Results for 'Coma Patients'

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  1. Intentional Action and the Post-Coma Patient.Zoe Drayson - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):23-31.
    Detecting conscious awareness in a patient emerging from a coma state is problematic, because our standard attributions of conscious awareness rely on interpreting bodily movement as intentional action. Where there is an absence of intentional bodily action, as in the vegetative state, can we reliably assume that there is an absence of conscious awareness? Recent neuroimaging work suggests that we can attribute conscious awareness to some patients in a vegetative state by interpreting their brain activity as intentional mental (...)
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  2. Prognostication of patients in coma after cardiac arrest: public perspectives.Mayli Mertens, Janine van Til, Eline Bouwers-Beens, Marianne Boenink, Jeannette Hofmeijer & Catherina Groothuis-Oudshoorn - 2021 - Resuscitation 169:4-10.
    Aim: To elicit preferences for prognostic information, attitudes towards withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment (WLST) and perspectives on acceptable quality of life after post-anoxic coma within the adult general population of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United States of America. Methods: A web-based survey, consisting of questions on respondent characteristics, perspectives on quality of life, communication of prognostic information, and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, was taken by adult respondents recruited from four countries. Statistical analysis included descriptive analysis and chi2-tests (...)
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    Reflections on Caring for Patients in a Vegetative State (Post-coma-unresponsive Patients).Brian Lewis - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (2):202.
  4. The Pope on the Moral Obligation to Continue Tube Feeding for Patients in Post-coma Unresponsiveness.Norman Ford - 2004 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 9 (4):1.
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    Long-lasting coma.Sergio Bagnato, Cristina Boccagni, A. Sant'Angelo, Alexander A. Fingelkurts, Andrew A. Fingelkurts, C. Gagliardo & G. Galardi - 2014 - Functional Neurology 29 (3):201-205.
    In this report, we describe the case of a patient who has remained in a comatose state for more than one year after a traumatic and hypoxic brain injury. This state, which we refer to as long-lasting coma (LLC), may be a disorder of consciousness with significantly different features from those of conventional coma, the vegetative state, or brain death. On the basis of clinical, neurophysiological and neuroimaging data, we hypothesize that a multilevel involvement of the ascending reticular (...)
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  6. Differences in brain metabolism between patients in coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state and locked-in syndrome.Steven Laureys, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville & M. Ferring - 2003 - European Journal of Neurology 10.
  7. Neuroimaging after coma.Quentin Noirhomme - unknown
    Following coma, some patients will recover wakefulness without signs of consciousness (only showing reflex movements, i.e., the vegetative state) or may show non-reflex movements but remain without functional communication (i.e., the minimally conscious state). Currently, there remains a high rate of misdiagnosis of the vegetative state (Schnakers et. al. BMC Neurol, 9:35, 8) and the clinical and electrophysiological markers of outcome from the vegetative and minimally conscious states remain unsatisfactory. This should incite clinicians to use multimodal assessment to (...)
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    Philosophical Reflections on Coma.A. A. Howsepian - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (4):735 - 755.
    THE PRIMARY AIM OF THIS ESSAY is to advance discussion on how best to treat comatose patients. Its principal conclusion will be Some purportedly irreversibly comatose humans ought to be kept alive indefinitely. Of course, merely keeping such patients alive is not how best to treat them. How they are being treated while being kept alive is of paramount importance. Note that is compatible with the truth of All comatose humans ought to be kept alive indefinitely. I shall (...)
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    Clinicians' Attitudes toward Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: A Survey.Michele Farisco, Enrico Alleva, Flavia Chiarotti, Simone Macri & Carlo Petrini - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (1):93-104.
    Notwithstanding fundamental methodological advancements, scientific information about disorders of consciousness (DOCs)—e.g. Vegetative State/Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome (VS/UWS) and Minimally Conscious State (MCS)—is incomplete. The possibility to discriminate between different levels of consciousness in DOC states entails treatment strategies and ethical concerns. Here we attempted to investigate Italian clinicians’ and basic scientists’ opinions regarding some issues emerging from the care and the research on patients with DOCs. From our survey emerged that Italian physicians working with patients with DOCs give a (...)
