Results for 'Contextual theology'

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  1.  9
    Contextual Theological Education among Post-Soviet Protestants: Case Study 1: The Development of a Masters Degree at St Petersburg Christian University.Peter Penner - 2001 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 18 (2):114-124.
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    John Macmurray and Contextual Theology.Christopher Lind - 1992 - Philosophy and Theology 6 (4):383-400.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the work of John Macmurray as a philosophical resource for Christianswhose theological framework presumes an epistemological shift, toward a new starting point in the way we understand our knowledge of God. After a brief introduction to both contextual theology and John Macmurray, the paper will concern itself with an exploration of Macmurray’s critique of idealist epistemology and the relationship this critique has to the assumptions of contextual theology. Next (...)
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    Contextual Theological Education among Post-Soviet Protestants: Case Study 2: The Masters of Arts in Contextual Theology at Donetsk Christian University.Donald Fairbairn & Darrell Cosden - 2001 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 18 (2):125-128.
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    From the ‘naked Spirit’ to a Nusantara contextual theology formula.Christar A. Rumbay, Munatar Kause, Vera H. Siahaan, Marianus Patora & Fereddy Siagian - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):6.
    Many contextual theology models have been shared, but no formula applies to all contexts, because each culture has specific and unique features. Indonesia shares a complex context and requires a proper approach for precise landing. This study aimed to formulate a contextual theology model on the Spirit suitable for Indonesians. It moves from the ‘naked Spirit’, a term provided by Vincent Donovan, originally ‘naked gospel’, highlighting the essence of the scripture or Spirit itself, to the Nusantara (...)
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  5. Sapientia christiana and some features of contextual theology in Africa.Marco Moerschbacher - 2003 - In Luke G. Mlilo & Nathanaël Yaovi Soédé (eds.), Doing theology and philosophy in the African context =. Frankfurt am Main: IKO, Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation.
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    The Struggle of Hungarian Lutherans under Communism; God in Context: A Survey of Contextual Theology; The Church Struggle in South Africa. 25th anniversary ed.Earl Zimmerman - 2008 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 28 (2):266-271.
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    The ‘good city’ or ‘post-colonial catch-basins of violent empire’? A contextual theological appraisal of South Africa’s Integrated Urban Development Framework.Stephan De Beer - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
    The Integrated Urban Development Framework was constructed as a ‘new deal’ for South African cities and towns. It outlines a vision with four overarching goals and eight priorities or policy levers meant to overcome the apartheid legacy through comprehensive spatial restructuring and strategic urban–rural linkages. This article is a contextual theological reflection ‘from below’, reading the IUDF through the lenses of five distinct contours. It asks whether the IUDF has the potential to mediate good cities in which the urban (...)
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    The Word is life: African theology as biblical and contextual theology.Ernest Van Eck - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (2).
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    Theological education, considered from South Africa: Current issues for cross-contextual comparison.Christo Lombaard - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):01-05.
    Taking into review the newly published series of substantial multi-authored volumes on ecumenical theological education internationally, this article identifies, from the author's own experience in ecumenical theological education and from his publications in this field, the central issue of specificity, locality and context in theological education. This takes place within two broadly developing new and relevant trends: post-secularism and inclusive liberalism, briefly described and then related to theological education. In the light of these trends, some questions are asked on theological (...)
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    Rethinking theological training as ministerial empowerment for contextual mission: A case of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa.Sibusiso Zungu & Buhle Mpofu - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    This research engaged a realist paradigm to triangulate existing literature with data that emerged from a PhD study on ministerial formation within the context of being a missional church in the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa (UPCSA). The study identified the need for theological training and ministerial formation to be relevant, contextual and responsive to the realities of the African communities. We concluded that current theological training module is dominated by Eurocentric expressions and narratives, which highlight an urgent (...)
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    Contextualized Faith: Douglas John Hall's North American Theology.Jonathan R. Wilson - 1999 - Modern Theology 15 (1):85-92.
