Results for 'Davut KÖĞCE'

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  1.  28
    İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmen Adaylarının İspatın Öğrenmeye Katkısıile İlgili Görüşlerive İspat Düze.Davut KÖĞCE - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):765-765.
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    M'türîdî'nin İbn Abbas Rivayetlerine Yaklaşımı.Davut Şahin - 2022 - Atebe 8:95-114.
    Çalışmada İslam tefsir geleneğinin erken dönem müfessirlerinden biri olan Mâtürîdî’nin (ö.333/944) İbn Abbas (ö. 68/687-688) rivayetlerine yaklaşımı incelenmektedir. Bilindiği üzere onun kaleme aldığı Te’vîlâtü’l-Kur’an dirayet ağırlıklıdır. Ancak eserdeki dirayet içerikli yorumları rivayetten yoksun değildir. Zira tefsirinde az da olsa Hz. Peygambere isnad edilen rivayetlere, bolca sahabe ve tabiine ait rivayetlere rastlanır. Sahabe nesli içerisinde tefsirde ilk sırada yer alan İbn Abbas, Te’vîlâtü’l-Kur’an’da da rivayet sayısı bakımından ilk sırayı korumaktadır. Tespitimize göre bu eserde İbn Abbas’a ait 579 rivayet vardır. Bu sayıyla (...)
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    Controversial Evidences in The Uṣūl Thought Of Aḥmad Al-Chārpardī.Davut Eşit - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):277-308.
    Aḥmad al-Chārpardī (d. 746/1346), Shāfi‘ī jurist, was one of the scholars of the period of mutakkhkhirīn. He dedicated his life to teaching students and composing works, settling in Tabriz where he remained for the rest of his life. Recognised as one of the most distinguished students of al-Qāḍī Batḍāwī (d. 685/1286), al-Chārpardī wrote a commentary on al-Bayḍāwī’s concise work on uṣūl al-fiqh entitled Minhāj al-wuṣūl, which he called al-Sirāj al-wahhāj. One of the fundamental characteristics of uṣūl al-fiqh of the mutaakhkhrīn (...)
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    Rus General Mayewski'nin Raporuna Göre Van-Bitlis Vilayetlerinde Ermenilerin Sosyal-Dini Yapısı Ve E.Davut Kiliç - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 1):259-259.
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    The Sunnah of the Prophet in Terms of Binding: -Example Husayn b. ‘Alî al-Saymarî-.Davut Tekin - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (19):8-21.
    The Prophet, whom Allah sent the whole universe and humanity as mercy, produced not only many judicial rules and practices regarding the relations of a person with Allah and other people in Islam but also uttered sentences about the explanation of holy book, Qur’an, and about how this book can be put into practice. The issue whether and how much these sentences of the prophet (hadith) and acts of the prophet (Sunnah) are binding have been discussed by both hadith methodologists (...)
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    Kur’an’da Genel Anlamlı Bir Kelime: Nimet.Davut Şahin - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):207-207.
    In this study, the term of ‘blessing’, which is a basic Qurʾānic concept, is analyzed. In this regard, the study focuses on the definition of ‘blessing’, its different meanings in the various contexts, synonyms and antonyms and its leading individuals to the dimensions of faith, worship and morality. These subject matters are studied by taking into consideration of the meanings of ‘blessing’ in the Qurʾān and commentators’ explanations about the word. The expression of the ‘blessing’ in the Qurʾān indicates that (...)
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    Yaygın İki Mushaftaki Bölümlemeler ve Mahiyeti.Davut Şahin - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (1):665-665.
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    Al-Qāḍī Ḥusayn al-Marwarrūdhī’s Understanding of Ijmā.Davut EŞİT - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):609-629.
