Results for 'Communist History'

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  1.  53
    A history of post-communist remembrance: from memory politics to the emergence of a field of anticommunism.Zoltan Dujisin - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (1):65-96.
    This article invites the view that the Europeanization of an antitotalitarian “collective memory” of communism reveals the emergence of a field of anticommunism. This transnational field is inextricably tied to the proliferation of state-sponsored and anticommunist memory institutes across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), but cannot be treated as epiphenomenal to their propagation. The diffusion of bodies tasked with establishing the “true” history of communism reflects, first and foremost, a shift in the region’s approach to its past, one driven (...)
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  2. History of the Communist Movement: Failure, Betrayal, or Learning Process?Domenico Losurdo - 2003 - Nature, Society, and Thought 16 (1):33-58.
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    Worlds of ordinariness: Oral histories of everyday life in communist Czechoslovakia.Rosie Johnston - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (3):401-415.
    Just how ordinary was everyday life during normalization in Czechoslovakia? In their discussions of the lives of “ordinary people,” historians have underplayed the fear and secrecy present in the daily experiences of Czechs and Slovaks in the late communist period. In linking writings by dissidents to Czech and Slovak oral histories in the collections of the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library, I seek to problematize the dissident/ordinary person dichotomy used in recent historiography, and argue that the chasm (...)
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    From Post-Communism to Civil Society: The Reemergence of History and the Decline of the Western Model.John Gray - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (2):26-50.
    For virtually all the major schools of Western opinion, the collapse of the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union, between 1989 and 1991, represents a triumph of Western values, ideas, and institutions. If, for triumphal conservatives, the events of late 1989 encompassed an endorsement of “democratic capitalism” that augured “the end of history,” for liberal and social democrats they could be understood as the repudiation by the peoples of the former Soviet bloc of Marxism-Leninism (...)
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    Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx.Gianni Vattimo & Santiago Zabala - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Having lost much of its political clout and theoretical power, communism no longer represents an appealing alternative to capitalism. In its original Marxist formulation, communism promised an ideal of development, but only through a logic of war, and while a number of reformist governments still promote this ideology, their legitimacy has steadily declined since the fall of the Berlin wall. Separating communism from its metaphysical foundations, which include an abiding faith in the immutable laws of history and an almost (...)
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    Reflections on Recent British Communist Party History.Matthew Worley - 1999 - Historical Materialism 4 (1):241-261.
  7.  29
    The end of history: New music in post‐communist societies.Mark Delaere - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (1):155-159.
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  8. Sequence, Hypothesis, History: the Idea of Communism in the Light of the Singular Universality of a Process of Truth.Bostjan Nedoh - 2010 - Filozofski Vestnik 31 (3):177 - +.
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    The Communist Manifestoes: media of Marxism and Bolshevik contagion in America.James Farr - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (2-3):85-105.
    The Communist Manifesto—rhetorical masterpiece of proletarian revolution—was published 69 years before the Bolshevik Revolution and had a complex reception history that implicated America and Russia in the long interval between. But once the Revolution shook the world, the Manifesto became indissolubly tied to it, forged together as constitutive moments of some supratemporal revolutionary dynamic. Its subsequent and further reception in America bore the marks of Bolshevik contagion, negatively in many quarters, positively in the early American communist movement. (...)
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  10.  47
    (1 other version)The stalinist conception of communist party history.George Enteen - 1989 - Studies in East European Thought 37 (4):259-274.
  11. Marx and History: From Primitive Society to the Communist Future.Ross Gandy & William Shaw - 1981 - Science and Society 45 (1):109-111.
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  12.  15
    Un intellectuel communiste illégitime: Roger Garaudy.Didier Gauvin - 2022 - Vulaines-sur-Seine: Éditions du Croquant.
    Avant même d'être condamné pour "contestation de crime contre l'humanité" au tournant du siècle, Roger Garaudy était déjà marginalisé dans les champs intellectuel et politique français. Après avoir incarné la résistance au néostalinisme dans le Parti communiste, le philosophe qui fut longtemps l'interlocuteur privilégié de Jean-Paul Sartre au sein du PCF en fut spectaculairement exclu en 1970 pour s'être opposé aux Soviétiques qui venaient d'écraser le Printemps de Prague. Celui que l'historiographie du communisme retient plus volontiers comme le "stalinien modèle", (...)