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    4. Theological Truth, Difference and Plurality: Perspectives from a Contextual European Theology of Interruption.Lieven Boeve - 2014 - In Anselm Kyongsuk Min & Christoph Schwöbel (eds.), Word and Spirit: Renewing Christology and Pneumatology in a Globalizing World. De Gruyter. pp. 63-84.
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  13. Diversity, complementarity and synergy: The reception of ecological theology in China.Haoran Zhang - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    This article explores ecological theology in mainland China from 1990 to 2024 through the lens of Stephen B. Bevans’ contextual theology. By analysing its reception, it becomes clear that a distinctly contextualised ecological theology has not yet emerged in China. Considering this gap, the article examines potential directions for Chinese ecological theology across four dimensions of contextual theology. The academic and religious communities should focus on diversified yet overlapping approaches to develop Chinese ecological (...)
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  14. Local Theology for the Global Church: Principles for an Evangelical Approach to contextualization.[author unknown] - 2010
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  15. Shifting Boundaries: Contextual Approaches to the Structure of Theological Education.Barbara G. Wheeler & Edward Farley - 1991
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    The Theological Project of Modernism: Faith and the Conditions of Mineness.Kevin Hector - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    Modernism's theological project was an attempt to explain two things: firstly, how faith might enable persons to experience their lives as hanging together, even in the face of disintegrating forces like injustice, tragedy, and luck; and secondly, how one could see such faith, and so a life held together by it, as self-expressive. Modern theologians such as Kant, Schleiermacher, Hegel, Ritschl, and Tillich thus offer accounts of how one's life would have to hang together such that one could identify with (...)
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  17. Towards the contextualization of philosophy and theology curricula in the context of southern Africa.Cmm Luke G. Mlilo - 2003 - In Luke G. Mlilo & Nathanaël Yaovi Soédé (eds.), Doing theology and philosophy in the African context =. Frankfurt am Main: IKO, Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation.
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    Medically assisted nutrition and hydration in medicine and moral theology: A contextualization of its past and a direction for its future.John Berkman - 2004 - The Thomist 68 (1):69-104.
    Despite the expansive literature detailing various arguments for or against the use of MANH in caring for the dying and debilitated, the thesis of this paper is that a large part, if not the main thrust, of the debates over MANH have been inadequate and misguided on a number of different levels. The paper hopes to reorient and redirect the debate by attending to the medical history of MANH (part one) and recent medical developments with regard to MANH (part five), (...)
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  19. How Important is the Doctrine of Double Effect for Moral Theology? Contextualizing the Controversy.J. Berkman - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (2):89-114.
    One's conception of the conditions and applicability of the principle of double effect derive from one's broader convictions about moral methodology. Developed in a Catholic context which presumed the existence of moral absolutes, the principle of double effect was originally a conceptual tool to aid priests in being skilled confessors. In recent decades, as the practice of moral theology has become less connected with its earlier ecclesial and sacramental context, the principle of double effect has fallen into an epistemological (...)
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    God’s spirit (of wisdom) has been sent into the world, not Covid-19: A contextual systematic-theological perspective.Daniël P. Veldsman - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    How are we to make theological sense of the Covid-19 pandemic? In response to the viewpoint of Wilhelm Jordaan as expressed in a popular newspaper that it is foolish to understand Covid-19 as God’s punishment or nature’s way for restoration, it is critically argued that Jordaan mostly helps us with what not to think, but not so much with what to think of the current situation from a Christian theological perspective. The theological perspective that is presented in response to Jordaan (...)
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    Contextual Bible reading and intercultural Bible reading: Four Colombian experiences.Edgar A. López - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    Contextual Bible Reading (CBR) and Intercultural Bible Reading (IBR) have enabled the cooperation between socially engaged scholars and marginalised groups to find new resources in biblical texts to interpret their contexts and fight against the surrounding violence. As the use of these two methods has not been the object of a comparative study based on concrete experiences, this article presents them through four cases of Christian communities in Colombia. This comparative study not only illustrates the differences between these two (...)
