Results for 'Critiques of the human enhancement discourse'

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  1.  25
    Human Enhancement and the Anthropology of the “Entire Human Being”.Richard Saage - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):237-246.
    About one and a half decades ago, two prominent reports were published in the United States which strongly influenced subsequent international discussions on the topic of human enhancement: a 2002 report on “converging technologies for improving human performance”, based on a workshop which was organised by the US National Science Foundation and the US Department of Commerce in December 2001, and the first report of US President George W. Bush’s Council on Bioethics, published in October 2003 with (...)
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  2. If and then: A critique of speculative nanoethics. [REVIEW]Alfred Nordmann - 2007 - NanoEthics 1 (1):31-46.
    Most known technology serves to ingeniously adapt the world to the physical and mental limitations of human beings. Humankind has acquired awesome power with its rather limited means. Nanotechnological capabilities further this power. On some accounts, however, nanotechnological research will contribute to a rather different kind of technological development, namely one that changes human beings so as to remove or reduce their physical and mental limitations. The prospect of this technological development has inspired a fair amount of ethical (...)
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  3.  33
    Enhancing the collectivist critique: accounts of the human enhancement debate.Tess Johnson - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (4):721-730.
    Individualist ethical analyses in the enhancement debate have often prioritised or only considered the interests and concerns of parents and the future child. The collectivist critique of the human enhancement debate argues that rather than pure individualism, a focus on collectivist, or group-level ethical considerations is needed for balanced ethical analysis of specific enhancement interventions. Here, I defend this argument for the insufficiency of pure individualism. However, existing collectivist analyses tend to take a negative approach that (...)
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  4.  46
    What are we to make of the charge that human biological enhancement technologies are ‘unnatural’?Paul Richard Miller - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (2):140-143.
    In popular lay discourse, objections to human biological enhancement technologies are sometimes expressed in terms of the charge that they are unnatural. This paper critiques the literal claim that seems to be presented here, namely that such technologies are in some ordinary sense ’unnatural' and that it follows from this they are immoral. Such a conceptual ’nature argument' is unsound. However, the paper contends that this does not mean that the charge of unnaturalness should be dismissed (...)
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  5.  47
    Hayek's Critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Jean-Philippe Feldman - 1999 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 9 (4):529-540.
    Critiquer la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme du 10 décembre 1948 paraît relever de la provocation ou de l’inconscience. Ses contempteurs, qu’il s’agisse des marxistes ou des conservateurs, se sont déconsidérés. Nonobstant, c’est avec force courage que Hayek s’est attelé dès 1966 à une critique en règle de cette déclaration “constructiviste” dont l’objectif impossible était de fusionner les droits de la tradition libérale avec ceux de la conception marxiste. Le Prix Nobel démontre que les nouveaux droits ainsi proclamés ne (...)
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    Foucault’s Critique of the Human Sciences in the 1950s: Between Psychology and Philosophy.Elisabetta Basso - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (1-2):71-90.
    This paper is based on the archives of Michel Foucault collected (since 2013) at the manuscripts department of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. Our investigation focuses in particular on the documents of the 1950s, in order to study the role of the reflection on anthropology and phenomenology at the beginning of Foucault’s philosophical path. This archival material allows us to discover the tremendous work that is at the basis of the relatively few works that Foucault published in the 1950s. (...)
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  7.  74
    Transhumanism and its Genesis: The Shaping of Human Enhancement Discourse by Visions of the Future.Christopher Coenen - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (26).
    Current discourse on human enhancement is strongly influenced by far-reaching, radical visions concerning the future of human corporeality and civilisation. These visions are most forcefully brought into the discussions by proponents of transhumanism, which constitutes both a worldview and a sociocultural movement that is increasingly influential in academia, industry and other sectors of society. Aiming to shed new light on our societies’ current fascination with human enhancement discourse, three narratives concerning the genesis of (...)
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  8.  15
    Visions of technological transcendence: human enhancement and the rhetoric of the future.James A. Herrick - 2017 - Anderson, South Carolina: Parlor Press.
