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    Lyotard and the Trolls in advance.Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
  2.  34
    Lyotard and the Trolls.Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (2):261-286.
    The present article examines the contemporary stakes and “application” of The Differend with particular attention to neo-fascist denialism, trolling, and alt-right “free speech” discourse. This entails investigating the text’s own rhetorical performance as well as the shifting attitudes towards the sophistic tradition in The Differend and its precursor text, “On the Force of the Weak.” The article thus also takes up in detail three examples of the characteristic sophistic form of the dilemma or double-bind, two of which are drawn from (...)
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    Flirtations: rhetoric and aesthetics this side of seduction.Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz (ed.) - 2015 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction, opens by asking a fundamental first question: What is flirtation, and how does it differ from seduction? The essays thereby address the under-theorized terrain of flirtation not as a subgenre of seduction but rather as a phenomenon in its own right.
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    Marc Redfield, Theory at Yale: The Strange Case of Deconstruction in America.Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz - 2018 - Derrida Today 11 (1):121-128.
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    Rereading The Differend, Rewriting The Differend.Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz - 2022 - Philosophy Today 66 (2):227-236.
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    ‘Étranger,’ ou plutôt ‘fremd’: Philosophical-Poetic Nationalism in Derrida’s Geschlecht III and Beyond.Daniel Hoffman-Schwartz - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (2):361-378.
    This article takes up the specifically poetic dimension of what Jacques Derrida calls Martin Heidegger’s “philosophical nationalism” in the recently published Geschlecht III, arguing that this text doubles as a self-interrogation of Derrida’s own practice of reading poetry. Thus reading Geschlecht III alongside the nearly contemporaneous “Shibboleth: For Paul Celan,” I claim that Derrida’s critical deconstruction of Heidegger’s philosophical-poetic nationalism both allows us to read the traces of a more affirmatively deconstructive thinking of literary community in “Shibboleth” and draws attention (...)
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