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    Unpacking the downside of sustentasie on African theology and theologians: a need for contextual black theology as a liberative ingredient for the black Reformed churches.Elijah Baloyi - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    The practice of the black church being a follower of the leading white church is a continuous process in the Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid Afrika. This makes it difficult to contextualise Reformed Theology to address African challenges and problems. There are many reasons for the subordination of the black theologians, but for the sake of this article, I identified the issue of sustentasie1 as one of the causes. The lack of financial independence implies that the black church2 cannot determine (...)
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    Contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation as schemes of power relations.Benson O. Igboin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):11.
    Western imperialism and colonialism have tremendously affected the epistemological conception of Africa and Africans. In the same vein, early missionaries did not countenance the cosmologies and lived experiences of the Africans in their interpretation and application of the Bible. On the contrary, they imposed Western epistemologies and theological images on Africa. Although much work has been carried out in these areas, little attention has been devoted to how contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation are exercised in power struggles: the power to define (...)
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    Contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation as schemes of power relations.Benson O. Igboin - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):1-11.
    Western imperialism and colonialism have tremendously affected the epistemological conception of Africa and Africans. In the same vein, early missionaries did not countenance the cosmologies and lived experiences of the Africans in their interpretation and application of the Bible. On the contrary, they imposed Western epistemologies and theological images on Africa. Although much work has been carried out in these areas, little attention has been devoted to how contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation are exercised in power struggles: the power to define (...)
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    White theology in dialogue with Black Theology: Exploring the contribution of Klippies Kritzinger.George J. Van Wyngaard - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1):01-09.
    This article explores the contribution of South African missiologist and theologian Klippies Kritzinger to a critical and anti-racist white theology. It analyses his academic work in response to Black Consciousness and Black Theology from publications during his doctoral studies, throughout the transition to democracy and into the present, where this theme remains a constant presence in his work. The article explores his use of liberation, conversation and re-evangelisation in constructing a white response to Black Theology and a (...)
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    Deuteronomy and Contextual Teaching and Learning in Christian-Jewish religious education.Jeane M. Tulung, Olivia C. Wuwung, Sonny E. Zaluchu & Frederik R. B. Zaluchu - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    This research explores the contextual approach within Christian-Jewish religious education, addressing a notable gap in existing literature and offering fresh insights into the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model within Christian contexts. Through a qualitative literature study employing a three-step methodology, including an in-depth analysis of Deuteronomy 11:19–20, this study reveals that this biblical text provides both educational guidance and theological significance, serving as a foundational support for the CTL model in Christian-Jewish religious education. The (...)
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    Fundamental Theology at the Crossroads: Challenges and Alternatives After a Long Maturation.Lluis Oviedo Oviedo - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (1):49-71.
    Fundamental Theology has undergone a slow evolution, as many other theological disciplines, since its inception in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council. The lapsed time invites us to reflect about the current situation in this field and to what extent that theological section is pursuing its main objectives, especially for its teaching at different levels. After examining several issues that could have influenced that development, some suggestions for advancing the field and its teaching will also be given. Indeed, (...)
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    Political-Theological Source of the “State of Exception”: Re-reading Sovereignty Within the Divine Oikonomia.Efe Baştürk - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (2):187-200.
    The state of exception is mostly considered within the context of the modern sovereignty. Although the state of exception is thought within the modern paradigm of state governance, it carries a Christian context. The Christian context represents an eschatological way of power that comes in a miracle which cannot be interiorized by present. This divine way of governance therefore refers to a power which occurs as a threshold. The theological-political form of governance, which is also called the divine oikonomia, shows (...)
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    Intercultural Philosophy and Self-theologizing. 주광순 - 2021 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 94:393-421.