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    Increasing consensus with patients and their loved ones.Edmund G. Howe - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (1):3-12.
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    Embodiment and Entangled Subjectivity: A Study of Robin Cook’s Coma, Priscille Sibley’s The Promise of Stardust and Alexander Beliaev’s Professor Dowell’s Head.Manali Karmakar & Avishek Parui - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (3):289-304.
    The essay examines Robin Cook’s Coma and Priscille Sibley’s The Promise of Stardust that dramatize the reified and disposable status of the brain-dead patients who are classified as nonpersons. The essay argues that the man-machine entanglement as depicted in the novels constructs a deterritorialized and entangled form of subjectivity that intervenes in the dominant biomedical understanding of personhood and agency that we notionally associate with a conscious mind. The essay concludes its arguments by discussing Alexander Beliaev’s Professor Dowell’s (...)
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    Les familles en réanimation : un soutien pour l'éveil de coma?Raphaël Minjard, Jean-Marc Talpin & Alain Ferrant - 2013 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 199 (1):119-129.
    Cet article propose un regard sur la place des familles au chevet des patients comateux et leur rôle potentiel dans le processus d’éveil, notamment en ce qui concerne le travail de mémoire et le partage d’affect, principalement la honte. Il s’appuie sur l’expérience de travail de plusieurs années d’un psychologue en service de réanimation adulte. La réanimation est un lieu dans lequel la place de chaque objet est pensée en fonction de son utilité pour le soin du patient, mais (...)
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    Is Treating Permanently Unconscious Patients Futile? Quality of Life Presupposes Conscious Awareness.Lukas J. Meier - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (3):52-54.
    Under which conditions may physicians who are requested to treat permanently unconscious patients refuse to do so? Wasserman et al. (2023) maintain that refusals on the basis of supposed futility are unethical as they amount to passing off personal value judgments as medical expertise. Instead, unwillingness to carry out an intervention should be framed as conscientious objection. I argue that referring to futility with regard to a patient’s presumed quality of life is appropriate if – and only if – (...)
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    L’alimentation et l’hydratation artificielles des patients en état végétatif permanent : la discussion américaine et les interventions romaines récentes.Bernard Keating - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (2):485-525.
    Le 31 mars 2005 décédait à l’âge de 41 ans Theresa Marie Schiavo. Elle était dans le coma depuis le 25 février 1990. La demande de son mari de cesser l’alimentation et l’hydratation artificielles provoqua un débat public sans précédent et une longue saga judiciaire au terme de laquelle la Cour acquiesça à sa demande. La doctrine catholique à propos des questions de fin de vie fit l’objet d’une discussion virulente. C’est dans ce contexte que cet article analyse la (...)
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    Self-consciousness in non-communicative patients.Steven Laureys, Fabien Perrin & Serge Brédart - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):722-741.
    The clinical and para-clinical examination of residual self-consciousness in non-communicative severely brain damaged patients remains exceptionally challenging. Passive presentation of the patient’s own name and own face are known to be effective attention-grabbing stimuli when clinically assessing consciousness at the patient’s bedside. Event-related potential and functional neuroimaging studies using such self-referential stimuli are currently being used to disentangle the cognitive hierarchy of self-processing. We here review neuropsychological, neuropathological, electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies using the own name and own face paradigm (...)
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  16. Identifying the Default-Mode Component in Spatial IC Analyses of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.Christophe Phillips & Rafael Malach - unknown
    Objectives: Recent fMRI studies have shown that it is possible to reliably identify the defaultmode network (DMN) in the absence of any task, by resting-state connectivity analyses in healthy volunteers. We here aimed to identify the DMN in the challenging patient population of disorders of consciousness encountered following coma. Experimental design: A spatial independent component analysis-based methodology permitted DMN assessment, decomposing connectivity in all its different sources either neuronal or artifactual. Three different selection criteria were introduced assessing anticorrelation-corrected connectivity (...)
