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David J. Riesbeck [6]David Riesbeck [4]
  1.  20
    Aristotle on Political Community.David J. Riesbeck - 2016 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle's claims that 'man is a political animal' and that political community 'exists for the sake of living well' have frequently been celebrated by thinkers of divergent political persuasions. The details of his political philosophy, however, have often been regarded as outmoded, contradictory, or pernicious. This book takes on the major problems that arise in attempting to understand how the central pieces of Aristotle's political thought fit together: can a conception of politics that seems fundamentally inclusive and egalitarian be reconciled (...)
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    Aristotle and the Scope of Justice.David J. Riesbeck - 2016 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 10 (1):59-91.
    It is often thought that Aristotle restricts the scope of justice to existing communities. Against prominent treatments of this problem, this paper argues that while Aristotle does indeed restrict the scope of justice, he recognizes eudaimonic reasons to cultivate co-operative and benevolent relations and to eschew manipulative and exploitative ones. His limitation of justice to existing communities thereby avoids the unsavory implications often attributed to it.
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  3. Aristotle and Natural Rights Revisited.David Riesbeck - 2023 - Reason Papers 43 (1):133-159.
    Part of a Festschrift for Fred Miller, this essay reconsiders Miller's interpretation of Aristotle in terms of natural rights. After defending Miller against his numerous critics, I draw a somewhat different lesson from his interpretation than he himself does: Miller helps us to see that an Aristotelian theory of justice can do all the work that we would reasonably want a theory of rights to do while avoiding significant problems that the idiom and rhetoric of rights tend to generate.
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  4. "Opinio copiae inter maximas causas inopiae est": On Mistranslating a Latin Quotation in Mill's The Subjection of Women.David Riesbeck - 2017 - Reason Papers 39 (1):137-142.
  5. Nature, Normativity, and Nomos in Antiphon, fr. 44.David Riesbeck - 2011 - Phoenix 65 (3/4):268-287.
  6. Review Essay: Eugene Garver's Aristotle's Politics.David Riesbeck - 2014 - Reason Papers 36 (1):122-131.
  7.  48
    Aristotle on the Politics of Marriage: ‘Marital Rule’ in the Politics.David J. Riesbeck - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):134-152.
    In thePolitics, Aristotle maintains, contrary to his predecessors, that there is a distinctive mode of authority that husbands should exercise over their wives. He even coins a word for it: γαμιϰή, ‘the marital art’ or ‘marital rule’ (Pol. 1.3, 1253b8–10; 1.12, 1259a37–9). Marital rule is supposed to differ from the authority that fathers have over their children and from the kind of rule that citizens exercise over one another. Yet it is not clear whether there is any conceptual space between (...)
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    The Unity of Aristotle’s Theory of Constitutions.David J. Riesbeck - 2016 - Apeiron 49 (1):93-125.
    Journal Name: Apeiron Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Ethics After Aristotle (Carl Newell Jackson Lectures) by Brad Inwood. [REVIEW]David J. Riesbeck - 2015 - Ancient Philosophy 35 (1):235-241.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Ethics, edited by Christopher Bobonich. [REVIEW]David J. Riesbeck - 2019 - Polis 36 (2):359-366.