Results for 'Culture conflict Religious aspects.'

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  1.  31
    Teaching Ethics in Religious or Cultural Conflict Situations: a Personal Perspective.Gili Benari - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (4):429-435.
    This article portrays the unique aspects of ethics education in a multicultural, multireligious and conflict-based atmosphere among Jewish and Arab nursing students in Jerusalem, Israel. It discusses the principles and the methods used for rising above this tension and dealing with this complicated situation, based on Yoder's `bridging' method. An example is used of Jewish and Arab students together implementing two projects in 2008, when the faculty decided to co-operate with communities in East Jerusalem, the Arab side of the (...)
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    Beyond cultural stereotyping: views on end-of-life decision making among religious and secular persons in the USA, Germany, and Israel.Mark Schweda, Silke Schicktanz, Aviad Raz & Anita Silvers - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):13.
    End-of-life decision making constitutes a major challenge for bioethical deliberation and political governance in modern democracies: On the one hand, it touches upon fundamental convictions about life, death, and the human condition. On the other, it is deeply rooted in religious traditions and historical experiences and thus shows great socio-cultural diversity. The bioethical discussion of such cultural issues oscillates between liberal individualism and cultural stereotyping. Our paper confronts the bioethical expert discourse with public moral attitudes. The paper is based (...)
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    Religious Conflicts and Peace Building in Nigeria.Ian Linden & Thomas Thorp - 2016 - Journal of Religion and Violence 4 (1):85-100.
    Historical analysis confirms the home-grown character of Nigeria’s conflicts and the complexity of their peaceful resolution. Religious leaders have traditionally contested political space with other actors and continue to do so. But the religiosity of popular culture is such that Nigerian religious leaders can make a substantive contribution to peace building and countering religious extremism if given the time, space and tools to do so. Elections have been critical moments in the evolution of religious tensions (...)
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  4. The cultural evolution of prosocial religions.Ara Norenzayan, Azim F. Shariff, Will M. Gervais, Aiyana K. Willard, Rita A. McNamara, Edward Slingerland & Joseph Henrich - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e1.
    We develop a cultural evolutionary theory of the origins of prosocial religions and apply it to resolve two puzzles in human psychology and cultural history: (1) the rise of large-scale cooperation among strangers and, simultaneously, (2) the spread of prosocial religions in the last 10–12 millennia. We argue that these two developments were importantly linked and mutually energizing. We explain how a package of culturally evolved religious beliefs and practices characterized by increasingly potent, moralizing, supernatural agents, credible displays of (...)
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    Family-Centered Culture Care: Touched by an Angel.Jesus A. Hernandez - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (4):376-383.
    An Asian Indian Hindu family chose no intervention and hospice care for their newborn with hypoplastic right heart syndrome as an ethical option, and the newborn expired after five days. Professional nursing integrates values-based practice and evidence-based care with cultural humility when providing culturally responsive family-centered culture care. Each person’s worldview is unique as influenced by culture, language, and religion, among other factors. The Nursing Team sought to understand this family’s collective Indian Hindu worldview and end-of-life beliefs, values, (...)
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    Business and religion: a clash of civilizations?Nicholas Capaldi (ed.) - 2005 - Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
    The purpose of this volume is to inaugurate a dialogue on the common elements of all three Abrahamic traditions - Christianity, Islam, and Judaism - that touch ...
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  7. (1 other version)Brain death, states of impaired consciousness, and physician-assisted death for end-of-life organ donation and transplantation.Joseph L. Verheijde, Mohamed Y. Rady & Joan L. McGregor - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):409-421.
    In 1968, the Harvard criteria equated irreversible coma and apnea with human death and later, the Uniform Determination of Death Act was enacted permitting organ procurement from heart-beating donors. Since then, clinical studies have defined a spectrum of states of impaired consciousness in human beings: coma, akinetic mutism, minimally conscious state, vegetative state and brain death. In this article, we argue against the validity of the Harvard criteria for equating brain death with human death. Brain death does not disrupt somatic (...)
