Results for 'Commonsense knowledge'

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  1.  43
    Commonsense Knowledge, Ontology and Ordinary Language.Walid Saba - 2010 - International Journal of Reasoning-Based Intelligent Systems 2 (1):36 - 50.
    Over two decades ago a "quite revolution" overwhelmingly replaced knowledgebased approaches in natural language processing (NLP) by quantitative (e.g., statistical, corpus-based, machine learning) methods. Although it is our firm belief that purely quantitative approaches cannot be the only paradigm for NLP, dissatisfaction with purely engineering approaches to the construction of large knowledge bases for NLP are somewhat justified. In this paper we hope to demonstrate that both trends are partly misguided and that the time has come to enrich logical (...)
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    Acquiring and modeling abstract commonsense knowledge via conceptualization.Mutian He, Tianqing Fang, Weiqi Wang & Yangqiu Song - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 333 (C):104149.
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    Representations of commonsense knowledge.Mark S. Tuttle - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 61 (1):121-148.
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    Representations of commonsense knowledge.Daniel S. Weld - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 61 (1):113-120.
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    The Structure of Commonsense Knowledge.Walid S. Saba - 2006 - In Paolo Valore, Topics on General and Formal Ontology. Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher. pp. 221.
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    VoCSK: Verb-oriented commonsense knowledge mining with taxonomy-guided induction.Jingping Liu, Tao Chen, Chao Wang, Jiaqing Liang, Lihan Chen, Yanghua Xiao, Yunwen Chen & Ke Jin - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 310 (C):103744.
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    Representations of commonsense knowledge: Response to the reviews.Ernest Davis - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 61 (1):175-179.
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    Representations of commonsense knowledge.William Croft - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 61 (1):105-112.
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    ASER: Towards large-scale commonsense knowledge acquisition via higher-order selectional preference over eventualities.Hongming Zhang, Xin Liu, Haojie Pan, Haowen Ke, Jiefu Ou, Tianqing Fang & Yangqiu Song - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 309 (C):103740.
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  10. Logical Semantics and Commonsense Knowledge: Where Did we Go Wrong, and How to Go Forward, Again.Walid Saba - manuscript
    We argue that logical semantics might have faltered due to its failure in distinguishing between two fundamentally very different types of concepts: ontological concepts, that should be types in a strongly-typed ontology, and logical concepts, that are predicates corresponding to properties of and relations between objects of various ontological types. We will then show that accounting for these differences amounts to the integration of lexical and compositional semantics in one coherent framework, and to an embedding in our logical semantics of (...)
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    Language, logic and ontology: Uncovering the structure of commonsense knowledge.Walid Saba -
    The purpose of this paper is twofold: (i) we argue that the structure of commonsense knowledge must be discovered, rather than invented; and (ii) we argue that natural language, which is the best known theory of our (shared) commonsense knowledge, should itself be used as a guide to discovering the structure of commonsense knowledge. In addition to suggesting a systematic method to the discovery of the structure of commonsense knowledge, the method we (...)
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  12. 'Scottish commonsense' about memory: A defence of Thomas Reid's direct knowledge account.Andy Hamilton - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (2):229-245.
    Reid rejects the image theory --the representative or indirect realist position--that memory-judgements are inferred from or otherwise justified by a present image or introspectible state. He also rejects the trace theory , which regards memories as essentially traces in the brain. In contrast he argues for a direct knowledge account in which personal memory yields unmediated knowledge of the past. He asserts the reliability of memory, not in currently fashionable terms as a reliable belief-forming process, but more elusively (...)
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    Review of Ernest Davis: Representations of Commonsense Knowledge[REVIEW]Barry Smith - 1994 - Minds and Machines 4 (2):245-249.
    Review of a compendium of alternative formal representations of common-sense knowledge. The book is centered largely on formal representations drawn from first-order logic, and thus lies in the tradition of Kenneth Forbus, Patrick Hayes and Jerry Hobbs.
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  14. Commonsense Metaphysics and Lexical Semantics.Jerry R. Hobbs, William Croft, Todd Davies, Douglas Edwards & Kenneth Laws - 1987 - Computational Linguistics 13 (3&4):241-250.
    In the TACITUS project for using commonsense knowledge in the understanding of texts about mechanical devices and their failures, we have been developing various commonsense theories that are needed to mediate between the way we talk about the behavior of such devices and causal models of their operation. Of central importance in this effort is the axiomatization of what might be called commonsense metaphysics. This includes a number of areas that figure in virtually every domain of (...)
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    Knowledge representation and commonsense reasoning: Reviews of four books.Leora Morgenstern - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence 170 (18):1239-1250.
