Results for 'Cosmological constants. '

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  1. The cosmological constant, the fate of the universe, unimodular gravity, and all that.John Earman - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (4):559-577.
    The cosmological constant is back. Several lines of evidence point to the conclusion that either there is a positive cosmological constant or else the universe is filled with a strange form of matter (“quintessence”) that mimics some of the effects of a positive lambda. This paper investigates the implications of the former possibility. Two senses in which the cosmological constant can be a constant are distinguished: the capital Λ sense in which lambda is a universal constant on (...)
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    The Cosmological Constant From Planckian Fluctuations and the Averaging Procedure.S. Viaggiu - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (11):1287-1305.
    In this paper I continue the investigation in Viaggiu, Viaggiu concerning my proposal on the nature of the cosmological constant. In particular, I study both mathematically and physically the quantum Planckian context and I provide, in order to depict quantum fluctuations and in absence of a complete quantum gravity theory, a semiclassical solution where an effective inhomogeneous metric at Planckian scales or above is averaged. In such a framework, a generalization of the well known Buchert formalism is obtained with (...)
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    The Cosmological Constant: Einstein's Greatest Mistake?Christopher Ray - 1990 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (4):589.
  4.  95
    Problems with the cosmological constant problem.Adam Koberinski - 2021 - In Christian Wüthrich, Baptiste Le Bihan & Nick Huggett, Philosophy Beyond Spacetime: Implications From Quantum Gravity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The cosmological constant problem is widely viewed as an important barrier and hint to merging quantum field theory and general relativity. It is a barrier insofar as it remains unsolved, and a solution may hint at a fuller theory of quantum gravity. I critically examine the arguments used to pose the cosmological constant problem, and find many of the steps poorly justified. In particular, there is little reason to accept an absolute zero point energy scale in quantum field (...)
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  5. Categorizing Different Approaches to the Cosmological Constant Problem.Stefan Nobbenhuis - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (5):613-680.
    We have found that proposals addressing the old cosmological constant problem come in various categories. The aim of this paper is to identify as many different, credible mechanisms as possible and to provide them with a code for future reference. We find that they all can be classified into five different schemes of which we indicate the advantages and drawbacks.
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    Inducing the Cosmological Constant from Five-Dimensional Weyl Space.José Edgar Madriz Aguilar & Carlos Romero - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (11):1205-1216.
    We investigate the possibility of inducing the cosmological constant from extra dimensions by embedding our four-dimensional Riemannian space-time into a five-dimensional Weyl integrable space. Following the approach of the space-time-matter theory we show that when we go down from five to four dimensions, the Weyl field may contribute both to the induced energy-tensor as well as to the cosmological constant Λ, or more generally, it may generate a time-dependent cosmological parameter Λ(t). As an application, we construct a (...)
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  7. The quantum vacuum and the cosmological constant problem.E. S. & H. Zinkernagel - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33 (4):663-705.
    The cosmological constant problem arises at the intersection between general relativity and quantum field theory, and is regarded as a fundamental problem in modern physics. In this paper, we describe the historical and conceptual origin of the cosmological constant problem which is intimately connected to the vacuum concept in quantum field theory. We critically discuss how the problem rests on the notion of physically real vacuum energy, and which relations between general relativity and quantum field theory are assumed (...)
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    Superpositions of the cosmological constant allow for singularity resolution and unitary evolution in quantum cosmology.Sean Gryb & Karim P. Y. Thébault - unknown
    A novel approach to quantization is shown to allow for superpositions of the cosmological constant in isotropic and homogeneous mini-superspace models. Generic solutions featuring such superpositions display: i) a unitary evolution equation; ii) singularity resolution; iii) a cosmic bounce. Explicit cosmological solutions are constructed. These exhibit characteristic bounce features including a ‘super-inflation’ regime with universal phenomenology that can naturally be made to be insensitive to Planck-scale physics.
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    Cosmological Constants: Papers in Modern Cosmology. Jeremy Bernstein, Gerald Feinberg.Robert Smith - 1987 - Isis 78 (1):101-101.
  10.  82
    Kinematics of a Spacetime with an Infinite Cosmological Constant.R. Aldrovandi, A. L. Barbosa, M. Calçada & J. G. Pereira - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (4):613-624.