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    A culture of engagement: law, religion, and morality.Cathleen Kaveny - 2016 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    Religious traditions in the United States have been characterized by an ongoing tension between assimilation to the broader culture, typically reflected by mainline Protestant churches, and defiant rejection of cultural incursions, as witnessed by more sectarian movements such as Mormonism and Hassidism. But legal theorist and theologian Cathleen Kaveny contends that religious traditions do not need to swim in either the Current of Openness or the Current of Identity. There is a third possibility, which she calls the (...)
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    Preserving the values of cultural negotiation through social learning: ‘Two Religion Community Life’ case study in Phattalung, Southeast Thailand.Sri Sumarni & Abdulaziz K. Kalupae - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):12.
    Prolonged conflict on the southern Thailand border still continues, especially in four provinces – Pattani, Yala, Narathivat, and Satun. These four provinces are the home base of the Malay-Muslim community. However, conflicts have almost never occurred in the province of Phattalung, particularly in the region called ‘Two Religion Community Life’. This is because people can find solutions to every problem using cultural negotiation. This research aims to describe the results of cultural negotiation and social learning between Muslims and Buddhists (...)
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    Getting work right: labor and leisure in a fragmented world.Michael J. Naughton - 2019 - Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Road Publishing.
    If we don't get Sunday right, we won't get Monday--or any day of the workweek--right. The divided life is a temptation so built into our society, we may not even recognize it. Yet most of us fall prey to it. We either undervalue work, resenting it as simply a job, or we overvalue it as an identity-defining career. Michael Naughton, drawing on his background in both business and theology, proposes that the key to finding balance is another important human activity: (...)
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    Dialogue and the "culture of encounter" as the part to the peace in the modern world.Даріуш Туловецьки - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:90-119.
    Summary. Religious differences may rise and actually historically rose tensions and even wars. In the history, Christians also caused wars and were a threat to social integration and peace, despite the fact that Christianity is a religion of peace. God in Christians’ vision is a God of peace, and the birth of Son of God was to give peace «among men in whom he is well pleased». Although Christians themselves caused wars, died in them, were murdered and had to (...)
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  12.  22
    Seeing cultural conflicts.David Carrier - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (3):115-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 39.3 (2005) 115-120 [Access article in PDF] Commentary Seeing Cultural Conflicts Some years ago the great intellectual historian Isaiah Berlin made an important statement about what has become known as multiculturalism: We are urged to look upon life as affording a plurality of values, equally genuine, equally ultimate, above all equally objective; incapable, therefore, of being ordered in a timeless hierarchy, or judged in (...)
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  13.  12
    The ethics of Japan's global environmental policy: the conflict between principles and practice.Midori Kagawa-Fox - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This work examines Japanese government policies that impact on the environment in order to determine whether they incorporate a sufficient ethical substance. In the enquiry into the ethics of the policies, Kagawa-Fox explores how Western philosophers combined their theories to develop a 'Western environmental ethics code'; she also reveals the existence of a unique 'Japanese environmental ethics code' built on Japan's cultural traditions, religious practices, and empirical experiences. The discovery of the distinctive Japanese code is not only important for (...)
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  14.  56
    On cross-cultural conflict and pediatric intervention.Sumner B. Twiss - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (1):163-175.
    A critical examination of Richard Miller's position in his recent "Children, Ethics, and Modern Medicine" on how to handle pediatric interventions in cases of cross-cultural conflict between parents and doctors with respect to treating young children. Particular emphasis is placed on Miller's interpretation of and arguments about a Hmong case extensively researched by Anne Fadiman in her "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down". The conclusion drawn is that Miller's position requires further nuance and development, and some recommendations (...)
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    Dialogue and the "culture of encounter" as the part to the peace in the modern world.Dariusz Tulowiecki - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:90-119.
    Summary. Religious differences may rise and actually historically rose tensions and even wars. In the history, Christians also caused wars and were a threat to social integration and peace, despite the fact that Christianity is a religion of peace. God in Christians’ vision is a God of peace, and the birth of Son of God was to give peace «among men in whom he is well pleased». Although Christians themselves caused wars, died in them, were murdered and had to (...)
