4):819-849.
    There has been much recent debate about the nature of the omnivoyant image that introduces Nicholas of Cusa’s De visione Dei. In this paper, I argue that Cusa’s concept of contraction and his ‘radical perspectivism’ lead us toward stretching the concept of omnivoyance beyond a simple dichotomy between a phenomenology of the image and a phenomenology of the icon. Instead of putting such emphasis on what is seen by the omnivoyant, we should think an omnivoyant optics starting from the (...)
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    Reading Cusanus: Metaphor and Dialectic in a Conjectural Universe (review).Wilhelm Dupré - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):220-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 220-221 [Access article in PDF] Clyde Lee Miller. Reading Cusanus: Metaphor and Dialectic in a Conjectural Universe. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2003. Pp. viii + 276. Cloth, $64.95. In an age where the idea of postmodernity gains more and more ground, the period of postmodern thinking has turned into a major challenge to the human mind. Whereas the (...)
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    Einleitung.Christian Kiening & Martina Stercken - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (2):3-8.
    One cannot scrutinize mediality in a pre-media age without referring to the complex issue of Christology. The idea of Christ as medium and mediator concerns not only particular theological questions but also general issues of translation and transference, as well as models of word and image. This paper sketches first the notion of Christ′s mediality up to early Scholasticism and then highlights the new conceptual patterns developed by Bonaventure (Collationes in Hexaemeron) and Nicolas of Cusa (De visione dei).
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    La contemplazione, principale caratteristica dell’Evangelista Giovanni secondo Alberto Magno.Graziano Perillo - 2015 - Quaestio 15:477-486.
    In the Prologue to the Commentary on St. John, Albert the Great uses the image of an eagle to describe the main feature of the Evangelist, that’s the contemplation. As an eagle John flew into the sky of Trinity going beyond creatural limitation and living a experience, that can be interpreted like a raptus. For better understanding the contemplation of John, some texts are very important: De resurrectione; Quaestio de visione dei in patria; Quaestio de raptu, in which the (...)
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    Reading Cusanus: Metaphor and Dialectic in a Conjectural Universe (review).Wilhelm Dupre - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):220-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 220-221 [Access article in PDF] Clyde Lee Miller. Reading Cusanus: Metaphor and Dialectic in a Conjectural Universe. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2003. Pp. viii + 276. Cloth, $64.95. In an age where the idea of postmodernity gains more and more ground, the period of postmodern thinking has turned into a major challenge to the human mind. Whereas the (...)
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    Nicholas of Cusa’s Mystical Theology in Jean-Luc Marion’s Phenomenology of Affectivity.Matías Ignacio Pizzi - 2022 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):41-53.
    The main goal of this paper is to analyze Nicholas of Cusa’s reading on the dispute of Mystical Theology through Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology of givenness. To do this, first of all, we will address the analyses offered by Jean-Luc Marion on the problem of affectivity. Secondly, we examine Nicholas’ interpretation of Mystical Theology through the aenigma of the eicona dei in De visione dei. Thirdly, we present Jean-Luc Marion’s interpretation of Cusanus eicona dei as an antecedent of his phenomenological (...)
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    Il principio di responsabilità di Hans Jonas: sviluppi e prospettive nell’implementazione dello sviluppo sostenibile e dei diritti della natura.Silvia Salardi - 2023 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 59.
    Dal 1992, anno della Conferenza di Rio per la Terra, ad oggi è trascorso un lasso di tempo sufficiente per valutare se e come il principio di responsabilità, nella versione elaborata da Hans Jonas, sia stato attuato a livello normativo in relazione alle questioni ambientali connesse al cambiamento climatico, sia in ambito internazionale che europeo. In particolare, lo studio dell’evoluzione politico-giuridica dello sviluppo sostenibile rappresenta un interessante osservatorio da cui valutare la capacità dell’umanità di non mettere in pericolo le condizioni (...)
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    Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie, vol. VIII, 1964. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):585-585.
    Once more these annals offer the reader a substantial collection of varied articles and studies, mostly pertaining to issues of medieval philosophy and metaphysics. The contributors are from Austria, West Germany, and South Korea. Especially interesting are: the study on Kant's early writing, "The Only Possible Proof of God," by J. Bauer; a very strict analysis of the thirteenth chapter of Cusanus' book, De Visione Dei, by the Proclus specialist W. Beierwaltes; and an attempt at the "reconciliation" of metaphysics (...)
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    Le Corps Aux Limites de La Représentation (French).Takashi Kakuni - 2010 - Chiasmi International 12:203-215.
    The Body at the Limits of Representation. The Theory of the Body and Painting in Merleau-PontyIn Eye and Mind,” Merleau-Ponty quotes a phrase from Valéry: “the painter brings his body with him.” He interprets the corporeal experience of the artist, not only as the center of a perceptual orientation or kinesthesis, but also as the inspiration for poets and for painters. In this sense, one can place his theory of body not only within the problematic of the phenomenological constitution of (...)
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    Perpetuum mobile: métamorphoses des corps et des œuvres, de Vinci à Montaigne.Michel Jeanneret - 1997 - Paris: Macula.
    Le immagini leonardiane di nascita e creazione, di trasformazione dei corpi e della morfologia terrestre, di eventi atmosferici violenti, sottolineano una concezione metamorfica e trasformista dell'arte che si accorda con una visione della natura e della terra come animata da uno spirito vitale.
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    Le Dieu omnivoyant et l'objet de son voir chez Nicolas de Cues.Pedro Calixto & William D. Sversuti - 2022 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (24):348-374.
    Cet article a comme objetif analyser les liens possibles entre deux thèmes de grande relevance de la philosophie de Nicolas de Cues : la théophanie comme manifestation de Dieu et la filiatione dei ou visio Dei, comme modes de clairvoyance de l'infini divin. Cette « voie divine » de la connaissance est la fin d'un voyage où la créature « court » vers le fondement radical qui se révèle em tant que présence infinie dans le fini grâce une « vision (...)
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    Seth of de terugkeer naar het paradijs -Seth or the Return to the Paradise.Barbara Baert - 1995 - Bijdragen 56 (3):313-339.
    Literary sources In the closing days of his life Adam sends his son Seth to Earthly Paradise in order to find the soothing Oil of Mercy. However, Seth receives a twig from the Tree of Life to be planted on Adam's grave. The Jews will use the wood for the construction of Christ's Cross. In 1962 Esther C. Quinn publishes the first monograph on the Seth-personage in the context of the Legend of the Crosswood. In 1977 A.F.J. Klijn studies the (...)
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    A Wordless Cry of Jubilation.Sarah Stewart-Kroeker - 2019 - Augustinian Studies 50 (1):65-86.
    Joy is an affective state that, unlike fear and grief, has a certain continuity with the anticipated affective dispositions of heavenly life: for those who long for the heavenly “life of felicity,” joy responds to the same object of love and contemplation, i.e., God, whether they are on earth or in heaven. But the mortal, finite believer encounters certain obstacles to full vision and to sustained contemplation in this earthly life. This fact reveals fundamental difficulties in tracing the continuity Augustine (...)
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