Results for 'César Chappuis'

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  1. Multiplex parenting: IVG and the generations to come.César Palacios-González, John Harris & Giuseppe Testa - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (11):752-758.
    Recent breakthroughs in stem cell differentiation and reprogramming suggest that functional human gametes could soon be created in vitro. While the ethical debate on the uses of in vitro generated gametes (IVG) was originally constrained by the fact that they could be derived only from embryonic stem cell lines, the advent of somatic cell reprogramming, with the possibility to easily derive human induced pluripotent stem cells from any individual, affords now a major leap in the feasibility of IVG derivation and (...)
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    Managing Ethically Cultural Diversity: Learning from Thomas Aquinas.João César das Neves & Domènec Melé - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):769-780.
    Cultural diversity is an inescapable reality and a concern in many businesses where it can often raise ethical questions and dilemmas. This paper aims to offer suggestions to certain problems facing managers in dealing with cultural diversity through the inspiration of Thomas Aquinas. Although he may be perceived as a voice from the distant past, we can still find in his writings helpful and original ideas and criteria. He welcomes cultural differences as a part of the perfection of the universe. (...)
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    Exploring the Link Between Human Rights, the Capability Approach and Corporate Responsibility.César González-Cantón, Sonia Boulos & Pablo Sánchez-Garrido - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):865-879.
    The capability approach is gaining momentum as a theory of corporate responsibility and business ethics at a time when the UN Guiding Principles have become a most important framework. A novel approach is now emerging that seeks to understand and specify human rights obligations of businesses within the framework provided by the capability approach. This article partially examines the triad corporate responsibility–human rights–capability approach by exploring the relationship between human rights and capabilities. Thus, it offers conceptual and practical implications for (...)
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  4. Debates Contemporâneos em Filosofia da Memória: Uma Breve Introdução.César Schirmer dos Santos, André Sant'Anna, Kourken Michaelian, James Openshaw & Denis Perrin - forthcoming - Lampião.
    Neste artigo apresentamos, de forma concisa e em português, alguns elementos-chave dos principais debates contemporâneos na filosofia da memória. Nosso principal objetivo é tornar essas discussões mais acessíveis aos leitores de língua portuguesa, fornecendo uma atualização importante para esforços anteriores (Sant’Anna & Michaelian, 2019a). Começamos introduzindo a noção de viagem no tempo mental, a qual estabelece a base empírica para a metodologia empregada em trabalhos recentes, antes de apresentar dois debates centrais. Primeiro, o debate entre causalistas e simulacionistas sobre a (...)
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  5. Lesbian motherhood and mitochondrial replacement techniques: reproductive freedom and genetic kinship.Giulia Cavaliere & César Palacios-González - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):835-842.
    In this paper, we argue that lesbian couples who wish to have children who are genetically related to both of them should be allowed access to mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs). First, we provide a brief explanation of mitochondrial diseases and MRTs. We then present the reasons why MRTs are not, by nature, therapeutic. The upshot of the view that MRTs are non-therapeutic techniques is that their therapeutic potential cannot be invoked for restricting their use only to those cases where a (...)
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    Genealogical obscurement: mitochondrial replacement techniques and genealogical research.César Palacios-González - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (3):219-224.
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs) are a new group of biotechnologies that aim to aid women whose eggs have disease-causing deleteriously mutated mitochondria to have genetically related healthy children. These techniques have also been used to aid women with poor oocyte quality and poor embryonic development, to have genetically related children. Remarkably, MRTs create humans with DNA from three sources: nuclear DNA from the intending mother and father, and mitochondrial DNA from the egg donor. In a recent publication Françoise Baylis argued (...)
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    Do Presente ao Passado: A Metafísica das Atribuições de Lembrança.César Schirmer dos Santos - forthcoming - Dissertatio.