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  16.  61
    The Globalization of Ethics: Religious and Secular Perspectives.William M. Sullivan & Will Kymlicka (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Sullivan and Kymlicka seek to provide an alternative to post-9/11 pessimism about the ability of serious ethical dialogue to resolve disagreements and conflict across national, religious, and cultural differences. It begins by acknowledging the gravity of the problem: on our tightly interconnected planet, entire populations look for moral guidance to a variety of religious and cultural traditions, and these often stiffen, rather than soften, opposing moral perceptions. How, then, to set minimal standards for the treatment of persons (...)
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    The persistence of evil: a cultural, literary and theological analysis.Fintan Lyons - 2023 - London: T&T Clark.
    Theodicy: God or evil?: Irenaeus -- Augustine -- Thomas Aquinas -- John Hick -- Alvin Plantinga -- God and evil: Friedrich Nietzsche -- Richard Dawkins -- Divine hiddenness -- Rudolf Otto -- The Kabbalah -- Karl Barth -- Karl Rahner -- Empirical science -- A cultural, historical and literary survey: Does the devil exist? A persistent belief -- Stepping stones to Europe -- Demonology in medieval literary culture -- The Reformation: Two magisterial reformers: Martin Luther -- John Calvin -- (...)
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    Cultures. Conflict - Analysis - Dialogue: Proceedings of the 29th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, Austria.Christian Kanzian (ed.) - 2007 - Walter de Gruyter.
    What can systematic philosophy contribute to come from conflict between cultures to a substantial dialogue? - This question was the general theme of the 29th international symposium of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society in Kirchberg. Worldwide leading philosophers accepted the invitation to come to the conference, whose results are published in this volume, edited by Christian Kanzian Edmund Runggaldier. The sections are dedicated to the philosophy of Wittgenstein, Logics and Philosophy of Language, Decision- and Action Theory, Ethical Aspects of (...)
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    Deutungsmacht: Religion und belief systems in Deutungsmachtkonflikten.Philipp Stoellger (ed.) - 2014 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Everyone would like to have it, many fight for it, some seem to have it, but until now it has not been clear what it actually is: the power of interpretation. In this work, the authors seek to define and conceptualize - in the form of case studies - this term which is frequently used in communicative practice but whose precise meaning often remains obscure. How does the power of interpretation emerge, function and disintegrate, for example in the context of (...)
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    The Religious Aspect of Confucianism During The Ly-Tran Dynasties, Vietnam.Nhu Nguyen & Quyet Nguyen - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):234-246.
    This article explores the religious dimensions of Confucianism during the Ly-Tran dynasties (1009-1400 AD) in Vietnam, a period marked by significant sociopolitical and cultural transitions. Initially introduced as a moral and ethical philosophy from China, Confucianism underwent a complex process of localization, blending with indigenous Vietnamese beliefs and practices as well as Buddhism and Taoism. Through historical records, literary works, and ritual practices documented in “The Complete Annals of Đại Việt” and other classical texts, this study delves into how (...)
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    Diaspora of Religious Treasures in Sundanese Society.Masmedia Pinem, Zaenudin, Dede Burahnudin, Rosidin, Arnis Rachmadhani, Roch Aris Hidayat & Wahab - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:637-650.
    The Sundanese ethnic diaspora to Southeast Sulawesi, especially Sindangkasih Village, South Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi creates the potential for social interaction between the two different cultures. This interaction can produce harmony or conflict, while in certain aspects, it may create a new culture that is interesting to preserve. This research aims to identify, group, and analyze the forms of diaspora religious cultural treasures from the diaspora community. We recorded and mapped the potential diaspora of Sundanese religious cultural (...)
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  22.  28
    Korean confucian response to the west: A semiotic aspect of culture conflict.Chai-Sik Chung - 1997 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 24 (3):361-399.
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  23. The errors of the franks by nikon of the Black Mountain: Between religious and ethno-cultural conflict.Milka Levy-Rubin - 2001 - Byzantion 71 (2):422-437.