    Al-Qāḍī Ḥusayn al-Marwarrūdhī is one of the important representatives of Khurāsān Shāfi‘ī School. Al-Ta‘līḳa is his famous work, which is one of the first commentaries of al-Muzanī’s Mukḫtaṣar. One of the important features of this work is the introduction to some of the subjects of ijtihād (process of juristic legal reasoning), taqlīd (acting upon the word of another without asking for specific proof), ijmā‘ (consensus of jurists) and view’s of the companions of the Prophet. The first systematic, complete and detailed (...)
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  9.  28
    M'verdî’nin İctih'd Anlayışı.Davut EŞİT - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):9-26.
    The ijtihâd issues are among important problems of uṣûl al-fiqh (Islamic legal theory). Given al-beyân el-ijtihâd in the meaning of interpreting naṣṣ (text) and al-qiyâs el-jtihâd in the meaning of reaching a verdict of a new issue which is not determined by naṣṣ, it is possible to say that mujtahid (a jurist) is actively in the ijtihâd activity. Thus, the ijtihâd issues has been discussed in uṣûl al-fiqh since early period. The fact that Shâfi‘î refers to ijtihâd issues in his (...)
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  10. Prospective Science Teachers’ Levels of Understanding Science after Experiencing Explicit-Reflective Instruction: Hermeneutical Perspective.Hasan Özcan, Davut Sarıtaş & Mehmet Fatih Taşar - 2020 - Journal of Bayburt Education Faculty (BAYEF) 15 (29):222-250.
    In this study, we aimed to investigate how prospective science teachers, who participated in a series of explicit-reflective activities for NOS teaching, understood "science in a social and cultural context" in the context of a biographical documentary film. We adopted a phenomenological approach. The data were analyzed descriptively by considering the aspects of nature of science and the levels of understanding as defined in Dilthey's hermeneutic approach. In this way, we determined participants’ levels of hermeneutic understanding regarding the nature of (...)
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    Awareness of social studies teacher candidates on refugees in Turkey.Bülent Tarman & Davut Gürel - 2017 - Journal of Social Studies Research 41 (3):183-193.
    The aim of this study is to obtain information about the awareness of social studies teacher candidates about the refugee problem in Turkey. In this regard, a group of teacher candidates are asked their opinion on the subject of refugees in Turkey and as to how they perceive the problem. Interview method is used in the study for data collection. The obtained data is subjected to content analysis via Nvivo 8 software package. As a result of the study, it is (...)
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  12. Öğrencilerin Proje Anadolu İmam Hatip Liselerini Tercih Nedenleri ve Mesleki Eğilimleri.Mahmut Zengin & Davut Karaman - 2020 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 54:403-431.
    Bu araştırma, yeni bir uygulama olarak İmam Hatip Okullarında program çeşitliliği ve proje okul uygulamasını, öğrencilerin proje AİHL’yi tercih nedenlerini ve mesleki yönelimlerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmada nicel araştırma yöntemi ve betimsel tarama modeli tercih edilmiştir. Türkiye genelinde 22 ilden tespit edilen 35 Proje AİHL’deki toplam 4802 öğrenciye anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmamızda anketlerin uygulanacağı örneklem illerin tespitinde Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu’nun Türkiye bölgeler sınıflamasından yararlanılmıştır. Bu araştırmayla 2014 yılından itibaren AİHL’lerde yeni bir model olarak uygulamaya konulan program çeşitliliği ve 2016 yılında başlayan proje (...)
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    An Overview of Ṣūfī Tafsīr (Exegesis) Tradition From the Angle of (Bayān)-Concealment Paradox.Betül İZMİRLİ - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1355-1379.
    The issue of how to read and interpret the Qur’ān has been the subject of Islamic sciences such as Kalām, Fiqh and Taṣawwuf. Each discipline has put forward an interpretation methodology according to its point of view. While interpreting the verses, the Ṣūfīs who are members of Taṣawwuf also produced some methodological concepts for several reasons. They interpreted the Qur’ān with the sign (ishāra), a method of interpretation suitable for the characteristics of Taṣawwuf. The ishāra is a secondary method of (...)
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