Results for 'Damián Hudson'

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  1.  12
    Progreso, verdad y perspectiva histórica en los Recuerdos históricos sobre la provincia de Cuyo de Damián Hudson, 1864-1874. Una aproximación a los orígenes de la historiografía erudita rioplatense. [REVIEW]Abel Cortez Ahumada - 2023 - Co-herencia 20 (39):75-114.
    En este artículo se analizan una serie de ideas filosóficas y de perspectivas interpretativas que el cuyano Damián Hudson utilizó para construir su obra Recuerdos históricos sobre la provincia de Cuyo (1864-1874), la cual se inscribe en los inicios de la historiografía erudita argentina. Se explora su idea de progreso, concepto que Hudson identifica con la providencia, potencia histórica incremental que despliega un desarrollo universal que hace avanzar a la humanidad y la nación hacia el bienestar y (...)
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    The metaphysics of hyperspace.Hud Hudson - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hud Hudson offers a fascinating examination of philosophical reasons to believe in hyperspace. He explores non-theistic reasons in the first chapter and theistic ones towards the end; in the intervening sections he inquires into a variety of puzzles in the metaphysics of material objects that are either generated by the hypothesis of hyperspace or else informed by it, with discussions of receptacles, boundaries, contact, occupation, and superluminal motion. Anyone engaged with contemporary metaphysics, and many philosophers of religion, will find (...)
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    The Fall and Hypertime.Hud Hudson - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Hud Hudson shows that apparently irreconcilable conflicts between science and religion often turn out to be misdescribed battles about negotiable philosophical assumptions. He defends an original Hypertime Hypothesis which reconciles the Christian doctrines of The Fall and Original Sin with reigning scientific orthodoxy.
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    On the nonlocality of the quantum Channel in the standard teleportation protocol.Rob Clifton & Damian Pope - unknown
    By exhibiting a violation of a novel form of the Bell-CHSH inequality, \.{Z}ukowski has recently established that the quantum correlations exploited in the standard perfect teleportation protocol cannot be recovered by any local hidden variables model. Allowing the quantum channel state in the protocol to be given by any density operator of two spin-1/2 particles, we show that a violation of a generalized form of \.{Z}ukowski's teleportation inequality can only occur if the channel state, considered by itself, violates a Bell-CHSH (...)
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  5. Capitalist Exploitation, Self-Ownership, and Equality.Michael Pendlebury, Peter Hudson & Darrel Moellendorf - 2001 - Philosophical Forum 32 (3):207–220.
    Traditional Marxists hold that capitalist modes of production are unjustly exploitative. In 'Self-Ownership, Freedom and Equality' G. A. Cohen argues that this ``exploitation charge'' commits traditional Marxists to the thesis that people own themselves (``self-ownership''). If so, then traditional Marxism is vulnerable to a libertarian challenge to its commitment to equality. Cohen, therefore, recommends that Marxists abandon the exploitation charge. This paper undermines Cohen's case for the alleged link between the exploitation charge and self-ownership primarily by defending an account of (...)
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    Gaze fluctuations are not additively decomposable: Reply to Bogartz and Staub.Damian G. Kelty-Stephen & Daniel Mirman - 2013 - Cognition 126 (1):128-134.
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    Preface.W. Creighton Peden & Yeager Hudson - 1995 - Social Philosophy Today 11:9-11.
  8. Consecuencialismo y relatividad evaluativa.Francisco Damián Lara Sánchez - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14:135-152.
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  9. Sobre las razones para ampliar la comunidad moral.Francisco Damián Lara Sánchez - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):264-269.
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    Why Can't You Take a Joke? The Several Moral Dimensions of Pilfering a Ha‐Ha.Darren Hudson Hick - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (4):465-476.
    ABSTRACT This article investigates the moral wrongness of joke theft. Working through a trove of real-world cases, and using the sitcom The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel as a touchstone, I argue, ultimately, for a pluralist approach, contending that there are several wrongs that may be present in any case of joke theft, but which cannot be reduced to each other and which are collectively irreducible to any sort of “superwrong.”.
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    Philosophical foundations of logic.Karl Damian Schick - 2004 - Amherst, Mass.: Alden Press.
    Propositions -- Theories -- Ambiguous Propositions -- Truth -- Implication -- Reference -- Satisfaction -- Class Membership.
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    Desarrollo de la velocidad de procesamiento cognitivo a través de herramientas musicales: Una revisión documental.Ruth Alonso Jartín & Damián Saúl Posse Robles - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-17.