  24.  66
    The Kite Runner and the Problem of Racism and Ethnicity.Akram Sadat Hosseini & Esmaeil Zohdi - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 74:33-40.
    Publication date: 30 November 2016 Source: Author: Akram Sadat Hosseini, Esmaeil Zohdi Racism is a worldwide matter that is based on the physical characteristics of people's division into different categories on which some people become superior and some inferior. Racism and ethnicity are usually considered as the same concepts while in fact ethnicity is a sub-class of racism. In every nation, there are some ethnic groups with the same origin and similar customs that may or may not be judged equally (...)
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  25.  43
    Ethical and Legal Aspects in Medically Assisted Human Reproduction in Romania.Beatrice Ioan & Vasile Astarastoae - 2008 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 14 (2):4-13.
    Up to the present, there have not been any specific norms regarding medically assisted human reproduction in Romanian legislation. Due to this situation the general legislation regarding medical assistance, the Penal and Civil law and the provisions of the Code of Deontology of the Romanian College of Physicians are applied to the field of medically assisted human reproduction. By analysing the ethical and legal conflicts regarding medically assisted human reproduction in Romania, some characteristics cannot be set apart because they derive (...)
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  26.  16
    Artistic Expression of National Cultural Identity.Bohdan Dziemidok - 1999 - Filozofski Vestnik 20 (2).
    The turn of the 20th and the 21st century is a very interesting period. On the one hand, there is a growth of internationalist tendencies, which make us look for common values and universal culture, and on the other hand, the centrifugal tendencies lead to the revival of new forms of nationalism and national and religious conflicts. Integrative tendencies are an unquestioned fact of every aspect of societal life: economic, political, and in culture, which succumbs to a (...)
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  27.  18
    Peace Education and the Northern Irish Conflict.André Lascaris - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):135-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PEACE EDUCATION AND THE NORTHERN IRISH CONFLICT André Lascaris Dominican Theological Center, Nijmegen The Northern Irish conflict can be interpreted as an anachronism. This is true in many aspects. However, in the last ten years we were confronted with many "anachronistic" conflicts: in former Yugoslavia, in Rwanda, Algeria, Colombia, and Afghanistan, to mention only some. In our postmodern times the division of the world into two rather (...)
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    The Religious Aspect of Scanderbeg’s Revolts and his Relations with the Papacy.İlir Rruga - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54 (15-12-2018)):175-202.
    The national hero of the present-day Albania is Skanderbeg’s father, Gjon (Yuvan) Kastrioti. Despite the fact that the Albanians tried to resist the Ottomans expeditions during the reign of Gjon, they were eventually defeated. As a result of this defeat by Sultan Murad II in 1423, Gjon was forced to give his four sons as captives. The youngest of his children was Skanderbeg, who together with three older brothers was given as captive due to the defeat by the Ottomans, had (...)
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    Aspects of receptions of inogenic cultural-religious elements in complex approach to research.Denis Aleksandrovich Efimov - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):144-151.
    This article discusses foundations and particularities of the complex approach to researches of processes and phenomena of reception of inogenetic cultural and religious elements. Based on the conception of "comprehending questioning", which, according to Martin Heidegger, is a "ground" for understanding, the author builds a methodologic scheme of the complex approach, which serves to provide a sufficient heuristical minimum in perception of referred subject of research by searching for the answers to the basic issues of scientific philosophical interest. Emphasizing (...)
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    Law and Internal Cultural Conflicts.Yaacov Ben-Shemesh - 2007 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 1 (1):271-308.
    Liberal political theory acknowledges the interdependence of the wellbeing of individuals and the flourishing of the cultural groups to which they belong. Consequently, many liberal political philosophers have proposed policies and laws aimed at multicultural accommodation. That is, policies and laws aimed at assisting communities to preserve their cultural values and practices, and at allowing them greater autonomy and self-government. However, certain religious and cultural groups hold beliefs, values, and practices that are oppressive and discriminatory against some of their (...)