    Examines key narratives animating the techno-progressive rhetoric of the human enhancement movement, arguing that enhancement and transhumanist discourse performs distinctly mythic functions. They cast a vision of a technological future involving enhanced posthumans, immortality, human merger with machines and space colonization.
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    Conceptual Freedom of the Globalized Mind: Multicultural Experiences Enhance Human Cognition Through the Expansion of Conceptual Categories.Anatoliy Kharkhurin - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (3-4):3-4.
    This work provides a psychological perspective on globalization. It argues that multicultural experience may facilitate a merge of different cultural values, which forms a distinctively new state of mind. Experience with multicultural settings expands conceptual category boundaries, interrupts categorical thinking, and subsequently creates a new frame of thought. Studies identifying the important role of the multicultural experience in cognitive development and enhancement of creative abilities are presented to support this argument. The article questions the validity a of common critique (...)
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  10.  59
    The Technologisation of Grace and Theology: Meta-theological Insights from Transhumanism.King-Ho Leung - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (4):479-495.
    This article examines some of the recent theological critiques of the movement of technological human enhancement known as ‘transhumanism’. Drawing on the comparisons between grace and technology often found in the theological discourse on transhumanism, this article argues that the Thomistic distinction between healing grace and elevating grace can not only supplement the theological analysis of transhumanism and its ethical implications, but also help Christian theologians and ethicists become more aware of how the phenomenon of technology (...)
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  11.  20
    Critique of the Public Sphere: A Kantian Measure of the Enlightenment of Societies.Martin Hammer - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:344-368.
    I propose a method of assessing the degree of enlightenment of a society based on its discourses. My hypothesis is that the more objectivity prevails in a society’s spheres of discourse, the more enlightened it is; the more subjectivity dominates, the more unenlightened. This relationship can be made evident through the reconstruction of Kant’s Theory of Prejudice by taking into account the handwritten notes and fragments and the lectures on logic. First, I will discuss some key aspects of Kant’s (...)
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  12. Perspectives for a human-centric industry: understanding the social critique of the utopian proposal.Margherita Pugnaletto - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    This article assesses the exploration of the utopian paradigm within the context of technological advancement and its implications for human labor. It engages in this reflection, beginning with John Danaher’s reading of utopian perspectives related to the evolution of the labor domain, and then focusing on the significance of the social element and its dynamics in redefining labor and productive structures. It focuses on utopia as a regulatory ideal, valuing the conjectural contributions from theories throughout the history of utopian (...)
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  13. The Posthuman as Hollow Idol: A Nietzschean Critique of Human Enhancement.Ciano Aydin - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (3):304-327.
    In this paper, the author aims to show that transhumanists are confused about their own conception of the posthuman: transhumanists anticipate radical transformation of the human through technology and at the same time assume that the criteria to determine what is “normal” and what is “enhanced” are univocal, both in our present time and in the future. Inspired by Nietzsche’s notion of the Overhuman, the author argues that the slightest “historical and phenomenological sense” discloses copious variations of criteria, both (...)
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  14.  35
    Herder's Critique of the Enlightenment: Cultural Community Versus Cosmopolitan Rationalism.Brian J. Whitton - 1988 - History and Theory 27 (2):146-168.
    In his theory of history Gottfried von Herder presents a radical critique of the rationalist discourse of cosmopolitan human development advanced by the Enlightenment thinkers of his day. Herder's critique centers around his theory of history as the evolution of the Volk community. He opposed the way the rationalist perspective abstracts historical human development from all connection with the contingent elements of human historical linguistic and cultural practice in the creation of a unified, integrated world. Herder (...)
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  15.  43
    A Critique of Darwin’s The Descent of Man by a Muslim Scholar in 1912: Muḥammad-Riḍā Iṣfahānī's Examination of the Anatomical and Embryological Similarities Between Human and Other Animals.Amir-Mohammad Gamini - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (3):485-511.