    El ánimo de esta investigación es la de valorar a través de la revisión documental, uno de los aspectos fundamentales para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de destrezas musicales como es la velocidad de procesamiento (VP). Además, se aborda la estimulación cognitiva (EC) y la atención, como elementos propios del ser humano, que proporcionan aprendizajes significativos. Por otro lado, y para la consecución de contenidos musicales, se establece una relación de procedimientos para la secuenciación docente y a modo de herramientas (...)
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    A Filosofia da Libertação Como Desmitologização a Modernidade.Hudson Mandotti de Oliveira - 2009 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 1 (2):90-104.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar sobre o problema do mito da Modernidade, proposto pelo filósofo da Libertação, Enrique Dussel, que inicia problematizando o conceito filosófico de ontologia como algo excludente, totalitário e opressor, impossibilitando e reduzindo o rosto ôntico do outro a um não ser. Para este propósito, foi necessário reconstruir os pilares constitutivos da mitologização da modernidade e apontar como tais conceitos se mantêm firmes como condutores da humanidade. É neste sentido de transcender que as categorizações propostas por (...)
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  14. Paulo Freire: A critical encounter.M. Horton, W. Hudson, L. Hutcheon, I. Illich, M. Jackson, F. Jameson, A. JanMohammed, R. Kearney, C. Kirkwood & G. Kirkwood - 1993 - In Peter McLaren & Peter Leonard, Paulo Freire: a critical encounter. New York: Routledge.
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    Learning to be rational.W. D. Hudson - 1977 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 11 (1):39–56.
    W D Hudson; Learning to be Rational, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 11, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 39–56,
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  16.  24
    Complementary Note on the Early Scholastic Commentarii in Psalmos.Damian Van den Eynde - 1957 - Franciscan Studies 17 (2-3):149-172.
  17.  21
    William of Saint-Thierry and the Author of the Summa Sententiarum.Damian Van den Eynde - 1950 - Franciscan Studies 10 (3):241-256.
  18. Pasado y presente de la Sociedad de la información: entre el nuevo orden mundial de la información y la comunicación y la cumbre mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información.Armand Mattelart, Damián Loreti, Guillermo Mastrini & Mariana Baranchuk - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 67.
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    Mechanisms by which parasites influence cultures, and why they matter.Mark Schaller & Damian R. Murray - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (2):91 - 92.
    At least four conceptually distinct mechanisms may mediate relations between parasite-stress and cultural outcomes: genetic evolution, developmental plasticity, neurocognitive flexibility, and cultural transmission. These mechanisms may operate independently or in conjunction with one another. Rigorous research on specific mediating mechanisms is required to more completely articulate implications of parasite stress on human psychology and human culture.
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  20.  12
    La lucha por el reconocimiento: la relación entre Hegel y Hobbes en los escritos de Jena.Ludwig Siep & Damián Rosanovich - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 43:31-84.
    En este trabajo se estudia el vínculo entre el pensamiento hobbesiano y la filosofía política de Hegel en los escritos de Jena. En particular, tomando como punto de partida el nexo entre la lucha de todos contra todos en el estado de naturaleza hobbesiano, y la lucha por el reconocimiento en Hegel, se confrontan ambas teorías políticas, a fin de sopesar y evaluar hasta qué punto es posible encontrar en Hobbes un antecedente a núcleos filosóficos centrales del pensamiento del joven (...)
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  21.  9
    The Authorship of the Greek Military Manual Attributed to 'Aeneas Tacticus'.T. Hudson Williams - 1904 - American Journal of Philology 25 (4):390.
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  22.  51
    Damian Leszczyński.Damian Leszczyński - 2011 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 59 (1):5-34.
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  23. A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person.Hud Hudson - 2001 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Hud Hudson presents an innovative view of the metaphysics of human persons according to which human persons are material objects but not human organisms. In developing his account, he formulates and defends a unique collection of positions on parthood, persistence, vagueness, composition, identity, and various puzzles of material constitution. The author also applies his materialist metaphysics to issues in ethics and in the philosophy of religion. He examines the implications for ethics of his metaphysical views for standard arguments addressing (...)
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  24.  41
    God, Hypostasis, and the Threat of Paradox: Exploring Kantian And Non-Kantian Reasons for Circumspection.Damián Bravo Zamora - 2018 - Kant Yearbook 10 (1):171-198.