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  31.  5
    Social, Cultural and Religious Function of Spaces in Rural Areas: The Case of Siirt and Batman Villages.Mehmet Tayanç - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (1):225-252.
    This study is based on the question of which factors some rural spaces build and eliminate existing social relations. Specifically, the social functions of places such as bridges, caravan roads, police offices, madrasah, watermills, and dams are focused subjects. It is examined how these spaces bring social groups together, how they are separated, and how they affect the displacement of these groups. On the other hand, the differences between the rural space stand out with its cultural aspects, and the urban (...)
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  32.  9
    Ideological fixation: from the Stone Age to today's culture wars.Azar Gat - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book was undertaken before the terms 'fake news' and 'alternative facts' were coined and the further escalation of America's ideological civil war. It was prompted by deep wonderment at the way people tend to be wholly enclosed within their ideological frames and deaf to claims about reality that come from the opposite camp, no matter how valid they might be. Ideology consists of normative prescriptions regarding how society should be shaped, together with an interpretive roadmap indicating how this normative (...)
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  33.  11
    Cross-cultural and religious critiques of informed consent.Joseph Tham, Alberto García Gómez & Mirko Daniel Garasic (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the challenges of informed consent in medical intervention and research ethics, considering the global reality of multiculturalism and religious diversity. Even though informed consent is a gold standard in research ethics, its theoretical foundation is based on the conception of individual subjects making autonomous decisions. There is a need to reconsider autonomy as relational-where family members, community and religious leaders can play an important part in the consent process. The volume re-evaluates informed consent in multicultural (...)
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    Trans-cultural/religious constants vs. cross-cultural/ religious differences in psychological aspects of religion.Vassilis Saroglou - 2003 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 25 (1):71-87.
    Are there trans-religious, trans-cultural constants in psychological aspects of religion across different religions and cultures? An excessively culturalistic approach may overlook this possibility, putting an emphasis on the uniqueness of the religious phenomenon studied as emerging from a complex of multiple contextual factors. This article reviews empirical studies in psychology of religion in the 1990s that mainly include participants from different Christian denominations, but also from other religions: Muslims, Jews and Hindus. It appeared, at first, that several cross-cultural/ (...) differences can be documented , but the interpretation of these differences is not simple, as other factors may interfere. Secondly it turned out that an impressive series of psychological constants also exist across different denominations, religions, and cultures. These constants include personality correlates, gender and gender orientation, positive and negative values, cognitive and affective aspects, identity formation, social attitudes and consequences. (shrink)
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  35. Accommodation of Local Culture as a Strategy to Reduce the Potential for Religious Social Conflict: Learning from the Indonesian Experience.Kholis Ridho - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    The religious factor in social life often functions as an instrument to suppress the potential for conflict and or at the same time triggers the potential for conflict to strengthen. Therefore, the author argues that it is important to place religion in the construction of a society's cultural space. Without cultural space, religion will always be a scapegoat for all conflict events in the name of religion and even terrorism. This research tests whether cultural factors are (...)
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    Religious Interests in Community Conflict: Beyond the Culture Wars. Edited by Paul A. Djupe and Laura R. Olson.Guy Lancaster - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (4):689-690.
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    What’s Love Got to Do with it? An Ecofeminist Approach to Inter-Animal and Intra-Cultural Conflicts of Interest.Karen S. Emmerman - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):77-91.
    Many familial and cultural traditions rely on animals for their fulfillment - think of Christmas ham, Rosh Hashannah chicken soup, Fourth of July barbeques, and so forth. Though philosophers writing in animal ethics often dismiss interests in certain foods as trivial, these food-based traditions pose a significant moral problem for those who take animals’ lives and interests seriously. One must either turn one’s back on one’s community or on the animals. In this paper, I consider the under-theorized area of intra-cultural (...)
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    Religious violence and conflict management in Africa: phenomenological and epistemological engagements.Elias G. Konyana & Danoye Oguntola-Laguda (eds.) - 2019 - Harare, Zimbabwe: Africa Institute for Culture, Peace, Dialogue & Tolerance Studies.