    The cliché of the clergymen or the religious scholars battling against modern science oversimplifies the history of the encounter between modern science and religion, especially in the case of non-Western societies. Many religious scholars, Muslim and Christian, not only did not oppose modern science but used it instrumentally to propagate their religions. Marwa Elshakry, in her brilliant study of Darwin's opinions among the Arab World, concentrates more on Arab Christians and Sunni Muslims rather than on Shiite Muslims. Muḥammad-Riḍā Iṣfahānī, a (...)
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  16.  17
    Critique and the Coloniality of Being: Rethinking Development Discourses of Encounter.David Chandler - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (3):337-354.
    Fleur Johns argues that the contraposition of a ‘bottom-up’ approach of politics of prototypical technique rather than the ‘top-down’ politics of the master plan or normative principle no longer seems as straightforwardly radical as it appeared when James C Scott posited the value of local knowledge or métis against grand plans of high modernization, just over 20 years ago. This paper seeks to follow Johns’ call, ‘to capture and probe some of the effects of sensibility, rationality or style widely reproduced (...)
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  17.  74
    Rousseau's Critique of Inequality: Reconstructing the Second Discourse.Frederick Neuhouser - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Rousseau's Discourse on the Origin of Inequality among Mankind, published in 1755, is a vastly influential study of the foundations of human society, including the economic inequalities it tends to create. To date, however, there has been little philosophical analysis of the Discourse in the literature. In this book, Frederick Neuhouser offers a rich and incisive philosophical examination of the work. He clarifies Rousseau's arguments as to why social inequalities are so prevalent in human society and (...)
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  18.  16
    A Critique of the Inclusion/Exclusion Dichotomy.Cathrine Victoria Felix - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (2):30.
    In contemporary discourse, inclusion has evolved into a core value, with inclusive societies being lauded as progressive and inherently positive. Conversely, exclusion and excluding practices are typically deemed undesirable. However, this paper questions the prevailing assumption that inclusion is always synonymous with societal progress. Could it be that exclusion, in certain contexts, serves as a more effective tool for advancing societal development? Is there a more intricate interconnection between these phenomena than conventionally acknowledged? This paper advocates moving beyond a (...)
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  19.  26
    Beyond Transhumanism: A Nietzschean Critique of the Cultural Implications of the Techno-Progressive Agenda.Markus Lipowicz - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (4):522-546.
    The objective of this article is to conceptualize and evaluate the transhumanist movement by applying a Nietzschean critique to its techno-progressive agenda of human enhancement. The investigation itself is divided into three distinctive, yet methodologically intertwined steps: first, I will present an exegetical approach by circumscribing the discussion concerning the alleged similarities and disparities between the transhumanist notion of transforming the human into a posthuman being and Nietzsche’s concept of education, understood as self-overcoming; secondly, in a more (...)
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  20.  20
    The quest for human nature: what philosophy and science have learned.Marco J. Nathan - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Science and philosophy have discovered quite a lot about humans. The emergence and development of biology, psychology, anthropology, and cognate fields has substantially increased our knowledge about who we are and where we come from. The first half of this book provides an overview of key cutting-edge topics, from evolutionary psychology to contemporary critiques of essentialism, from genetic determinism to innateness. Nevertheless, these discoveries fall short of a full-blown theory of human nature. Why? Perhaps there is nothing there (...)
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  21.  39
    Rereading Habermas in Times of CRISPR-cas: A Critique of and an Alternative to the Instrumentalist Interpretation of the Human Nature Argument.Annett Wienmeister - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (4):545-556.
    Habermas’s argument from human nature, which speaks in favour of holding back the use of human germline editing for purposes of enhancement, has lately received criticism anew. Prominent are objections to its supposedly genetic essentialist and determinist framework, which underestimates social impacts on human development. I argue that this criticism originates from an instrumentalist reading of Habermas’s argument, which wrongly focuses on empirical conditions and means-ends-relations. Drawing on Habermas’s distinction of a threefold use of practical reason, (...)