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  16. Knowledge re-combination and invention as key features for commonsense reasoning and computational creativity research.Antonio Lieto - 2020 - In ECAI 2020 Worskhop "ARTIFICIAL AND HUMAN INTELLIGENCE FORMAL AND COGNITIVE FOUNDATIONS FOR HUMAN-CENTRED COMPUTING".
    Dynamic conceptual reframing represents a crucial mechanism employed by humans, and partially by other animal species, to generate novel knowledge used to solve complex goals. In this talk, I will present a reasoning framework for knowledge invention and creative problem solving exploiting TCL: a non-monotonic extension of a Description Logic (DL) of typicality able to combine prototypical (commonsense) descriptions of concepts in a human-like fashion [1]. The proposed approach has been tested both in the task of goal-driven (...)
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  17. Language and its commonsense: Where formal semantics went wrong, and where it can (and should) go.Walid Saba - 2020 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 1 (1):40-62.
    Abstract The purpose of this paper is twofold: (i) we will argue that formal semantics might have faltered due to its failure in distinguishing between two fundamentally very different types of concepts, namely ontological concepts, that should be types in a strongly-typed ontology, and logical concepts, that are predicates corresponding to properties of, and relations between, objects of various ontological types; and (ii) we show that accounting for these differences amounts to a new formal semantics; one that integrates lexical and (...)
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  18. Commonsense reasoning as a key feature for dynamic knowledge invention and computational creativity.Antonio Lieto - 2020 - ICAR-MEET 2020.
    Inventing novel knowledge to solve problems is a crucial, creative, mechanism employed by humans, to extend their range of action. In this talk, I will show how commonsense reasoning plays a crucial role in this respect. In particular, I will present a cognitively inspired reasoning framework for knowledge invention and creative problem solving exploiting TCL: a non-monotonic extension of a Description Logic (DL) of typicality able to combine prototypical (commonsense) descriptions of concepts in a human-like fashion. (...)
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  19.  33
    Santayana, Commonsensism, and the Problem of Impervious Belief.Richard Kenneth Atkins - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (1):37-56.
    Commonsensism is a thesis about commonsense beliefs: our commonsense beliefs are items of knowledge (or should be so regarded) that have epistemic or methodological priority. This account of commonsensism risks making our commonsense beliefs impervious to philosophical argument. But in Santayana's commonsensism, what deserves our trust is not our commonsense beliefs but the development of common sense over successive generations. Our commonsense beliefs deserve only a secondary or subsidiary trust; we trust them only insofar (...)
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  20.  48
    Commonsense thought, knowledge and Judgement and their importance for education.L. R. Perry - 1965 - British Journal of Educational Studies 13 (2):125-138.
  21. Commonsense for AI: an interventional approach to explainability and personalization.Fariborz Farahmand - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-9.
    AI systems are expected to impact the ways we communicate, learn, and interact with technology. However, there are still major concerns about their commonsense reasoning, and personalization. This article computationally explains causal (vs. statistical) inference, at different levels of abstraction, and provides three examples of how we can use do-operator, a mathematical operator for intervention, to address some of these concerns. The first example is from an educational module that I developed and implemented for undergraduate engineering students, as part (...)
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    Initial knowledge: six suggestions.Elizabeth Spelke - 1994 - Cognition 50 (1-3):431-445.
    Although debates continue, studies of cognition in infancy suggest that knowledge begins to emerge early in life and constitutes part of humans' innate endowment. Early-developing knowledge appears to be both domain-specific and task-specific, it appears to capture fundamental constraints on ecologically important classes of entities in the child's environment, and it appears to remain central to the commonsense knowledge systems of adults.
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  23.  8
    Christian Ethics and Commonsense Morality: An Intuitionist Account.Kevin Jung - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Christian Ethics and Commonsense Morality goes against the grain of various postmodern approaches to morality in contemporary religious ethics. In this book, Jung seeks to provide a new framework in which the nature of common Christian moral beliefs and practices can be given a new meaning. He suggests that, once major philosophical assumptions behind postmodern theories of morality are called into question, we may look at Christian morality in quite a different light. On his account, Christian morality is a (...)
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    Christian Ethics and Commonsense Morality: An Intuitionist Account by Kevin Jung.Aleksandar S. Santrac - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):192-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Christian Ethics and Commonsense Morality: An Intuitionist Account by Kevin JungAleksandar S. SantracChristian Ethics and Commonsense Morality: An Intuitionist Account Kevin Jung NEW YORK AND LONDON: ROUTLEDGE, 2014. 202 PP. $145.00In Christian Ethics and Commonsense Morality: An Intuitionist Account, Kevin Jung boldly constructs and defends a commonsense morality of intuition as a plausible ethical theory against both postmodern constructivist ethical systems and narrow objectivist (...)