    A solution of the sourceless Einstein's equation with an infinite value for the cosmological constant Λ is discussed by using Inönü–Wigner contractions of the de Sitter groups and spaces. When Λ→∞, spacetime becomes a four-dimensional cone, dual to Minkowski space by a spacetime inversion. This inversion relates the four-cone vertex to the infinity of Minkowski space, and the four-cone infinity to the Minkowski light-cone. The non-relativistic limit c→∞ is further considered, the kinematical group in this case being a modified (...)
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    What’s the Problem with the Cosmological Constant?Mike D. Schneider - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (1):1-20.
    The “Cosmological Constant Problem” is widely considered a crisis in contemporary theoretical physics. Unfortunately, the search for its resolution is hampered by open disagreement about what is, strictly, the problem. This disagreement stems from the observation that the CCP is not a problem within any of our current theories, and nearly all of the details of those future theories for which the CCP could be made a problem are up for grabs. Given this state of affairs, I discuss how (...)
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  12. Why Einstein Introduced the Cosmological Constant.Michel Janssen - unknown
    With the discovery that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, Einstein’s cosmological constant, which he once supposedly called his biggest blunder, is making a remarkable comeback. Einstein’s introduction of this constant had little to do with cosmology. It was part of yet another failed attempt to eliminate absolute space from physics. It took the Dutch astronomer Willem de Sitter only a few days to blow the idea out of the water. It took Einstein over a year to (...)
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    Accelerating Expansion: Philosophy and Physics with a Positive Cosmological Constant.Gordon Belot - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Accelerating Expansion explores some of the philosophical implications of modern cosmology, focused on the significance that the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe has for our understanding of time, geometry, and physics. The appearance of the cosmological constant in the equations of general relativity allows one to model universes in which space has an inherent tendency towards expansion. This constant, introduced by Einstein but subsequently abandoned by him, returned to centre stage with the discovery of the accelerating (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics, Formalization and the Cosmological Constant Problem.Jerzy Król & Torsten Asselmeyer-Maluga - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):879-904.
    Based on formal arguments from Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory we develop the environment for explaining and resolving certain fundamental problems in physics. By these formal tools we show that any quantum system defined by an infinite dimensional Hilbert space of states interferes with the spacetime structure M. M and the quantum system both gain additional degrees of freedom, given by models of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory. In particular, M develops the ground state where classical gravity vanishes. Quantum mechanics distinguishes set-theoretic random forcing (...)
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  15.  23
    Symplectic Quantization II: Dynamics of Space–Time Quantum Fluctuations and the Cosmological Constant.Giacomo Gradenigo - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-18.
    The symplectic quantization scheme proposed for matter scalar fields in the companion paper (Gradenigo and Livi, arXiv:2101.02125, 2021) is generalized here to the case of space–time quantum fluctuations. That is, we present a new formalism to frame the quantum gravity problem. Inspired by the stochastic quantization approach to gravity, symplectic quantization considers an explicit dependence of the metric tensor gμν\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}gμνg_{\mu \nu }\end{document} on an additional time variable, named intrinsic time at variance (...)
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    About the Measure of the Bare Cosmological Constant.Massimo Cerdonio - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (8):830-836.
    I try to revive, and possibly reconcile, a debate started a few years ago, about the relative roles of a bare cosmological constant and of a vacuum energy, by taking the attitude to try to get the most from the physics now available as established. I notice that the bare cosmological constant of the Einstein equations, which is there ever since GR emerged, is actually constrained (if not measured) indirectly combining the effective cosmological constant observed now, as (...)
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  17. Spacetime Substantivalism and Einstein’s Cosmological Constant.David J. Baker - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1299-1311.
    I offer a novel argument for spacetime substantivalism: We should take the spacetime of general relativity to be a substance because of its active role in gravitational causation. As a clear example of this causal behavior I offer the cosmological constant, a term in the most general form of the Einstein field equations which causes free floating objects to accelerate apart. This acceleration cannot, I claim, be causally explained except by reference to spacetime itself.
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  18. Unbounded Entropy in Spacetimes with Positive Cosmological Constant.Raphael Bousso, Oliver DeWolfe & Robert C. Myers - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (2):297-321.
