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Davide Poggi [10]David Poggi [1]
  1.  42
    Francesco Bonatelli: A Critical Approach to Consciousness and Human Subject between Spiritualism and Positivism.Davide Poggi - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (2):202-211.
    : In the context of nineteenth-century philosophical reflection, Francesco Bonatelli set himself the following goal: to defend the pillars of Spiritualism and ontology through an careful examination of psychic contents and consciousness, while closely contesting both the psychology and the psychophysiology of Positivism and Spiritualism itself, La coscienza e il meccanesimo interiore and Percezione e pensiero Bonatelli puts forward his “critical experience-grounded philosophy” and proposes an original solution to the problem of the nature of the subject, consciousness and its unity, (...)
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  2.  8
    "In scienza e coscienza": dall'età moderna alla contemporaneità, tra epistemologia ed etica.Davide Poggi (ed.) - 2021 - Verona: QuiEdit.
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  3.  46
    Kant and Locke: “Das: Ich denke” and I think: Between Transcendental Apperception and Empirical Consciousness.Davide Poggi - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 297-306.
  4.  12
    Lost and Found in Translation?: La Gnoseologia Dell'essay Lockiano Nella Traduzione Francese di Pierre Coste.Davide Poggi - 2012 - Firenze: L. S. Olschki.
  5.  31
    Nascita e trasformazioni dell'ontologia.Davide Poggi - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (3):527-530.
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  6.  44
    Paralogismi e Antinomie. Riflessioni Kantiane Sui Concetti di Seele e Ich Denke.Davide Poggi - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (s1):37-58.
    This essay focuses on the presence, in the section of the Dialektikdedicated to the issue of the Seele and the psychological paralogisms, of an "antinomic" approach regarding, in particular, the debate on the simplicity of the soul. In the examination of Mendelssohn's thesis concerning the soul's incorruptibility, Kant shows that it is possible to assume, together with the "extensive" criterion, an "intensive" criterion which leads to admitting the "decomposability" of the soul and the possibility of its annihilatio per remissionem. Thus, (...)
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  7.  7
    Presente/i e futuro/i.Davide Poggi (ed.) - 2022 - Verona: QuiEdit.
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    Traiettorie di pensiero: prospettive storico-teoretiche di riflessione e ricerca.Davide Poggi (ed.) - 2020 - Verona: QuiEdit.
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  9.  4
    Transizioni.Davide Poggi (ed.) - 2023 - Verona: QuiEdit.
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  10.  14
    The Issue of Translation.David Poggi - 2022 - Dialogue and Universalism 32 (1):103-126.
    It was plain long before the 20th century that both the act of translation and the translator’s task were quite complex: it became clear and evident during the Enlightenment, within the République des Lettres, with the emergence and gradual affirmation of national languages. In this general framework, the French translation of John Locke’s Essay concerning Humane Understanding is one of the main protagonists of the circulation of texts and ideas: Pierre Coste’s solutions follow the strategy adopted by Jean Le Clerc (...)
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