Results for 'Constitutive charity'

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  1. Between Probability and Certainty: What Justifies Belief By Martin Smith. [REVIEW]Charity Anderson - 2017 - Analysis 77 (3):670-672.
    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Analysis Trust. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] traditional picture of justification affirms the following: a belief is justified when it is sufficiently likely on one’s evidence. Over and against this well-received conception, Smith’s Between Probability and Certainty: What Justifies Belief develops an alternative: the normic support conception of justification. While likelihoods constitute the core feature of the risk minimization picture, the normic support conception replaces (...)
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  2. The status of charity I: Conceptual truth or a posteriori necessity?Kathrin Glüer - 2006 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14 (3):337 – 359.
    According to Donald Davidson, linguistic meaning is determined by the principle of charity. Because of Davidson's semantic behaviourism, charity's significance is both epistemic and metaphysical: charity not only provides the radical interpreter with a method for constructing a semantic theory on the basis of his data, but it does so because it is the principle metaphysically determining meaning. In this paper, I assume that charity does determine meaning. On this assumption, I investigate both its epistemic and (...)
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  3. Loose Constitutivity and Armchair Philosophy.Jonathan M. Weinberg & Stephen J. Crowley - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 2 (2):177-195.
    Standard philosophical methodology which proceeds by appeal to intuitions accessible "from the armchair" has come under criticism on the basis of empirical work indicating unanticipated variability of such intuitions. Loose constitutivity---the idea that intuitions are partly, but not strictly, constitutive of the concepts that appear in them---offers an interesting line of response to this empirical challenge. On a loose constitutivist view, it is unlikely that our intuitions are incorrect across the board, since they partly fix the facts in question. (...)
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    Charity and Ideology: The Field Linguist as Social Critic.Bjørn Ramberg - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (4):637-.
    The problem I want to raise in this paper will not be a problem for anyone who does not share both the following concerns or prejudices. The first is that we should take a materialist, extensional approach to linguistic meaning, specifically, the approach that is suggested by the work of Donald Davidson. The second is that social analysis must be emancipatory, and that this requires the conceptual possibility of postulating social structures that are in some sense hidden by discourse. The (...)
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  5. Faith, reason, and charity in Thomas Aquinas’s thought.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 79 (2):133-146.
    Aquinas’s thought is often considered an exemplary balance between Christian faith and natural reason. However, it is not always sufficiently clear what such balance consists of. With respect to the relation between philosophical topics and the Christian faith, various scholars have advanced perspectives that, although supported by Aquinas’s texts, contrast one another. Some maintain that Aquinas elaborated his philosophical view without being under the influence of faith. Others believe that the Christian faith constitutes an indispensable component of Aquinas’s view; at (...)
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  6.  21
    Aquinas on Faith, Reason, and Charity.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers a new reading of Aquinas' views on faith. The author argues that the theological nature of faith is crucial to Aquinas' thought, and that it gives rise to a peculiar and otherwise incomprehensible relationship with reason. The first part of the book examines various modern and contemporary accounts of the relationship between faith and reason in Aquinas' thought. The author shows that these accounts are unconvincing because they exhibit what he calls a Lockean view of faith and (...)
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    The Disputed Charity of Catholic Nuns: Dualistic Spiritual Heritage as a Source of Affliction.Annelies van Heijst - 2013 - Feminist Theology 21 (2):155-172.
    In several European countries former pupils of Catholic nuns have made accusations of physical and emotional abuse. Feminist scholars have tended to perceive nuns as heroines because of their authority and their contribution to raising the social status of women. But there is also a darker side to convent education. Committees established by national governments have identified systemic factors leading to abuse in educational institutions. This article argues that these factors should include a feminist theological explanation: a dualistic, sacrificial spirituality (...)
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  8. Spirituality and Its Discontents: Practices in Jonathan Edwards's Charity and Its Fruits.William C. Spohn - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (2):253 - 276.