    In theories of gravity with a positive cosmological constant, we consider product solutions with flux, of the form (A)dS p ×S q . Most solutions are shown to be perturbatively unstable, including all uncharged dS p ×S q spacetimes. For dimensions greater than four, the stable class includes universes whose entropy exceeds that of de Sitter space, in violation of the conjectured “N-bound.” Hence, if quantum gravity theories with finite-dimensional Hilbert space exist, the specification of a positive cosmological (...)
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  19.  29
    Ricci Flow Approach to the Cosmological Constant Problem.M. J. Luo - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-31.
    In order to resolve the cosmological constant problem, the notion of reference frame is re-examined at the quantum level. By using a quantum non-linear sigma model (Q-NLSM), a theory of quantum spacetime reference frame is proposed. The underlying mathematical structure is a new geometry endowed with intrinsic second central moment (variance) or even higher moments of its coordinates, which generalizes the classical Riemannian geometry based on only first moment (mean) of its coordinates. The second central moment of the coordinates (...)
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    The Hierarchy Problem and the Cosmological Constant Problem Revisited.Fred Jegerlehner - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (9):915-971.
    We argue that the Standard Model (SM) in the Higgs phase does not suffer from a “hierarchy problem” and that similarly the “cosmological constant problem” resolves itself if we understand the SM as a low energy effective theory emerging from a cutoff-medium at the Planck scale. We actually take serious Veltman’s “The Infrared–Ultraviolet Connection” addressing the issue of quadratic divergences and the related huge radiative correction predicted by the SM in the relationship between the bare and the renormalized theory, (...)
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  21.  35
    Unimodular quantum gravity and the cosmological constant.R. Percacci - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1364-1379.
    It is shown that the one-loop effective action of unimodular gravity is the same as that of ordinary gravity, restricted to unimodular metrics. The only difference is in the treatment of the global scale degree of freedom and of the cosmological term. A constant vacuum energy does not gravitate, addressing one aspect of the cosmological constant problem.
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    Our Runaway Universe and Einstein's Cosmological Constant.John Cramer - unknown
    Much of what you thought you knew about the universe and its expansion may be wrong. That expansion appears to be speeding up rather than slowing E = mc 2). down. This column is about recent astronomical evidence for a positive cosmological constant, suggesting that space itself has mass-energy..
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    A Non-perturbative Hamiltonian Approach to the Cosmological Constant Problem.Syed Moeez Hassan - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (5):391-427.
    It was recently suggested that the cosmological constant problem as viewed in a non-perturbative framework is intimately connected to the choice of time and a physical Hamiltonian. We develop this idea further by calculating the non-perturbative vacuum energy density as a function of the cosmological constant with multiple choices of time. We also include a spatial curvature of the universe and generalize this calculation beyond cosmology at a classical level. We show that vacuum energy density depends on the (...)
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  24. Born’s Reciprocal Gravity in Curved Phase-Spaces and the Cosmological Constant.Carlos Castro - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (8):1031-1055.
    The main features of how to build a Born’s Reciprocal Gravitational theory in curved phase-spaces are developed. By recurring to the nonlinear connection formalism of Finsler geometry a generalized gravitational action in the 8D cotangent space (curved phase space) can be constructed involving sums of 5 distinct types of torsion squared terms and 2 distinct curvature scalars ${\mathcal{R}}, {\mathcal{S}}$ which are associated with the curvature in the horizontal and vertical spaces, respectively. A Kaluza-Klein-like approach to the construction of the curvature (...)
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  25. Review of Accelerating Expansion: Philosophy and Physics with a Positive Cosmological Constant, by Gordon Belot. [REVIEW]Franciszek Cudek & James Read - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (18):1-20.
    We review Gordon Belot’s ‘Accelerating Expansion: Philosophy and Physics with a Positive Cosmological Constant’ (OUP, 2023).
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    Empty space and the (positive) cosmological constant.Mike D. Schneider - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 100 (C):12-21.
