Results for 'Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) Philosophy.'

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  1. Out of this world: Deleuze and the philosophy of creation.Peter Hallward - 2006 - New York: Verso.
    The conditions of creation -- Actual creatures, virtual creatings -- Creatural confinement -- Creative subtraction -- Creation mediated : art and literature -- Creation unmediated : philosophy.
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    Philosophie et métaphysique de la créativité chez Lucian Blaga: un dieu mutilé.Ioan Alexandru David - 2024 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    The thought of Romanian philosopher Lucian Blaga, little known in France, proposes an understanding of cultural works (in the fields of science, art, philosophy, etc.) rooted in the spiritual structures of the subject who creates them, before offering an original metaphysical interpretation of culture.
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    Practising with Deleuze: design, dance, art, writing, philosophy.Suzie Attiwill - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Terri Bird, Andrea Eckersley, Antonia Pont, Jon Roffe & Philipa Rothfield.
    The book offers the first systematic reading of Gilles Deleuze's mature philosophy through the lens of creative practice. Six authors - two fine artists, a dancer, a creative writer, a designer and a philosopher - open multiple dialogues between contemporary creative practices and the generative philosophy of Deleuze. These conversations are focused around key aspects of production: forming, framing, experiencing, encountering and practising."-- Back cover.
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    Thought in the Act: Passages in the Ecology of Experience.Erin Manning & Brian Massumi - 2014 - Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press. Edited by Brian Massumi.
    “Every practice is a mode of thought, already in the act. To dance: a thinking in movement. To paint: a thinking through color. To perceive in the everyday: a thinking of the world’s varied ways of affording itself.” —from _Thought in the Act _Combining philosophy and aesthetics, _Thought in the Act_ is a unique exploration of creative practice as a form of thinking. Challenging the common opposition between the conceptual and the aesthetic, Erin Manning and Brian Massumi “think through” a (...)
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    On Beauty of Artworks as Aesthetic True Representations of Reality: A Collection of Pragmaticist Inquires Into the Epistemology of Artistic Creation and Evaluation of Artworks.Dan Nesher - 2022 - Lanham: Hamilton Books.
    This book is a collection of pragmatist inquiries into the epistemology of artistic creation and evaluation of artworks. It offers a new concept of aesthetics and beauty of artworks. Aesthetics is the mode of artistic representation of reality, and artworks are beautiful when proven aesthetic true representations of reality.
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    Folie & poésie, selon Deleuze et Guattari: (le septième Chant de Maldoror).Alain Jugnon - 2018 - [Paris]: Lignes.
    La quatrième de couverture indique : Deleuze et Guattari étaient des lecteurs sans pareils. C'est la raison pour laquelle Alain Jugnon les lit dans ce livre ; plus précisément, il lit avec eux Artaud et Kafka, Lacan et Klossowski, Büchner et Nietzsche. N'ont-ils pas assez lu Lautréamont ; il les lit pour eux, comme eux l'auraient lu, l'ajoutant à leurs lectures, avec les outils qu'ils ont créés pour lire. Nul mieux qu'Alain Jugnon n'articule les lectures nécessaires à la défaite de (...)
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    Bergson, ou, L'humanité créatrice.Nadia Yala Kisukidi - 2013 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Politique, la philosophie bergsonienne? Engagé dans les affaires de la cité, le penseur de l'élan vital et de la durée? La postérité n'a guère retenu cet aspect dans l'oeuvre immense du prix Nobel de littérature 1927. En palliant cette lacune, Yala Kisukidi ouvre une réflexion stimulante qui renouvelle notre connaissance du bergsonisme. De L'Evolution créatrice (1907) aux Deux sources de la morale et de la religion (1932), elle met en lumière une philosophie politique ambitieuse fondée sur une métaphysique de la (...)
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    La problématique de la création chez Nietzsche.Lotfi Mathlouthi - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Avant d'être un simple lieu de la réflexion philosophique, l'esthétique chez Nietzsche est une perspective générale qui oriente l'ensemble de sa philosophie. Il ne s'agit plus à vrai dire d'une esthétique, mais plutôt d'un esthétisme qui se propose d'interpréter le sens de l'être et la question du sens elle-même dans la perspective de l'art. La démarche proposée a pris le choix d'essayer de démontrer que le déploiement de cet esthétisme se fait chez Nietzsche à travers une pensée originale sur le (...)
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  9. The Creation of Art: New Essays in Philosophical Aesthetics.Berys Nigel Gaut & Paisley Livingston (eds.) - 2003 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Although creativity, from Plato onwards, has been recognized as a topic in philosophy, it has been overshadowed by investigations of the meanings and values of works of art. In this collection of essays a distinguished roster of philosophers of art redress this trend. The subjects discussed include the nature of creativity and the process of artistic creation; the role that creative making should play in our understanding and evaluation of art; relations between concepts of creation and creativity; and (...)