    In this paper, I present an interpretation of Kant’s view that reason’s hypostasis of the idea of a sum-total of reality is dogmatic and illegitimate. In the section on the ‘Transcendental Ideal’, the second section of the Ideal of Pure Reason chapter in the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant starts by describing reason’s procedure from the affirmation of the principle of thoroughgoing determination to the hypostasis in question. According to the interpretation I defend, the argument for hypostasis deployed in this (...)
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  25.  13
    Freedom and Responsibility in Neoplatonist Thought by Ursula Coope.Damian Caluori - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (3):402-404.
  26. Descartes on the Problem of Knowledge.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Ibadan Dominican Studies 3:55-78.
    One of the enduring contributions of Descartes to philosophy is Descartes’ response to the challenge of scepticism. In addressing the challenge of scepticism Descartes understood that scepticism was a philosophical challenge which needed to be answered by taking into account its inner logic. It is not surprising therefore that Descartes sought to demonstrate as a counter-point to scepticism that there is at least one truth we can know with certitude, namely, the truth of the self. By fulfilling the demand of (...)
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  27. The human as (w)hole : Aristophanes's contest with Socrates in Clouds.Damian Stocking - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday, A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  28. Degrees of Reality.Damian Aleksiev - 2024 - In Yannic Kappes, Asya Passinsky, Julio De Rizzo & Benjamin Schnieder, Facets of Reality — Contemporary Debates. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 20-30.
    This essay outlines a hierarchical framework of Reality that allows for degrees of Reality. I use Reality (with a capital “R”) to designate reality in a primitive, metaphysical sense. Reality, grounding, and essence are the key elements of the framework presented here. I assume that Reality must have a fundamental level and all fundamental phenomena must be Real. Moreover, I postulate that everything non-fundamental is ultimately grounded in the fundamental Real. But what about the Reality of the non-fundamental? I argue (...)
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    Congruity effects evoked by subliminally presented primes: Automaticity rather than semantic processing.M. Damian - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 27:154-165.
  30.  33
    Slaying vampires in eighteenth-century Sweden.Damian Shaw & Matthew Gibson - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):744-763.
    ABSTRACT In this article, the first author provides a summary and translation from the Latin of an important early medical lecture on vampires by Nils Retzius. The lecture was delivered in Sweden, at Lund University, in 1737, and was published almost immediately thereafter. This important text has been overlooked by modern scholars of vampires. This article will bring the lecture back into circulation in its first English translation. The second author then offers an analysis of the intellectual background to this (...)
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  31. Lightweight and Heavyweight Anti-physicalism.Damian Aleksiev - 2022 - Synthese 200 (112):1-23.
    I define two metaphysical positions that anti-physicalists can take in response to Jonathan Schaffer’s ground functionalism. Ground functionalism is a version of physicalism where explanatory gaps are everywhere. If ground functionalism is true, arguments against physicalism based on the explanatory gap between the physical and experiential facts fail. In response, first, I argue that some anti-physicalists are already safe from Schaffer’s challenge. These anti-physicalists reject an underlying assumption of ground functionalism: the assumption that macrophysical entities are something over and above (...)
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  32. The scepticism of francisco Sanchez.Damian Caluori - 2007 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 89 (1):30-46.
    The Renaissance sceptic and medical doctor Francisco Sanchez has been rather unduly neglected in scholarly work on Renaissance scepticism. In this paper I discuss his scepticism against the background of the ancient distinction between Academic and Pyrrhonian scepticism. I argue that Sanchez was a Pyrrhonist rather than, as has been claimed in recent years, a mitigated Academic sceptic. In keeping with this I shall also try to show that Sanchez was crucially influenced by the ancient medical school of empiricism, a (...)
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  33. The Metaphysics of Hyperspace.Hud Hudson - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (3):672-673.
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    The Nikodym property and cardinal characteristics of the continuum.Damian Sobota - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (1):1-35.
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    (1 other version)Integrity.Damian Cox - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    (2 other versions)Business ethics.Damian Grace - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Stephen Cohen.
    How should business deal with society's increasing demands for ethical and social responsibility? In plain language this book considers these and other ethical questions of direct relevance to business in the 1990s. It discusses the nature of ethics, ethical reasoning, the use of stakeholder analysis, and other central concepts used in business ethics. Using mainly, but not exclusively, Australian cases and specific examples, the book covers issues such as fairness in business dealings, advertising ethics, discrimination, and codes of ethics.