    이 글은 자신학화(self-theologizing)를 상호문화철학적 관점에서 비판적으로 검토해 보고자 하는 시도이다. 한국의 보수적 선교학계에서 서구 신학의 전통을 벗어나서 스스로 신학하고자 하는 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 그것이 자신학화이다. 한국 교회가 급속히 성장 하기는 했지만 그 신학은 서구 신학을 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 이것은 신학적 식민주의이 다. 이런 처지를 벗어나기 위해서 히버트는 자신학화를 요청한다. 이것은 상호문화철학의 노력과 많이 유사하다. 왜냐하면 그것은 한편에서 서구 중심주의를 비판하고 자신의 상황 하에서 주체적으로 신학하려는 노력임과 동시에 다른 한편 극단적인 문화상대주의도 비판 하여 기독교를 사회적 유용성에 의해서만 평가하지 않고 그 정체성을 (...)
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    Christology From Below: Methodological Issues, Global Trends, and Contextual Proposals.Sochanngam Shirik - 2020 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 37 (2):119-130.
    Christians, from Jerusalem to Jakarta and from the 1st to the 21st century, worship the same Jesus. However, the way that Jesus has been depicted throughout history and throughout different cultures has not been monolithic. The reason for discontinuity can be varied. One reason beneath the different descriptions of Jesus inhabits the issue of methodology. By “methodology,” I mean the ways people make sense of Jesus and present him to others. Generally, there are two main approaches to the study of (...)
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  31. Taking theology and science seriously without category mistakes: A response to Ian Barbour.Taede A. Smedes - 2008 - Zygon 43 (1):271-276.
    . In my response to Ian Barbour's criticisms, I first argue for the anthropological dimensions and contextuality of any theology. Next I examine and criticize Barbour's thesis that I am an in‐compatibilist about divine action. Finally I illustrate the fact that I see genuine opportunities for a dialogue between theologians and scientists without apologetics, category mistakes, or relegating theology to the fringes of science, by pointing to evolutionary explanations of religion.
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  32. Contextual Report of the Central and Eastern European Region.Cristian Sonea, Pavol Bargár, Piotr Kopiec, Doru Marcu, Stefan Zeljković, Adrian Leș & Iustinian Crețu - 2022 - In Risto Jukko (ed.), The Future of Mission Cooperation. The Living Legacy of the International Missionary Council. World Council of Churches Publications. pp. 155-181.
    We will explore ecumenical collaboration for the sake of mission in the 21st century in this region. In this sense, we will consider ecumenical relations, theological education, migration and diaspora, and present challenges, and will try to identify the vision of the future. We will do this by focusing on four countries from the region as critical studies: the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, and Serbia.
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    Tough Love: The Political Theology of Civil Disobedience.Alexander Livingston - 2020 - Perspectives on Politics 3 (18):851-866.
    Love is a key concept in the theory and history of civil disobedience yet it has been purposefully neglected in recent debates in political theory. Through an examination of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s paradoxical notion of “aggressive love,” I offer a critical interpretation of love as a key concept in a vernacular black political theology, and the consequences of love’s displacement by law in liberal theories of civil disobedience. The first section locates the origins of aggressive love in an (...)
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    Theology amidst Wickedness: Is African Theology Equipped to Address Intractable Societal Issues?Teddy Chalwe Sakupapa - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 85 (2):212-225.
    In light of scholarly debates on the wicked problems framework, this contribution offers an appraisal of the role of theology in an African context characterized by myriad wicked problems. I argue that within the African context, the decolonization of theology is indispensable for doing theology that is self-consciously contextual and therefore responsive to societal issues. This is crucial not least because of the widely recognized public role of religion in Africa. Drawing on the analytical framework of (...)
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  35. African theology and African Christology: Difficulty and complexity in contemporary definitions and methodological frameworks.Christopher Magezi & Jacob T. Igba - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):1-7.