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  13. A Soviet History of Philosophy the Outline of a New Volume to Replace G. F. Alexandrov's History of Western European Philosophy, Withdrawn From Circulation as a Result of a Philosophical Discussion Organized in 1947 by the Communist Party of the Ussr.William Edgerton - 1950 - Public Affairs Press.
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    Women Communists and the Polish Communist Party: from “Fanatic” Revolutionaries to Invisible Bureaucrats.Natalia Jarska - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:189-210.
    The paper aims at tracing a collective portrait and the trajectories of a group of about forty women active in the communist movement after Poland had regained independence, and after the Second World War. I explore the relations between gender, communist activity, and the changing circumstances of the communist movement. I argue that interwar activities shaped women communists as radical, uncompromising, and questioning traditional femininity political agents, accepted as comrades at every organisational level. This image and identity, (...)
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  15.  27
    Marx and History: From Primitive Society to the Communist Future.D. Ross Gandy - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (1):241-242.
  16. Flight from History? The Communist Movement between Self-Criticism and Self-Contempt.Domenico Losurdo - 2000 - Nature, Society, and Thought 13 (3):457-514.
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  17.  22
    Soviet genetics and the communist party: was it all bad and wrong, or none at all?Mikhail Konashev - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (2):1-19.
    The history of genetics and the evolutionary theory in the USSR is multidimensional. Only in the 1920s after the October Revolution, and due in large part to that Revolution, the science of genetics arose in Soviet Russia. Genetics was limited, but not obliterated in the second half of the 1950s, and was restored in the late 1960s, after the resignation of Nikita S. Khrushchev. In the subsequent period, Soviet genetics experienced a resurgence, though one not as successful as geneticists (...)
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  18. Communism as Eudaimonia.Sabeen Ahmed - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values 1 (2):31-48.
    Karl Marx states in Capital that “man, if not as Aristotle thought a political animal, is at all events a social animal” (Marx, 1992, 444). That Marx draws from Aristotle’s work has been long-recognized, but one could argue that Marx’s very conception of man—what he calls “species-being”—is a derivative of Aristotle’s theory of the good life. This article explores the Aristotelian underpinnings of Marx’s political philosophy and argues that Marx’s theory of species-being and human emancipation supervenes upon Aristotle’s theory of (...)
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  19.  20
    Remembering communism.Chamsy el-Ojeili - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 146 (1):128-139.
    Expressions of a current “Marx renaissance”, the three books under review in this article raise crucial questions about memory, knowledge, and power for a new global Left. Traverso’s reflections on Left future-oriented memory, Favilli’s history of Italian Marxism, and Bourrinet’s work on the Dutch and German communist Left explore a variety of “forms of Marxism”. Most centrally, the three works raise still vital questions around Marxism and religion, science and utopia, knowledge and power, nation and globality.
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    Perspectives on the Entangled History of Communism and Nazism: A Comnaz Analysis. [REVIEW]Richard Shorten - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (3):342-343.
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  21. (1 other version)Book reviews : A history of chinese philosophy, vol. II by Fung yu-Lan, translated by Derk Bodde (princeton, nj.: Princeton university press, 1953.) Pp. XXV+783. China's Gentry, essays in rural-urban relations by Hsiao-Tung Fei (chicago: University of chicago press, 1953.) Pp. 287. A documentary history of chinese communism by C. Brandt, B. Schwartz and J. K. Fairbank (london: George Allen & Unwin, 1952.) Pp. 552. [REVIEW]A. W. Macdonald - 1955 - Diogenes 3 (9):114-117.
  22.  31
    Communism as a Generational Herstory: Reading Post-Stalinist Memoirs of Polish Communist Women.Agnieszka Mrozik - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:261-284.
    The objective of this article is to revise the dominating narrative of communism as male generational history. With the aid of memoirs of communist women, many of whom started their political activity before WWII and belonged to the power-wielding elites of Stalinist Poland, the author shows that the former constituted an integral part of the generation which had planned a revolution and ultimately took over power. Their texts were imbued with a matrilineal perspective on the history of (...)
