Results for 'Connectionist modeling'

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  1. A thumbnail sketch of connectionist modeling.J. L. McClelland - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):326-326.
  2. The acquisition process of musical tonal schema: implications from connectionist modeling.Rie Matsunaga, Pitoyo Hartono & Jun-Ichi Abe - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139951.
    Using connectionist modeling, we address fundamental questions concerning the acquisition process of musical tonal schema of listeners. Compared to models of previous studies, our connectionist model (Learning Network for Tonal Schema, LeNTS) was better equipped to fulfill three basic requirements. Specifically, LeNTS was equipped with a learning mechanism, bound by culture-general properties, and trained by sufficient melody materials. When exposed to Western music, LeNTS acquired musical ‘scale’ sensitivity early and ‘harmony’ sensitivity later. The order of acquisition of (...)
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  3. Consciousness: Converging insights from connectionist modeling and neuroscience.Tiago V. Maia & Axel Cleeremans - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (8):397-404.
    Over the past decade, many findings in cognitive about the contents of consciousness: we will not address neuroscience have resulted in the view that selective what might be called the ‘enabling factors’ for conscious- attention, working memory and cognitive control ness (e.g. appropriate neuromodulation from the brain- stem, etc.). involve competition between widely distributed rep-.
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    Raising the bar for connectionist modeling of cognitive developmental disorders.Morten H. Christiansen, Christopher M. Conway & Michelle R. Ellefson - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):752-753.
    Cognitive developmental disorders cannot be properly understood without due attention to the developmental process, and we commend the authors’simulations in this regard. We note the contribution of these simulations to the nascent field of connectionist modeling of developmental disorders and outline a set of criteria for assessing individual models in the hope of furthering future modeling efforts.
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    Hemispheric Asymmetries in Cognitive Modeling: Connectionist Modeling of Unilateral Visual Neglect.Padraic Monaghan & Richard Shillcock - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):283-308.
  6.  82
    Dead Reckoning in the Desert Ant: A Defence of Connectionist Models.Christopher Mole - 2014 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 5 (2):277-290.
    Dead reckoning is a feature of the navigation behaviour shown by several creatures, including the desert ant. Recent work by C. Randy Gallistel shows that some connectionist models of dead reckoning face important challenges. These challenges are thought to arise from essential features of the connectionist approach, and have therefore been taken to show that connectionist models are unable to explain even the most primitive of psychological phenomena. I show that Gallistel’s challenges are successfully met by one (...)
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    Building a Bridge into the Future: Dynamic Connectionist Modeling as an Integrative Tool for Research on Intertemporal Choice.Stefan Scherbaum, Maja Dshemuchadse & Thomas Goschke - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Modelling the effects of semantic ambiguity in word recognition.Jennifer M. Rodd, M. Gareth Gaskell & William D. Marslen-Wilson - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (1):89-104.
    Most words in English are ambiguous between different interpretations; words can mean different things in different contexts. We investigate the implications of different types of semantic ambiguity for connectionist models of word recognition. We present a model in which there is competition to activate distributed semantic representations. The model performs well on the task of retrieving the different meanings of ambiguous words, and is able to simulate data reported by Rodd, Gaskell, and Marslen‐Wilson [J. Mem. Lang. 46 (2002) 245] (...)
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    Modelling the noncomputational mind: Reply to Litch.Terence E. Horgan - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (3):365-371.
    I explain why, within the nonclassical framework for cognitive science we describe in the book, cognitive-state transitions can fail to be tractably computable even if they are subserved by a discrete dynamical system whose mathematical-state transitions are tractably computable. I distinguish two ways that cognitive processing might conform to programmable rules in which all operations that apply to representation-level structure are primitive, and two corresponding constraints on models of cognition. Although Litch is correct in maintaining that classical cognitive science is (...)
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    Localist network modelling in psychology: Ho-hum or hm-m-m?Craig Leth-Steensen - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):484-485.
    Localist networks represent information in a very simple and straightforward way. However, localist modelling of complex behaviours ultimately entails the use of intricate “hand-designed” connectionist structures. It is, in fact, mainly these two aspects of localist network models that I believe have turned many researchers off them (perhaps wrongly so).