    The contemporary interest in spiritual experience has some theological and ethical ambiguity. To what extent does it reflect genuine engagement with the sacred, to what extent is it dabbling in experience without adequate interpretation or moral commitment? Jonathan Edwards faced similar challenges in his sermons on 1 Cor 13, "Charity and Its Fruits". Alasdair Maclntyre and Pierre Hadot have explored the constitutive role of practices in forming of virtues and transmitting a way of life. Their writings help show (...)
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    (Re)constructing social hierarchies: a critical discourse analysis of an international charity’s visual appeals.S. Gellen & R. D. Lowe - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (2):280-300.
    A British coffee chain’s fundraising practices constitute a background for this study to examine ideological discourses behind British charitable giving. The charity executes projects in coffee growing communities by providing education for children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The study takes a critical stance from a discursive paradigmatic perspective to analyse visual contents used by the charity. The applied visual critical discourse analysis was inspired by Barthes’ semiotic theory. Findings suggest that the adverts’ interpretative repertoires can serve ideologies that sustain (...)
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    Christianity and Science: Toward a New Episteme of Charity.Oskar Gruenwald - 1990 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1-2):1-21.
    Ecumenical dialogue and reconciliation among Christians, the dictates of academic freedom, and the very integrity of science and faith call for a new conceptual framework, episteme or paradigm for understanding the phenomenon of man, including the proper relationship between science and faith. Both science and Scripture suggest a more humane, charitable, and open-ended approach to science and religion. Freedom of inquiry and Christian charity constitute the essential prerequisites for a new episteme reflected by the imperative for a Second Reformation (...)
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  11. Relationalism about perceptible properties and the principle of charity.Pendaran Roberts & Kelly Ann Schmidtke - 2016 - Synthese 193 (9).
    Color relationalism holds that the colors are constituted by relations to subjects. The introspective rejoinder against this view claims that it is opposed to our phenomenally-informed, pre-theoretic intuitions. The rejoinder seems to be correct about how colors appear when looking at how participants respond to an item about the metaphysical nature of color but not when looking at an item about the ascription of colors. The present article expands the properties investigated to sound and taste and inspects the mentioned asymmetry, (...)
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  12. Rationality, Language, and the Principle of Charity.Kirk Ludwig - 2004 - In Alfred R. Mele & Piers Rawling (eds.), The Oxford handbook of rationality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Ludwig deals with the relations between language, thought, and rationality, and, especially, the role and status of assumptions about rationality in interpreting another’s speech and assigning contents to her psychological attitudes—her beliefs, desires, intentions, and so on. The chapter is organized around three questions: What is the relation between rationality and thought? What is the relation between rationality and language? What is the relation between thought and language? Ludwig argues that some large degree of rationality is required for thought and (...)
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  13.  28
    Psychology Without Principle of Charity.Neven Sesardić - 1986 - Dialectica 40 (3):229-240.
    SummaryIn this article I am criticizing Davidson's claim that psychological description and explanation are impossible without a strong assumption of rationality of the subject. I am trying to dispute his thesis that presupposition of coherence between propositional attitudes must be treated as a constitutive principle of psychology which fundamentally differentiates this science from physics and precludes the existence of strict psycho‐physical laws. Philosophical and empirical arguments are brought forward tho show that Davidson overestimates the role of rationality considerations in (...)
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    Davidson: Normativist or Anti-normativist?John Fennell - 2015 - Acta Analytica 30 (1):67-86.
    This paper contests the standard reading, due to Bilgrami and Glüer, that Davidson is an anti-normativist about word-meaning. Their case for his anti-normativism rests on his avowed anti-conventionalism about word-meaning. While not denying Davidson’s anti-conventionalism, I argue in the central part of the paper devoted to Bilgrami that the constitutive role that charity must play in interpretation for Davidson puts pressure on his anti-conventionalism, ultimately forcing a more tempered anti-conventionalism than Bilgrami allows. Simply put, my argument is that (...)
