Results for 'Constantin Noico'

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  1. The Time of Reality and the Time of the Logos.Constantin Noico & Nicolas Slater - 1971 - Diogenes 19 (74):31-48.
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    Constantin Noica în amintirile și mărturisirile unui preot ortodox.Constantin Stan Dogaru - 2008 - Pitești: Paralela 45.
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  3. Vom einsiedler Constantin Brunner.Constantin Brunner - 1924 - Potsdam,: G. Kiepenheuer.
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  4. NassimTaleb in conversation with Constantine Sandis.Constantine Sandis & Nassim Taleb - 2008 - Philosophy Now (Sep/Oct):24.
    COnstantien Sandis speaks to Nassim Taleb about inductive knowledge,black swans, Hume, Popper, and Wittgenstein.
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  5. Bjarni Jónsson Constantine Tsinakis.Constantine Tsinakis - 2004 - Studia Logica 77:1-26.
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  6. Deleuze: serialization and subject-formation.Constantin V. Boundas - 1994 - In Constantin V. Boundas & Dorothea Olkowski (eds.), Gilles Deleuze and the theater of philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 99--116.
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    The semantics of absolute space.Constantin Antonopoulos - 1994 - Apeiron (Misc) 19:6-11.
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    Constantine Boudouris, E Theoria tes Gnoseos (The Theory of Knowledge). [REVIEW]Constantine Georgiadis - 1980 - Philosophical Inquiry 2 (1):432-433.
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    New essays on the explanation of action * by Constantine sandis. [REVIEW]Constantine Sandis - 2010 - Analysis 70 (1):193-196.
    The anthology contains twenty-two essays and is divided into two parts. The essays are, in the main, critical responses to aspects of what has come to be known in action theory as the ‘Standard View’ – the view that traces back to Donald Davidson's contribution to twentieth-century philosophy of action. The view under criticism treats actions as bodily movements caused in a non-deviant way by belief–desire pairs, construes these belief–desire pairs as the primary reasons for the actions that they cause, (...)
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  10. Clipped Coins, Abused Words and Civil Government: John Locke's Philosophy of Money.Constantine George CAFFENTZIS - 1989
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  11. Constantin TONU: István KIRÁLY V., Death and History, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, ISBN: 978-3-659-80237-9, 172 pages, 2015.V. Istvan Kiraly & Constantin Tonu - 2016 - Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 2 (1).
    Review the Istvan Kiraly V.'s book: Death and History.
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    Selected Writings: Избранные Произведения.Constantine Shapiro - 2007 - Booksurge. Edited by Michael Shapiro.
    In a unique collection of essays and poems written in English, French, German and Russian (with a seasoning of Greek and Japanese), Constantine Shapiro explores fascinating universal questions and connections. Why, he asks, do so many people feel unhappy? Why do so many go to the doctor? Why is there so much criminality? Why is there international unrest? What is a healthy soul? In his investigation of these and other "Big Questions," the author examines such disparate areas as Japanese kanji (...)
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    Gilles Deleuze and the theater of philosophy.Constantin V. Boundas & Dorothea Olkowski (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    Gilles Deleuze: The Intensive Reduction brings together eighteen essays written by an internationally acclaimed team of scholars to provide a comprehensive overview of the work of Gilles Deleuze, one of the most important and influential European thinkers of the twentieth century. Each essay addresses a central issue in Deleuzeʹs philosophy (and that of his regular co-author, Félix Guattari) that remains to this day controversial and unsettled. Since Deleuzeʹs death in 1994, the technical aspects of his philosophy have been largely neglected. (...)
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    The Idea of Deliberative Democracy. A Critical Appraisal.Constantin Stamatis - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (4):390-405.
    The deliberative conception of politics seems to be necessary for the legitimation of state power through democratic will‐formation and decision‐making. However, the author maintains that a complex theory of democracy cannot merely consist in procedural prerequisites for organizing the concomitant institutional settings. In particular, such a theory must comprise some substantive presuppositions, such as social and economic rights, in order to diminish existing material inequalities, especially those connected with social exploitation and domination. The author argues that a contemporary theory of (...)
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  15. Verbal Reports and ‘Real’ Reasons: Confabulation and Conflation.Constantine Sandis - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (2):267-280.
    This paper examines the relation between the various forces which underlie human action and verbal reports about our reasons for acting as we did. I maintain that much of the psychological literature on confabulations rests on a dangerous conflation of the reasons for which people act with a variety of distinct motivational factors. In particular, I argue that subjects frequently give correct answers to questions about the considerations they acted upon while remaining largely unaware of why they take themselves to (...)