    In this essay, I explore the question concerning truthmakers for attributions of memory of events, which I express with the schema “S remembers E”. To answer this question, I distinguish remembering in the descriptive sense, which is based on subjective experience, from remembering in the normative sense, which requires some correspondence with actual past events. As a method of approaching attributions of memory, I will use the method of cases. Based on this method, I address the metaphysical problem of the (...)
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    ‘Yes’ to mitochondrial replacement techniques and lesbian motherhood: a reply to Françoise Baylis.César Palacios-González & Giulia Cavaliere - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (4):280-281.
    In a recent paper –Lesbian motherhood and mitochondrial replacement techniques: reproductive freedom and genetic kinship– we argued that lesbian couples who wish to have children who are genetically related to both of them should be allowed access to mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs). Françoise Baylis wrote a reply to our paper –‘No’ to lesbian motherhood using human nuclear genome transfer– where she challenges our arguments on the use of MRTs by lesbian couples, and on MRTs more generally. In this reply we (...)
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  9.  20
    Heidegger contre Nietzsche. Préparation du Da-sein et élevage du surhomme.César Gómez Algarra - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 138 (3):123-141.
    Si, pour Heidegger, Nietzsche représente le dernier penseur de la métaphysique, ce n’est pas seulement en raison de son appartenance à la conceptualité de l’onto-théologie ni des limites intrinsèques à sa tâche d’un renversement du platonisme. La lecture des traités et des cahiers posthumes concernant la pensée de l’ Ereignis précise la critique heideggérienne et la complète par l’opposition totale à la tentative d’un élevage ( Züchtung ) de l’être humain supérieur. En effet, Heidegger voit dans la notion d’élevage la (...)
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  10. The Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track: Implementation and Challenges.Justino Cesar Arban, Fernando Enad & Asuncion Pabalan - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 26 (1):6-12.
    This study delved into the Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track in Bohol Province for the 2022-2023 school year, aiming to evaluate policy implementation, recognize barriers, and propose interventions. Employing a mixed-method approach, integrating quantitative-descriptive surveys and qualitative-descriptive research methods as recommended by Creswell and Plano Clark (2017), the findings unveiled a predominantly positive perception of policy implementation across various dimensions of the TVL track. These encompass curriculum development, teacher training, resource allocation, industry partnerships, assessment and evaluation, student support services, (...)
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    Ethical aspects of creating human–nonhuman chimeras capable of human gamete production and human pregnancy.César Palacios-González - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (2-3):181-202.
    In this paper I explore some of the moral issues that could emerge from the creation of human–nonhuman chimeras capable of human gamete production and human pregnancy. First I explore whether there is a cogent argument against the creation of HNH-chimeras that could produce human gametes. I conclude that so far there is none, and that in fact there is at least one good moral reason for producing such types of creatures. Afterwards I explore some of the moral problems that (...)
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  12.  58
    La figura del litisconsorcio activa en los juicios laborales.Julio César Álvarez - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (1):66-80.
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    Del juicio estético al juicio político.César Ruiz Sanjuán - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (299):1099-1117.
    Una de las dimensiones más importantes y actuales del pensamiento de Hannah Arendt es su concepción del juicio, siendo asimismo una de las partes más complejas y polémicas de su obra. El problema fundamental que se le presenta a toda confrontación con la teoría arendtiana del juicio es la ausencia de una exposición acabada de la misma, lo que obliga a reconstruirla a partir de los materiales preparatorios publicados póstumamente, en los que Arendt efectúa una traducción en términos políticos de (...)
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    Autenticidade na memória experiencial: uma defesa do pictorialismo.Cesar Schirmer Dos Santos - forthcoming - Filosofia Unisinos.
    In this text, I explore the issue of the accuracy of experiential memories, focusing on the fit between the imagistic elements of an experiential memory and the experience that is remembered. My starting point is the taxonomy of memory, which clarifies what I am talking about, as I will only focus on long-term memories that involve mental imagery. Having clarified this, I will move on to a discussion of the normative requirements of memory, focusing on the requirement that a memory (...)