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  15.  18
    Rationality as a Constitutive Ideal.Michael Rescorla - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 472–488.
    A striking thesis lies at the core of Davidson's philosophy: when we attribute intentional content to another creature's mental states and speech acts, we must treat the creature as largely conforming to our own rational norms. I will discuss how this thesis informs Davidson's treatment of rationality and intentionality. After reviewing some historical background, I present basic aspects of Davidson's position. I then examine various worries about the position. I conclude by highlighting some key Davidsonian insights into rationality.
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    Evaluation of ʻAmelī I҆lmiḥal (1328) Course Book for Children In The II. Constitutional Period in Terms of Religious Education.Halise Kader Zengi̇n - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):311-330.
    The II. constitutional period is a period of renewal in many areas. Political, social and educational changes also had influences in the field of religious education. One of the examples of these changes is the ʻAmelī I҆lmiḥal textbook written by Halim Sabit (DOD. 1946) in five volumes for both teachers and student. This study particularly aims to assess this textbook in terms of religious education. Accordingly, the following questions are addressed: “What are the topics covered in the ilmihal books written (...)
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  17. Epistemological Naturalism and the Normativity Objection or from Normativity to Constitutivity.Mikael Janvid - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (1):35-49.
    A common objection raised against naturalism is that a naturalized epistemology cannot account for the essential normative character of epistemology. Following an analysis of different ways in which this charge could be understood, it will be argued that either epistemology is not normative in the relevant sense, or if it is, then in a way which a naturalized epistemology can account for with an instrumental and hypothetical model of normativity. Naturalism is here captured by the two doctrines of empiricism and (...)
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    Knowledge Maximization.Timothy Williamson - 2007 - In The Philosophy of Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 249–279.
    This chapter explores some general aspects of the tension between one’s role as a believer and one’s role as an appraiser of oneself as a believer in philosophy. The proposal is to replace true belief by knowledge in a principle of charity constitutive of content. Knowledge maximization need not make the ascription of knowledge come too cheap. By contrast, Davidson’s principle of charity gives good marks to an interpretation for having Stone Age people assent to many truths (...)
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    Much ado about ontological nihilism.Alice van'T. Hoff - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    According to ontological nihilism nothing exists. A recent argument purports to show that this view is indefensible, since its most plausible formulations are tacitly committed to quantificational claims that are inconsistent with the nihilist's view that there aren't any existents. I show that this objection begs the question against the nihilist. The objector's argument relies on an equivalence principle implying that claims which nihilists regard as non-quantificational should nonetheless be interpreted as equivalent to quantified claims, given that both kinds of (...)
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    A cultural history of school uniform.Ines Dussel - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (3):393-395.
    Kate Stephenson’s book constitutes a rich and thorough analysis of the history of school uniform in English schools, which spans charity schools in the sixteenth century to twenty-first century dis...
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  21. On Being Awesome: A Unified Theory of How Not to Suck.Nick Riggle - 2017 - New York: Penguin Books.
    I develop a theory of social virtue around the concept of a "social opening" and argue that a range of contemporary terms track various modes of success and failure with respect to social openings: ‘awesome’, ‘down’, ‘chill’, ‘sucks’, ‘wack’, ‘lame’, ‘douchebag’, and others. A basic idea is that the normative character of contemporary social life cannot be fully understood in traditional philosophical terms: ‘obligation’, ‘demand’, ‘duty’, ‘right’, ‘just’, ‘requirement’. ‘Sucks’ and ‘awesome’ (and their ilk) capture a special mode of interpersonal (...)
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  22.  6
    On Overcoming the Tension Between Triangulation and Davidson’s Rejection of the Third Dogma of Empiricism.Daniel Adsett - forthcoming - Philosophia:1-15.