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    (1 other version)Grief, disorientation, and futurity.Constantin Mehmel - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    This paper seeks to develop a phenomenological account of the disorientation of grief, specifically the relationship between disorientation and the breakdown in practical self-understanding at the heart of grief. I argue that this breakdown cannot be sufficiently understood as a breakdown of formerly shared practices and habitual patterns of navigating lived-in space that leaves the bereaved individual at a loss as to how to go on. Examining the experience of losing a loved person and a loved person-to-be, I instead propose (...)
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    On the Healthcare Question.Constantine A. Manthous - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (12):1-3.
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    Chapitre II. Le questionnement du réel : réel ou fictionnel?Constantin Salavastru - 2020 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 294 (4):87-108.
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    Die Ruinen: oder, Betrachtungen über die Revolutionen der Reiche: Anh., "Das natürliche Gesetz: oder, physische Grundsätze der Moral".Constantin-François Volney - 1977 - Frankfurt am Main: Syndikat. Edited by C.-F. Volney & Günther Mensching.
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    Piaget et l'éducation.Constantin Xypas & Jean Piaget - 1997 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Le projet de Jean Piaget ne se réduit pas à son œuvre épistémologique. Il prend sa source, dès l'adolescence, dans une volonté de réconcilier la science et la foi. C'est de cette source-là, morale et humaniste, que lui vient son intérêt pour l'éducation. Sa pensée éducative se fonde sur la ferme conviction que la morale est une logique de l'action comme la logique est une morale de la pensée. Il s'ensuit qu'éducation morale et éducation intellectuelle doivent être menées de front, (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Communication Technology – A Conversation between Richard Harper and Constantine Sandis.Richard Harper & Constantine Sandis - 2018 - Philosophical Investigations 41 (2):241-262.
    This paper documents a conversation between a philosopher and a human computer interaction researcher whose research has been enormously influenced by Wittgenstein. In particular, the in vivo use of categories in the design of communications and AI technologies are discussed, and how this meaning needs to evolve to allow creative design to flourish. The paper will be of interest to anyone concerned with philosophical tools in everyday action.
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  22. Bivalence, Contradiction and the Logic of Change.Constantin Antonopoulos - 1988 - Logique Et Analyse 31 (123-124):403-432.
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    Two Conceptions of Substance in Aristotle.Constantine Georgiadis - 1973 - New Scholasticism 47 (1):22-37.
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    Philosophy of Action from Suarez to Anscombe.Constantine Sandis - 2018 - Philosophical Explorations 21 (1):1-2.
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    Gilles Deleuze: The Intensive Reduction.Constantin V. Boundas (ed.) - 2009 - Continuum.
    An important collection of essays providing a comprehensive overview of the thought of Gilles Deleuze, one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century.
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  26. A Bang into Nowhere.Constantin Antonopoulos - 2003 - Apeiron 10 (1):40.
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  27. Mood as a determinant of attentional focus.Constantine Sedikides - 1992 - Cognition and Emotion 6 (2):129-148.
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    The birth of the «European Dictionary of Philosophies» and Barbara Cassin’s discovery.Constantin Sigov, Amina Kkhelufi, Daria-Aseniia Kolomiiets, Olha Simoroz & Vsevolod Khoma - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (1):153-170.
    Interview with Constantine Sigov, dedicated to the history of the "European Dictionary of Philosophies": from the emergence of an idea in the early 90's in France until the accomplishment of the Ukrainian edition in 2019.
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    Empiricism and Subjectivity: An Essay on Hume's Theory of Human Nature.Constantin V. Boundas (ed.) - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    At last available in paperback, this book anticipates and explains the post-structuralist turn to empiricism. Presenting a challenging reading of David Hume's philosophy, the work is invaluable for understanding the progress of Deleuze's thought.
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    Architectural and Urban Reflections After Deleuze and Guattari.Constantin V. Boundas & Vana Tentokali (eds.) - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume brings together architects, urban designers and planners and asks them to reflect and report on the place and the city to come, in the wake of Deleuze and Guattari.
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    Aristotle's Perspectives on Human Technical Work.Constantine Georgiadis - 1978 - Dialectics and Humanism 5 (3):57-72.