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  15. Hacia otro fundamento de los derechos de la naturaleza.Fausto César Quizhpe Gualán - 2019 - In Liliana Estupiñan-Achury, Claudia Storini, Ruben Martínez-Dalmau & Fernando De Carvalho, La naturaleza como sujeto de derechos en el constitucionalismo democrático. Universidad Libre. pp. 49-69.
    Este trabajo intenta dar contenido a los derechos de la naturaleza desde los pensamientos filosóficos de los pueblos indígenas, así como desde la interacción o encuentro entre diversas formas de conocimiento; en especial el de la Amazonía y el kichwa; pretendiendo construir otro saber-poder con el que se propone una crítica al dominante. Para ello el trabajo se estructura en tres partes: crítica, reconstrucción y aplicabilidad. La crítica consiste en un diagnóstico teórico desde la aproximación al fundamento filosófico dicotómico que (...)
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  16. Mukuna, ética del cuidado de la vida Sumak Kawsay.Fausto César Quizhpe Gualán - 2021 - Revista Direitos Sociais e Políticas Públicas 9 (2):835-852.
    El presente trabajo realiza una breve exposición de las estructuras de relación recíprocas del pueblo kichwa Saraguro en el actuar colectivo de la mukuna; dentro del mismo se devela la ética económica del cuidado de la vida que subyace a tal matriz, así como las normas que rigen su manifestación y desarrollo. Defiende la comunidad como campo de expresión de ciertas individualidades no individuales, de reafirmación comunitaria, de lucha y relación económico que destruye la acumulación del capital.
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  17. ¿Derechos de la naturaleza?Fausto César Quizhpe Gualán - 2018 - Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação Em Direito 2 (Direitos da Natureza II):62-77.
    Este artículo critica la constitucionalización de los derechos de la naturaleza como una construcción del discurso que refleja la colonización jurídica. Los derechos de la naturaleza reflejan una dicotomía cuya genealogía es la división entre naturaleza y cultura. Se propone un cambio de enfoque que consiste en diluir esta dicotomía, dando paso a la inclusión de los terceros provenientes del mundo indígena kichwa Saraguro y amazónico.
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  18. Mexico and mitochondrial replacement techniques: what a mess.César Palacios-González - 2018 - British Medical Bulletin 128.
    Abstract Background The first live birth following the use of a new reproductive technique, maternal spindle transfer (MST), which is a mitochondrial replacement technique (MRT), was accomplished by dividing the execution of the MST procedure between two countries, the USA and Mexico. This was done in order to avoid US legal restrictions on this technique. -/- Sources of data Academic articles, news articles, documents obtained through freedom of information requests, laws, regulations and national reports. -/- Areas of agreement MRTs are (...)
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  19. Qual a motivação para se defender uma teoria causal da memória?César Schirmer Dos Santos - 2018 - In Juliano Santos do Carmo & Rogério F. Saucedo Corrêa, Linguagem e cognição. NEPFil. pp. 63-89.
    Este texto tem como objetivo apresentar a principal motivação filosófica para se defender uma teoria causal da memória, que é explicar como pode um evento que se deu no passado estar relacionado a uma experiência mnêmica que se dá no presente. Para tanto, iniciaremos apresentando a noção de memória de maneira informal e geral, para depois apresentar elementos mais detalhados. Finalizamos apresentando uma teoria causal da memória que se beneficia da noção de veritação (truthmaking).
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  20.  25
    Francisco Romero: cartas con intelectuales mexicanos.Walter César Camargo - 2012 - Cuyo 29 (2):63-86.
    Francisco Romero es una de las personalidades más significativas de América Latina. Sus escritos, su labor pedagógica, la difusión de su pensamiento y el intercambio epistolar con figuras de renombre internacional dan muestra de ello. En el trabajo nos detenemos en este último aspecto para comprobar su manifiesta intención de construir una red intelectual de filósofos en América Latina. También están presentes las inquietudes editoriales tanto de Romero, como de sus pares mexicanos. Asimismo hacemos hincapié en el tópico del exilio (...)