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    A Radical View on Connectionist Language Modeling.Georg Dorffner - 1990 - In G. Dorffner (ed.), Konnektionismus in Artificial Intelligence Und Kognitionsforschung. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 217--220.
  12. Connectionism and the Philosophical Foundations of Cognitive Science.Terence Horgan - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (1-2):1-30.
    This is an overview of recent philosophical discussion about connectionism and the foundations of cognitive science. Connectionist modeling in cognitive science is described. Three broad conceptions of the mind are characterized, and their comparative strengths and weaknesses are discussed: (1) the classical computation conception in cognitive science; (2) a popular foundational interpretation of connectionism that John Tienson and I call “non‐sentential computationalism”; and (3) an alternative interpretation of connectionism we call “dynamical cognition.” Also discussed are two recent philosophical (...)
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    What connectionist models learn: Learning and representation in connectionist networks.Stephen José Hanson & David J. Burr - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (3):471-489.
    Connectionist models provide a promising alternative to the traditional computational approach that has for several decades dominated cognitive science and artificial intelligence, although the nature of connectionist models and their relation to symbol processing remains controversial. Connectionist models can be characterized by three general computational features: distinct layers of interconnected units, recursive rules for updating the strengths of the connections during learning, and “simple” homogeneous computing elements. Using just these three features one can construct surprisingly elegant and (...)
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    Modeling the Structure and Dynamics of Semantic Processing.Armand S. Rotaru, Gabriella Vigliocco & Stefan L. Frank - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2890-2917.
    The contents and structure of semantic memory have been the focus of much recent research, with major advances in the development of distributional models, which use word co‐occurrence information as a window into the semantics of language. In parallel, connectionist modeling has extended our knowledge of the processes engaged in semantic activation. However, these two lines of investigation have rarely been brought together. Here, we describe a processing model based on distributional semantics in which activation spreads throughout a (...)
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    CAB: Connectionist Analogy Builder.Levi B. Larkey & Bradley C. Love - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (5):781-794.
    The ability to make informative comparisons is central to human cognition. Comparison involves aligning two representations and placing their elements into correspondence. Detecting correspondences is a necessary component of analogical inference, recognition, categorization, schema formation, and similarity judgment. Connectionist Analogy Builder (CAB) determines correspondences through a simple iterative computation that matches elements in one representation with elements playing compatible roles in the other representation while simultaneously enforcing structural constraints. CAB shows promise as a process model of comparison as its (...)
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    Large‐Scale Modeling of Wordform Learning and Representation.Daragh E. Sibley, Christopher T. Kello, David C. Plaut & Jeffrey L. Elman - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (4):741-754.
    The forms of words as they appear in text and speech are central to theories and models of lexical processing. Nonetheless, current methods for simulating their learning and representation fail to approach the scale and heterogeneity of real wordform lexicons. A connectionist architecture termed thesequence encoderis used to learn nearly 75,000 wordform representations through exposure to strings of stress‐marked phonemes or letters. First, the mechanisms and efficacy of the sequence encoder are demonstrated and shown to overcome problems with traditional (...)
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  17. Classicism, Connectionism and the Concept of Level.Yu-Houng H. Houng - 1990 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    The debate between Classicism and Connectionism can be properly characterized as a debate concerning the appropriate levels of analysis for psychological theorizing. Classicists maintain that the level of analysis defined by the Classical architecture is the level of analysis at which psychological theorizing should reside. This level is called the symbolic level. On the other hand, Connectionists claim that the proper level of analysis for cognitive modeling is at the subsymbolic level which is considered a level lower than the (...)
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    Connectionism, classical cognitivism and the relation between cognitive and implementational levels of analysis.Keith Butler - 1993 - Philosophical Psychology 6 (3):321-33.