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    Avicennas Bearbeitung der aristotelischen Metaphysik.Constantin Sauter - 1912 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
    Excerpt from Avicennas Bearbeitung der Aristotelischen Metaphysik Innerhalb der Geschichte der Scholastik bildet das Verhaltnis der arabischen und judischen Philosophie zur christlichen das wich tigste, aber auch das am wenigsten geloste Problem. Die Haupt schuld daran tragt die sparliche Bearbeitung der arabischen Philo sophie, sowohl in ihren Originalwerken als auch in den lateinischen Ubersetzungen. Dazu kommen noch Umstande mannigfacher Art, die ein nur langsames Fortschreiten gestatten. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find (...)
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  33. Self-Enhancing Self-Presentation : Interpersonal, Relational, and Organizational Implications.Constantine Sedikides, Vera Hoorens & Michael Dufner - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay (ed.), Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    The first Art of Ramon Llull.Constantin Teleanu - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico 49 (1):97-120.
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  35. The quantum logic of Zeno: Misconceptions and Restorations.Constantin Antonopoulos - 2007 - Acta Philosophica 16 (2):265-284.
  36. (1 other version)Philosophy for younger people: A polemic.Constantine Sandis - 2004 - Philosophical Pathways.
    Recent years have seen a high increase in the teaching of Philosophy in schools. Programs such as Pathways Schools in Australia International Society for Philosophers, since 2003), 'Philosophy in Schools' in the UK (Royal Institute of Philosophy, since 1999), and 'Philosophy for Children' in the USA, Australia, and the UK (International Council for Philosophical Inquiry since 1985 & Society for Advancing Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education since 1993) are spreading around the world. Within a decade of its introduction Philosophy (...)
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  37. Can Action Explanations Ever Be Non-Factive?Constantine Sandis - 2013 - In David Bakhurst, Margaret Olivia Little & Brad Hooker (eds.), Thinking about reasons: themes from the philosophy of Jonathan Dancy. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 29.
  38. Categorical Quantification.Constantin C. Brîncuş - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):pp. 227-252.
    Due to Gӧdel’s incompleteness results, the categoricity of a sufficiently rich mathematical theory and the semantic completeness of its underlying logic are two mutually exclusive ideals. For first- and second-order logics we obtain one of them with the cost of losing the other. In addition, in both these logics the rules of deduction for their quantifiers are non-categorical. In this paper I examine two recent arguments –Warren (2020), Murzi and Topey (2021)– for the idea that the natural deduction rules for (...)
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    Proactive control of affective distraction: Experience-based but not expectancy-based.Constantin Schmidts, Anna Foerster, Thomas Kleinsorge & Wilfried Kunde - 2020 - Cognition 194:104072.
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    Science, spirit, superstition: a new enquiry into human thought.Constantin Brunner - 1968 - Toronto,: University of Toronto P.. Edited by Walter Bernard.
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    Making Ourselves Understood: Wittgenstein and Moral Epistemology.Constantine Sandis - 2019 - Wittgenstein-Studien 10 (1):241-259.
    Wittgenstein teaches us that, contrary to current philosophical and scientific trends, the understanding of others is not to be achieved through some kind of emotional tool providing an access-pass to otherwise hidden ‘mental contents’. This insight goes against the popular grain of empathy as a form of informational ‘mindreading’, founded upon John Locke’s assumption that understanding another is a matter of obtaining and decoding the stored in their mind. We would do best to replace this radically distorted account of what (...)
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    Individual Self, Relational Self, Collective Self.Constantine Sedikides & Marilynn B. Brewer (eds.) - 2000 - Psychology Press.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Ausgewählte Briefe, 1884-1937.Constantin Brunner - 2012 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. Edited by Jürgen Stenzel & Irene Aue-Ben-David.
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  44. Paul and Union with Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study.Constantine R. Campbell - 2012
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    Modern Greek thought.Constantine Cavarnos - 1969 - Belmont, Mass.,: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.
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  46. Responsabilitatea moral-politică a comunistului.Vasile Constantin - 1976 - București: Editura politică.
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    Homeostatic theory of drug tolerance: A general model of physiological adaptation.Constantine X. Poulos & Howard Cappell - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (3):390-408.
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    (1 other version)The meaning and significance of spirituality in europe and in india.Constantin Regamey - 1959 - Philosophy East and West 9 (1/2):45-47.
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    Filosofie românească în spațiul public: modernitate și europeanizare.Constantin Schifirneț - 2012 - București: Tritonic.
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  50. The Metres of Romanos.Constantine A. Trypanis - 1966 - Byzantion 36 (2):1967.
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