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    Functional and Prognostic Assessment in Comatose Patients: A Study Using Somatosensory Evoked Potentials.Andrea Victoria Arciniegas-Villanueva, Eva María Fernández-Diaz, Emilio Gonzalez-Garcìa, Javier Sancho-Pelluz, David Mansilla-Lozano & Tomás Segura - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    AimThe functional prognosis of patients after coma following either cardiac arrest or acute structural brain injury is often uncertain. These patients are associated with high mortality and disability. N20 and N70 somatosensory evoked potentials are used to predict prognosis. We evaluated the utility of SSEP as an early indicator of long-term prognosis in these patients.MethodsThis was a retrospective cohort study of patients admitted to the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of coma after CA (...)
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  18. Perspectives and Experience of Healthcare Professionals on Diagnosis, Prognosis, and End-of-Life Decision Making in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.Catherine Rodrigue, Richard J. Riopelle, James L. Bernat & Eric Racine - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (1):25-36.
    In the care of patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC), some ethical difficulties stem from the challenges of accurate diagnosis and the uncertainty of prognosis. Current neuroimaging research on these disorders could eventually improve the accuracy of diagnoses and prognoses and therefore change the context of end-of-life decision making. However, the perspective of healthcare professionals on these disorders remains poorly understood and may constitute an obstacle to the integration of research. We conducted a qualitative study involving healthcare professionals from (...)
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  19. Ethical considerations in functional magnetic resonance imaging research in acutely comatose patients.Charles Weijer, Tommaso Bruni, Teneille Gofton, G. Bryan Young, Loretta Norton, Andrew Peterson & Adrian M. Owen - 2015 - Brain:0-0.
    After severe brain injury, one of the key challenges for medical doctors is to determine the patient’s prognosis. Who will do well? Who will not do well? Physicians need to know this, and families need to do this too, to address choices regarding the continuation of life supporting therapies. However, current prognostication methods are insufficient to provide a reliable prognosis. -/- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) holds considerable promise for improving the accuracy of prognosis in acute brain injury patients. (...)
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    The value of spontaneous EEG oscillations in distinguishing patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states.Andrew And Alexander Fingelkurts, Sergio Bagnato, Cristina Boccagni & Giuseppe Galardi - 2013 - In Eror Basar & et all, Application of Brain Oscillations in Neuropsychiatric Diseases. Supplements to Clinical Neurophysiology. Elsevier. pp. 81-99.
    Objective: The value of spontaneous EEG oscillations in distinguishing patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states was studied. Methods: We quantified dynamic repertoire of EEG oscillations in resting condition with closed eyes in patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states (VS and MCS). The exact composition of EEG oscillations was assessed by the probability-classification analysis of short-term EEG spectral patterns. Results: The probability of delta, theta and slow-alpha oscillations occurrence was smaller for patients in MCS than for (...)
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  21. Deactivating Cardiac Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in Terminally Ill Patients.Juan Pablo Beca, Eduardo Rosselot, René Asenjo, Verónica Anguita & Rafael Quevedo - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (3):236.
    A 68-year-old patient who suffered from gastric cancer diagnosed 8 months earlier presented with multiple peritoneal and hepatic metastasis, despite several rounds of chemo- and radiotherapy. After admission to hospital, his general condition quickly became severely compromised. He was nearly emaciated, despite being on partial parenteral feeding. Four years earlier, due to a cardiac arrhythmia that was refractory to medication, the patient had a cardiac pacemaker implanted, regulated to go off at frequencies of below 70 beats per minute. Given the (...)
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  22. Auditory processing in severely brain injured patients: Differences between the minimally conscious state and the persistent vegetative state.Melanie Boly, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville & Philippe Peigneux - 2004 - Archives of Neurology 61 (2):233-238.
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    Attitudes and behaviors of Japanese physicians concerning withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment for end-of-life patients: results from an Internet survey.Seiji Bito & Atsushi Asai - 2007 - BMC Medical Ethics 8 (1):1-9.