    Early in his career, Donald Davidson criticized what he termed the ‘Third Dogma of Empiricism,’ namely, the idea that a rigid distinction can be drawn between conceptualizing scheme and empirical content. Later on in his career, Davidson developed a theory of triangulation in order to explain how successful communication is possible. In this paper, I identify two interpretations of Davidsonian triangulation – the Causal-Similarity View and the Constitutive Interpretation. After highlighting some problems with the Causal-Similarity View, I question whether (...)
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  23. What Do Philosophers Know? A Critical Study of Williamson's "The Philosophy of Philosophy". [REVIEW]Andrew Melnyk - 2010 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 80 (1):297-307.
    This is a critical notice of Timothy Williamson's, The Philosophy of Philosophy (Blackwell, 2007). It focuses on criticizing the book's two main positive proposals: that we should “replace true belief by knowledge in a principle of charity constitutive of content”, and that “the epistemology of metaphysically modal thinking is tantamount to a special case of the epistemology of counterfactual thinking”.
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    Forgiveness and the End of Economy.Daniel M. Bell - 2007 - Studies in Christian Ethics 20 (3):325-344.
    This paper considers the economic effect of the Christian practice of forgiveness. In particular, the argument is that the gift of divine forgiveness in Christ, as articulated by Anselm, interrupts `economy' (with its logic of scarcity, debt, and finally death) and puts in place an aneconomic order (with its theo-logic of abundance, ceaseless generosity, and resurrection) that is full of the promise of deliverance from the affliction of capitalism. Also addressed here is the way that the human reception of divine (...)
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    Health as Freedom: Addressing Social Determinants of Global Health Inequities Through the Human Right to Development.Ashleym Fox - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (2):112-122.
    ABSTRACT In spite of vast global improvements in living standards, health, and well‐being, the persistence of absolute poverty and its attendant maladies remains an unsettling fact of life for billions around the world and constitutes the primary cause for the failure of developing states to improve the health of their peoples. While economic development in developing countries is necessary to provide for underlying determinants of health – most prominently, poverty reduction and the building of comprehensive primary health systems – inequalities (...)
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    The Future of Religion (review).Mark Wood - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:162-166.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Future of ReligionMark WoodThe Future of Religion. By Richard RortyGianni Vattimo. Edited by Santiago Zabala. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005. 91 pp.In The Future of Religion, Santiago Zabala, Richard Rorty, and Gianni Vattimo provide contrasting and often complementary reflections on the future of religion after the end of metaphysics. They join a growing number of contemporary theologians, philosophers, and cultural critics who recognize that we are (...)
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    Thoughts on a Thinker-Based Approach to Freedom Of Speech.Eric Barendt - 2019 - Law and Philosophy 38 (5-6):481-494.
    While agreeing with Seana Shiffrin that any free speech theory must depend on assumptions about our need for free thinking, I am sceptical about her claim that her thinker-based approach provides the best explanation for freedom of speech. Her argument has some similarities with Mill’s argument from truth and with self-development theories, though it improves on the latter. But the thinker-based approach does not show why political discourse, broadly construed, is protected more strongly in all jurisdictions than gossip and sexually (...)
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    Le fondement de l'agir dans la charité: les "trois ordres" de Blaise Pascal.Ravelokamisy Randrianirina & Marie Léonard - 2018 - Roma: G&BPress.
    La charite peut-elle constituer le fondement de l'agir? Le theme pascalien des trois ordres le stipule. L'homme est predispose a la charite qui est la condition fondamentale de sa realisation. La charite est la vitalite feconde pour la vraie alterite. L'anthropologie ne se reduit pas a ce qui definit a partir des notions de misere et de grandeur. Ces dimensions presentees dans la premiere partie des Pensees sont a interpreter dans leur rapport etroit a l'ordre du coeu et a l'ordre (...)
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    Complexity.John Urry - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):111-115.