    There is an ongoing challenge in defining African theology because of two important reasons: the quest for a definitive African theology is a fairly recent pursuit and the vastness and diversity of the African continent. Given this, this article presents the complexity of defining African theology and its methodological approaches through a background sketch of the development of African theology. Regardless of many definitions of African theology and its purposes, the article acknowledges African Christian (...) as theology that should be derived from the interplay between Scripture, Christian tradition and African cosmology. In deriving theology from the aforementioned aspects, African theology should also seek to develop contextual African theologies with global relevance. In this way, African theology can claim its space in the universal church. Although we are conscious of the values and challenges associated with the task of doing African theology, we argue for its necessity. We further argue that if the centrality of Scripture is maintained in the African theological endeavour, it will cause African theologies to have some shared reference point with other Christian theologies and hence engaging globally, while contributing unique African perspectives to global theological discourse. (shrink)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Liberation Theology.Christopher Rowland (ed.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    Liberation theology is widely referred to in discussions of politics and religion but not always adequately understood. The second edition of this Companion brings the story of the movement's continuing importance and impact up to date. Additional essays, which complement those in the original edition, expand upon the issues by dealing with gender and sexuality and the important matter of epistemology. In the light of a more conservative ethos in Roman Catholicism, and in theology generally, liberation theology (...)
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    A practical theology of liberation: Mimetic theory, liberation theology and practical theology.Joel D. Aguilar Ramírez & Stephan De Beer - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):9.
    In this article, the authors bring two personal journeys together: one author’s liberationist journey, sparked by a search for justice and liberation in the slums of Guatemala City, and the other’s lifelong commitment to practical theology and spatial justice in South Africa. A practical theology of liberation is the result of life experiences in countries of the Global South amidst the search for justice and liberation. The worlds that come together in this article are René Girard’s mimetic theory, (...)
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    The difficulty of prayer: An investigation into the spiritual theology of Rahner.Jos Moons - 2007 - Bijdragen 68 (2):162-184.
    This article focuses on three questions. First it tries to understand why the difficulty man experiences when he is praying, is an inherent part of prayer. Everyone who prays, will experience that God is intangible. Rahner’s analysis of the human transcendental experience is a help in understanding this experience. Rahner shows that humans, by interacting in the concrete world, are capable of going beyond it. In deeds of for example love, freedom, wisdom one transcends concrete existence, and experiences to be (...)
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    John Henry Newman as Contextual Theologian.John T. Ford - 2005 - Newman Studies Journal 2 (2):60-76.
    What is the reason for the continued interest in Newman’s theology? This article’s reply that Newman was a contextual theologian is based on a consideration of three questions:Was Newman a theologian? What was the context of his theology? What are the reasons for Newman’s theological longevity?
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    Christian theological understanding of the handling of infertility and its relevance in the Indonesian context.Yohanes K. Susanta - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    Infertility is one of the key themes in the Old Testament narrative. This infertility was experienced by the Israelite matriarchs Sarai, Rebekah and Rachel as well as several other women. This article argues that the concept infertility has given rise to injustice and discrimination, especially against women. For this reason, a constructive and a contextual dialogue between the biblical context and the context of the present is required to offer a new understanding and a liberating spirit to women and (...)
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    From Black Theology to Black Lives Matter and Back Again.Anthony G. Reddie - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (1):39-48.
    This article is written by a descendant of enslaved Africans and explores the theological significance of Black bodies. Black bodies have been commodified, controlled and coerced by White hegemony, often lacking agency and self-determination. Using personal experience and contextual analysis, this article, drawing on Black theology inspired reflections, argues that we need to rethink how we conceive of Black bodies ethically, if Black lives are to really matter. The rehabilitation of Black bodies is achieved through a theological reappraisal (...)
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    When Žižek met the Church Fathers: A contextual consideration.Bojan Koltaj - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (1).
    This article considers the functionality, method and import of the critical theorist Slavoj Žižek’s engagement with theology against the wider intellectual backdrop of the relationship between an idea and its cultural context. I propose that his engagement can be better understood and interpreted with reference to how Christian theology has historically come to understand its own cultural context. When Žižek’s appropriation of theology is read alongside theology’s appropriation of classical philosophy in the patristic period, a distinctly (...)
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    Theology and botho/ubuntu in dialogue towards South African social cohesion.Kelebogile T. Resane - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–7.