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    Russkiĭ kosmizm: problemy irrat︠s︡ionalʹnogo znanii︠a︡, khudozhestvennogo chuvstva i nauchno-tekhnicheskogo tvorchestva.S. I. Shlëkin - 2013 - Moskva: URSS.
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    The artist as creator: an essay of human freedom.Milton Charles Nahm - 1978 - [Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International.
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    The artist as creator.Milton Charles Nahm - 1956 - Baltimore,: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    From chaos to creativity: building a productivity system for artists and writers.Jessie L. Kwak - 2019 - Portland, OR: Microcosm Publishing.
    From Chaos to Creativity is a book that teaches readers how to build a productivity system that works with their art and with their lifestyle. Author Jessie Kwak helps readers tame the chaos that often surrounds a creative career and further enhance readers' creative output.
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    Philosophie des Schöpferischen.Moritz Tramer - 1957 - Bern,: Francke.
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    Architectures of the unforeseen: essays in the occurent arts.Brian Massumi - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Form Follows Force : Greg Lynn -- Relational Architecture : Rafael Lozano-Hemmer -- Making to Place : Simryn Gill -- Concluding Remarks : Immanence (Many Lives).
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    Philosophie des Schöpferischen naturwiss. fundiert.Moritz Tramer - 1957 - Bern,: Francke.
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    Profession philosophe, vocation écrivain: imaginer et créer.Nicolas Poirier - 2022 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Les vocations sont des chemins que la mémoire trace après-coup pour donner sens au parcours singulier qui nous mène de l'enfance à l'âge adulte. Aux lisières de l'adolescence, je me voyais chauffeur de train ou de taxi, même si je rêvais surtout de devenir journaliste. Je voulais écrire pour raconter ce que je voyais, pour rendre compte d'événements dont j'étais le témoin. L'essentiel était de prendre la route, d'explorer quelque chose qui n'avait été qu'entrevu ou d'en parler d'une manière originale. (...)
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  18. Creativity and the philosophy of C.S. Peirce.Douglas R. Anderson - 1987 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Chapter INTRODUCTION Charles Sanders Peirce is quickly becoming the dominant figure in the history of American philosophy. The breadth and depth of his work ...
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    Find your artistic voice: the essential guide to working your creative magic.Lisa Congdon - 2019 - San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
    This book is a guide to the process of artistic self-discovery.
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    Pour une philosophie de la création.René Passeron - 1989 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    La conduite creatrice est reputee obscure. C'est pourquoi elle doit etre l'objet d'une etude scientifique et d'une reflexion philosophique. Telle est la poietique, ainsi nommee naguere par Valery. Dans tous les domaines ou l'homme se fait constructeur, Rene Passeron propose de remonter en amont de l'oeuvre, pour mettre en lumiere les conditions (de tous ordres) qui font de la creation une activite specifique de l'humain.
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    Tvorchestvo i subʺektivnostʹ: trudy nauchno-obrazovatelʹnogo t︠s︡entra "Filosofii︠a︡ sovremennosti i strategii gumanitarnoĭ ėkspertizy".A. A. Gri︠a︡kalov (ed.) - 2016 - Sankt-Peterburg: NOT︠S︡ "Filosofii︠a︡ sovremennosti i strategii gumanitarnoĭ ėkspertizy".
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    Creation and the function of art: techné, poiesis, and the problem of aesthetics.Jason Tuckwell - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Returning to the Greek understanding of art to rethink its capacities, Creation and the Function of Art focuses on the relationship between techné and phusis (nature). Moving away from the theoretical Platonism which dominates contemporary understandings of art, this book instead reinvigorates Aristotelian causation. Beginning with the Greek topos and turning to insights from philosophy, pure mathematics, psychoanalysis and biology, Jason Tuckwell re-problematises techné in functional terms. This book examines the deviations at play within logical forms, the subject, and (...)
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    The creation of philosophical tradition: biography and the reception of Avicenna's philosophy from the eleventh to the fourteenth century A.D.Ahmed H. Al-Rahim - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
    How is a philosophical tradition created? What role does literary biography play in the formation of intellectual reception history? Through a detailed analysis of the lives and works of post-Avicennan philosophers, this monograph traces the intellectual history and development of the Avicennan tradition from the fifth/eleventh to the eighth/fourteenth century. Section 1 investigates the genres of Arabo-Islamic biobibliographical and prosopographical writings as a source for the history of Arabic philosophy, delineating their literary topoi, the construction of philosophical authority, and the (...)
