Results for 'D. Davtyan'

929 found
  1. Formirovanie dialektiko-materialisticheskogo mirovozzrenii︠a︡: v prot︠s︡esse prepodavanii︠a︡ estestvennykh nauk.D. A. Zhdanov & Vladimir Fomich Lobas (eds.) - 1985 - Kiev: Gol. izd-vo izdatelʹskogo obʺedinenii︠a︡ "Vyshcha shkola".
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    The research and life of Rob Barrett.D. Zion - 2007 - Monash Bioethics Review 26 (4):1.
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    Problems and Solutions in Logic Design.D. Zissos & F. G. Duncan - 1976 - London ; Oxford University Press.
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  4. Gloria Vivenza: Adam Smith and the Classics: the Classical Heritage in Adam Smith's Thought.D. D. Raphael - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (3):500-502.
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    Epigraphica Attica.D. M. Robinson - 1941 - Classical Weekly 35:101-102.
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  6. Activism for animals.D. Rudacille - 1998 - In Marc Bekoff & Carron A. Meaney, Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal welfare. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 1--3.
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    The amorous imagination: individuating the other-as-beloved.D. Andrew Yost - 2021 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Building on Jean-Luc Marion's phenomenology of love this book takes up the "question of the Other" and argues that through the interpretive activities of the amorous imagination lovers come to experience one another as the Beloved.
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    The romantic life: five strategies to re-enchant the world.D. Andrew Yost - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers. Edited by Elijah Clayton Null.
    The world is disenchanted. Rationalization, intellectualization, and scientism rule the day. We used to see the world as a magical place, but now it's just a material space. How did we get here? The shift comes in part from the rise of a certain kind of secularism, one that reduces human experiences to whatever is explainable through observation. Love? It's just a biological drive. Joy, a rush of adrenaline. Beauty, an influx of dopamine. If you can't test it, it isn't (...)
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    Aḥvāl va ās̲ār-i Mīr Findiriskī (m. 1050) =.Muḥammad Riz̤ā Zādʹhūsh - 2012 - Qum: Muʼassasah-i Kitābʹshināsī-i Shīʻah. Edited by Mīr Findariskī & Abū al-Qāsim ibn Mīrzā Buzurg.
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    Dīdār bā faylasūfan-i Sipāhān: farhang-i faylasūfan-i Iṣfahān az dawrān-i bāstān tā īn rūzgārān.Muḥammad Riz̤ā Zādʹhūsh - 2013 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān.
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    Maktab-i Falsafī-i Iṣfahān az nigāh-i dānishʹpizhūhān.Muḥammad Riz̤ā Zādʹhūsh (ed.) - 2012 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān.
    Islamic philosophy - Congresses ; Sufism - Congresses.
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  12. Childrens perception of multiply fixated words.D. Zola, Gw Mcconkie, Pm Wolff & Jm Grimes - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):524-524.
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    Refined Verisimilitude.Sjoerd D. Zwart - 2001 - Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The subject of the present inquiry is the approach-to-the-truth research, which started with the publication of Sir Karl Popper's Conjectures and Refutations. In the decade before this publication, Popper fiercely attacked the ideas of Rudolf Carnap about confirmation and induction; and ten years later, in the famous tenth chapter of Conjectures he introduced his own ideas about scientific progress and verisimilitude. Abhorring inductivism for its apprecia tion of logical weakness rather than strength, Popper tried to show that fallibilism could serve (...)
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  14. A network approach for distinguishing ethical issues in research and development.Sjoerd D. Zwart, Ibo van de Poel, Harald van Mil & Michiel Brumsen - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (4):663-684.
    In this paper we report on our experiences with using network analysis to discern and analyse ethical issues in research into, and the development of, a new wastewater treatment technology. Using network analysis, we preliminarily interpreted some of our observations in a Group Decision Room session where we invited important stakeholders to think about the risks of this new technology. We show how a network approach is useful for understanding the observations, and suggests some relevant ethical issues. We argue that (...)
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    Francesco Sforza: Il più prezioso tesoro spirituale d'ltalia — L'Eneide. Pp. 77. Milan: Gastaldi, 1952. Paper, L. 300.R. D. Williams - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (02):167-.
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  16. Dialogues : Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques ; Le Lévite d'Éphraïm, coll. « GF ».Jean-Jacques Rousseau & D'erick Leborgne - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (2):243-243.
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  17. The Solution of the Problem of Personal Identity via Locke, Butler and Hume.D. Ward - 1994 - Locke Studies 25.
  18. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 94: 1996 Lectures and Memoirs.Watt D. Cameron - 1997
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  19. A note on the identity thesis.D. Weismann - 1965 - Mind 74:571-77.
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  20. Philosophy without heroism : Montaigne and the vanity of autobiography.D. G. Wright - 2005 - In Thomas Mathien & D. G. Wright, Autobiography as Philosophy: The Philosophical Uses of Self-Presentation. New York: Routledge.
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    Faith, morals, and money: what the world's religions tell us about money in the marketplace.Edward D. Zinbarg - 2001 - New York: Continuum.