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    Business ethics: Australian problems and cases.Damian Grace - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Stephen Cohen.
    This book sets out in plain language ethical questions of direct relevance to business today. This new edition expands the range of issues covered and includes a chapter on international business ethics, drawing extensively from Asian examples.
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    Modernity and Religion: Beyond the Philosophical Narratives of Secularisation and Back.Damian Barnat - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (4):267-290.
    The subject of the article is the philosophical narratives of secularization and their importance for the study of religion in modern society. I am focusing in particular on Charles Taylor’s narrative presented in his monumental A Secular Age. Contrary to some of Taylor’s critics, especially Ian Hunter, I argue that the philosophical approach to secularity presented by the Canadian thinker cannot be equated with ideologically marked “combat concepts” that characterize the emergence of modernity as a result of either the overcoming (...)
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    Między wiarą a niewiarą: Charles Taylor o kulturze świeckiej świata zachodniego.Damian Barnat - 2019 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
    Czy określenie współczesnego świata zachodniego mianem świeckiego jest zasadne? Biorąc pod uwagę upadek „tezy sekularyzacyjnej”, zakładającej ścisły związek między powstaniem nowoczesności a atrofią wiary, a także obserwowane w wielu społeczeństwach zachodnich zjawisko „deprywatyzacji” religii, taka diagnoza współczesności musi wydać się co najmniej wątpliwa. Dlaczego zatem Charles Taylor, uważany za jednego z najwybitniejszych współczesnych filozofów, w taki właśnie sposób określa czasy, w których żyjemy? Czy bliższy prawdy nie jest – głoszony przez przedstawicieli nauk humanistycznych i społecznych – pogląd o nastaniu porządku (...)
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  40. Brief notices-Ireland and europe in the twelfth century: Reform and renewal.Damian Bracken & Dagmar O. Riain-Raedel - 2007 - Speculum 82 (1):251.
  41. Socratic methods in Damascius.Damian Caluori - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
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  42. Transforming adult and community education : a theory of literacies for analysing change in Grenada's revolution and after.Anne Hickling-Hudson - 2007 - In Robert F. Arnove & Carlos Alberto Torres, Comparative education: the dialectic of the global and the local. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    (1 other version)No Title available: REVIEWS.W. D. Hudson - 1970 - Religious Studies 6 (3):292-294.
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  44. Communication and Diplomacy as an Instrument for Good Governance and Sustainable Economic Development.Damian Ilodigwe - 2017 - Journal of Power, Politics and Governance 5:1-28.
    There is a tendency in recent development literature to couple the concept of good governance with the concept of sustainable development. The coupling of the two concepts witnesses to the correlation that subsists between good governance and sustainable development, such that given that sustainable development is a function of good governance, where there is good governance, we should not only expect that there will be progress, but, more importantly, we should also expect that the progress is sustainable, so that the (...)
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    Cykliczny obraz świata we współczesnej kosmologii. Próba filozoficznej oceny modelu ekpyrotycznego Steinhardta i Turoka.Damian Luty - 2016 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 28 (1):88-104.
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  46. Juan Huarte y la sociedad.Damián Pretel Martínez - 1998 - El Basilisco 23:73-82.
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    Elección social y desigualdad económica.Damián Salcedo Megales - 1994 - México: Anthropos Editorial.
    Se aborda la cuestión normativa del bienestar social en su relación con la utilización que de esta noción se hace en la medición de la desigualdad económica. El asunto, que interesa a varias disciplinas, se aborda a través de un enfoque estrictamente filosófico. El tema central de toda la obra es :¿cómo es posible hacer un juicio fiable sobre la desigualdad de las distribuciones de renta y riqueza? Primeramente se trata la posibilidad de una valoración social del bienestar tal y (...)
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  48. La argumentación democrática. Modelos actuales de la teoría democrática.Damián Salcedo Megales - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:331-344.
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    The philosophy of spirit and the spirit-world.Hudson Tuttle - 1896 - Melbourne, Australia: W.H. Terry.
    This Is A New Release Of The Original 1896 Edition.
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  50. Critical design, hybrid labor, just transitions : moving beyond technocratic ecomodernisms and the it's-too-late-o-cene.Damian White - 2019 - In Manuel Arias-Maldonado & Zev Matthew Trachtenberg, Rethinking the environment for the anthropocene: political theory and socionatural relations in the new geological epoch. New York, NY: Routledge.
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