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    Los mártires olvidados: Un estudio de los imaginarios del martirio en la fuente de los dichos.César Carbullanca Núñez - 2014 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 31:135-160.
    El artículo expone diversos paradigmas relativos al martirio en la fuente de los dichos, intentando mostrar que el cristianismo asumió y elaboró tradiciones judías relativas al martirio para indicar que la comunidad vivía los últimos tiempos antes del juicio, explicando el sentido de los hechos que acontecían y específicamente de la muerte de Cristo y los cristianos. De manera particular se detiene en el paradigma de la pasión del justo, el cual postula una inversión escatológica de los sujetos del eschaton (...)
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    Técnicas de lógica difusa aplicadas a la minería de datos.Julio César Chavarro Porras, Jerónimo Rojas Díaz & Ricardo Moreno Laverde - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Hermenéutica e investigación cualitativa en Iberoamérica.César A. Cisneros Puebla - 2013 - Arbor 189 (761):a033.
    En este ensayo pretendo señalar la experiencia y la práctica de la investigación cualitativa en Iberoamérica. Al comparar el estado del arte de la investigación cualitativa en diferentes países, este manuscrito es un primer esfuerzo por difundir el debate al que nos enfrentamos en nuestras sociedades de habla hispana en el contexto de la globalización de la academia. ¿Cómo se ve la investigación cualitativa iberoamericana a través de la globalización? ¿Cuáles son nuestras principales preocupaciones acerca de los métodos y enfoques? (...)
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  24. O testemunho da busca das origens na adoção e os restos da memória El testimonio de la búsqueda de los orígenes en la adopción y los restos de la memória.José César Coimbra - 2013 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (6).
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    Presentación.Jesús Conill Sancho, César Moreno & María Luz Pintos Peñaranda - 2010 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 2:9.
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    Signs of the Concept of Chaos in Kant’s Thinking and Its Relationship with Jorge Luis Borges’ Thinking.Pablo César Martín Meier - 2018 - Philosophy Study 8 (3).
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    Substance over style: is there something wrong with abandoning the white coat?César Palacios-González & David R. Lawrence - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (6):433-436.
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    Corrector et médicus. La ética altomedieval a la luz de los penitenciales.César Raña Dafonte - 2006 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13:159.
    This paper intends to show the evolution of Ethics on the High Middle Ages. The penitential books written in this period are taken as a basis for the reflection.
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    Maestro Alano de Lille. “Libro penitencial o método para administrar y recibir dignamente el Sacramento de la Penitencia”.César Raña Dafonte - 2006 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13:193.
  30.  26
    Revisiting the First Postulate of Quantum Mechanics: Invariance and Physically Reality.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we derive a theorem which proves that the physical interpretation implied by the first postulate of quantum mechanics is inconsistent with the orthodox formalism. In order to expose this inconsistency we will analyze how the concept of ‘physical system’ is built within classical theories through the notion of invariance and explain in what sense a vector in Hilbert space is not capable of fulfilling these same mathematical conditions. Through an analysis of the mathematical formalism we derive a (...)
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  31. Dance, Music and Dramaturgy: collaboration plan and dramaturgical apparatus.João Paulo Lucas & César Lignelli - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Presença 7 (1):19-44.
    Dance, Music and Dramaturgy: collaboration plan and dramaturgical apparatus – The unfolding of the concept of dramaturgy and the problematics of contemporary choreography are, today, a vast and diverse field of research, bearing numerous disclosures that lead to their reciprocal implication. Apart from that, dance and music share significant complementary ties allowing for the consideration of a common compositional inquiry. Reflecting on the compositional processes of dance and music, this article cross-examines the collaboration between choreographers and composers, integrating the incidence (...)
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    A new objective definition of quantum entanglement as potential coding of intensive and effective relations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - 2021 - Synthese 198 (7):6661-6688.