    The term ‘complexity’ has recently sprung into the physical and social sciences, humanities and semi-popular writings. ‘Complexity’ practices are constituted as something of a self-organizing global network that is spreading ‘complexity’ notions around the globe. There is a new ‘structure of feeling’ that complexity approaches both signify and enhance. Such an emergent structure of feeling involves a greater sense of contingent openness to people, corporations and societies, of the unpredictability of outcomes in time–space, of a charity towards objects and (...)
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    Method in Ancient Philosophy (review).David K. Glidden - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):111-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Method in Ancient PhilosophyDavid K. GliddenJyl Gentzler, editor. Method in Ancient Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. Pp. viii + 398. Cloth, $72.00.The fifteen papers in this collection constitute revisions of conference proceedings and reflect the varied interests of participants. The ensemble exhibits a thoroughly modern methodology. Whatever and however various ancient methods of philosophy may have been, in Anglo-American scholarship it is standard practice to first address established (...)
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    American Ideals 15. Human Rights.Milton R. Konvitz - unknown
    God’s love is demonstrated in commandments such as the keeping of the Sabbath and the concepts of charity elucidated in the Bible. Such commandments, Professor Konvitz explains, help define our duties to our fellow beings, especially those less fortunate than ourselves, suggesting an outline of what constitutes human rights. Although man is given dominion over the Earth, he is also charged with exercising good stewardship over it.
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    Acting in solidarity with the poor? Some conceptual and practical challenges.Catherine Lu - 2023 - Ethics and Global Politics 16 (2):38-45.
    Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements makes a timely, compelling, and important intervention in the philosophical literature on poverty and global justice, and improves our understanding of the nature and extent of responsibilities of variously situated agents towards the poor. Deveaux’s focus on poor-led social movements emphasizes that effective poverty reduction requires building up the collective capacities of the poor to engage in joint collective action to oppose and dismantle unjust structures. This approach politicizes poverty and provides a (...)
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  33. Themes in Hume: The Self, The Will, Religion.Donald Ainsley - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):133-153.
    Most of Terence Penelhum’s essays collected in his Themes in Hume are already recognized as classics in Hume scholarship. Bringing them together only reinforces their strengths: clarity and sensitivity in exposition combined with charity and acuity in criticism. Penelhum wrote them over a course of almost fifty years, and we can see in them the evolution in his attitude towards Hume. In the earliest essay — the 1955 ‘Hume on Personal Identity’ — Penelhum offers a quick and local diagnosis (...)
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    Hume on Justice.Rosalind Hursthouse - 2010 - In Charles Pigden (ed.), Hume on Is and Ought. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 264.
    What motivates the benevolent or charitable agent is regard for another’s good or well-being, but talk about regard for others’ good or well- being is simply talk about benevolence or charity in different terms. Yet Hume clearly holds that the regard for another’s good is a motive to produce benevolent acts that is distinct from a sense of their benevolence. So what is the difference? ‘Well’, one might say, ‘intuitively, rights are very different from wellbeing.’ Yes indeed. And that, (...)
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    The Christian Idea of Man.Dan Farrelly (ed.) - 2011 - St. Augustine's Press.
    In The Christian Idea of Man Josef Pieper brings off an extraordinary feat. He acknowledges that whoever introduces the theme of "virtue" and "the virtues" can expect to be met with a smile - of various shades of condescension. He then proceeds to single out "prudence" as the fundamental virtue on which the other cardinal virtues are based. In defining it, he does away with the shallow connotations which have debased it in modern times. Similarly, he manages to divest it (...)
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    Understanding Islamic-oriented non-governmental organisation and how they are contrasted with NGO in outdoing Malaysia LGBT phenomenon.Jaffary Awang, Muhamad S. Abdul Aziz, Nur F. Abdul Rahman & Mohd I. Mohd Yusof - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The term non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has been well-known for the development of human rights, charity works and organisational developments. On the other hand, some NGOs also have their specialised roles to help the community such as in conflict resolution, cultural preservation, policy analysis and information provision. Apart from that, there are many categories of NGOs: Islamic-oriented non-governmental organisation (IONGOs), faith-based organisation (FBO), humanitarian NGOs (HNGOs) and government organised NGOs (GONGOs). However, in this research, the researchers focus on how IONGOs (...)