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  27. RL+ Cosmological Model.Paul Studtmann - manuscript
    We present a cosmological model (RL+) that offers exact predictions for the Hubble constant, the cosmological constant, the total energy density of the universe, and a curvature that matches current observational constraints. The model predicts a cosmological constant energy density that constitutes approximately 64% of the total energy budget, in agreement with current estimates from the standard LCDM model. Furthermore, the model addresses several longstanding cosmological problems—namely, the problem of infinite initial density, the coincidence problem, and (...)
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  28. Probabilistic Reasoning in Cosmology.Yann Benétreau-Dupin - 2015 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario
    Cosmology raises novel philosophical questions regarding the use of probabilities in inference. This work aims at identifying and assessing lines of arguments and problematic principles in probabilistic reasoning in cosmology. -/- The first, second, and third papers deal with the intersection of two distinct problems: accounting for selection effects, and representing ignorance or indifference in probabilistic inferences. These two problems meet in the cosmology literature when anthropic considerations are used to predict cosmological parameters by conditionalizing the distribution of, e.g., (...)
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  29. Cosmological Origin of Gravitational Constant.Maciej Rybicki - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (4):465-480.
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    Quantumbit Cosmology Explains Effects of Rotation Curves of Galaxies.Thomas Görnitz & Uwe Schomäcker - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):885-914.
    Some terms identify enigmata of today’s cosmology: “Inflation” is expected to explain the homogeneity and isotropy of the cosmic background. The repulsive force of a “dark energy” shall prevent a re-collapse of the cosmos. The additional gravitational effect of a “dark matter” was originally supposed to explain the deviations of the rotation curves of the galaxies from Kepler’s laws. Adopting a theory founded on the core notion of absolute quantum information–Protyposis–being a cosmological concept from the outset, the observed phenomena (...)
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    Vacuum Energy as the Origin of the Gravitational Constant.Durmuş A. Demir - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (12):1407-1425.
    We develop a geometro-dynamical approach to the cosmological constant problem (CCP) by invoking a geometry induced by the energy-momentum tensor of vacuum, matter and radiation. The construction, which utilizes the dual role of the metric tensor that it structures both the spacetime manifold and energy-momentum tensor of the vacuum, gives rise to a framework in which the vacuum energy induced by matter and radiation, instead of gravitating, facilitates the generation of the gravitational constant. The non-vacuum sources comprising matter and (...)
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    Cosmological Fine-Tuning Arguments: What (If Anything) Should We Infer From the Fine-Tuning of Our Universe for Life?Jason Waller - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    If the physical constants, initial conditions, or laws of nature in our universe had been even slightly different, then the evolution of life would have been impossible. This observation has led many philosophers and scientists to ask the natural next question: why is our universe so "fine-tuned" for life? The debates around this question are wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary, complicated, technical, and heated. This study is a comprehensive investigation of these debates and the many metaphysical and epistemological questions raised by cosmological (...)
  33.  16
    Classical and Quantum Cosmology.Gianluca Calcagni - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This comprehensive textbook is devoted to classical and quantum cosmology, with particular emphasis on modern approaches to quantum gravity and string theory and on their observational imprint. It covers major challenges in theoretical physics such as the big bang and the cosmological constant problem. An extensive review of standard cosmology, the cosmic microwave background, inflation and dark energy sets the scene for the phenomenological application of all the main quantum-gravity and string-theory models of cosmology. Born of the author's teaching (...)
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    Universes with constant total energy: Do they solve important cosmological problems?Hans J. Fahr & Michael Heyl - 2006 - Apeiron 13 (3):321.
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  35. Alternative cosmologies.Martín López Corredoira - 2025 - Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2948:012001.
    A few remarkable examples of alternative cosmological theories are shown, ranging from a compilation of variations on the Standard Model (inhomogeneous universe, Cold Big Bang, varying physical constants or gravity law, zero-active mass, Milne cosmology, cyclical models), through the more distant quasi-steady-state cosmology, plasma cosmology, or universe models as a hypersphere such as the Dynamic Universe, to the most exotic cases including static models with non-cosmological redshifts of galaxies. -/- Most cosmologists do not usually work within the framework (...)