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  22. Heidegger's critique of the vulgar notion of time.Pierre Keller - 1996 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 4 (1):43 – 66.
    Abstract This paper compares Heidegger's conception of time with more prevalent physical and broadly psychological analyses of time. The ?vulgar? notion of time, as Heidegger understands it, is based on the assumption that time, regardless of whether it is identified with tense or not, is something that is essentially measurable by clocks. Heidegger maintains that the vulgar notion of time is a distortion of his own preferred conception of temporality. I show how temporality may be understood as the non?sequential tensed (...)
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  23. "Racism, Speciesism, and the Argument from Analogy: A Critique of the Discourse of Animal Liberation".Kristian Cantens - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    Peter Singer's argument against ‘speciesism’ has served as the theoretical foundation for the modern animal rights movement. His argument is that the wrongs we do to animals are analogous to those committed against marginalized humans; that if we are opposed to one, then we should also be opposed to the other. Despite the argument's popularity, those historically oppressed groups to whom animals are compared have been critical of it, perceiving the analogy as dehumanizing. Animal activists have struggled to understand this (...)
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  24.  86
    A Critique of Atheistic Humanism in the Quest for Human Dignity.Precious Uwaezuoke Obioha - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):131.
    A challenge confronting the human person in contemporary society is the abuse to his personality which constitutes a bane to his dignity and well-being which has continued to be on the increase despite various theoretical attempts at addressing the issue of abuse to human dignity. One of such theoretical attempts, which is atheistic humanism, has failed in its quest to enhancing the dignity of man because it has neglected the theistic background necessary for understanding, relating to and the (...)
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  25.  34
    “Unnatural” thoughts? On moral enhancement of the human animal.Norman K. Swazo - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (3):299-310.
    Recent discussions about moral enhancement presuppose and recommend sets of values that relate to both the Western tradition of moral philosophy and contemporary empirical results of natural and social sciences, including moral psychology. It is argued here that this is a typology of thought that requires a fundamental interrogation. Proponents of moral enhancement do not account for important critical analyses of moral discourse, beginning with that of Friedrich Nietzsche and continuing with more prominent twentieth century thinkers such (...)
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  26.  13
    Racism, Speciesism, and the Argument from Analogy: A Critique of the Discourse of Animal Liberation.Kristian Cantens - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    Peter Singer's argument against ‘speciesism’ has served as the theoretical foundation for the modern animal rights movement. His argument is that the wrongs we do to animals are analogous to those committed against marginalized humans; that if we are opposed to one, then we should also be opposed to the other. Despite the argument's popularity, those historically oppressed groups to whom animals are compared have been critical of it, perceiving the analogy as dehumanizing. Animal activists have struggled to understand this (...)
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  27. Wittgensetin's Critique of Representation and the Ethical Reflexivity of Anthropological Discourse.Horacio Ortiz - 2016 - In T. M. S. Evens, Don Handelman & Christopher Roberts, Reflecting on reflexivity: the human condition as an ontological surprise. New York: Berghahn.
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  28.  12
    Assessing Ethical Discourses on Human Enhancement from the Point of View of the Democratization of Science and Technology.Paloma García Díaz - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (3).
    En este artículo analizo ciertos problemas que se derivan de los principios que se utilizan en el discurso ético sobre la «mejora humana», y que guardan relación con el positivismo. Comienzo esbozando las dos posiciones principales que configuran el debate sobre la mejora humana: la posición creativa, post-humanista o pro-mejora frente a la postura bio-conservadora u orientada a la gratitud. Mi objetivo es mostrar, primero, que el debate ético sobre la mejora humana proviene, especialmente en el bando pro-mejora, de una (...)
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  29.  45
    Agonism and the Possibilities of Ethics for HRM.Carl Rhodes & Geraint Harvey - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (1):49-59.
    This paper provides a critique and re-evaluation of the way that ethics is understood and promoted within mainstream Human Resource Management (HRM) discourse. We argue that the ethics located within this discourse focuses on bolstering the relevance of HRM as a key contributor to organizational strategy, enhancing an organization's sense of moral legitimacy and augmenting organizational control over employee behaviour and subjectivity. We question this discourse in that it subordinates the ethics of the employment relationship to (...)