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  23.  26
    After council communism: the post-war rediscovery of the council tradition.James Muldoon - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (2):341-362.
    This article traces a discontinuous tradition of council thought from the Dutch and German council communist tendencies of the 1920s to its re-emergence in the writings of three important mid-twentieth-century political theorists: Cornelius Castoriadis, Claude Lefort, and Hannah Arendt. It connects an intellectual history of the council concept in post-war Europe with a political history of the small revolutionary groups that fostered council-related political activity during this era. It claims that, as the experience of the European council (...)
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  24.  33
    On Two Predictions of the Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe that is What Conditions of Making Accurate Predictions in History Are?Krzysztof Brzechczyn - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 38:15-22.
    The decline of communism in Eastern Europe in years 1989-1991 was a big surprise for Western Sovietology. The sudden disappearance of the object of research would undermine the reason of existence of the whole science. For this reason, in the first half of the 90s Western scientists tried to answer following question: why Sovietology was not able to predict the demise of communism. The purpose of my paper is not to make one more analysis of factors responsible for this failure (...)
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  25.  21
    Maszyny Matematyczne, women, and computing: The birth of computers in the Polish communist era.Carla Petrocelli - 2023 - History of Science 61 (3):409-435.
    The history of computing usually focuses on achievements in Western universities and research centers and is mostly about what happened in the United States and Great Britain. However, in Eastern Europe, particularly in war-torn Poland, where there was very little state funding, many highly original hardware and software projects were initiated. The small number of publications available to us, especially those in English, led to the belief that technological progress was the result of research carried out in Western countries (...)
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  26.  41
    The Communist Manifesto.Jeffrey C. Isaac (ed.) - 2012 - Yale University Press.
    Marx and Engels's _Communist Manifesto_ has become one of the world’s most influential political tracts since its original 1848 publication. Part of the Rethinking the Western Tradition series, this edition of the _Manifesto_ features an extensive introduction by Jeffrey C. Isaac, and essays by Vladimir Tismaneanu, Steven Lukes, Saskia Sassen, and Stephen Eric Bronner, each well known for their writing on questions central to the _Manifesto_ and the history of Marxism. These essays address the _Manifesto_'s historical background, its impact (...)
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  27.  21
    Communism in Eden.Wiliam J. McDonald - 1946 - New Scholasticism 20 (2):101-125.
  28.  53
    Collapse of communism, crisis of capitalism, and the state of humanity.Svetozar Stojanovic - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (8):903-916.
    This article argues the main following points. (1) Communism was fatefully dependent upon the action or inaction of its top leaders because of the vulnerability of the hyper-centralized power and hyper-centralized defense of the ruling class and the ruling party. No one was really able to seriously predict the historical contingencies such as Gorbachev and Yeltsin that played a decisive role. The most that social scientists and analysts could safely claim was that communism had become unsuccessful and problematical to such (...)
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  29.  15
    ‘True Democracy’ as a Prelude to Communism: The Marx of Democracy.Alexandros Chrysis - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book constitutes a critical intervention in the theoretical discussion over the political relationship between democracy and communism. Shedding light on the philosophical origins of the democracy debate, it draws a clear demarcation line between liberalism and republicanism, arguing that after rejecting the former and supporting the latter, the young Marx endorsed 'true democracy' as a prelude to his forthcoming theory of communism. To this end, while following the dynamics of the Marxian history of political ideas and pre-communist (...)
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  30.  67
    Paradoxes in the Communist Theory of Marxism.Theodor I. Oizerman - 2009 - Diogenes 56 (2-3):37-50.
    In their work The German Ideology, the founders of Marxism assert that the prerequisite of post-capitalist (defined by them as communist) society is the universal development of human abilities and all social relations. But then on the same page, contrary to this statement, it is alleged that the abolition of private property is not only highly topical but it is also an imperative history-making task. In Manifesto of the Communist Party, Marx and Engels explain that economic crises (...)
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  31.  35
    An Important Landmark in the History of the Chinese Communist Party.A. M. Grigor'ev - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 8 (3):18-44.
  32.  8
    Communism, Poetry: Communicating Vessels (Some Insubordinate Essays, 1999–2018) by Darko Suvin (review).Pavla Veselá - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):531-537.