    South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world. This article is a literature study on the role of theology and the African philosophy of botho or ubuntu trying to address this social inequality. It is this situation that has led to poor (if not the absence of) cohesion in society. It shows how theology through its constructive nature has for years shifted from dogmatism to interdisciplinary dialogue with other sciences and philosophies in order to (...)
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    Tweeting God: Notes on articulating a Twitter theology.Jan A. van den Berg - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):7.
    As part of the search for relevant and contextual articulations of theology, this article provides an overview of a comprehensive research project that explored, described and analysed Christian motifs on Twitter. Based on the brief overview of the project, perspectives for the formulation of a Twitter theology are presented from a practical theological orientation. Two central markers are indicated and described as primary drivers of a Twitter theology: the first marker places its focus on the relationship, (...)
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    Theological Talk in a Salsa Bar on Wigan Pier.Chris Greenough - 2020 - Feminist Theology 28 (2):147-160.
    Is bringing together Sarah Coakley and Marcella Althaus-Reid like mixing oil and water? An encounter between a systematic theologian and a contextual, queer theologian might seem artificial, but this article offers critical insights into the work of both scholars, revealing similarities within the tropes of their theological thinking. Aside from navigating sites of possible parallels and conflict between their work, this article springboards their settings by offering a new location – a salsa bar on Wigan Pier – to be (...)
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    Contextual pastoral education for responsible citizenship in a complex South Africa.Amanda L. Du Plessis - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    Universities’ teaching and learning strategies aim to prepare students for life and the workplace by creating a culture of innovation to solve real-life problems, so that they can participate constructively in society and lead fulfilling professional and personal lives. In order to reach this goal, teaching and learning must have at least three paradigms, namely pedagogical, cognitive and pragmatic or instrumentalist. A pragmatic paradigm presupposes practical, experiential teaching and learning. This paper explores interactive means within the pragmatic paradigm that can (...)
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    Being an Indonesian Christian: Exploration of a theology of nationalism in the history of the proclamation of Indonesian Independence on 17 August 1945.Johny C. Ruhulessin & Yohanes Parihala - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    Despite the fact that the introduction of Christianity in Indonesia coincides with the arrival of Portugal and Dutch Colonialism in the 16th-19th centuries, Christianity in Indonesia could not be claimed as a colonised religion. This study emphasises the importance of Christianity as an integral part of the history of Indonesian nation-building. It also has significance and relevance for Christianity, and how people of different religions should live together in Indonesia. Using historical theology analysis, we argue that being Christian in (...)
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    Polycentric Theology, Mission, and Mission Leadership.Kenneth Ross - 2021 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 38 (3):212-224.
    Though it began with an assumption that there was one universal and normative Christian theology, the modern missionary movement has resulted in the emergence of polycentric theology. As each new centre thinks through the meaning of the faith in contextual terms, it offers a distinctive theology – to the extent that it becomes a question whether any universal theological affirmation can be possible. Meanwhile the theory and practice of mission has been no less radically reshaped by (...)
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    Theological Reinterpretation of “Christology of Water” from Feng Shui.Hyun Mi Kang - 2021 - Feminist Theology 29 (3):290-304.
    This article presents the “Christology of Water” from Feng Shui cosmology, which promotes liberating women and nature from the oppression perpetrated against them by contemporary Korean churches, which have sexism and eco-antipathy at their heart. The presentation of the “Christology of Water” from Feng Shui envisions a new eco-feminist theological solution to the critique of patriarchies and anthropocentricism alienating and suppressing women and nature. This “Christology of Water” developed from the metaphorical languages of Feng Shui suggests a contextual hermeneutic (...)
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    Theological Education in Latin America: Bolivia as a Case Study.John Corrie - 2015 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 32 (4):281-293.
    This article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of theological education within the evangelical, Spanish-speaking world of Latin America, using the findings of a survey in 2012 of protestant institutions in Bolivia as a case study. There is a particular focus on Pentecostals, since they form the majority of evangelicals in the continent. The study is placed in the context of historical developments, both globally and regionally, from which the involvement and influence of Western mission and models of education are critiqued. (...)
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