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    Vintila Horia and the Metaphysical Dimensions of Exile and Diaspora.Dana Badulescu - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):258-265.
    Review of Cristian Radu, Vintilă Horia or the Vocation of Wholeness (Vintilă Horia sau vocaţia totalităţii), (Cluj-Napoca: Accent Press, 2011).
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    Body, Sensuousness, Eros and the New Aesthetic Order from Schiller to Rushdie.Dana Bădulescu - 2013 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 3 (3):219-232.
    In the present article, I look into the culture-building power of Eros from Schiller’s ideas of “the aesthetic state of mind” in Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man, through the Pre-Raphaelites’ eroticism to the nineteenthcentury fin de siècle aestheticized homoeroticism and beyond. I argue that eroticism is a reaction to the increasing sense of alienation brought about by bourgeois modernity. The “moments” and texts used to illustrate the thesis that eroticism shaped an alternative order are far from exhausting a (...)
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