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    The space of literature.Maurice Blanchot - 1982 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
    Maurice Blanchot, the eminent literary and cultural critic, has had a vast influence on contemporary French writers—among them Jean Paul Sartre and Jacques Derrida. From the 1930s through the present day, his writings have been shaping the international literary consciousness. The Space of Literature , first published in France in 1955, is central to the development of Blanchot's thought. In it he reflects on literature and the unique demand it makes upon our attention. Thus he explores the process of reading (...)
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    The artist's house: from workplace to artwork.Kirsty Bell - 2012 - Berlin: Sternberg Press.
    The artist's house is a prism through which to view not only the artistic practice of its inhabitant, but also to apprehend broader developments in sculpture and contemporary art in relation to domestic architecture and interior space. Based on a series of interviews and site visits with living artists about the role of their home in relation to their work, Kirsty Bell looks at the house as receptacle, vehicle, model, theater, or dream space. In-depth analyses of these contemporary examples—including Jorge (...)
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    Неизданный Иван Лапшин.I. I. Lapshin - 2006 - Sankt-Peterburg: Peterburgskai︠a︡ gos. akademii︠a︡ teatralʹnogo iskusstva. Edited by L. Barsova.
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    Les origines et les arts.Benjamin Brou (ed.) - 2024 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage collectif explore différents niveaux de la relation entre art et origine, notamment comment la notion d'origine fonctionne dans le champ des arts de manière transdisciplinaire, à travers toutes les formes de pratiques artistiques contemporaines. Les auteurs explorent la notion d'origine et sa valeur individuelle permettant de reconfigurer le personnel pour l'inclure dans le social. Il s'agit aussi de voir comment la notion d'origine participe du jeu de la construction et de la perception de l'oeuvre et pose la question (...)
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  28. The Philosophy of Creativity.Elliot Samuel Paul & Scott Barry Kaufman (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Creativity pervades human life. It is the mark of individuality, the vehicle of self-expression, and the engine of progress in every human endeavor. It also raises a wealth of neglected and yet evocative philosophical questions. The Philosophy of Creativity takes up these questions and, in doing so, illustrates the value of interdisciplinary exchange.
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    L'alternance féconde: une philosophie de la contemplation et de la création.Jean Barbier - 2019 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
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  30. Tvorchestvo i obshchestvennyĭ progress: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.D. F. Kozlov (ed.) - 1982 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. pedagog. in-t im. V.I. Lenina.
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    La créativité de la crise.Evelyne Grossman - 2020 - [Paris]: Les éditions de Minuit.
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    Mif i khudozhestvennoe soznanie XX veka.N. A. Khrenov (ed.) - 2011 - Moskva: Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡.
    Не полагаясь на общие размышления и доводы, авторы в процессе экономического моделирования установили несостоятельность действующей экономической системы России, а также погрешности её конструкции, ответственные за сбои в работе хозяйственного механизма. Проверка результатов моделирования данными практики подтвердила их корректность не только по частным выводам (деградация материально-технической базы и инвестиционной деятельности, кризис хозяйственной деятельности предприятий, вырождение экономической среды, неуправляемость экономического развития), но и, по общему заключению: резервы поддержания стабильности российской экономики за счёт сырьевого экспорта исчерпаны - без смены курса ей грозит скорое (...)
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    A critical theory of creativity: utopia, aesthetics, atheism and design.Richard Howells - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Visions and derisions of utopia -- Ernst Bloch and utopian critical theory -- Homo aestheticus -- Case study: Navajo design, culture and theology -- Archetypes, the unconscious and psychoanalysis -- Roger Fry and the language of form -- From Genesis to Job -- Homo absconditus.
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    Schwangere Musen - rebellische Helden: antigenerisches Schreiben: von Sterne zu Dostoevskij, von Flaubert zu Nabokov.Aage Ansgar Hansen-Löve - 2019 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    The book consists of three problem areas which are all connected with the question of creativity, esp. in gthe arts and poetry: It is about the ancient mythopoetic concept of the muses and their collision with the beloved of the poet, about the authority crisis of authorship and the dominance of the author over his creatures and fictional characters as well as their revolt against the father of the text and about a typ of creating and writing which acts against (...)
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    Teoría poética y creatividad.Rosa Romojaro - 2010 - Rubi: Anthropos Editorial.
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  36. Dialektyka twórczości.Władysław Stróżewski - 1983 - Kraków: Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne.
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  37. Puissances de l'art, ou, La lance de Télèphe.Bertrand Leclair - 2024 - [Paris]: Éditions MF.
    "Surgi sans crier gare, ce 'ça' du sacré bouleversait la perspective : non seulement il devenait parfaitement clair (et, de fait, À la Recherche du temps perdu l'illustre de bout en bout) qu'il ne s'agissait en aucune façon de monter à la vérité, mais plutôt de creuser pour y descendre, à la verticale du temps chronologique où se déploient nos existences; plus encore c'était, au regard de l'art, toute une conception de l'ordre et du désordre qui s'en trouvait concrètement bouleversée, (...)