    In de Ronde and Massri it was argued against the orthodox definition of quantum entanglement in terms of pure and separable states. In this paper we attempt to discuss how the logos categorical approach to quantum mechanics is able to provide an objective formal account of the notion of entanglement—completely independent of both purity and separability—in terms of the potential coding of intensive relations and effective relations. We will show how our novel redefinition allows us to provide an anschaulich content (...)
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  33.  24
    El Derecho Internacional contemporáneo y los problemas globales ambientales: hacia una ciudadanía ambiental global.Alberto César Moreira - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    Desde la perspectiva de las ciencias jurídicas y, en particular, del derecho internacional ambiental, la presente intervención aborda la emergencia de un Derecho internacional contemporáneo y acude a las ideas del cosmopolitismo blando y la vertiente normativa del constitucionalismo global, como debates filosóficos-jurídicos que podrían cimentar un terreno fértil, un sustrato material, para incidir en las fuentes formales de creación de normas internacionales para enfrentar los problemas globales ambientales. En ese sentido, hace mención a la emergencia y reconocimiento del derecho (...)
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    Integration of ICT in the Attitudes and Knowledge of University Students.Elvia Marlene Valencia-Medina, Silvana Mariuxi López-Valencia, Karina Maricela Jaramillo-Mediavilla, Julio César Andrade-Palacios & Soraya Jacqueline Jaramillo-Mediavilla - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:398-406.
    This article arises in the Ecuadorian context of Higher Education where the insertion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has a considerable impact on the knowledge and attitudes of students. The purpose of the research is to analyze the integration of ICT in attitudes and knowledge in students of the Bolivar State University in the careers of Accounting and Business Administration. The methodology used in a sample of 150 students presents a quantitative research design, exploratory type, correlational scope and cross-sectional; (...)
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  35. ¿Teoría crítica o inmunización del sistema? Acerca de la dicotomía habermasiana entre sistema y mundo de la vida.Marina García-Granero & César Ortega Esquembre - 2018 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 56:311-337.
    The article presents the sources and definitions of the concepts «system» and «lifeworld», emphasizing how the colonization of the lifeworld by the system appears as a pathological process, in the presence of which a critical stance must be maintained. Facing the increase of the systemic complexity, it is necessary to ensure the symbolic reproduction of the lifeworld through communicative action. Although we share with Habermas the meaning of his critique of the colonization, we present some objections to the dichotomous opposition (...)
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    Enculturation and the historical origins of number words and concepts.César Frederico dos Santos - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9257-9287.
    In the literature on enculturation—the thesis according to which higher cognitive capacities result from transformations in the brain driven by culture—numerical cognition is often cited as an example. A consequence of the enculturation account for numerical cognition is that individuals cannot acquire numerical competence if a symbolic system for numbers is not available in their cultural environment. This poses a problem for the explanation of the historical origins of numerical concepts and symbols. When a numeral system had not been created (...)
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  37. Esclarecimento, educação e autonomia em Kant.Paulo César Nodari & Fernando Saugo - 2011 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 16 (1):133-167.
    Este trabalho tem como objetivo abordar os conceitos esclarecimento, educação e autonomia na concepção do filósofo Immanuel Kant. Para tanto, no primeiro momento, faz-se a leitura do Opúsculo Kantiano de 1783, Resposta à pergunta: que é esclarecimento?, com o propósito de analisar o conceito esclarecimento, a fim de compreender de que modo, em Kant, se dá a passagem do homem de seu estado de menoridade à maioridade. Num segundo momento, a partir da leitura da obra publicada em 1803, Sobre a (...)
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    A estrutura formal da argumentação de São Paulo e as suas possíveis relações com a lógica estóica.Jorge Cesar Mota - 1974 - Trans/Form/Ação 1:173-214.
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    Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales.Cláudio Neutzling & César Augusto Soares da Costa - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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  40. A fundamentação da ética do discurso em Apel.Paulo César Nodari - 2007 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 12 (1):51-58.