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    A ‘commonsense’ psychoanalysis: Listening to the psychosocial dreamer in interwar Glasgow psychiatry.Sarah Phelan - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (3-4):142-168.
    This article historicises a dream analytic intervention launched in the 1930s by Scottish psychiatrist and future professor of psychological medicine at the University of Glasgow (1948–73), Thomas Ferguson Rodger (1907–78). Intimate therapeutic meetings with five male patients are preserved within the so-called ‘dream books’, six manuscript notebooks from Rodger’s earlier career. Investigating one such case history in parallel with lecture material, this article elucidates the origins of Rodger’s adapted, rapport-centred psychotherapy, offered in his post-war National Health Service, Glasgow-based department. Oriented (...)
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  26. Cognitive Agents with Commonsense.Antonio Lieto - 2021 - I-Cog Talks.
    Commonsense reasoning is a crucial human ability employed in everyday tasks. In this talk I provide a knowledge level analysis of the main representational and reasoning problems affecting the cognitive architectures for what concerns this issue. In providing this analysis I will show, by considering some of the main cognitive architectures currently available (e.g. SOAR, ACT-R, CLARION), how one of the main problems of such architectures is represented by the fact that their knowledge representation and processing mechanisms (...)
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    Causation in commonsense realism.Johannes Roessler - 2011 - In Johannes Roessler, Hemdat Lerman & Naomi Eilan, Perception, Causation, and Objectivity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Leading philosophers & psychologists offer an assessment of the commonsense view that perceptual experience is an immediate awareness of mind-independent objects. They examine the nature of perception, its role in the acquisition of knowledge, the role of causation in perception, & how perceptual understanding develops in humans.
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  28. How much of commonsense and legal reasoning is formalizable? A review of conceptual obstacles.James Franklin - 2012 - Law, Probability and Risk 11:225-245.
    Fifty years of effort in artificial intelligence (AI) and the formalization of legal reasoning have produced both successes and failures. Considerable success in organizing and displaying evidence and its interrelationships has been accompanied by failure to achieve the original ambition of AI as applied to law: fully automated legal decision-making. The obstacles to formalizing legal reasoning have proved to be the same ones that make the formalization of commonsense reasoning so difficult, and are most evident where legal reasoning has (...)
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  29. Objective knowledge: an evolutionary approach.Karl Raimund Popper - 1972 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The essays in this volume represent an approach to human knowledge that has had a profound influence on many recent thinkers. Popper breaks with a traditional commonsense theory of knowledge that can be traced back to Aristotle. A realist and fallibilist, he argues closely and in simple language that scientific knowledge, once stated in human language, is no longer part of ourselves but a separate entity that grows through critical selection.
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  30. Cognitive Heuristics for Commonsense Thinking and Reasoning in the next generation Artificial Intelligence.Antonio Lieto - 2021 - SRM ACM Student Chapters.
    Commonsense reasoning is one of the main open problems in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while, on the other hand, seems to be a very intuitive and default reasoning mode in humans and other animals. In this talk, we discuss the different paradigms that have been developed in AI and Computational Cognitive Science to deal with this problem (ranging from logic-based methods, to diagrammatic-based ones). In particular, we discuss - via two different case studies concerning commonsense categorization (...)
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    Science, commonsense and philosophy: A defense of continuity (a critique of "network apriorism").Nenad Miscevic - 2001 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (1):19 – 31.
    A popular line in philosophy championed by Jackson and his followers analyses concepts as networks of propositions. It takes even network-propositions characterizing ordinary empirically applicable concepts to be a priori, in contrast to statements of empirical science. This is meant to guarantee both the autonomy of conceptual analysis, and its substantial and informative character. It is argued here, to the contrary, that empirically applicable and entrenched concepts owe the acceptability of their own network precisely to its empirical pedigree. Promoting an (...)
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  32. From symbols to knowledge systems: A. Newell and H. A. Simon's contribution to symbolic AI.Luis M. Augusto - 2021 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 2 (1):29 - 62.
    A. Newell and H. A. Simon were two of the most influential scientists in the emerging field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the late 1950s through to the early 1990s. This paper reviews their crucial contribution to this field, namely to symbolic AI. This contribution was constituted mostly by their quest for the implementation of general intelligence and (commonsense) knowledge in artificial thinking or reasoning artifacts, a project they shared with many other scientists but that in their case (...)