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  30.  49
    The Critique of Intellectuals in a Time of Pragmatist Captivity.Steve Fuller - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (4):19-38.
    The ‘critique of intellectuals’ refers to a genre of normative discourse that holds intellectuals accountable for the consequences of their ideas. A curious feature of the contemporary, especially American, variant of this genre is its focus on intellectuals who were aligned with such world-historic losers as Hitler and Stalin. Why are Cold War US intellectuals not held to a similar standard of scrutiny, even though they turn out to have been aligned with the world-historic winners? In addressing this general (...)
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  31.  27
    (1 other version)Mou Zongsan’s Critique of Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant and his Solution: A Transcultural Discourse on Human Finitude and Infinitude.Taklap Yeung - 2020 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2020 (5):195-215.
    Mou Zongsan (牟宗三) extols Heidegger’s interpretation of human Dasein as “being-capable” and admits that he was inspired by Heidegger’s interpretation of Kant in many ways; however, although he, like Heidegger, emphasizes that human finitude is the basic premise of Kantian philosophy, he refuses to apply this premise to Kant’s philosophy as a whole. He argues, for Kant, “human beings are finite but can be infinite.” Moreover, he, on the one hand, criticizes Heidegger for withdrawing the dimension of (...)
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  32.  17
    Education amid the deluge of enhancement discourses.Jeong-Gil Woo - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (12):1198-1209.
    This article delves into the examination of the similarities and disparities between education and enhancement, with a particular focus on enhancement within the realm of NBIC (Nano-Bio-Information Technology, Cognitive Science). After scrutinizing how proponents of enhancement have delineated the concept of education, our investigation unfolds along two primary dimensions: the anthropological underpinnings of education and enhancement discourse and their respective objectives. Through this analysis, we assert that education and enhancement exhibit distinct characteristics and objectives, (...)
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  33. Visions and Ethics in Current Discourse on Human Enhancement.Arianna Ferrari, Christopher Coenen & Armin Grunwald - 2012 - NanoEthics 6 (3):215-229.
    Since it is now broadly acknowledged that ethics should receive early consideration in discourse on emerging technologies, ethical debates tend to flourish even while new fields of technology are still in their infancy. Such debates often liberally mix existing applications with technologies in the pipeline and far-reaching visions. This paper analyses the problems associated with this use of ethics as “preparatory” research, taking discourse on human enhancement in general and on pharmaceutical cognitive enhancement in particular (...)
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  34.  28
    D'Alembert's dream and the utility of the humanities.Edward Hundert - 2003 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 15 (3-4):459-472.
    D'Alembert's Preliminary Discourse, a once‐influential eighteenth‐century consideration of the utility of the humanities, is relevant to contemporary concerns about the declining importance of humanistic education. A sympathetic appraisal of d'Alembert's critique of humanistic erudition as largely useless can serve as a starting point for reconceiving of the humanities as studies that help train the professionals who administer the institutions of modern society to better understand their own commitments.
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  35. Discourse and Critique in the Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Paul Ricoeur.David M. Kaplan - 1998 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    This work traces the development Paul Ricoeur's recent hermeneutic phenomenology since the late 1960's, and develops the critical element within Ricoeur's recent thought by examining his conceptions of ideology and utopia, and the relationship between hermeneutics and critical theory, in order to elaborate a critical and rationally justified interpretation of human action for the social sciences. Particular attention is paid to Ricoeur's works on metaphor, narrative, and ethics in the context of a critical theory of power, ideology and history. (...)
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  36.  25
    The dream of transcending the human through the digital matrix: A relational critique.Pierpaolo Donati - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (2):171-193.
    The advent of the digital era brings with it the dream of ‘transcending the human’ through the most sophisticated AI / robot technologies. The Author argues that the concept and practices of ‘transcendence’ are deeply ambiguous, since on the one hand they simply aim to overcome the weaknesses, limits and fragility of the human, while on the other hand they modify the human by selecting its specific qualities and its causal properties in a way to generate beings (...)