    This is a book grounded in the real ethical challenges of modern business practice, with a world-religious perspective so necessary in an era of globalization.
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    Toward a More Democratic Ethic of Technological Governance.Andrew D. Zimmerman - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (1):86-107.
    Recent scholarship in technology and society studies has given attention to the notion of technological citizenship. This article seeks to further integrate perspectives on this topic with theoretical contributions about the development of moral autonomy. The author challenges the presumption that the strategy of expanding opportunities for participation in technological decision making will in itself develop people's autonomy and citizenship. He argues that concurrent efforts must be made to democratize the political-economic structures of key technologies and to help people prepare (...)
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    Visual evoked and emitted potentials and stimulus significance.D. S. Ruchkin & S. Sutton - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (3):144-146.
  24. Moral Education: Preparing Teachers for Globalization.D. Staudt - 2001 - Journal of Thought 36 (4):61-62.
  25. Dewey, John and american democracy (political-theory, vol 20, pg 515, 1992).D. Steiner - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (1):157-157.
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  26. Serie dei maestri di cappella minori conventuali di San Francesco'.D. Stella - 1921 - Miscellanea Francescana 21:122-41.
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  27. La tradizione fisiognomica.D. Stimilli - 1986 - Rivista di Estetica 26 (23):33-50.
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    A Powerful Quotation.D. J. Taylor - 1986 - The Chesterton Review 12 (3):420-421.
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  29. WEB Du Bois on education: Its socialistic foundation.D. Sumpter - 2000 - Journal of Thought 35 (1):61-66.
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  30. Translations from Horace, Juvenal and Montaigne.D. Sutherland - 1941 - Classical Weekly 35:153-154.
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  31. The Meaning and Purpose of Human Life.D. H. Thomas - 1957 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 19 (1):138-138.
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  32. Die Möglichkeit von Wissenschaft. Ontologische Aspekte der Naturforschung.D. Wandschneider - 1985 - Philosophia Naturalis 22 (2):200.
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    Roman Painting.D. E. Strong - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (02):259-.
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    A remark on good reasons.D. B. Terrell - 1953 - Philosophical Studies 4 (4):58 - 63.
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  35. MANHEIMER, M. -Les Troubles mentaux de l'Enfance, etc.D'A. W. Thompson - 1884 - Mind 9:415.
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  36. Giovanni giolitti a settant'anni dalla morte.D. Veneruso - 1998 - Studium 94 (5):781-793.
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    De Beata Vita S. Aurelii Augustini.D. C. Walsh - 1932 - New Scholasticism 6 (1):91-91.
  38. (1 other version)Being faithful and being reasonable as mutually exclusive-a comment on Shein and Grean interpretation of Shestov.D. Wiebe - 1984 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 7 (2):165-168.
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  39. Formațiunea epistemică și funcția ei antinomică.D. N. Zaharia - 1983 - In Angela Botez, Privire filozofică asupra raționalității științei. București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    Liberating Intimacy: Enlightenment and Social Virtuosity in Ch'an Buddhism.Brook Ziporyn & Peter D. Hershock - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (2):366.
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    De contracttheorieën en de rechtvaardigheidsbeginselen.D. Scheltens - 1976 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 38 (2):203 - 235.
    La doctrine du ‘contrat social’ a fait récemment une réapparition dans l'ouvrage A Theory of Justice de John Rawls. D'un avis unanime, chacun reconnaît l'importance de ce livre. Et cependant son contenu est objet de critiques divergentes. Le présent article est conçu comme une modeste contribution aux débats en cours. Après une rapide esquisse des idées maîtresses de Rawls, l'auteur dresse un bilan synoptique des conceptions du contrat social de Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau et Kant. Sont mis en évidence : 1° (...)
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    Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience.Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    The creation and consolidation of a memory can rest on the integration of any number of disparate features and contexts. How is it that these bind together to form a coherent memory? This book offers an unrivalled overview of one of the most debated hotspots of modern memory research: binding, and will instigate innovative and pioneering ideas for future research.
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    Occam's razor is a double-edged Sword: Reduced interaction is not necessarily reduced power.D. H. Whalen - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):351-351.
    Although Norris, McQueen & Cutler have provided convincing evidence that there is no need for contributions from the lexicon to phonetic processing, their simplification of the communication between levels comes at a cost to the processes themselves. Although their arrangement may ultimately prove correct, its validity is not due to a successful application of Occam's razor.
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    Ethics and the family.D. Whetham - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 4 (4):407.
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    Erosion damage in diamond coatings by high velocity sand impacts.D. W. Wheeler & R. J. K. Wood - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (36):5719-5740.
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    Internationales Kepler-Symposium Weil der Stadt 1971. Referate und diskussionen.D. T. Whiteside - 1974 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 4 (4):387-392.
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    Newtonian MotionNever at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton. Richard S. Westfall.D. T. Whiteside - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):100-107.
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    Conditioned response data and the holistic point of view.D. D. Wickens - 1940 - Psychological Review 47 (2):155-168.
  49. Fatalism.D. Widerker - 1987 - Logique Et Analyse 30 (19):229.
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    Two Worlds of Liberalism.D. Wiebe - 1984 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 30:353-354.
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