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    Run the country like a business? The economics of Jordan’s Islamic action front.Colin Powers - 2019 - Critical Research on Religion 7 (1):38-57.
    The moral economics of the Islamic Action Front, the partisan wing of the original Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood, is both defined and compromised by internal inconsistency. Similar to others that might be classified as a socially conservative, religiously-oriented political party, the Islamic Action Front pledges a paternalist commitment to the poor only to undermine the already limited prospects of such paternalism through the adoption of charity-based approaches to social welfare and through their more general advocacy for economic liberalization, free markets, (...)
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    Entre l’injustifiable et le superfétatoire.Isabelle Delpla - 2005 - Philosophiques 32 (1):149-168.
    Les justifications a priori ou pragmatiques des normes rationnelles d’interprétation, comme le principe de charité, placent l’interprétationnisme devant un dilemme : soit échouer à justifier ces normes, soit les rendre inutiles et impertinentes par cette justification même. Les justifications a priori du principe de charité, proposées par Davidson, reposent sur un retour implicite à l’analycité et à une forme de détermination du sens incompatibles avec la position interprétationniste. La même critique s’applique à la justification pragmatique de ces normes opérée par (...)
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    The Teleological Imperative.Oskar Gruenwald - 2007 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 19 (1-2):1-18.
    This essay proposes that the human quest for meaning, self-realization, and self-transcendence via the moral "ought" as the proper end, purpose, or goal for man constitutes the teleological imperative. This pan-human quest for universal touchstones for values and truths should thus be the focus of both moral education and cultural renewal. Central to this quest is a re-conceptualization of virtue ethics as radically transcending the social construction of reality. Virtue may he fully understood only within the larger parameters of natural (...)
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    From the Husserlian Transcendental Idealism to the Question on Being.Anna Varga-Jani - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 26 (1):85-98.
    Well known is the fact that Husserl’s Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and phenomenological Philosophy I, published in 1913, made a strong disappointment in the phenomenological circle around Husserl, and started a reinterpretation of the husserlian phenomenology. The problem of the constitution was a real dilemma for the studentship of Munich — Göttingen. More of Husserl’s students from his Göttingen years reflected in the 1930th on the transcendental idealism, which they originated from the Ideas and found fulfilled in Husserl’s (...)
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    Counterproductive Altruism: The Other Heavy Tail.Daniel Kokotajlo & Alexandra Oprea - 2020 - Philosophical Perspectives 34 (1):134-163.
    First, we argue that the appeal of effective altruism (henceforth, EA) depends significantly on a certain empirical premise we call the Heavy Tail Hypothesis (HTH), which characterizes the probability distribution of opportunities for doing good. Roughly, the HTH implies that the best causes, interventions, or charities produce orders of magnitude greater good than the average ones, constituting a substantial portion of the total amount of good caused by altruistic interventions. Next, we canvass arguments EAs have given for the existence of (...)
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  42. Mystère trinitaire et transformation en Dieu.Ca Bernard - 1999 - Gregorianum 80 (3):441-467.
    The scope of this article is to build a bridge between, on the one hand, the data of Trinitarian theology as it has been elaborated by the Church in the context of the controversies that arose through the centuries and which has been sanctioned by the authority of the councils, and, on the other hand, the same Trinitarian doctrine as source of the Christian experience, which finds its privileged expression with the mystics. The article places itself in the context of (...)
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    Famine Ethics.Olivier Rubin - 2019 - Food Ethics 4 (2):123-138.