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  41. Liberdade e educação no Do contrato social de Rousseau.Paulo César Nodari - 2006 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 11 (2):43-68.
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    Colonia de hormigas aplicada a la programación óptima de horarios de clase.César Augusto Peñuela Meneses, Franco Baquero, John Fredy, Toro Ocampo & Eliana Mirledy - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Reseña de "Interpretaçao e compreençao" de Marcelo Dascal.Julio César Velasco - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (142):182-184.
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    The Logos Categorical Approach to Quantum Mechanics: I. Kochen-Specker Contextuality and Global Intensive Valuations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we present a new categorical approach which attempts to provide an original understanding of QM. Our logos categorical approach attempts to consider the main features of the quantum formalism as the standpoint to develop a conceptual representation that explains what the theory is really talking about —rather than as problems that need to be bypassed in order to allow a restoration of a classical “common sense” understanding of what there is. In particular, we discuss a solution to (...)
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    Nachweise aus Friedrich Ueberweg, Untersuchungen über die Echtheit und Zeitfolge Platonischer Schriften und über die Hauptmomente aus Plato's Leben (1861).César Guarde-Paz - 2013 - Nietzsche Studien 42 (1).
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    The Relation Between Memory and Imagination: A Debate about the Right Concepts.Cesar Schirmer Dos Santos, Christopher Jude McCarroll & Andre Sant'Anna - 2022 - In Andre Sant'Anna, Christopher McCarroll & Kourken Michaelian, Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory. Current Controversies in Philosophy. pp. 38-56.
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    O Niilismo e a Afirmação Ética: A Leitura Deleuziana de Nietzsche e Foucault.Caio Cesar do Nascimento Paz - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 31 (31):72-84.
    Neste artigo, apresento a maneira como o filósofo francês Gilles Deleuze aproxima algumas formulações de Michel Foucault das de Friedrich Nietzsche. Procuro evidenciar como essa aproximação cumpre o papel bastante preciso de criticar o niilismo. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, através dessa aproximação, a leitura deleuziana de Nietzsche e de Foucault e mostrar como ela é uma estratégia do filósofo para questionar a estrutura negativa da dialética e do niilismo a que ela está ligada. A fim de realizar (...)
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    Comparando os incomparáveis: resenha do livro Infini et disproportion chez Pascal, de João Cortese.Luís César Guimarães Oliva - 2023 - Cadernos Espinosanos 49:265-267.
    Trata-da resenha do livro Infini et disproportion chez Pascal, de João Cortese.
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    Invenciones Modernas y Recorridos de Investigación.Julio Cesar Monasterio - 2014 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 13.
    ¿Es posible pensar en acciones que orienten hacia la posibilidad de emergencia de nuevos saberes? Las derivas epistémicas de las ciencias sociales nos instan hoy a la recuperación de prácticas silenciadas y sujetos olvidados y estigmatizados, con la finalidad de aproximarnos a otros modos de construcción de conocimientos. De esta manera, intentaremos visualizar su emergencia desde sus planos geográficos, epistémicos y políticos. En este sentido, la reflexión sobre la viabilidad de las formas y patrones canónicos relacionados a la producción del (...)
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  50.  18
    Alejandro Cerletti e o ensino de filosofia.Danilo Rodrigues Pimenta & Cesar Romero Amaral Vieira - 2023 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 28 (2).
    Com o objetivo de responder à questão sobre quais são as condições para que aconteça um filosófico ensino de filosofia, busca-se o diálogo com a obra _O ensino de filosofia como problema filosófico_, de Alejandro Cerletti. Critica-se o que ele denomina “pergunta filosófica” e valoriza-se sua proposta de ensino de filosofia como ensino da repetição criativa. Para construir esta proposta de um filosófico ensino de filosofia faz-se também a apropriação do conceito camusiano de embarcamento, utilizado por Albert Camus para descrever (...)
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