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David Buchanan [6]D. Buchanan [3]David W. Buchanan [2]David R. Buchanan [2]
D. R. Buchanan [1]David A. Buchanan [1]Donna Anne Buchanan [1]Denise Buchanan [1]

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  1.  42
    A public health perspective on research ethics.D. R. Buchanan & F. G. Miller - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12):729-733.
    Ethical guidelines for conducting clinical trials have historically been based on a perceived therapeutic obligation to treat and benefit the patient-participants. The origins of this ethical framework can be traced to the Hippocratic oath originally written to guide doctors in caring for their patients, where the overriding moral obligation of doctors is strictly to do what is best for the individual patient, irrespective of other social considerations. In contrast, although medicine focuses on the health of the person, public health is (...)
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  2.  69
    Principles of early stopping of randomized trials for efficacy: A critique of equipoise and an alternative nonexploitation ethical framework.David Buchanan & Franklin G. Miller - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):161-178.
    : Recent controversial decisions to terminate several large clinical trials have called attention to the need for developing a sound ethical framework to determine when trials should be stopped in light of emerging efficacy data. Currently, the fundamental rationale for stopping trials early is based on the principle that equipoise has been disturbed. We present an analysis of the ethical and practical problems with the "equipoise disturbed" position and describe an alternative ethical framework based on the principle of nonexploitation. This (...)
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  3.  37
    Children’s developing understanding of the relation between variable causal efficacy and mechanistic complexity.Christopher D. Erb, David W. Buchanan & David M. Sobel - 2013 - Cognition 129 (3):494-500.
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  4. Assuring Adequate Protections in International Health Research: A Principled Justification and Practical Recommendations for the Role of Community Oversight.David Buchanan, Sibusiso Sifunda, Nasheen Naidoo, Shamagonam James & Priscilla Reddy - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (3):246-257.
    The analysis presented here lays out the ethical warrants for requiring community oversight of health research conducted in international settings. It reviews the inadequacies with the current standards of individual informed consent and research ethics committee review, and then, shows how a broader population-based public health perspective raises new demands on justice involving due consideration of the rights, harms and benefits to the community as a whole. As developed here, an ethical standard that requires community oversight of health research is (...)
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  5.  30
    Perceived Benefits and Harms of Involuntary Civil Commitment for Opioid Use Disorder.Elizabeth A. Evans, Calla Harrington, Robert Roose, Susan Lemere & David Buchanan - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (4):718-734.
    Involuntary civil commitment to treatment for opioid use disorder prevents imminent overdose, but also restricts autonomy and raises other ethical concerns. Using the Kass Public Health Ethics Framework, we identified ICC benefits and harms. Benefits include: protection of vulnerable, underserved patients; reduced legal consequences; resources for families; and “on-demand” treatment access. Harms include: stigmatizing and punitive experiences; heightened family conflict and social isolation; eroded patient self-determination; limited or no provision of OUD medications; and long-term overdose risk. To use ICC ethically, (...)
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  6. Recruiting and Educating Participants for Enrollment in HIV-Vaccine Research: Ethical Implications of the Results of an Empirical Investigation.S. Sifunda, P. Reddy, N. Naidoo, S. James & D. Buchanan - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (1):78-85.
    The study reports on the results of an empirical investigation of the education and recruitment processes used in HIV vaccine trials conducted in South Africa. Interviews were conducted with 21 key informants involved in HIV vaccine research in South Africa and three focus groups of community advisory board members. Data analysis identified seven major themes on the relationship between education and recruitment: the process of recruitment, the combined dual role of educators and recruiters, conflicts perceived by field staff, pressure to (...)
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  7.  65
    Promoting Justice and Autonomy in Public Policies to Reduce the Health Consequences of Obesity.David R. Buchanan - 2015 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 25 (4):395-417.
    Public policies to reduce the extent of obesity in the United States have generated considerable public controversy. The paper examines the implications of proposed policies for the principles of justice and autonomy and key assumptions underlying the major contending positions with respect to the relative weight that should be assigned to them in balancing their respective claims. The analysis traces the crux of the debate regarding the ethical warrant for policies to restrict access to calorie-dense foodstuffs to two key issues: (...)
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  8.  31
    Misunderstanding, period.H. Brody, D. Buchanan & F. G. Miller - 2011 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 33 (5):6.
    A letter to the editor from Howard Brody, David Buchanan, and Franklin G. Miller in response to the recent article by Erik Malmqvist Understanding Exploitation," March-April 2011).
