Results for 'Daishi Yazaki'

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  1.  26
    Semantical Proof of Subformula Property for the Modal Logics K 4.3, KD 4.3, and S4.3.Daishi Yazaki - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (4).
    The main purpose of this paper is to give alternative proofs of syntactical and semantical properties, i.e. the subformula property and the nite model property, of the sequent calculi for the modal logics K4.3, KD4.3, and S4.3. The application of the inference rules is said to be acceptable, if all the formulas in the upper sequents are subformula of the formulas in lower sequent. For some modal logics, Takano analyzed the relationships between the acceptable inference rules and semantical properties by (...)
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  2. Geijutsugaku.Yoshimori Yazaki - 1951
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  3. Yuibutsuronshi.Yoshimori Yazaki - 1948
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    On the Notion of anabhihite in the Cāndra Grammar.Chōjun Yazaki - 2024 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 52 (4):263-278.
    Comparing the _kāraka_ theory as presented in Pāṇiniʼs (_ca_. fifth-fourth century BC) and Candragominʼs (_ca_. fifth century AD) systems of grammar, Joshi and Roodbergen observed that in the _Cāndrasūtra_, the heading rule Pāṇ 2.3.1 (_anabhihite_), which plays an important role for all the _kāraka_ rules, is missing. Deshpande, however, criticized their understanding. According to him, Patañjali (_ca_. second century BC), in his _Mahābhāṣya_, already dealt with the question of whether the general principle _uktārthānām aprayogaḥ_ can justify the omission of this (...)
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  5. Classes of Beings in Sufism.Saeko Yazaki - 2022 - In Christian Lange & Alexander Knysh, Sufi cosmology. Boston: Brill.
  6. Gendai hōshisō no chōryū.Mitsukuni Yazaki - 1967
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  7. Hōtetsugaku.Mitsukuni Yazaki - 1975
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  8. Gendai no hōtetsugaku.Shigeru Inoue & Mitsukuni Yazaki (eds.) - 1981
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    Gendai sentan hōgaku no tenkai: Tajima Yutaka Kyōju kinen.Yutaka Tajima & Yukio Yazaki (eds.) - 2001 - Tōkyō: Shinzansha.
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  10. Kōbō Daishi no hōon shugi.Ninkai Miyazaki (ed.) - 1928 - [Wakayama-ken Kōya-chō]: Kōbō Daishi Issen-hyakunen Goonki Jimukyoku.
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    Islamic Mysticism and Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī: The Role of the Heart. By Saeko Yazaki[REVIEW]John Renard - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (1):162-163.
    Islamic Mysticism and Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī: The Role of the Heart. By Saeko Yazaki. Routledge Sufi Series. London: Routledge, 2012. Pp. xx + 196. $145.
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  12. Review of: Philip L. Nicoloff, Sacred Kōyasan: A Pilgrimage to the Mountain Temple of Saint Kōbō Daishi and the Great Sun Buddha. [REVIEW]Ian Reader - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 35 (2):387-390.
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    Review of: Saitō Enshin, trans., Jikaku Daishi den: The Biography of Jikaku Daishi Ennin. [REVIEW]Paul Swanson - 1993 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 20 (2-3):255-257.
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    La verdad del silencio: por los caminos del asombro.Teresa Guardans - 2009 - Barcelona: Herder.
    "Hay quien va por la vida viéndola, dejándose sorprender por la existencia". Esta obra es una aproximación laica a los fundamentos de la experiencia mística. Ayudándose de pensadores contemporáneos como Eugenio Trías, Marià Corbí o María Zambrano, la autora fundamenta el silencio de sí como peculiar vía de conocimiento y explora las formas en las que éste pueda favorecerse. Es una invitación a adentrarse en la lucidez asombrada como núcleo de una experiencia de vida plenamente humana. Mediante la relectura (y (...)
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    Sufi cosmology.Christian Lange & Alexander Knysh (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume discusses the origin and structure of the universe in mystical Islam (Sufism) and Islam's civilizational predecessors with special reference to parallel realms of existence and their interaction. Contributors address Sufi ideas about the fate of human beings in this and future life under three rubrics: (1) cosmogony and eschatology ("where do we come from?" and "where do we go?"); (2) conceptualizations of the world of the here-and-now ("where are we now?"); and (3) visualizations of realms of existence, their (...)
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