    Background Evidence concerning how Japanese physicians think and behave in specific clinical situations that involve withholding or withdrawal of medical interventions for end-of-life or frail elderly patients is yet insufficient. Methods To analyze decisions and actions concerning the withholding/withdrawal of life-support care by Japanese physicians, we conducted cross-sectional web-based internet survey presenting three scenarios involving an elderly comatose patient following a severe stroke. Volunteer physicians were recruited for the survey through mailing lists and medical journals. The respondents answered questions (...)
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    The ethical concerns of seeking consent from critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients for research – A matter of possessing capacity or surrogate insight.Avelino C. Verceles & Waqas Bhatti - 2018 - Clinical Ethics 13 (3):107-111.
    Conducting clinical research on subjects admitted to intensive care units is challenging, as they frequently lack the capacity to provide informed consent due to multiple factors including intensive care unit acquired delirium, coma, the need for sedation, or underlying critical illness. However, the presence of one or more of these characteristics does not automatically designate a potential subject as lacking capacity to provide their own informed consent. We review the ethical issues involved in obtaining informed consent for medical research (...)
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    How Contextual and Relational Aspects Shape the Perspective of Healthcare Providers on Decision Making for Patients With Disorders of Consciousness: A Qualitative Interview Study.Catherine Rodrigue, Richard Riopelle, James L. Bernat & Eric Racine - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):261-273.
    Disorders of consciousness (DOC) are a family of related neurological syndromes characterized by deficits of varying degrees of wakefulness (e.g., sleep–wake cycles and arousal) or awareness (e.g., reacting to stimuli, interacting with the environment). Although coma rarely persists for more than a few weeks, some patients remain in a subsequent vegetative state or a minimally conscious state for months or years. Caring for patients with DOC raises ethical questions, but the perspectives of healthcare providers on these questions (...)
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    Comment on Laureys et al. Self-consciousness in non-communicative patients☆.Jonathan Cole - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):742-745.
    Until comparatively recently, say the middle of the last century, spinal cord injury was fatal as pressure sores and other infections took their toll. Those with severe brain injuries, unable to move or even communicate, fared even worse; without movement or feeding such patients were nursed until nature took its course. Over the last few decades medical and nursing advances have enabled some of these vegetative patients to survive for considerable time, provoking, at times, ethical and legal dilemmas. (...)
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  27. Eye gaze and conscious processing in severely brain-injured patients.Camille Chatelle, Steven Laureys, Steve Majerus, Caroline Schnakers, Paula M. Niedenthal, Martial Mermillod, Marcus Maringer & Ursula Hess - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):442.
    Niedenthal et al. discuss the importance of eye gaze in embodied simulation and, more globally, in the processing of emotional visual stimulation (such as facial expression). In this commentary, we illustrate the relationship between oriented eye movements, consciousness, and emotion by using the case of severely brain-injured patients recovering from coma (i.e., vegetative and minimally conscious patients).
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  28. Chasing Certainty After Cardiac Arrest: Can a Technological Innovation Solve a Moral Dilemma?Mayli Mertens, Janine van Til, Eline Bouwers-Beens & Marianne Boenink - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):541-559.
    When information on a coma patient’s expected outcome is uncertain, a moral dilemma arises in clinical practice: if life-sustaining treatment is continued, the patient may survive with unacceptably poor neurological prospects, but if withdrawn a patient who could have recovered may die. Continuous electroencephalogram-monitoring is expected to substantially improve neuroprognostication for patients in coma after cardiac arrest. This raises expectations that decisions whether or not to withdraw will become easier. This paper investigates that expectation, exploring cEEG’s impacts (...)
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  29. A twitch of consciousness: defining the boundaries of vegetative and minimally conscious states.Quentin Noirhomme & Caroline Schnakers - unknown
    Some patients awaken from their coma but only show reflex motor activity. This condition of wakeful (eyes open) unawareness is called the vegetative state. In 2002, a new clinical entity coined ‘‘minimally conscious state’’ defined patients who show more than reflex responsiveness but remain unable to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Emergence from the minimally conscious state is defined by functional recovery of verbal or nonverbal communication.1 Our empirical medical definitions aim to propose clearcut borders separating disorders (...)