    This paper discusses the relation between cognitive and implementational levels of analysis. Chalmers (1990, 1993) argues that a connectionist implementation of a classical cognitive architecture possesses a compositional semantics, and therefore undercuts Fodor and Pylyshyn's (1988) argument that connectionist networks cannot possess a compositional semantics. I argue that Chalmers argument misconstrues the relation between cognitive and implementational levels of analysis. This paper clarifies the distinction, and shows that while Fodor and Pylyshyn's argument survives Chalmers' critique, it cannot be (...)
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    Towards a dynamic connectionist model of memory.Douglas Vickers & Michael D. Lee - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):40-41.
    Glenberg's account falls short in several respects. Besides requiring clearer explication of basic concepts, his account fails to recognize the autonomous nature of perception. His account of what is remembered, and its description, is too static. His strictures against connectionist modeling might be overcome by combining the notions of psychological space and principled learning in an embodied and situated network.
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    Neural network modelling of cognitive disinhibition and neurotransmitter dysfunction in obsessive–compulsive disorder.Jacques Ludik & Danj Stein - 1998 - In Dan J. Stein & Jacques Ludik (eds.), Neural Networks and Psychopathology: Connectionist Models in Practice and Research. Cambridge University Press.
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    Connectionist hysteria: Reducing a Freudian case study to a network model.Dan Lloyd - 1994 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1 (2):69-88.
    Connectionism—also known as parallel distributed processing, or neural network modeling—offers promise as a framework to unite clinical and cognitive psychology, and as a tool for studying conscious and unconscious mental activity. This paper describes a neural network model of the case study of Lucy R., from Freud and Breuer's Studies on Hysteria. Though very simple in architecture, the network spontaneously displays analogues of repression and hallucination, corresponding to Lucy R.'s symptoms. Salient elements of Lucy's conscious experience are represented in (...)
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  22. What is connectionism?Istvan S. N. Berkeley - manuscript
    Connectionism is a style of modeling based upon networks of interconnected simple processing devices. This style of modeling goes by a number of other names too. Connectionist models are also sometimes referred to as 'Parallel Distributed Processing' (or PDP for short) models or networks.1 Connectionist systems are also sometimes referred to as 'neural networks' (abbreviated to NNs) or 'artificial neural networks' (abbreviated to ANNs). Although there may be some rhetorical appeal to this neural nomenclature, it is (...)
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  23. The Place of Modeling in Cognitive Science.James L. McClelland - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):11-38.
    I consider the role of cognitive modeling in cognitive science. Modeling, and the computers that enable it, are central to the field, but the role of modeling is often misunderstood. Models are not intended to capture fully the processes they attempt to elucidate. Rather, they are explorations of ideas about the nature of cognitive processes. In these explorations, simplification is essential—through simplification, the implications of the central ideas become more transparent. This is not to say that simplification (...)
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    Putting together connectionism – again.Paul Smolensky - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):59-74.
    A set of hypotheses is formulated for a connectionist approach to cognitive modeling. These hypotheses are shown to be incompatible with the hypotheses underlying traditional cognitive models. The connectionist models considered are massively parallel numerical computational systems that are a kind of continuous dynamical system. The numerical variables in the system correspond semantically to fine-grained features below the level of the concepts consciously used to describe the task domain. The level of analysis is intermediate between those of (...)
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    Learning to Attend: A Connectionist Model of Situated Language Comprehension.Marshall R. Mayberry, Matthew W. Crocker & Pia Knoeferle - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (3):449-496.
    Evidence from numerous studies using the visual world paradigm has revealed both that spoken language can rapidly guide attention in a related visual scene and that scene information can immediately influence comprehension processes. These findings motivated the coordinated interplay account (Knoeferle & Crocker, 2006) of situated comprehension, which claims that utterance‐mediated attention crucially underlies this closely coordinated interaction of language and scene processing. We present a recurrent sigma‐pi neural network that models the rapid use of scene information, exploiting an utterance‐mediated (...)
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    Currents in connectionism.William Bechtel - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (2):125-153.
    This paper reviews four significant advances on the feedforward architecture that has dominated discussions of connectionism. The first involves introducing modularity into networks by employing procedures whereby different networks learn to perform different components of a task, and a Gating Network determines which network is best equiped to respond to a given input. The second consists in the use of recurrent inputs whereby information from a previous cycle of processing is made available on later cycles. The third development involves developing (...)