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    Whose rights, and what's the difference? A critique of Beth Singer's "human rights: Some current issues".Cynthia Gayman - 2007 - Metaphilosophy 38 (4):431-439.
    In this article I argue against the rights‐based framework defining the abortion debate, and do so by considering the views of Beth Singer, a philosopher whose work conveys a broadly pragmatist formulation of traditional rights‐based language. Although Singer's schema presents a fruitful vantage point from which to consider the abortion question through the discourse of rights, even Singer's use of the language of rights ultimately fails adequately to address the subject. I challenge Singer's view by taking up John Dewey's (...)
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  38.  6
    Uncontrollability: Autonomy and Critique of the Will in Hartmann’s Gregorius.Christian Schneider - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (3):305-339.
    The themes of will and willing form a central but so far largely overlooked level of discourse in Hartmann’s Gregorius. At the heart of this discourse is the opposition between human and divine will, which is negotiated in terms of the tension between controllability and uncontrollability. To this end, Hartmann’s legendary romance takes recourse to a narrative pattern characteristic of, among others, the Latin legend of St. Brendan. Structuring the text and plot of Gregorius, it serves to (...)
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    The Phenomenological Outlook on Critique of Ideology.Maria Stenina - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (1):173-194.
    The article further elaborates on a project of phenomenological critique of ideology and reveals its potential for the discourse of literature. Since the paradigm of studying ideology as a ‘false consciousness’ set in classical Marxism run into several problems connected with the transition from being in ideology to performing its critique, a genuine way out of it became impossible due to the totality of a discursive structure common to them. The articulation of this paradox in Karl Mannheim, Louis Althusser, (...)
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    Towards a ‘Materialist’ Critique of ‘Religious Pluralism’: A Polemical Examination of the Discourse of John Hick and Wilfred Cantwell Smith.Kenneth Surin - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (4):655-673.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TOWARDS A 'MATERIALIST' CRITIQUE OF 'RELIGIOUS PLURALISM': A POLEMICAL EXAMINATION OF THE DISCOURSE OF JOHN lliCK AND WILFRED CANTWELL SMITH KENNETH SURIN Duke University Durham, North Oarolina HE FACT THAT thinkers of such different theologia.I persuasions as David Tracy and John Hick regard hemsel¥es as 'religious' and (or) 'theological pluralists ' serves to indicate that ' pluralism ' must itself be irreducibly 'plural.' In this paper I shall (...)
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    Participation, Empowerment, and Evidence in the Current Discourse on Personalized Medicine: A Critique of “Democratizing Healthcare”.Tommaso Bruni & Phillip H. Roth - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (5):1033-1056.
    “Democratization” has recently become a popular trope in Western public discourses on medicine, where it refers to patient participation in the gathering and distribution of health-related data using various digital technologies, in order to improve healthcare technically and socially. We critically analyze the usage of the term from the perspective of the “politics of buzzwords.” Our claim is that the phrase works primarily to publicly justify the dramatic increase in the application of information and data technologies in healthcare and therefore (...)
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  42. Hume's Science of Aesthetics: Human Nature and the Century of Criticism.Justine Noel - 1993 - Dissertation, Queen's University at Kingston (Canada)
    Although Hume did not produce any major work in aesthetics, several of his essays, as well as numerous passages in A Treatise of Human Nature and in An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, do address central debates in eighteenth-century aesthetics. In this dissertation I show that Hume made some interesting contributions to these debates that in fact changed the course of aesthetic inquiry. He was the first British thinker to apply systematically an empirical method to such aesthetic concepts (...)
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  43. Ideas of Perfection and the Ethics of Human Enhancement.Johann A. R. Roduit, Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Holger Baumann - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (9):622-630.