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    Ethics of neuroimaging after serious brain injury.Charles Weijer, Andrew Peterson, Fiona Webster, Mackenzie Graham, Damian Cruse, Davinia Fernández-Espejo, Teneille Gofton, Laura E. Gonzalez-Lara, Andrea Lazosky, Lorina Naci, Loretta Norton, Kathy Speechley, Bryan Young & Adrian M. Owen - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):41.
    Patient outcome after serious brain injury is highly variable. Following a period of coma, some patients recover while others progress into a vegetative state (unresponsive wakefulness syndrome) or minimally conscious state. In both cases, assessment is difficult and misdiagnosis may be as high as 43%. Recent advances in neuroimaging suggest a solution. Both functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography have been used to detect residual cognitive function in vegetative and minimally conscious patients. Neuroimaging may improve diagnosis and (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Persistent vegetative state: Clinical and ethical issues.Gastone G. Celesia - 1997 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 18 (3).
    Coma, vegetative state, lock-in syndrome and akinetic mutism are defined. Vegetative state is a state with no evidence of awareness of self or environment and showing cycles of sleep and wakefulness. PVS is an operational definition including time as a variable. PVS is a vegetative state that has endured or continued for at least one month. PVS can be diagnosed with a reasonable amount of medical certainty; however, the diagnosis of PVS must be kept separate from the outcome. The (...)
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    Development of the Italian Version of the Near-Death Experience Scale.Francesca Pistoia, Giulia Mattiacci, Marco Sarà, Luca Padua, Claudio Macchi & Simona Sacco - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:335104.
    Near-death experiences (NDEs) have been defined as any conscious perceptual experience occurring in individuals pronounced clinically dead or who came very close to physical death. They are frequently reported by patients surviving a critical injury and, intriguingly, they show common features across different populations. The tool traditionally used to assess NDEs is the NDE Scale, which is available in the original English version. The aim of this study was to develop the Italian version of the NDE Scale and to (...)
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  33. The case of Terri Schiavo: ethics at the end of life.Arthur L. Caplan, James J. McCartney & Dominic A. Sisti (eds.) - 2006 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Gathers medical and legal documents, opinions from various perspectives, and a timeline of events in the Terri Shiavo case to provide a resource for examining the moral and ethical issues surrounding end-of-life decisions.
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    Brain based criteria for death in the light of the Aristotelian-Scholastic anthropology.Jacek Maria Norkowski - 2018 - Scientia et Fides 6 (1):153-188.
    In 1968 the authors of the so-called Harvard Report, proposed the recognition of an irreversible coma as a new criterion for death. The proposal was accepted by the medical, legal, religious and political circles in spite of the lack of any explanation why the irreversible coma combined with the absence of brainstem reflexes, including the respiratory reflex might be equated to death. Such an explanation was formulated in the President’s Commission Report published in 1981. This document stated, that (...)
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    The case of Terri Schiavo: ethics, politics, and death in the 21st century.Kenneth Goodman (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The case of Terri Schiavo, a young woman who spent 15 years in a persistent vegetative state, has emerged as a watershed in debates over end-of-life care. While many observers had thought the right to refuse medical treatment was well established, this case split a family, divided a nation, and counfounded physicians, legislators, and many of the people they treated or represented. In renewing debates over the importance of advance directives, the appropriate role of artificial hydration and nutrition, and the (...)
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  36. Diagnosing Consciousness: Neuroimaging, Law, and the Vegetative State.Carl E. Fisher & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (2):374-385.
    Recent studies indicate that patients who are diagnosed with vegetative states may retain more awareness than their clinical assessments suggest. Disorders of consciousness traditionally have been diagnosed on the basis of outwardly observable behaviors alone, but new functional imaging studies have shown surprising levels of brain activity in some patients, indicating that even higher-level cognitive functions like language processing and visual imagery may be preserved. For example, one recently developed method purports to detect voluntary mental imagery solely on (...)