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    A Recurrent Connectionist Model of Melody Perception: An Exploration Using TRACX2.Daniel Defays, Robert M. French & Barbara Tillmann - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13283.
    Are similar, or even identical, mechanisms used in the computational modeling of speech segmentation, serial image processing, and music processing? We address this question by exploring how TRACX2, a recognition‐based, recursive connectionist autoencoder model of chunking and sequence segmentation, which has successfully simulated speech and serial‐image processing, might be applied to elementary melody perception. The model, a three‐layer autoencoder that recognizes “chunks” of short sequences of intervals that have been frequently encountered on input, is trained on the tone (...)
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  28. Connecting object to symbol in modeling cognition.Stevan Harnad - 1992 - In A. Clark & Ronald Lutz (eds.), Connectionism in Context. Springer Verlag. pp. 75--90.
    Connectionism and computationalism are currently vying for hegemony in cognitive modeling. At first glance the opposition seems incoherent, because connectionism is itself computational, but the form of computationalism that has been the prime candidate for encoding the "language of thought" has been symbolic computationalism (Dietrich 1990, Fodor 1975, Harnad 1990c; Newell 1980; Pylyshyn 1984), whereas connectionism is nonsymbolic (Fodor & Pylyshyn 1988, or, as some have hopefully dubbed it, "subsymbolic" Smolensky 1988). This paper will examine what is and is (...)
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    Nonclassical connectionism should enter the decathlon.Francisco Calvo Garzón - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):603-604.
    In this commentary I explore nonclassical connectionism as a coherent framework for evaluation in the spirit of the Newell Test. Focusing on knowledge integration, development, real-time performance, and flexible behavior, I argue that NCC's “within-theory rank ordering” would place subsymbolic modeling in a better position. Failure to adopt a symbolic level of thought cannot be interpreted as a weakness.
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    Connectionism and novel combinations of skills: Implications for cognitive architecture. [REVIEW]Robert F. Hadley - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (2):197-221.
    In the late 1980s, there were many who heralded the emergence of connectionism as a new paradigm – one which would eventually displace the classically symbolic methods then dominant in AI and Cognitive Science. At present, there remain influential connectionists who continue to defend connectionism as a more realistic paradigm for modeling cognition, at all levels of abstraction, than the classical methods of AI. Not infrequently, one encounters arguments along these lines: given what we know about neurophysiology, it is (...)
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  31. Beyond eliminativism.Andy Clark - 1989 - Mind and Language 4 (4):251-79.
    There is a school of thought which links connectionist models of cognition to eliminativism-the thesis that the constructs of commonsense psychology do not exist. This way of construing the impact of connectionist modelling is, I argue, deeply mistaken and depends crucially on a shallow analysis of the notion of explanation. I argue that good, higher level descriptions may group together physically heterogenous mechanisms, and that the constructs of folk psychology may fulfil such a grouping function even if they (...)
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  32. On the proper treatment of connectionism.Paul Smolensky - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):1-23.
    A set of hypotheses is formulated for a connectionist approach to cognitive modeling. These hypotheses are shown to be incompatible with the hypotheses underlying traditional cognitive models. The connectionist models considered are massively parallel numerical computational systems that are a kind of continuous dynamical system. The numerical variables in the system correspond semantically to fine-grained features below the level of the concepts consciously used to describe the task domain. The level of analysis is intermediate between those of (...)
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    Levels of modeling of mechanisms of visually guided behavior.Michael A. Arbib - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):407-436.
    Intermediate constructs are required as bridges between complex behaviors and realistic models of neural circuitry. For cognitive scientists in general, schemas are the appropriate functional units; brain theorists can work with neural layers as units intermediate between structures subserving schemas and small neural circuits.After an account of different levels of analysis, we describe visuomotor coordination in terms of perceptual schemas and motor schemas. The interest of schemas to cognitive science in general is illustrated with the example of perceptual schemas in (...)