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  39. Filozofia, dżihad, nowoczesność: humanizm i oświecenie od Francisa Bacona do Ismaila Bardhiego (i z powrotem do Joanny Rajkowskiej).Mariusz Turowski - 2011 - Nowa Krytyka 26.
    Cultural, social and religious diversity is one of the most valued and most valuable aspects of our contemporary, globalized world. Sometimes it even tends to be described as a gift and invitation to dialogue instead of conflict and confrontation, as numerous authors – Samuel P. Huntington, Mary Habeck, Paul Berman, Bruce Bawer and many other – would have us to believe. Especially dialogue among religions – Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam – is an object of peculiar interest, expectations (...)
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    Strangers in a familiar land: a phenomenological study on marginal Christian identity.James A. Blumenstock - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Throughout history, many Christians have existed on the margins of society; deviants and strangers in lands they call home. To survive, they have had to construct alternate identities that not only make sense of their religious experiences and beliefs but also equip them to successfully negotiate their social worlds. In Thailand, a nation where social identities are thoroughly intertwined with Buddhist religious adherence, Christians must come to terms with such a marginalized existence. By leaving Buddhism and adopting what (...)
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    Therapeutic effort limitation: religious and cultural aspects.Gilberto de Jesús Betancourt Betancourt & Rivero Castillo - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (1):145-162.
    La comprensión de la muerte varía según la época, la cultura, la religión y la edad. Con anterioridad al desarrollo que la ciencia médica ha experimentado desde finales del siglo XIX, en la mayoría de las culturas y religiones había una aceptación de la muerte y se consideraba como parte del ciclo vital de la persona donde se trascendía a una forma celestial y puramente sobrenatural. Los avances científicos de la medicina han venido a cambiar esta situación. La muerte se (...)
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    The role of religious and cultural education as a resolution of radicalism conflict in Sibolga community.Muhammad D. Dasopang, Ismail F. A. Nasution & Azmil H. Lubis - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    This study aimed to investigate the role of religious and cultural education in solving radicalism conflicts that occurred in the Sibolga community in Indonesia. The method used in this research was qualitative with the type of grounded research. This study involved educational stakeholders and traditional as well as cultural leaders as informants in collecting data. These informants were chosen by using a purposive sampling technique. The data obtained in this study were qualitative data that were analysed descriptively by applying (...)
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    Religious “Avatars” and Implicit Religion: Recycling Myths and Religious Patterns within Contemporary US Popular Culture.Andrada Fatu-Tutoveanu & Corneliu Pintilescu - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (33):182-205.
    Contemporary cultural and media studies have been increasingly interested in redefining the relations between religion and culture (and particularly popular culture). The present study approaches a series of theories on the manner in which religious aspects emerge and are integrated in contemporary cultural manifestations, focusing on the persistence/resurrection of religious patterns into secularized cultural contents. Thus, the analysis departs from the concept of implicit religion, coined and developed by Bailey and the theories following it, as well (...)
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    Printed monuments of Ukrainian culture in the aspect of the activity of national monasticism.Valeriy V. Klymov - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:113-127.
    Religious analysis of the history of development of the Institute of monasteries in the Ukrainian lands, the content of their activity in the context of complex and contradictory political, economic, social, ethno-cultural, intra-church and inter-church processes that took place in Ukraine, textological analysis of the national printed heritage created by Ukrainian monks the institute of monasteries, which contributed to the transformation of the latter into important centers of national writing and printing.
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  45. Yahweh versus Baal: A Conflict of Religious Culture.Norman C. Habel - 1964
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  46. Ordaining Women: Culture and Conflict in Religious Organizations. By Mark Chaves.D. Dietrich - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (1):96-96.
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    Culture and Affect in Aesthetic Experience of Pictorial Realism: An Eighteenth-Century Korean Literatus’ Reception of Western Religious Painting in Beijing.Ju-Yeon Hwang - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (1):175-188.