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  37. A Case for Increased Caution in End of Life Decisions for Disorders of Consciousness.Jakob Hohwy & David Reutens - 2009 - Monash Bioethics 28 (2):13.1-13.13.
    Disorders of consciousness include coma, the vegetative state and the minimally conscious state. Such patients are often regarded as unconscious. This has consequences for end of life decisions for these patients: it is much easier to justify withdrawing life support for unconscious than conscious patients. Recent brain imaging research has however suggested that some patients may in fact be conscious.
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    Urban people’s preferences for life-sustaining treatment or artificial nutrition and hydration in advance decisions.Yi-Ling Wu, Tsai-Wen Lin, Chun-Yi Yang, Samuel Shih-Chih Wang & Sheng-Jean Huang - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    Background The Patient Right to Autonomy Act (PRAA), implemented in Taiwan in 2019, enables the creation of advance decisions (AD) through advance care planning (ACP). This legal framework allows for the withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment (LST) or artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) in situations like irreversible coma, vegetative state, severe dementia, or unbearable pain. This study aims to investigate preferences for LST or ANH across various clinical conditions, variations in participant preferences, and factors influencing these preferences among (...)
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  39. Death and organ procurement: Public beliefs and attitudes.Laura A. Siminoff, Christopher Burant & Stuart J. Youngner - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3):217-234.
    : Although "brain death" and the dead donor rule—i.e., patients must not be killed by organ retrieval—have been clinically and legally accepted in the U.S. as prerequisites to organ removal, there is little data about public attitudes and beliefs concerning these matters. To examine the public attitudes and beliefs about the determination of death and its relationship to organ transplantation, 1351 Ohio residents ≥18 years were randomly selected and surveyed using random digit dialing (RDD) sample frames. The RDD telephone (...)
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    Guardianship and Clinical Research Participation: The Case of Wards with Disorders of Consciousness.Megan S. Wright, Michael R. Ulrich & Joseph J. Fins - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (1):43-70.
    Incapacitated adults with a legally appointed guardian or conservator may be recruited for or involved with medical, behavioral, or social science research. Much of the research in which such persons participate is aimed at evaluating medical interventions for them, or contributing to general knowledge about disorders from which they may suffer. In this paper we will consider how the appointment of guardians for patients with disorders of consciousness —severe brain injuries that affect a patient’s level of arousal and ability (...)
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  41. The Incoherence of Determining Death by Neurological Criteria: A Commentary on Controversies in the Determination of Death, A White Paper by the President's Council on Bioethics.Franklin G. Miller & Robert D. Truog - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (2):185-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Incoherence of Determining Death by Neurological Criteria: A Commentary on Controversies in the Determination of Death, A White Paper by the President’s Council on Bioethics*Franklin G. Miller** (bio) and Robert D. Truog (bio)Traditionally the cessation of breathing and heart beat has marked the passage from life to death. Shortly after death was determined, the body became a cold corpse, suitable for burial or cremation. Two technological changes in (...)
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    Withholding artificial nutrition and hydration.Imogen Goold - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (9):541-542.
    This special issue, Withholding artificial nutrition and hydration, comprises several papers, commentaries and responses centred largely around the issues raised by the 2011 decision of the English Court of Protection in W v M.i In that case, the mother of an adult patient applied for the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment . In 2003, the patient, M, had contracted viral encephalitis and suffered irreparable brain damage as a result. She fell into a coma, and when she emerged appeared to be (...)
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    Disability Embodied: Narrative Exploration of the Lives of Two Brothers Living with Traumatic Brain Injury.Douglas E. Kidd - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):199-202.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Disability Embodied: Narrative Exploration of the Lives of Two Brothers Living with Traumatic Brain InjuryDouglas E. KiddAny discussion of personal experiences with disability, inevitably lead me to recall the experiences of my brother, Richard Kidd. An examination of our journeys clearly illustrates the term disability. More so, our stories reveal the outcome of severe physical impairment dictates the limits of personal agency and autonomy. Perhaps an obvious conclusion, but (...)
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    (2 other versions)Regaining Sense-connections after Cerebral Hemorrhage.Thomas S. Eberle - 2013 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 5 (2013):81-102.