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    Bilingual Object Naming: A Connectionist Model.Shin-Yi Fang, Benjamin D. Zinszer, Barbara C. Malt & Ping Li - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:179499.
    Patterns of object naming often differ between languages, but bilingual speakers develop convergent naming patterns in their two languages that are distinct from those of monolingual speakers of each language. This convergence appears to reflect interactions between lexical representations for the two languages. In this study, we developed a self-organizing connectionist model to simulate semantic convergence in the bilingual lexicon and investigate the mechanisms underlying this semantic convergence. We examined the similarity of patterns in the simulated data to empirical (...)
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    Function, sufficiently constrained, implies form: Commentary on Green on Connectionist explanation.Robert M. French & Axel Cleeremans - unknown
    Green's target article is an attack on most current connectionist models of cognition. Our commentary will suggest that there is an essential component missing in his discussion of modeling, namely, the idea that the appropriate level of the model needs to be specified. We will further suggest that the precise form of connectionist networks will fall out as ever more detailed constraints are placed on their function.
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    Jeffrey L. Elman, Elizabeth A. Bates, mark H. Johnson, Annette karmiloff-Smith, Domenico Parisi, and Kim Plunkett, (eds.), Rethinking innateness: A connectionist perspective on development, neural network modeling and connectionism series and Kim Plunkett and Jeffrey L. Elman, exercises in rethinking innateness: A handbook for connectionist simulations. [REVIEW]Kenneth Aizawa - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (3):447-456.
  37. (1 other version)Weak emergence.Ma Bedau - 1997 - Philosophical Perspectives 11:375-399.
    An innocent form of emergence—what I call "weak emergence"—is now a commonplace in a thriving interdisciplinary nexus of scientific activity—sometimes called the "sciences of complexity"—that include connectionist modelling, non-linear dynamics (popularly known as "chaos" theory), and artificial life.1 After defining it, illustrating it in two contexts, and reviewing the available evidence, I conclude that the scientific and philosophical prospects for weak emergence are bright.
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    Constrained connectionism and the limits of human semantics: A review essay of Terry regier's the human semantic potential. [REVIEW]Robert M. French - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (4):515 – 523.
    Taking to heart Massaro's [(1988) Some criticisms of connectionist models of human performance, Journal of Memory and Language, 27, 213-234] criticism that multi-layer perceptrons are not appropriate for modeling human cognition because they are too powerful (i.e. they can simulate just about anything, which gives them little explanatory power), Regier develops the notion of constrained connectionism. The model that he discusses is a distributed network but with numerous constraints added that are (more or less) motivated by real psychophysical (...)
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    The Emergence of Mind: Personal Knowledge and Connectionism.Jean Bocharova - 2014 - Tradition and Discovery 41 (3):20-31.
    At the end of Personal Knowledge, Polanyi discusses human development, arguing for a view of the human person as emerging out of but not constituted by its material substrate. As part of this view, he argues that the human person can never be likened to a computer, an inference machine, or a neural model because all are based in formalized processes of automation, processes that cannot account for the contribution of unformalizable, tacit knowing. This paper revisits Polanyi’s discussion of the (...)
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    Re-assembling the brain: Are cell assemblies the brain's language for recovery of function?Chris Code - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):284-284.
    Holistically ignited Hebbian models are fundamentally different from the serially organized connectionist implementations of language. This may be important for the recovery of language after injury, because connectionist models have provided useful insights into recovery of some cognitive functions. I ask whether cell assembly modelling can make an important contribution and whether the apparent incompatibility with successful connectionist modelling is a problem.
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  41. State space semantics and conceptual similarity: Reply to Churchland.Francisco Calvo Garzón - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (1):77-95.
    Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore [(1992) Holism: a shopper's guide, Oxford: Blackwell; (1996) in R. McCauley (Ed.) The Churchlands and their critics , Cambridge: Blackwell] have launched a powerful attack against Paul Churchland's connectionist theory of semantics--also known as state space semantics. In one part of their attack, Fodor and Lepore argue that the architectural and functional idiosyncrasies of connectionist networks preclude us from articulating a notion of conceptual similarity applicable to state space semantics. Aarre Laakso and Gary (...)