    Although to the readers of Utopian Studies Darko Suvin remains perhaps best known for his criticism of science fiction, much of his recent writing has fallen into the category of Marxist political epistemology. Of note are In Leviathan's Belly: Essays for a Counter-Revolutionary Time (2012), his analysis of former Yugoslavia in Splendour, Misery, and Potentialities: An X-ray of Socialist Yugoslavia (2017) as well as a number of shorter works on subjects that range from the Russian Revolution to George Orwell's Nineteen (...)
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  33.  63
    Communism. From Marx to Mao Tse-tung. Texts, Illustrations and Documents.Hermann Weber - 1970 - Philosophy and History 3 (2):142-142.
  34.  46
    The Communist Utopia and the Fate of the Socialist Experiment in Russia.A. Walicki - 2001 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 39 (4):5-31.
    It is a peculiar paradox that the fall of "really existing socialism" in Europe evoked surprisingly few serious reflections on the historical fate of the communist Utopia. In my view insufficient advantage has been taken of the opportunity to survey the communist phenomenon as a whole, that is, from the perspective of the completed cycle of its history in "the first country of socialism." One may even say that interest in the ideological sources of the communist (...)
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  35. Robert V. Daniels , "A Documentary History of Communism, Volume I, Communism in Russia".Irving H. Anellis - 1987 - Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1/2):110.
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  36.  16
    History of science in Central and Eastern Europe : Studies from Poland, Hungary, and Croatia.Mitchell G. Ash - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (3):546-552.
    The article introduces a special section about history of science in Central and Eastern Europe before and after the fall of Communism, and sketches a conceptual framework within which the three papers in the section can be understood together. This introduction provides information about the workshop from which the papers were recruited, and continues with more general considerations on the nationalization of scientific knowledge in the territories of the Habsburg empire and its successor states. In the second half of (...)
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  37.  16
    Communism as Religious Phenomenon: Phenomenology and Catholic Socialism In Yugoslav Slovenia, 1927–42.James Robertson - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (2):279-301.
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  38.  9
    Religion and post-communism: A chronicle of absurdity.Milena Kirova - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (1):102-107.
    This article summarizes the history of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church after 1989 in the context of the post-communist situation. It highlights some of the changes that have taken place in the religious consciousness of Bulgarian people. Absurdity is the key concept. A string of absurd events are discussed; they are viewed as representative of the ambiguous mentality characteristic of the transitional period that is under way in the post-communist societies of Eastern Europe.
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  39.  26
    Russell's Anti-Communist Rhetoric before and after Stalin's Death.Stephen Hayhurst - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (1):67-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RUSSEL:rS ANTI-COMMUNIST RHETORIC BEFORE AND AFTER STALIN'S DEATH STEPHEN HAYHURST History / Copenhagen International School Copenhagen, Denmark 1100 A communist regimes collapse in Eastern Europe, and the rhetoric of the Cold War is at last abandoned, it seems an appropriate time to examine an aspect of Bertrand Russell's political life and thought which has not been as well documented as, for example, his activities in the (...)
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  40. Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff, Class Theory and History: Capitalism and Communism in the USSR.C. el-Ojeili - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.
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  41.  21
    ‘Eurocommunism is Anti-Communism.Enis Sulstarova - 2016 - History of Communism in Europe 7:19-38.
    Following the rift with China, Albania found itself on a lonely road towards pretending to protect the purity of the Marxism-Leninism in Europe. Although diplomatic relations with the West were restricted only to trade, the Albanian Communist leader, Enver Hoxha, was interested in recent developments inside Western Communist parties. Through Eurocommunist theorizations, the parties in Italy, France and Spain abandoned revolutionary aims, incorporated democracy in their ideology and tried to build electoral coalitions with socialist parties and other left-wing (...)
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  42.  33
    Ideology, Memory and Religion in Post-Communist East Central Europe: A Comparative Study Focused on Post-Holocaust.Michael Shafir - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (44):52-110.