    Whatever ethical stance one takes in the debate regarding the ethics of human enhancement, one or more reference points are required to assess its morality. Some have suggested looking at the bioethical notions of safety, justice, and/or autonomy to find such reference points. Others, arguing that those notions are limited with respect to assessing the morality of human enhancement, have turned to human nature, human authenticity, or human dignity as reference points, thereby introducing (...)
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    Wears and tears of the European humanities.Cohen Joseph Zagury-Orly Raphael - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (1):135-161.
    The present context in Europe and in the West, as well as in many parts of the world, is marked by a devastating attack on the Humanities and, by extension, on the ideal of the university. These assaults are visible and manifest in numerous European countries today and their implications are also palpable in France. We shall begin by examining the nature of The present context in Europe and in the West, as well as in these attacks, as well as (...)
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    Critique of Black Reason: Rethinking the Relation of the Particular and the Universal.Schalk Gerber - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (1):165-168.
    This article reviews the 2017 English translation of Achille Mbembe’s book _Critique of Black Reason._ It suggests that a key to understanding the work concerns the theme of the double, for instance, the critique of the double discourse on Blackness which explains the title of the book. Despite some passages of the text being overly poetic and difficult to understand, Mbembe’s critical contribution in this work, to not only the philosophical debate on otherness but also critical race theory, is (...)
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    The Unspoken Word: Negative Theology in Meister Eckhart's German Sermons (review).Oliver Davies - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (3):341-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Unspoken Word: Negative Theology in Meister Eckhart's German SermonsOliver DaviesBruce Milem. The Unspoken Word: Negative Theology in Meister Eckhart's German Sermons. Washington, D. C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2002. Pp. ix + 192. Cloth, $44.95.Questions of meaning in Meister Eckhart's German sermons have prompted a series of recent studies by scholars interested in the dynamics of language and piety as they emerged in vernacular texts written (...)
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    Become what you are: on the value of the concept of human dignity as an ethical criterion in light of contemporary critiques.David G. Kirchhoffer - 2009 - Bijdragen 70 (1):45-66.
    It has been said that human dignity is a vacuous concept that should, therefore, be dismissed as an ethical category. This article seeks to defend the concept of human dignity by suggesting, first, that the flaw in the logic of those who claim that human dignity is a vacuous concept lies in an unjustifiable reductionism that results from the hermeneutic of suspicion that such authors apply to the concept. Second, that human dignity is not an either/or (...)
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    Understanding human enhancement technologies through critical phenomenology.Pierre Pariseau-Legault, Dave Holmes & Stuart J. Murray - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (1):e12229.
    Human enhancement technologies raise serious ethical questions about health practices no longer content simply to treat disease, but which now also propose to “optimize” human beings’ physical, cognitive and psychological abilities. These technologies call for a reassessment of our relationship to health, the human body and the body's organic, identity and social functions. In nursing, such considerations are in their infancy. In this paper, we argue for the relevance of critical phenomenology as a way to better (...)
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    Karel Vasak’s Generations of Rights and the Contemporary Human Rights Discourse.Spasimir Domaradzki, Margaryta Khvostova & David Pupovac - 2019 - Human Rights Review 20 (4):423-443.
    In the late 1970s, when Karel Vasak offered his concept of the three generations of rights, it was inclusive enough to embrace the whole spectrum of existing human rights. Forty years later, this paper explores the nature of contemporary human rights discourse and questions to what extent Vasak’s categorization is still relevant. Our work discusses the evolution of the concept of human rights, the changing dichotomies of national and international, individual and collective, and positive and negative (...)
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    Humans, Animals, and Aristotle. Aristotelian Traces in the Current Critique of Moral Individualism.Martin Huth - 2016 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 18 (2):117-136.
    The concept of moral individualism is part of the foundational structure of most prominent modern moral philosophies. It rests on the assumption that moral obligations towards a respective individual are constituted solely by her or his capacities. Hence, these obligations are independent of any ἔθος, of any shared ethical sense and social significations. The moral agent and the individual with moral status are construed as subjects outside of any social relation or lifeworld significations. This assumption has been contested in the (...)
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