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    Sticking to the manifesto.Mike Page - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):496-505.
    The commentators have raised some interesting issues but none question the viability of a localist approach to connectionist modelling. Once localist models are properly defined they can be seen to exhibit many properties relevant to the modelling of both psychological and brain function. They can be used to implement exemplar models, prototype models and models of sequence memory and they form a foundation upon which symbolic models can be constructed. Localist models are insensitive to interference and have learning rules (...)
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    Modeling consciousness.Frédéric Dandurand & Thomas R. Shultz - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):334-334.
    Perruchet & Vinter do not fully resolve issues about the role of consciousness and the unconscious in cognition and learning, and it is doubtful that consciousness has been computationally implemented. The cascade-correlation (CC) connectionist model develops high-order feature detectors as it learns a problem. We describe an extension, knowledge-based cascade-correlation (KBCC), that uses knowledge to learn in a hierarchical fashion.
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  44. Can neural models of cognition benefit from the advantages of connectionism?Friedrich T. Sommer & Pentti Kanerva - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (1):86-87.
    Cognitive function certainly poses the biggest challenge for computational neuroscience. As we argue, past efforts to build neural models of cognition (the target article included) had too narrow a focus on implementing rule-based language processing. The problem with these models is that they sacrifice the advantages of connectionism rather than building on them. Recent and more promising approaches for modeling cognition build on the mathematical properties of distributed neural representations. These approaches truly exploit the key advantages of connectionism, that (...)
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  45. Exploring Minds: Modes of Modeling and Simulation in Artificial Intelligence.Hajo Greif - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (4):409-435.
    The aim of this paper is to grasp the relevant distinctions between various ways in which models and simulations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) relate to cognitive phenomena. In order to get a systematic picture, a taxonomy is developed that is based on the coordinates of formal versus material analogies and theory-guided versus pre-theoretic models in science. These distinctions have parallels in the computational versus mimetic aspects and in analytic versus exploratory types of computer simulation. The proposed taxonomy cuts across the (...)
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    Experience‐Dependent Brain Development as a Key to Understanding the Language System.Gert Westermann - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):446-458.
    An influential view of the nature of the language system is that of an evolved biological system in which a set of rules is combined with a lexicon that contains the words of the language together with a representation of their context. Alternative views, usually based on connectionist modeling, attempt to explain the structure of language on the basis of complex associative processes. Here, I put forward a third view that stresses experience-dependent structural development of the brain circuits (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Computer modeling and the fate of folk psychology.John A. Barker - 2002 - Metaphilosophy 33 (1-2):30-48.
    Although Paul Churchland and Jerry Fodor both subscribe to the so-called theory-theory– the theory that folk psychology (FP) is an empirical theory of behavior – they disagree strongly about FP’s fate. Churchland contends that FP is a fundamentally flawed view analogous to folk biology, and he argues that recent advances in computational neuroscience and connectionist AI point toward development of a scientifically respectable replacement theory that will give rise to a new common-sense psychology. Fodor, however, wagers that FP will (...)
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    Will one stage and no feedback suffice in lexicalization?Trevor A. Harley - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):45-45.
    I examine four core aspects of WEAVER ++. The necessity for lemmas is often overstated. A model can incorporate interaction between levels without feedback connections between them. There is some evidence supporting the absence of inhibition in the model. Connectionist modelling avoids the necessity of a nondecompositional semantics apparently required by the hypernym problem.
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    The trouble with merge: Modeling speeded target detection.Jonathan Grainger - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):331-332.
    The model of phoneme monitoring proposed by Norris et al. is implausible when implemented in a localist connectionist network. Lexical representations mysteriously inform phoneme decision nodes as to the presence or absence of a target phoneme.
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    What is modeling for?Terry Regier - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):34-34.
    What would Glenberg 's attractive ideas look like when computationally fleshed out? I suggest that the most helpful next step in formalizing them is neither a connectionist nor a symbolic implementation, but rather an implementation- general analysis of the task in terms of the informational content required.
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