    This paper revitalizes the debate of an ethics of contemporary famine. Famine constitutes a distinct development challenge that has only received moderate public and academic attention. Singer’s Famine Relief Argument from 1972 emphasizing a strong obligation of charitable benevolence towards victims of famine, for example, continues to constitute the dominant ethical principle of famine. The paper argues this revisionary principle still constitutes a strong and convincing ethical argument. However, the dynamics of contemporary famine makes it necessary to expand this ethical (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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    Pope Francis’s Culture of Encounter as a Paradigm Shift in the Magisterium’s Reception of Justice in the World.Martin Owhorchukwu Ejiowhor - 2021 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 18 (2):185-208.
    The statement that “action on behalf of justice” is a “constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel” in the 1971 Synod of Bishops’ Justice in the World (JW) has been widely debated in Catholic social teaching. Popes, beginning with Paul VI, have tactfully, albeit indirectly, responded to it as they reflected on the theme of evangelization. This article traces the history of the magisterium’s reception of JW with special attention to this controversial statement. An analysis of JW in (...)
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    Foreword.John Hymers - 2005 - Ethical Perspectives 12 (4):419-423.
    Regardless of unpredictable and contingent geopolitical events such as last year’s surprising rejection of the European Constitution in France and the Netherlands, this coming year will certainly witness a large surge in patriotism. The Winter Olympics in February, and the World Cup in the summer, both promise to whip national sentiments into a fever pitch. One other thing is certain, though: journals of philosophy and ethics will continue to debate the virtues of cosmopolitanism, as this number of Ethical Perspectives does (...)
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  47.  39
    Can Public Virtues be Global?Warren J. von Eschenbach - 2020 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (1):45-57.
    An important issue within the field of global ethics is the extent or scope of moral obligation or duties. Cosmopolitanism argues that we have duties to all human beings by virtue of some common property. Communitarian ethics argue that one’s scope of obligation is circumscribed by one’s community or some other defining property. Public virtues, understood to be either a property that communities possess to function well or a moral excellence constitutive of that community, offer an interesting challenge to (...)
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    Beyond secular order: the representation of being and the representation of the people.John Milbank - 2013 - Hoboken, NY: Wiley.
    Sequence on modern ontology -- From theology to philosophy -- The four pillars of modern philosophy -- Modern philosophy : a theological critique -- Analogy versus univocity -- Identity versus representation -- Intentionality and embodiment -- Intentionality and selfhood -- Reason and the incarnation of the logos -- The passivity of modern reason -- The baroque simulation of cosmic order -- Deconstructed representation and beyond -- Passivity and concursus -- Representation in philosophy -- Actualism versus possibilism -- Influence versus concurrence (...)
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    La justicia fiscal en el marco de la teoría de la justicia como equidad de John Rawls. La tributación ¿carga, obligación o donación?Roberto Arteaga Mac Kinney - 2010 - Dilemata 4.
    This article addresses some useful coordinates for the analysis of the relationship between philosophy and taxation. My argument aims to show the relevance of a philosophy of taxation and thus draw attention to civic education required to shape a democratic public reason, truthful, critical and attentive. I emphasize the character of “donation” that is the rule of law within a democratic constitutional regime, which depends on tax payments for the purposes proposed, and particularly those of a social distributive justice. I (...)
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  50. Reasons for endorsing or rejecting ‘self-binding directives’ in bipolar disorder: a qualitative study of survey responses from UK service users.Tania Gergel, Preety Das, Lucy Stephenson, Gareth Owen, Larry Rifkin, John Dawson, Alex Ruck Keene & Guy Hindley - 2021 - The Lancet Psychiatry 8.
    Summary Background Self-binding directives instruct clinicians to overrule treatment refusal during future severe episodes of illness. These directives are promoted as having potential to increase autonomy for individuals with severe episodic mental illness. Although lived experience is central to their creation, service users’ views on self-binding directives have not been investigated substantially. This study aimed to explore whether reasons for endorsement, ambivalence, or rejection given by service users with bipolar disorder can address concerns regarding self-binding directives, decision-making capacity, and human (...)
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