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    Sulla genesi della creazione artistica: una prospettiva musicale.Enrico Careri - 2019 - Lucca: Libreria musicale italiana.
    'Io poi ho sempre pensato--scrive Henri Matisse nel 1935--che gran parte della bellezza di un quadro derivi dalla lotta impegnata dall'artista con i limiti del suo mezzo espressivo.'" Le sue parole riassumono bene il tema di questo libro, la lotta dell'artista con la materia dell'arte, dunque il ruolo fondamentale della costruzione concreta dell'arte rispetto all'idea. L'opera d'arte--una composizione, un romanzo, un dipinto, una scultura, un film--è il risultato di un atto intellettuale consapevole--dunque di un'idea--dove tuttavia entra in gioco l'azione concreta, (...)
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    Khudozhestvennoe soznanie.L. A. Zaks - 1990 - Sverdlovsk: Izd-vo Uralʹskogo universiteta.
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    Künstlerisches Handeln: Bausteine zur Lehre in den Bildenden Künsten.Karl Otto Jung - 2000 - Cambridge: Galda & Wilch.
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  41. Girei to sōzō: bi to geijutsu no gensho.Tadashi Karube, Makoto Kurozumi, Hiroo Satō & Fumihiko Sueki (eds.) - 2013 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    Диалектика свободы как творчества.Zhabaikhan Mubarakovich Abdil din & R. Zh Abdil Dina (eds.) - 1989 - Alma-Ata: "Nauka" Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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  43. Filosofii︠a︡ izobretenii︠a︡ i izobretenie v filosofii: vvedenie v istorii︠u︡ filosofii.I. I. Lapshin - 1999 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Respublika".
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    Les psychonautes.Sinziana Ravini - 2022 - Paris: PUF.
    Qu'est-ce que l'inconscient? À cette question, de nombreuses disciplines, de la psychanalyse aux neurosciences, ont proposé une réponse - toujours frustrante. Peut-être cet échec reposait-il sur le fait que l'inconscient a trop longtemps été considéré comme une chose à observer de loin, plutôt que comme un paysage à arpenter, à explorer. S'entourant d'une pléiade d'artistes, de cinéastes et d'écrivains, de Christopher Nolan à Mikhaïl Boulgakov, de Pierre Huygue à Stanley Kubrick, de Michel Houellebecq à Liv Strômquist, Sinziana Ravini propose ici (...)
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    Dialektyka twórczości.Władysław Stróżewski - 1983 - Kraków: Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne.
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    Discours sur la légitimation actuelle de l'artiste.Paul Audi - 2012 - [Paris]: Encre Marine. Edited by Paul Audi.
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    Phenomenology and the creative process.Steven L. Bindeman - 2023 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Phenomenology and the Creative Process explpores the subject of creativity from a vast range of perspectives. While the emphasis is placed on fundamental ideas taken from phenomenological philosophy and its precursors, the book also engages with related issues from the fields of psychology, physics, narrative studies, art, literature, cognitive science and neuroscience. Author Steven L. Bindeman's objective is to employ an analysis of creativity from the dual perspectives of "identity" and "difference," in order to develop a pluralistic and open-ended understanding (...)
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    Le surgissement créateur: jeu, hasard ou inconscient.Véronique Alexandre Journeau (ed.) - 2011 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La création artistique est l'un des phénomènes les plus complexes et les plus mystérieux de l'activité humaine, notamment parce que c'est toute la richesse des cultures qu'elle met en œuvre, en regard et en correspondance. Un premier ouvrage proposait d'étudier si l'approche de la qualité d'une œuvre par 1' (c effet de vie ", invariant mis en évidence par Marc-Mathieu Münch pour le domaine littéraire, s'applique à la musique : Musique et effet de vie ; puis le corollaire le plus (...)
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    La besogne des images: art, littérature, philosophie.Léa Bismuth & Mathilde Girard (eds.) - 2019 - Trézélan: Filigranes éditions.
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  50. Arte-ciência: processos criativos.Evandro Fiorin, Paula da Cruz Landim & Rosangela da Silva Leote (eds.) - 2015 - São Paulo: Cultura Acadêmica Editora.
    This book is the outcome of the Workshop Ciências Humanas, held in the city of São Pedro (SP), by thePROPe (Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa da Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" - Unesp), with the aim of comprising ebooks for the collection "Desafios Contemporâneos". On this occasion, a team of teachers and representatives of research groups, formed by academics Evandro Fiorin, José Marcos Romão da Silva, Maria Antônia Benutti, Paula da Cruz Landim, Paulo Roberto Masseran, Rosa Maria Araújo Simões and (...)
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