    Post-communist East-Central Europe is witnessing a clash of memories focused on its recent past. Whereas Western memory is constructed around the “politics of regret” and responsibility-assumption vis-à-vis the Holocaust, Eastern memory focuses to a large extent on responsibility-attribution for the trauma of communist rule. These are comparable traumatic experiences, but due to different “cognitive mapping” and different mnemonic social frameworks, Eastern memory has produced a post-mnemonic framework that allows for a creeping justification of interwar Radical Right ideologies; for (...)
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  43. Reviews : C.L.R. James, World Revolution 1917-1936: The Rise and Fall of the Communist International (Humanities Press, 1993); Michel Beaud, Socialism in the Crucible of History (Humanities Press, 1993); Cornelius Castoriadis, Political and Social Writings, Volume 3, 1961- 1979 (University of Minnesota Press, 1993); Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination—A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Tbeory (Cambridge University Press, 1993). [REVIEW]Peter Beilbarz - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 40 (1):133-138.
    Reviews : C.L.R. James, World Revolution 1917-1936: The Rise and Fall of the Communist International ; Michel Beaud, Socialism in the Crucible of History ; Cornelius Castoriadis, Political and Social Writings, Volume 3, 1961- 1979 ; Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination—A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Tbeory.
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    The Big Contradiction. Feminism and Communism in the Magazine Lotta Continua. 1968-1978.Graziano Mamone - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:37-61.
    A new feminist ideology can be outlined by examining the magazine “Lotta Continua”, official newspaper of the homonymous Italian extra-parliamentary group. Riots in factories and universities were closely reported in the magazine, which painted a society still affected by strong gender inequalities. Split between an opposition to official communism and the spontaneity of the working class conflict, women emerged from family isolation. The great achievements of the Italian feminist movement were reported according to the point of view of the dissident (...)
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  45.  42
    The Italian Communist Party and the “Lysenko Affair”.Francesco Cassata - 2012 - Journal of the History of Biology 45 (3):469-498.
    This article explores the impact of the VASKhNIL conference upon the cultural policy of the Italian Communist Party and Italian communist biology, with particular attention to the period between 1948 and 1951. News of the Moscow session did not appear in the Italian news media until October, 1948, and for the next three years party biologists struggled over whether to translate the official transcript of the proceedings, The Situation in Biological Science, into Italian. This struggle reveals the complex (...)
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  46.  28
    Communism and the Conscience of the West.James A. McWilliams - 1948 - New Scholasticism 22 (4):465-467.
  47.  13
    Sandino's Communism: Spiritual Politics for the Twenty-First Century.Donald C. Hodges - 2013 - University of Texas Press.
    Drawing on previously unknown or unassimilated sources, Donald C. Hodges here presents an entirely new interpretation of the politics and philosophy of Augusto C. Sandino, the intellectual progenitor of Nicaragua's Sandinista revolution. The first part of the book investigates the political sources of Sandino's thought in the works of Babeuf, Buonarroti, Blanqui, Proudhon, Bakunin, Most, Malatesta, Kropotkin, Ricardo Flores Magón, and Lenin—a mixed legacy of pre-Marxist and non-Marxist authoritarian and libertarian communists. The second half of the study scrutinizes the philosophy (...)
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    Young Communist Leagues in the Colonies. Schüller - 1971 - Chinese Studies in History 4 (4):245-249.
    Comrades, the fact that a special report on the activity of the Young Communist International is on the agenda of the Sixth Congress of the Comintern shows that the Congress pays the greatest attention to the youth movement. Nevertheless, the fact must not be passed over in silence that the Communist Parties devote insufficient direction and support to the work of the, youth organizations.
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    The ‘Westernisation’ of the Communist Elites in Romania: Elite Modernity, Integration and Change.Alexandra Iancu - 2016 - History of Communism in Europe 7:155-173.
    The ministerial recruitment strategies in Communist Romania are a symmetric replica of the elite selection patterns in parliamentary democracies. Starting with the mid-60s, all the major traditional pathways to power formally mirror mechanisms of the elite selection and differentiation, which are commonly encountered in Western democracies. During the Communist regime, “atypical” credentials such as education, academia, and the economic experiences also increased the likelihood of a promotion in public office. Starting from the notable differences between the Romanian elites (...)
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  50.  17
    Religious Policy and Practice in Communist China-A Documentary History.Robert P. Gardella & Donald E. MacInnis - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):414.
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