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    (1 other version)Bouncing Unitary Cosmology I. Mini-Superspace General Solution.Sean Gryb & Karim Thebault - unknown
    We offer a new proposal for cosmic singularity resolution based upon a quantum cosmology with a unitary bounce. This proposal is illustrated via a novel quantization of a mini-superspace model in which there can be superpositions of the cosmological constant. This possibility leads to a finite, bouncing unitary cosmology. Whereas the usual Wheeler–DeWitt cosmology generically displays pathological behaviour in terms of non-finite expectation values and non-unitary dynamics, the finiteness and unitarity of our model are formally guaranteed. For classically singular (...)
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    The Constants of Nature: A Realist Account.Peter Johnson - 1997 - Ashgate Publishing.
    The aim of this book is to provide a realist account of the constants in physics as an alternative to the prevailing conventionalist perspective of many philosophers. To do so the author first focuses on the discussion of the most primitive categories of physical constants which underlie modern science. Subsequently, the conventionalist case is examined in depth and, while held to be coherent, is shown to provide an incomplete account of how constants and related concepts of dimensions function in science. (...)
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  38. The Dirac large number hypothesis and a system of evolving fundamental constants.Andrew Holster - manuscript
    In his [1937, 1938], Paul Dirac proposed his “Large Number Hypothesis” (LNH), as a speculative law, based upon what we will call the “Large Number Coincidences” (LNC’s), which are essentially “coincidences” in the ratios of about six large dimensionless numbers in physics. Dirac’s LNH postulates that these numerical coincidences reflect a deeper set of law-like relations, pointing to a revolutionary theory of cosmology. This led to substantial work, including the development of Dirac’s later [1969/74] cosmology, and other alternative cosmologies, such (...)
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  39. Reinterpreting Relativity: Using the Equivalence Principle to Explain Away Cosmological Anomalies.Marcus Arvan - manuscript
    According to the standard interpretation of Einstein’s field equations, gravity consists of mass-energy curving spacetime, and an additional physical force or entity—denoted by Λ (the ‘cosmological constant’)—is responsible for the Universe’s metric-expansion. Although General Relativity’s direct predictions have been systematically confirmed, the dominant cosmological model thought to follow from it—the ΛCDM (Lambda cold dark matter) model of the Universe’s history and composition—faces considerable challenges, including various observational anomalies and experimental failures to detect dark matter, dark energy, or inflation-field (...)
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  40. Cosmology as a science.Peter G. Bergmann - 1970 - Foundations of Physics 1 (1):17-22.
    In recent years, observational techniques at cosmological distances have been sufficiently improved that cosmology has become an empirical science, rather than a field for unchecked speculation. There remains the fact that its object, the whole universe, exists only once; hence, we are unable to separate “general” features from particular aspects of “our” universe. This might not be a serious drawback if we were justified in the belief that presently accepted laws of nature remain valid on the cosmological scale. (...)
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    Georges Lemaître, Pioneer of Modern Theoretical Cosmology.Helge Kragh - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1333-1348.
    No other scientist may have had a greater impact on modern cosmology than the Belgian physicist, astronomer and priest Georges Lemaître. In 1927 he predicted the expansion of the universe on the basis of the cosmological field equations; and four years later he proposed what he called the primeval-atom hypothesis, the first version of the later big bang universe. In all his work on cosmology the cosmological constant Λ played a significant role. A recognized expert in the theory (...)
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  42. Multiverse Cosmological Models.P. C. W. Davies - unknown
    Recent advances in string theory and inflationary cosmology have led to a surge of interest in the possible existence of an ensemble of cosmic regions, or “universes”, among the members of which key physical parameters, such as the masses of elementary particles and the coupling constants, might assume different values. The observed values in our cosmic region are then attributed to an observer selection effect (the so-called anthropic principle). The assemblage of universes has been dubbed “the multiverse”. In this paper (...)
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  43. Cosmological special relativity.M. Carmeli - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (3):413-416.
    Recently we presented a new special relativity theory for cosmology in which it was assumed that gravitation can be neglected and thus the bubble constant can be taken as a constant. The theory was presented in a six-dimensional hvperspace. three for the ordinary space and three for the velocities. In this paper we reduce our hyperspace to four dimensions by assuming that the three-dimensional space expands only radially, thus one is left with the three dimensions of ordinary space and one (...)