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  33.  31
    Formal Theories of the Commonsense World.Jerry R. Hobbs & Robert C. Moore (eds.) - 1985 - Intellect Books.
    This volume is a collection of original contributions about the core knowledge in fundamental domains. It includes work on naive physics, such as formal specifications of intuitive theories of spatial relations, time causality, substance and physical objects, and on naive psychology.
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  34. Knowledge and Language.Elizabeth Fricker - 1986 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;This thesis undertakes two interrelated projects. The first is to give an account of the epistemology of testimony. However, as is argued, this cannot be done properly except as an application of a general philosophical account of knowledge. For this reason a partial sketch of such a general account is offered, as a necessary part of the completion of the first project. A complementary second project is also (...)
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    Concerns about Lycan's commonsensism.Michael Bergmann - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (5):573-582.
    Despite wholeheartedly endorsing Lycan's commonsensism on display in On Evidence in Philosophy, this paper raises concerns about three views Lycan defends in that book. The first view is compatibilism about free will and determinism. The paper argues that Lycan's Moorean defense of compatibilism fails and that it is plausible for commonsensists to think that, in their dispute with incompatibilists, the burden of proof is on compatibilists. The second view is Lycan's Principle of Humility, offered as an account of the conditions (...)
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    Problems of context and knowledge.Jacques Jayez - 1989 - Argumentation 3 (3):303-319.
    In spite of alleged differences in purpose, descriptive and computational linguistics share many problems, due to the fact that any precise study on language needs some form of knowledge representation. This constraint is mostly apparent when interpretation of sentences takes into account elements of the so-called “context”. The parametrization of context, i.e. the explicit listing of features relevant to some intepretation task, is difficult because it requires flexible formal structures for understanding or simulating inferential behaviour, as well as a (...)
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  37. Supraclassical Consequence: Abduction, Induction, and Probability for Commonsense Reasoning.Luis M. Augusto - 2023 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 4 (1):1 - 46.
    Reasoning over our knowledge bases and theories often requires non-deductive inferences, especially – but by no means only – when commonsense reasoning is the case, i.e. when practical agency is called for. This kind of reasoning can be adequately formalized via the notion of supraclassical consequence, a non-deductive consequence tightly associated with default and non-monotonic reasoning and featuring centrally in abductive, inductive, and probabilistic logical systems. In this paper, we analyze core concepts and problems of these systems in (...)
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  38. The “evolutionary argument” and the metaphilosophy of commonsense.Stephen J. Boulter - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (3):369-382.
    Recently in these pages it has been argued that a relatively straightforward version of an old argument based on evolutionary biology and psychology can be employed to support the view that innate ideas are a naturalistic source of metaphysical knowledge. While sympathetic to the view that the “evolutionary argument” is pregnant with philosophical implications, I show in this paper how it needs to be developed and deployed in order to avoid serious philosophical difficulties and unnecessary complications. I sketch a (...)
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  39.  41
    Expounding knowledge through explanations: Generic types and rhetorical-relational patterns.Christian M. I. M. Matthiessen & Jack Pun - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (227):31-76.
    In this paper, we focus on contexts where the primary activity is to expound knowledge about general classes of phenomena, either by categorizing and characterizing them or by explaining them based on some theory, ranging from a commonsense folk theory to an uncommonsense scientific theory. Texts produced in such contexts include science lectures, research articles, and entries in encyclopedias. We focus on explanations, considering them across strata in terms of context, semantics, and lexicogrammar, and summarizing contributions from different (...)
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  40. Machines with human-like commonsense.Antonio Lieto - 2021 - 18th Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence General-Purpose Artificial Intelligence Meeting Group (SIG-AGI).
    I will review the main problems concerning commonsense reasoning in machines and I will present resent two different applications - namaly: the Dual PECCS linguistic categorization system and the TCL reasoning framework that have been developed to address, respectively, the problem of typicality effects and the one of commonsense compositionality, in a way that is integrated or compliant with different cognitive architectures thus extending their knowledge processing capabilities In doing so I will show how such aspects are (...)
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    Theories of mind and 'the commonsense view'.Cynthia Macdonald - 2002 - Mind and Language 17 (5):467-488.
    It is widely believed that people are sometimes directly aware of their own psychological states and consequently better placed than others to know what the contents of those states are. This (‘commonsense’) view has been challenged by Alison Gopnik. She claims that experimental evidence from the behaviour of 3– and 4–year–old children both supports the theory theory and shows that the belief in direct and privileged knowledge of one’s own intentional states is an illusion. I argue (1) that (...)