    Cultural factors are operating in the aesthetic experience of pictorial realism, occurring in a transcultural manner, and their effects are salient in beholder’s affective reaction correlated with perceptual-cognitive operation. This paper aims to demonstrate this hypothesis, by developing two analytical tools that might explain the anti-hedonic valence of Hong Taeyong, an eighteenth-century Korean literatus’ aesthetic experience of a Western religious fresco depicting the Lamentation of Christ in a Jesuit Catholic church in Beijing. First, a complex multifold conflict between (...)
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    Religious and mythological aspects of memory of the Great Patriotic War in the works of Vasil Bykov.Leonid Chernov & Elena Pogorelskaya - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. The article analyzes the problem of memory of the Great Patriotic War in the story “Quarry” by the Belarusian writer Vasil Bykov. The memory of the War, as the authors of the article demonstrate, has special qualities and characteristics for those who participated in it, for those who really want to remember the War and really remember it. The purpose of the study. The paper shows how it is possible to interpret the phenomenon of memory in mythological and (...) modes based on the material of V. Bykov’s novel “The Quarry”. Methods. The article uses the phenomenological method of A. Augustine and M. Heidegger, which leads to the existential time series of the “inner man”, as well as the method of creative hermeneutics, which allows to trace stable semantic structures behind the artistic canvas of V. Bykov’s text. The scientific novelty of the research. The mythological aspect of memory returns the characters to the point and event of the “beginning”, in which the formation of an integral self-aware personality took place, into an ontological event constituting the foundation of human identification. Such an event is a tragic, existential event. This event remains relevant in memory, not transient, not disappeared, and determines the characteristics of the subjectmemory all his life. This aspect of memory is opposed to “historical time”, according to which the past has already passed in memory; one should live and think today-the present and the future. The religious aspect of the story’s memory, as interpreted by the authors of the article, lies in the importance of memory, which it has in overcoming the power of time. Based on Augustine’s analysis, proposed by him in Confessions, the authors bring together the logic of V. Bykov’s memory research in this story and the reasoning of Bishop Hippo. Results. Memory endows the events of the past with living qualities of the present time and, thus, memory as a “memory of the sacrifice-ransom”, on the one hand, constantly encourages a Christian believer to think about death, and on the other hand, it is also an instrument of victory over it. In the matter of salvation, a religious person must remember himself, his deeds/offenses, his loved ones, the sacrifice of those and the One who redeemed this life and life in general with his death. In popular culture, in the religious worldview, in the historical attitude to life, such an attitude to memory is denied and causes misunderstanding. Hence, the attitude to the memory of the War in V. Bykov’s work seems outdated, archaic and irrelevant, which the authors of this article disagree with. Conclusions. The authors of the article conclude that the position of the writer front-line soldier V. Bykov in relation to the memory of the War is the position of “paradoxical evidence” and this position allows the author to really, most reliably and psychologically accurately describe from the “inanimate world” that area of the dead, terrible, inhuman that War creates and produces. And it turns out that it is necessary to remember this and think about it in order to be truly alive. (shrink)
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  49. Neuroscientific Explanations of Religious Experience are Not free from Cultural Aspects.Anne L. C. Runehov - 2008 - Ars Disputandi:141-156.
    We cannot disregard that the neuroscientific research on religious phenomena such as religious experiences and rituals for example, has increased significantly the last years. Neuroscientists claim that neuroscience contributes considerably in the process of understanding religious experiences, because neuroscience is able to measure brain activity during religious experiences by way of brain‐imaging technologies. No doubt, those results of neuroscientific research on religious experiences are an important supplement to the understanding of some types of religious (...)
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    The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contemporary Global Condition.David Campbell & Morton Schoolman (eds.) - 2008 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    William Connolly, one of the best-known and most important political theorists writing today, is a principal architect of the “new pluralism.” In this volume, leading thinkers in contemporary political theory and international relations provide a comprehensive investigation of the new pluralism, Connolly’s contributions to it, and its influence on the fields of political theory and international relations. Together they trace the evolution of Connolly’s ideas, illuminating his challenges to the “old,” conventional pluralist theory that dominated American and British political science (...)
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