    This study is a kind of applied phenomenology, or more precisely, of applied phenomenological hermeneutics. I argue that phenomenologists hardly analyze concrete phenomena but prefer to engage in theoretical debates, and therefore I call for more applied studies. The case of a patient who suffered a cerebralhemorrhage is used in order to reconstruct how she slowly regained everyday sense-connexions. The case is very interesting as the patient was rather disoriented when waking up from an artificial coma of several weeks, (...)
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  45. 1 H mr spectroscopy of gray and white matter in carbon monoxide poisoning.Else Daniel Kondziella, Klaus Hansen R. Danielsen, Erik Carsten Thomsen & Peter Arlien-Soeborg C. Jansen - 2009 - Journal of Neurology 256 (6).
    Carbon monoxide intoxication leads to acute and chronic neurological deficits, but little is known about the specific noxious mechanisms. 1 H magnetic resonance spectroscopy may allow insight into the pathophysiology of CO poisoning by monitoring neurochemical disturbances, yet only limited information is available to date on the use of this protocol in determining the neurological effects of CO poisoning. To further examine the short-term and long-term effects of CO on the central nervous system, we have studied seven patients with (...)
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    Artificial Nutrition and Hydration and Care at the End of Life.Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2021 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 21 (3):453-482.
    New Natural Law Theory and the Catholic medico-moral tradition often lead to similar conclusions in hard cases regarding end-of-life care. Considering the provision of artificial nutrition and hydration to patients suffering from post-coma unresponsive wakefulness, however, brings to light subtle ways in which NNL differs from the centuries-old natural law tradition. In this essay, I formalize the methodology embedded within the casuistry of the medico-moral tradition and show how it differs from NNL with respect to the role played (...)
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    Extubating Mrs. K: Psychological Aspects of Surrogate Decision Making.Tia Powell - 1999 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 27 (1):81-86.
    Mrs. K is a thirty-one-year-old Russian-speaking mother of two, who was brought in by ambulance after attempting suicide by jumping in front of train. Probable depression x months. Stressor: lost custody battle over older child. Current status: deep coma, ventilator-dependent, and prognosis grim. Next of kin is estranged husband; he demands participation in medical decision making. Legal proxy is patient's boyfriend; forcibly removed from the intensive care unit for agitated behavior and alcohol intoxication.I magine the difficulty for the ICU (...)
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    Bio and research ethics:: issues, perspectives, and challenges of the 21st century.Marcella C. Cole (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    As a scientific, materialist worldview becomes increasingly difficult to repudiate, and as philosophers increasingly uncover and articulate the conceptual nature of morality and distinctively moral normativity, the threat of moral anti-realism becomes more and more real. This perspective is argued in Chapter One. Chapter Two discusses how laws and bioethical trends that pertain to the clinical management of patients in a vegetative coma differ from country to country and continue to give rise to unresolved legal debates and scientific (...)
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    Royal Institute of Philosophy.Joanna North Source - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (3):1-19.
    OBJECTIVE: Following two randomized controlled trials that demonstrated reduced mortality and better neurological outcome in cardiac arrest patients, mild therapeutic hypothermia was implemented in many intensive care units. Up to now, no large observational studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of mild therapeutic hypothermia. DESIGN: Internet-based survey combined with a retrospective, observational study. PATIENTS: All patients admitted to an intensive care unit in The Netherlands after cardiac arrest from January 1, 1999 until January 1, 2009. DATA SOURCE: (...)
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    Abandoning the dead donor rule? A national survey of public views on death and organ donation.Michael Nair-Collins, Sydney R. Green & Angelina R. Sutin - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (4):297-302.
    Brain dead organ donors are the principal source of transplantable organs. However, it is controversial whether brain death is the same as biological death. Therefore, it is unclear whether organ removal in brain death is consistent with the ‘dead donor rule’, which states that organ removal must not cause death. Our aim was to evaluate the public9s opinion about organ removal if explicitly described as causing the death of a donor in irreversible apneic coma. We conducted a cross-sectional internet (...)
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