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  9. Bridging the gap: Children's developing inferences about objects' labels and insides from causality-at-a-distance.David W. Buchanan & David M. Sobel - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 64--70.
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  10. Edge replacement and nonindependence in causation.D. Buchanan, J. Tenenbaum & D. Sobel - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
  11.  12
    Justice in Research on Human Subjects.David Buchanan & Franklin G. Miller - 2007 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Leslie P. Francis & Anita Silvers, The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 373–392.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Historical Background The Role of Health Research in Promoting Social Justice Justice in Setting Research Priorities Justice Concerns within the Research Context Case Study: The Investigation of Alternative Lead Abatement Procedures by the Kennedy Krieger Institute Conclusion Note References.
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  12.  7
    Soundscapes from the Americas: ethnomusicological essays on the power, poetics, and ontology of performance.Donna Anne Buchanan (ed.) - 2014 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Dedicated to the late Gerard Béhague, this anthology offers perspectives on the evolving legacy of performance ethnography in socio-musical analysis and reflects the heritage but also contemporary trajectories of Béhague’s scholarly concerns. Prefaced by an essay outlining key developments in the ethnography of performance paradigm, the volume’s seven case studies portray snapshots of musical life in representative communities of the Americas, including the southwestern and Pacific United States, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, and Ecuador. These studies pose anthropological inquiries into (...)
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  13.  38
    The austerity bargain and the social self: conceptual clarity surrounding health cutbacks.David A. Buchanan - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (1):38-44.
    As necessary austerity measures make major inroads into western health services, this paper investigates the philology of austerity and finds that there are two subtly similar yet importantly different derivations from the Latin and the Greek. The Latin austerus is an abstract term meaning dry, harsh, sour; whereas the Greek austeros has a more embodied and literal meaning of making the tongue dry. What seems an initially subtle difference between the metaphorical and the metonymic plays out as involving seriously different (...)
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  14.  35
    Japanese Proverbs and Sayings.D. C. & Daniel Crump Buchanan - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):370.
  15.  16
    Persevering for a Cruel and Cynical Fiction? The Experiences of the ‘Low Achievers’ in Primary Schooling.Eleanore Hargreaves, Laura Quick & Denise Buchanan - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (4):397-417.
    This paper is significant in its exploration of the experiences of children designated as ‘lower-attaining’ in British primary schooling. It is underpinned by Nancy Fraser’s conceptualisation of a global shift from government via nation-state welfare structures to governance through supra-national financialised neoliberalism. Within this context, we take the innovative path of investigating how ‘lower-attaining’ children explain perseverance with hard work at school within neoliberalism’s ‘cruel and cynical fiction’ of social mobility. Our extended interviews with 23 ‘lower-attaining’ children over two years (...)
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  16. Signification and pain: A semiotic reading of fibromyalgia.John Quintner, David Buchanan, Milton Cohen & Andrew Taylor - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (4):345-354.
    Patients with persistent pain who lack adetectable underlying disease challenge thetheories supporting much of biomedicalbody-mind discourse. In this context,diagnostic labeling is as inherently vulnerableto the same pitfalls of uncertainty that besetany other interpretative endeavour. The endpoint is often no more than a name ratherthan the discovered essence of a pre-existentmedical condition. In 1990 a Committee of theAmerican College of Rheumatology (ACR)formulated the construct of Fibromyalgia in anattempt to rectify a situation of diagnosticconfusion faced by patients presenting withwidespread pain. It was (...)
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  17. Ethical Issues in Cancer Chemoprevention Trials: Considerations for IRBs and Investigators.Julia Slutsman, David Buchanan & Christine Grady - 2007 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 29 (2):1-6.
    Cancer chemoprevention trials test the efficacy of pharmaceutical agents in preventing cancer in at-risk research subjects who are neither patients diagnosed with the disease nor typical healthy volunteers. Such trials present unique challenges to investigators and IRB reviewers when evaluating risks and benefits, assessing informed consent, and compensating subjects. Investigators and IRBs should pay particular attention to the criteria used to define at-risk subjects and carefully assess the strength of the evidence supporting them, as this is critical to evaluating the (...)
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  18.  41
    The Ethics and Efficacy of Behavior Change ResearchAn Ethic for Health Promotion. [REVIEW]Mildred Z. Solomon & David R. Buchanan - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (1):43.
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