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  42.  29
    Commonsensism in ethics and epistemology.Noah Lemos - 2001 - In Matthias Steup, Knowledge, truth, and duty: essays on epistemic justification, responsibility, and virtue. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 204--218.
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  43.  51
    Poverty Knowledge, Coercion, and Social Rights: A Discourse Ethical Contribution to Social Epistemology.David Ingram - unknown
    In today’s America the persistence of crushing poverty in the midst of staggering affluence no longer incites the righteous jeremiads it once did. Resigned acceptance of this paradox is fueled by a sense that poverty lies beyond the moral and technical scope of government remediation. The failure of experts to reach agreement on the causes of poverty merely exacerbates our despair. Are the causes internal to the poor – reflecting their more or less voluntary choices? Or do they emanate from (...)
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  44. A 3rd person Knowledge Level analysis of cognitive architectures: problems, challenges, and future directions.Antonio Lieto - 2021 - Unipa Invited Seminars.
    A 3rd person Knowledge Level analysis of cognitive architectures -/- Abstract I provide a knowledge level analysis of the main representational and reasoning problems affecting the cognitive architectures for what concerns this issue. In providing this analysis I will show, by considering some of the main cognitive architectures currently available (e.g. SOAR, ACT-R, CLARION), how one of the main problems of such architectures is represented by the fact that their knowledge representation and processing mechanisms are not sufficiently (...)
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  45. Human-like Knowledge Invention: A Non Monotonic Reasoning framework.Antonio Lieto - 2023 - In Model Based Reasoning Conference, 2023, Rome. Springer.
    Inventing novel knowledge to solve problems is a crucial, creative, mechanism employed by humans, to extend their range of action. In this paper, we present TCL (typicality-based compositional logic): a probabilistic, non monotonic extension of standard Description Logics of typicality, and will show how this framework is able to endow artificial systems of a human-like, commonsense based, concept composition procedure that allows its employment in a number of applications (ranging from computational creativity to goal-based reasoning to recommender systems (...)
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    From epistemology toGnoseology: Foundations of the knowledge industry. [REVIEW]F. Alonso-Amo, J. L. Maté, J. L. Morant & J. Pazos - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (2):140-165.
    In this paper, the foundations for setting up a knowledge industry are laid. Firstly, it is established that this industry constitutes the only way of making use of the huge amounts of knowledge produced as a result of the introduction of the Science-Technology binomial in postindustrial society. Then, the elements which will lead to such an industry are defined, that is, the resources and means. Under the ‘Means’ section, special emphasis is placed on the processes involved, in other (...)
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  47. Temporal interpretation, discourse relations and commonsense entailment.Alex Lascarides & Nicholas Asher - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (5):437 - 493.
    This paper presents a formal account of how to determine the discourse relations between propositions introduced in a text, and the relations between the events they describe. The distinct natural interpretations of texts with similar syntax are explained in terms of defeasible rules. These characterise the effects of causal knowledge and knowledge of language use on interpretation. Patterns of defeasible entailment that are supported by the logic in which the theory is expressed are shown to underly temporal interpretation.
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    Revitalizing the metaphoric process in commonsense psychology.Wan-Chi Wong - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (4):473 – 488.
    In response to the increasingly acknowledged power of metaphor upon everyday and scientific thinking, the present essay aims to revitalize the metaphoric process in commonsense psychology from the interaction view perspective. As prerequisites, a historical review of the "man-the-scientist" metaphor inherited in commonsense psychology, and a situation analysis of its dormant state are attempted. With metaphorical imagination, a holistic-paradigmatic view of personal theories is postulated on the basis of new knowledge in the philosophy and history of science, (...)
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    The evolution of scientific knowledge: from certainty to uncertainty.Edward R. Dougherty - 2016 - Bellingham, Washington: SPIE Press.
    This book aims to provide scientists and engineers, and those interested in scientific issues, with a concise account of how the nature of scientific knowledge evolved from antiquity to a seemingly final form in the Twentieth Century that now strongly limits the knowledge that people would like to gain in the Twenty-first Century. Some might think that such issues are only of interest to specialists in epistemology (the theory of knowledge); however, today's major scientific and engineering problems--in (...)
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  50. Higher-order knowledge and sensitivity.Jens Christian Bjerring & Lars Bo Gundersen - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (3):339-349.
    It has recently been argued that a sensitivity theory of knowledge cannot account for intuitively appealing instances of higher-order knowledge. In this paper, we argue that it can once careful attention is paid to the methods or processes by which we typically form higher-order beliefs. We base our argument on what we take to be a well-motivated and commonsensical view on how higher-order knowledge is typically acquired, and we show how higher-order knowledge is possible in a (...)
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