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    Cosmological Constraints from Low-Redshift Data.Vladimir V. Luković, Balakrishna S. Haridasu & Nicola Vittorio - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1446-1485.
    In this paper we summarise the constraints that low-redshift data—such as supernovae Ia, baryon acoustic oscillations and cosmic chronometers —are able to set on the concordance model and its extensions, as well as on inhomogeneous but isotropic models. We provide a broad overlook into these cosmological scenarios and several aspects of data analysis. In particular, we review a number of systematic issues of SN Ia analysis that include magnitude correction techniques, selection bias and their influence on the inferred (...) constraints. Furthermore, we examine the isotropic and anisotropic components of the BAO data and their individual relevance for cosmological model-fitting. We extend the discussion presented in earlier works regarding the inferred dynamics of cosmic expansion and its present rate from the low-redshift data. Specifically, we discuss the cosmological constraints on the accelerated expansion and related model-selections. In addition, we extensively talk about the Hubble constant problem, then focus on the low-redshift data constraint on \ that is based on CC. Finally, we present the way in which this result compares to the high-redshift \ estimate and local measurements that are in tension. (shrink)
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    Splitting the Source Term for the Einstein Equation to Classical and Quantum Parts.T. S. Biró & P. Ván - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1465-1482.
    We consider the special and general relativistic extensions of the action principle behind the Schrödinger equation distinguishing classical and quantum contributions. Postulating a particular quantum correction to the source term in the classical Einstein equation we identify the conformal content of the above action and obtain classical gravitation for massive particles, but with a cosmological term representing off-mass-shell contribution to the energy–momentum tensor. In this scenario the—on the Planck scale surprisingly small—cosmological constant stems from quantum bound states having (...)
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    Addressing the cosmological H0H_0 tension by the Heisenberg uncertainty.Salvatore Capozziello, Micol Benetti & Alessandro D. A. M. Spallicci - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (9):893-899.
    The uncertainty on measurements, given by the Heisenberg principle, is a quantum concept usually not taken into account in General Relativity. From a cosmological point of view, several authors wonder how such a principle can be reconciled with the Big Bang singularity, but, generally, not whether it may affect the reliability of cosmological measurements. In this letter, we express the Compton mass as a function of the cosmological redshift. The cosmological application of the indetermination principle unveils (...)
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  47. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle.Patrick A. Wilson - 1989 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    The structure of the universe and of most objects in it is determined by a small number of physical constants. It can be shown that only a limited range of values for each of these constants is compatible with the existence of human life. The fact that we are able to exist--but just barely--calls for an explanation. In the last fifteen years, an "anthropic principle" has been proposed as a possible scientific explanation of the fortuitous features of our world. This (...)
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    The Heisenberg Limit at Cosmological Scales.Salvatore Capozziello, Micol Benetti & Alessandro D. A. M. Spallicci - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-9.
    For an observation time equal to the universe age, the Heisenberg principle fixes the value of the smallest measurable mass at mH=1.35×10-69\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}mH=1.35×1069m_\mathrm{H}=1.35 \times 10^{-69}\end{document} kg and prevents to probe the masslessness for any particle using a balance. The corresponding reduced Compton length to mH\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}mHm_\mathrm{H}\end{document} is, and represents the length limit beyond which masslessness cannot be proved using a metre ruler. In turns, is (...)
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    A probability law for the fundamental constants.B. Roy Frieden - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (9):883-903.
    If all the fundamental constants x of physics were expressed in one set of units (e.g., mks) and then used as pure numbers in one overall histogram, what shape would that histogram have? Based on some invariances that the law should reasonably obey, we show that it should have either an x−1 or an x−2 dependence. Empirical evidence consisting of the presently known constants is consistent with an x−1 law. This is independent of the system of units chosen for the (...)
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    A Contextual Planck Parameter and the Classical Limit in Quantum Cosmology.John D. Barrow & João Magueijo - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-11.
    We propose that whatever quantity controls the Heisenberg uncertainty relations it should be identified with an effective Planck parameter. With this definition it is not difficult to find examples where the Planck parameter depends on the region under study, varies in time, and even depends on which pair of observables one focuses on. In quantum cosmology the effective Planck parameter depends on the size of the comoving region under study, and so depends on that chosen region and on time. With (...)
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